59 bool forceModal =
145 bool set_sizer =
155 void OnPreview(wxCommandEvent &event)
157 void OnCancel( wxCommandEvent &event );
std::function< DialogFactoryResults(wxWindow &parent, EffectBase &, EffectUIServices &, EffectSettingsAccess &) > EffectDialogFactory
Type of function that creates a dialog for an effect.
std::unique_ptr< FFTParam, FFTDeleter > HFFT
static Settings & settings()
ComponentInterfaceSymbol pairs a persistent string identifier used internally with an optional,...
Base class for many of the effects in Audacity.
Performs effect computation.
A two-pass effect to remove background noise.
void RotateHistoryWindows()
static const ComponentInterfaceSymbol Symbol
ComponentInterfaceSymbol GetSymbol() override
bool SupportsAutomation() const override
Whether the effect has any automatable controls.
void FillFirstHistoryWindow()
ArraysOf< float > mImagFFTs
void ProcessSamples(size_t len, float *buffer)
std::shared_ptr< WaveTrack > mOutputTrack
int ShowHostInterface(EffectBase &plugin, wxWindow &parent, const EffectDialogFactory &factory, std::shared_ptr< EffectInstance > &pInstance, EffectSettingsAccess &access, bool forceModal=false) override
ArraysOf< float > mRealFFTs
void ApplyFreqSmoothing(float *spec)
EffectType GetType() const override
Type determines how it behaves.
bool ProcessOne(int count, WaveTrack *track, sampleCount start, sampleCount len)
sampleCount mOutSampleCount
TranslatableString GetDescription() override
bool Process(EffectInstance &instance, EffectSettings &settings) override
ArraysOf< float > mSpectrums
bool CheckWhetherSkipEffect(const EffectSettings &settings) const override
After Init(), tell whether Process() should be skipped.
float mOneBlockAttackDecay
virtual ~EffectNoiseRemoval()
sampleCount mInSampleCount
Piecewise linear or piecewise exponential function from double to double.
Dialog used with EffectNoiseRemoval.
void OnFreqText(wxCommandEvent &event)
wxButton * m_pButton_RemoveNoise
void OnPreview(wxCommandEvent &event) override
NoiseRemovalDialog(EffectNoiseRemoval *effect, EffectSettingsAccess &access, wxWindow *parent)
void OnFreqSlider(wxCommandEvent &event)
void PopulateOrExchange(ShuttleGui &S) override
void OnCancel(wxCommandEvent &event)
EffectSettingsAccess & mAccess
void OnRemoveNoise(wxCommandEvent &event)
wxTextCtrl * mSensitivityT
wxButton * m_pButton_Preview
wxRadioButton * mKeepNoise
wxButton * m_pButton_GetProfile
void OnGainText(wxCommandEvent &event)
bool TransferDataFromWindow() override
void OnTimeSlider(wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnGainSlider(wxCommandEvent &event)
EffectNoiseRemoval * m_pEffect
void OnGetProfile(wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnKeepNoise(wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnSensitivityText(wxCommandEvent &event)
wxSizer * MakeNoiseRemovalDialog(bool call_fit=true, bool set_sizer=true)
void OnSensitivitySlider(wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnTimeText(wxCommandEvent &event)
wxRadioButton * mKeepSignal
bool TransferDataToWindow() override
Derived from ShuttleGuiBase, an Audacity specific class for shuttling data to and from GUI.
Holds a msgid for the translation catalog; may also bind format arguments.
A Track that contains audio waveform data.
Positions or offsets within audio files need a wide type.
Externalized state of a plug-in.