29 XO(
"Database error. Sorry, but we don't have more details."),
31 "Error:_Disk_full_or_not_writable"
43 wxLogMessage(
"Transaction active at scope destruction");
51 wxLogMessage(
"No active transaction to commit");
@ Internal
Indicates internal failure from Audacity.
MessageBoxException for violation of preconditions or assertions.
Throw InconsistencyException, using C++ preprocessor to identify the source code location.
The top-level handle to an Audacity project. It serves as a source of events that other objects can b...
static result_type Call(Arguments &&...arguments)
Null check of the installed function is done for you.
A MessageBoxException that shows a given, unvarying string.
Rollback transaction if it was not yet committed.
std::unique_ptr< TransactionScopeImpl > mpImpl
TransactionScope(AudacityProject &project, const char *name)
Construct from a project.
bool Commit()
Commit the transaction.
virtual ~TransactionScopeImpl()