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Audacity 3.2.0
This is the complete list of members for Envelope, including all inherited members.
AddPointAtEnd(double t, double val) | Envelope | private |
Average(double t0, double t1) const | Envelope | |
AverageOfInverse(double t0, double t1) const | Envelope | |
BinarySearchForTime(int &Lo, int &Hi, double t) const noexcept | Envelope | private |
BinarySearchForTime_LeftLimit(int &Lo, int &Hi, double t) const noexcept | Envelope | private |
Cap(double sampleDur) | Envelope | |
ClampValue(double value) | Envelope | inline |
Clear() | Envelope | inline |
ClearDragPoint() | Envelope | |
CollapseRegion(double t0, double t1, double sampleDur) noexcept | Envelope | |
ConsistencyCheck() | Envelope | |
CopyRange(const Envelope &orig, size_t begin, size_t end) | Envelope | private |
Delete(int point) | Envelope | |
Envelope(bool exponential, double minValue, double maxValue, double defaultValue) | Envelope | |
Envelope(const Envelope &orig) | Envelope | |
Envelope(const Envelope &orig, double t0, double t1) | Envelope | |
EqualRange(double when, double sampleDur) const noexcept | Envelope | private |
ExpandRegion(double t0, double tlen, double *pLeftVal, double *pRightVal) | Envelope | private |
Flatten(double value) | Envelope | |
GetDefaultValue() const | Envelope | |
GetDragPoint() const | Envelope | inline |
GetDragPointValid() const | Envelope | inline |
GetExponential() const | Envelope | inline |
GetInterpolationStartValueAtPoint(int iPoint) const noexcept | Envelope | private |
GetMaxValue() const | Envelope | inline |
GetMinValue() const | Envelope | inline |
GetNumberOfPoints() const | Envelope | |
GetOffset() const | Envelope | inline |
GetPoints(double *bufferWhen, double *bufferValue, int bufferLen) const | Envelope | |
GetTrackLen() const | Envelope | inline |
GetValue(double t, double sampleDur=0) const | Envelope | |
GetValueRelative(double t, bool leftLimit=false) const noexcept | Envelope | private |
GetValues(double *buffer, int len, double t0, double tstep) const | Envelope | |
GetValuesRelative(double *buffer, int len, double t0, double tstep, bool leftLimit=false) const noexcept | Envelope | private |
GetVersion() const | Envelope | |
HandleXMLChild(const std::string_view &tag) override | Envelope | virtual |
HandleXMLContent(const std::string_view &WXUNUSED(content)) | XMLTagHandler | inlinevirtual |
HandleXMLEndTag(const std::string_view &WXUNUSED(tag)) | XMLTagHandler | inlinevirtual |
HandleXMLTag(const std::string_view &tag, const AttributesList &attrs) override | Envelope | virtual |
Insert(int point, const EnvPoint &p) noexcept | Envelope | |
Insert(double when, double value) | Envelope | |
InsertOrReplace(double when, double value) | Envelope | inline |
InsertOrReplaceRelative(double when, double value) noexcept | Envelope | private |
InsertSpace(double t0, double tlen) | Envelope | |
Integral(double t0, double t1) const | Envelope | |
IntegralOfInverse(double t0, double t1) const | Envelope | |
IsTrivial() const | Envelope | |
mDB | Envelope | private |
mDefaultValue | Envelope | private |
mDragPoint | Envelope | private |
mDragPointValid | Envelope | private |
mEnv | Envelope | private |
mMaxValue | Envelope | private |
mMinValue | Envelope | private |
mOffset | Envelope | private |
MoveDragPoint(double newWhen, double value) | Envelope | |
mSearchGuess | Envelope | mutableprivate |
mTrackEpsilon | Envelope | private |
mTrackLen | Envelope | private |
mVersion | Envelope | private |
NextPointAfter(double t) const | Envelope | private |
NumberOfPointsAfter(double t) const | Envelope | private |
operator[](int index) const | Envelope | inline |
PasteEnvelope(double t0, const Envelope *e, double sampleDur) | Envelope | |
ReadXMLChild(const char *tag) | XMLTagHandler | |
ReadXMLContent(const char *s, int len) | XMLTagHandler | |
ReadXMLEndTag(const char *tag) | XMLTagHandler | |
Reassign(double when, double value) | Envelope | |
RemoveUnneededPoints(size_t startAt, bool rightward, bool testNeighbors=true) noexcept | Envelope | private |
RescaleTimes(double newLength) | Envelope | |
RescaleTimesBy(double ratio) | Envelope | |
RescaleValues(double minValue, double maxValue) | Envelope | |
SetDragPoint(int dragPoint) | Envelope | |
SetDragPointValid(bool valid) | Envelope | |
SetExponential(bool db) | Envelope | inline |
SetOffset(double newOffset) | Envelope | |
SetRange(double minValue, double maxValue) | Envelope | |
SetTrackLen(double trackLen, double sampleDur=0.0) | Envelope | |
SolveIntegralOfInverse(double t0, double area) const | Envelope | |
WriteXML(XMLWriter &xmlFile) const | Envelope | |
XMLTagHandler() | XMLTagHandler | inline |
~Envelope() | Envelope | virtual |
~XMLTagHandler() | XMLTagHandler | inlinevirtual |