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Audacity 3.2.0
This is the complete list of members for LV2AtomPort, including all inherited members.
LV2AtomPort(const LilvPort *port, int index, bool isInput, const wxString &symbol, const wxString &name, const TranslatableString &group, uint32_t minimumSize, bool isMidi, bool wantsPosition) | LV2AtomPort | inline |
LV2Port(const LilvPort *port, int index, bool isInput, const wxString &symbol, const wxString &name, const TranslatableString &group) | LV2Port | inline |
mGroup | LV2Port | |
mIndex | LV2Port | |
mIsInput | LV2Port | |
mIsMidi | LV2AtomPort | |
mMinimumSize | LV2AtomPort | |
mName | LV2Port | |
mPort | LV2Port | |
mSymbol | LV2Port | |
mWantsPosition | LV2AtomPort |