►Nanonymous_namespace{AdornedRulerPanel.cpp} | |
CPlayheadHandle | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{AudioComPrefsPanel.cpp} | |
CAudioComPrefsPanel | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{AudioSetupToolBar.cpp} | |
CViewDeviceSettingsDialog | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{AudioUnitInstance.cpp} | |
CAudioUnitMessage | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{BeatsNumericConverterFormatter.cpp} | |
CBeatsFormatter | |
CBeatsNumericConverterFormatterFactory | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{CallableTest.cpp} | |
CTakesNonTypeParameter | |
CTestVisitor | |
CX | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{CellularPanel.cpp} | |
CAdaptor | |
CDefaultRightButtonHandler | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{ChannelView.cpp} | |
CTrackPositioner | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{ClipMenus.cpp} | Namespace for functions for Clip menu |
CFoundClip | |
CFoundClipBoundary | |
CFoundTrack | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{CloudProjectFileIOExtensions.cpp} | |
CIOExtension | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{CommandBuilder.cpp} | |
CShuttleCli | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{CompositeTest.cpp} | |
CIgnore | |
CMyBuilder | |
CMyComponent | |
CMyComponentEx | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{CompressorEditor.cpp} | |
CParameterWrapper | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{DropoutDetector.cpp} | |
CDropoutSubscription | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{EffectUI.cpp} | |
CEffectSettingsAccessTee | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{EqualizationUI.cpp} | |
CEqualizationUIEditor | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{ExportCL.cpp} | |
CExportCLProcess | |
CExtendPath | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{ExportFFmpeg.cpp} | |
CExportOptionsFFmpegCustomEditor | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{ExportFilePanel.cpp} | |
CCustomSampleRateDialog | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{ExportOGG.cpp} | |
CExportOptionOGGEditor | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{ExportPCM.cpp} | |
CExportOptionsSFEditor | |
CExportOptionsSFTypedEditor | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{ExportProgressUI.cpp} | |
CDialogExportProgressDelegate | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{ExportUtils.cpp} | |
CExportHookElement | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{ExportWavPack.cpp} | |
CExportOptionsWavPackEditor | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{FFmpegPrefs.cpp} | |
CState | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{FileNames.cpp} | |
CXDGDirConfig | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{FrameStatisticsDialog.cpp} | |
►CDialog | |
CSection | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{GetInfoCommand.cpp} | |
CShuttleGuiGetDefinition | Shuttle that retrieves a JSON format definition of a command's parameters |
►Nanonymous_namespace{GraphicsDataCacheTests.cpp} | |
CCacheElement | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{HelpMenus.cpp} | |
CQuickFixDialog | Class which makes a dialog for displaying quick fixes to common issues |
►Nanonymous_namespace{HelpSystem.cpp} | |
CHtmlTextHelpDialog | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{HistoryWindow.cpp} | |
CSpaceUsageCalculator | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{Import.cpp} | |
CImportProgressResultProxy | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{ImportMIDI.cpp} | |
CMIDIImportFileHandle | |
CMIDIImportPlugin | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{ImportMP3_MPG123.cpp} | |
CMP3ImportFileHandle | |
CMP3ImportPlugin | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{LimiterEditor.cpp} | |
CParameterWrapper | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{LoadLV2.cpp} | |
CLV2PluginValidator | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{LogWindow.cpp} | |
CLogWindowUpdater | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{LV2Ports.cpp} | |
CGetValueData | |
CSetValueData | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{MenuCreator.cpp} | |
CMenuBarListEntry | |
►CMenuItemVisitor | |
CCommandListEntryEx | |
CSubMenuListEntry | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{MenuHelper.cpp} | |
►CEffectsMenuGroupsHandler | |
CEffectsHandler | |
CGroupHandler | |
CMenuSectionBuilder | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{MIDIPlay.cpp} | |
CInitializeTime | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{MIDIPlay.h} | |
CIterator | |
CMIDIPlay | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{NoiseReduction.cpp} | |
CControlInfo | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{NoiseReductionBase.cpp} | |
CDiscriminationMethodInfo | |
CPrefsTableEntry | |
CWindowTypesInfo | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{NoteTrackVZoomHandle.cpp} | |
CInitMenuData | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{ParsedNumericConverterFormatter.cpp} | |
CBuiltinFormatString | Struct to hold a formatting control string and its user facing name Used in an array to hold the built-in time formats that are always available to the user |
CFieldConfig | |
CFormatStrings | |
CParsedNumericConverterFormatter | |
CParsedNumericConverterFormatterFactory | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{PitchAndSpeedDialog.cpp} | |
CHitClip | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{PlayableTrack.cpp} | |
CMuteAndSolo | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{PlaybackSchedule.cpp} | |
COldDefaultPlaybackPolicy | The old default playback policy plays once and consumes no messages |
►Nanonymous_namespace{PluginStartupRegistration.cpp} | |
CPluginScanDialog | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{PopupMenuTable.cpp} | |
CPopupMenuBuilder | |
CPopupMenuImpl | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{Prefs.cpp} | |
CHub | |
CPreferencesResetHandlerRegistry | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{ProjectAudioManager.cpp} | |
CCutPreviewPlaybackPolicy | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{ProjectFileIO.cpp} | |
CContextData | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{ProjectFileManager.cpp} | |
CCompactDialog | |
CImportProgress | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{ProjectSerializer.cpp} | |
CXMLTagHandlerAdapter | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{ProjectStatus.cpp} | |
CDispatcher | |
CMessage | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{ProjectWindow.cpp} | |
CAdapter | |
CScrollBar | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{ProjectWindows.cpp} | |
CProjectWindows | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{RealtimeEffectPanel.cpp} | |
CDropHintLine | |
CEffectListUIDelegate | |
CEffectsMenuHelper | |
CHyperLinkCtrlWrapper | |
CRealtimeEffectControl | |
CRealtimeEffectsMenuVisitor | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{Registry.cpp} | |
►CCollectedItems | |
CItem | |
CItemOrdering | |
CPlaceHolder | Used only internally |
►Nanonymous_namespace{Scrubbing.cpp} | |
CMenuItem | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{ScrubState.cpp} | |
►CScrubQueue | |
CData | |
CMessage | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{SelectMenus.cpp} | |
CSeekInfo | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{SnappingToolBar.cpp} | |
CSnapModePopup | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{SnapUtils.cpp} | |
CConstantMultiplierSnapItem | |
CProjectDependentMultiplierSnapItem | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{SpectrumView.cpp} | |
CHandler | |
CSpectrogramSettingsHandler | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{StatefulEffectUIServices.cpp} | |
CDefaultEffectEditor | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{TempDirectory.cpp} | |
CTempDirChangedPublisher | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{TempoChange.cpp} | |
CProjectTempo | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{TimeShiftHandle.cpp} | |
CTemporaryClipRemover | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{TimeSignatureToolBar.cpp} | |
CTimeSignatureRestorer | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{TrackArt.cpp} | |
CBeatsGridlinePainter | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{TrackPanel.cpp} | |
CChannelStack | |
CEmptyCell | |
CHorizontalGroup | |
CLabeledChannelGroup | |
CMainGroup | |
CResizingChannelGroup | |
CSubgroup | |
CVRulerAndChannel | |
CVRulersAndChannels | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{TracksPrefs.cpp} | |
CHandler | Observer attached to each project applies the vertical zoom fit preference |
►Nanonymous_namespace{TupleTest.cpp} | |
CX | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{TypeList.cpp} | |
CB | |
CD | |
CShortCircuiting | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{UndoTracks.cpp} | |
CTrackListRestorer | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{ViewInfo.cpp} | |
CSelectedRegionRestorer | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{VST3ParametersWindow.cpp} | |
CVST3ContinuousParameter | |
CVST3DiscreteParameter | |
CVST3ListParameter | |
CVST3ToggleParameter | |
CVST3ValueText | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{VST3Wrapper.cpp} | |
CComponentHandler | |
CInputParameterChanges | |
CVST3EffectSettings | |
CVST3PluginCache | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{WaveChannelUtilities.cpp} | |
CSampleAccessArgs | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{WaveChannelView.cpp} | |
CPlacementArray | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{WaveChannelViewConstants.cpp} | |
CRegistry | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{WaveDataCache.cpp} | |
►CAppendBufferHelper | |
CCacheItem | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{WaveformView.cpp} | |
CWaveBitmapCacheElementWX | |
►CWaveformPainter | |
CChannelCaches | |
CWavePortion | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{WaveTrack.cpp} | |
CSplitInfo | |
CWaveTrackData | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{WhatsNewDialog.cpp} | |
CFSHelper | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{wxCommandTargets.cpp} | |
CInteractiveOutputTargets | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{wxWidgetsBasicUI.cpp} | |
CMyGenericProgress | |
►NAppEvents | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{AppEvents.cpp} | |
CEventHandlers | |
CIdleEvent | |
CProviderBase | |
►Naudacity | |
►Ncloud | |
►Naudiocom | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{OAuthService.cpp} | |
COAuthServiceSettingsResetHandler | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{UploadService.cpp} | |
CAudiocomUploadOperation | |
►Nsync | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{AudioComDialogBase.cpp} | |
CIdleItem | |
CIdler | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{CloudLocationDialog.cpp} | |
CDialogDescription | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{CloudSyncHousekeeper.cpp} | |
CHousekeeper | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{CloudSyncStatusField.cpp} | |
CCloudSyncStatusBarFieldItem | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{ProjectVersionConflictDialog.cpp} | |
CDialogProperties | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{ResumedSnaphotUploadOperation.cpp} | |
►CResumedSnaphotUploadOperation | |
CTag | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{WavPackCompressor.cpp} | |
CExporter | |
CImporter | |
CAudioComDialogBase | |
CBlockHashCache | |
►CBlockHasher | |
CWorkers | |
CBlockUploadTask | |
CCloudLocationDialog | |
CCloudProjectPropertiesDialog | |
CCloudProjectsDatabase | |
CCloudStatusChangedMessage | |
CCloudSyncError | |
►CCloudSyncStatusField | |
CStatusWidget | |
CConnectionIssuesDialog | |
CCreateSnapshotResponse | |
►CDataUploader | |
CUploadOperation | |
CDBProjectData | |
CDecompressedBlock | |
CDialogButtonIdentifierTag | |
CDialogIdentifierTag | |
CLinkAccountDialog | |
►CLocalProjectSnapshot | |
CProjectBlocksLock | |
CSnapshotData | |
CTag | |
CLockedBlock | |
CMinMaxRMS | |
►CMissingBlocksUploader | |
CProducedItem | |
CTag | |
CMissingBlocksUploadProgress | |
CMixdownResult | |
►CMixdownUploader | |
CDataExporter | |
CTag | |
CNetworkStats | |
CNotCloudProjectDialog | |
COnCloseHook | |
CPaginatedProjectsResponse | |
CPaginationInfo | |
CPendingProjectBlobData | |
CPendingProjectBlockData | |
CPendingSnapshotData | |
►CProjectCloudExtension | |
CCloudStatusChangedNotifier | |
CUploadQueueElement | |
CProjectCloudUIExtension | |
CProjectForm | |
CProjectInfo | |
CProjectLimitDialog | |
►CProjectsListDialog | |
CProjectsTableData | |
CProjectSyncResult | |
CProjectSyncState | |
CProjectUploadData | |
CProjectUploadOperation | |
CProjectVersionConflictDialog | |
►CRemoteProjectSnapshot | |
CTag | |
CRemoteProjectSnapshotState | |
CSnapshotBlockInfo | |
CSnapshotInfo | |
CSyncFailedDialog | |
CSyncInBackroundDialog | |
CSyncSucceededDialog | |
CUnsyncedProjectDialog | |
CUploadCanceledDialog | |
CUploadUrls | |
CVersionInfo | |
CWaitForActionDialog | |
CAuthorizationHandler | |
CAuthResult | |
CAuthStateChangedMessage | Message that is sent when authorization state changes |
CCloudSyncService | |
CLinkFailedDialog | |
CLinkSucceededDialog | |
CLinkWithTokenDialog | |
COAuthService | Service responsible for OAuth authentication against the audio.com service |
CResponseResult | |
CServiceConfig | Configuration for the audio.com |
►CShareAudioDialog | |
CExportProgressUpdater | |
CInitialStatePanel | |
CProgressPanel | |
CServices | |
CTransferStats | |
CUploadFailedPayload | This structure represents an upload error as returned by the server |
CUploadOperation | Class used to track the upload operation |
CUploadOperationCompleted | |
CUploadOperationHandle | A unique_ptr like class that holds a pointer to UploadOperation |
CUploadService | Service, responsible for uploading audio files to audio.com |
CUploadSuccessfulPayload | This structure represents the payload associated with successful upload |
CUserDataChanged | |
CUserImage | |
CUserPanel | |
CUserPanelStateChangedMessage | |
CUserService | Service for providing information about the user profile |
CShareAudioToolbar | |
►Nconcurrency | |
►CCancellationContext | |
CTag | |
CICancellable | |
►Nnetwork_manager | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{CurlHandleManager.cpp} | |
CCurlConfig | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{CurlResponseFactory.cpp} | |
CStubResponse | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{MultipartData.cpp} | |
CByteBufferPart | |
CFilePart | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{RequestPayload.cpp} | |
CEmptyRequestPayloadStream | |
CFileRequestPayloadStream | |
CMemoryRequestPayloadStream | |
CCookie | |
CCookiesList | |
►CCurlHandleManager | |
CCachedHandle | |
►CHandle | |
CResult | |
CCurlResponse | |
CCurlResponseFactory | |
CCurlStringList | |
CHeader | |
CHeadersList | |
CIResponse | Interface, that provides access to the data from the HTTP response |
CIResponseFactory | |
►CMultipartData | |
CPart | |
CNetworkManager | |
CRequest | |
CRequestPayloadStream | |
►Nsentry | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{SentryReport.cpp} | |
CExceptionContext | Helper class to store additional details about the exception |
CAnonymizedMessage | A class, that stores anonymized message |
CException | A DTO for the Sentry Exception interface |
CMessage | A DTO for the Sentry Message interface |
►CReport | A report to Sentry |
CReportImpl | |
CSentryRequestBuilder | A helper, that creates a correct Request to Sentry |
►Nsqlite | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{SQLiteUtils.cpp} | |
CSQLiteIniter | |
►Ndetails | |
CSQLiteFunction | |
CSQLiteFunction< std::function< R()> > | |
CSQLiteFunction< std::function< R(Args...)> > | |
CAggregateFunction | A class representing an aggregate function in a SQLite database |
CBlob | A class representing a BLOB in a SQLite database |
CConnection | A class representing a connection to a SQLite database |
CError | A class representing an error in SQLite |
CResult | A class representing a result of an operation |
CRow | A class representing a row in a result set |
CRowIterator | A class representing an iterator over a result set |
CRunContext | A class representing a context of a run operation |
CRunResult | A class representing a result of a run operation |
►CSafeConnection | A class representing a safe connection to SQLite |
CLock | |
CTag | |
CScalarFunction | A class representing a scalar function in a SQLite database |
CStatement | A class representing a compiled statement |
CStatementHandle | |
CTransaction | A class representing a transaction in SQLite |
CApplicationSettings | Provides an access to application-wise settings |
►CBasicSettings | Base class for objects that provide facility to store data persistently, and access it with string keys that are formed similarly to how paths in tree are formed |
CGroupScope | |
CGoldenRatio | |
CGoldenRatio< 4 > | |
CGoldenRatio< 8 > | |
►CTypedAny | Generates distinct, non-interconvertible types wrapping std::any |
CGood_args | |
CGood_args< Arg > | |
CUuid | Utility class that generates and parses UUIDs |
►NAudioGraph | |
CBuffers | Accumulates (non-interleaved) data during effect processing |
CChannel | |
CSink | Downstream receiver of sample streams, taking Buffers as external context |
CSource | Upstream producer of sample streams, taking Buffers as external context |
CTask | Copies from a Source to a Sink, mediated by Buffers |
►NAudioUnitUtils | |
CBuffer | |
CParameter | |
CParameterInfo | |
CParameterNameInfo | |
CProperty | |
CRenderCallback | |
CStreamBasicDescription | |
CUserPreset | |
►NBasicMenu | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{BasicMenu.cpp} | |
CWatcher | Singleton object listens to global wxEvent stream |
CHandle | |
►NBasicUI | |
CErrorDialogOptions | Options for variations of error dialogs; the default is for modal dialogs |
CGenericProgressDialog | Abstraction of a progress dialog with undefined time-to-completion estimate |
CMessageBoxOptions | |
CPoint | A pair of screen coordinates, x increasing rightward, y downward |
CProgressDialog | Abstraction of a progress dialog with well defined time-to-completion estimate |
CServices | Abstract class defines a few user interface services, not mentioning particular toolkits |
CWindowPlacement | Subclasses may hold information such as a parent window pointer for a dialog |
►NCallable | |
►Ndetail | |
CFunctionInvoker | |
CFunctionInvoker< R(Args...)> | |
CInvocableBase | Capture any invocable as a class, using std::function only when needed |
CInvocableBase< M C::* > | Partial specialization for pointers to members |
►CMemberInvoker | Capture pointer to member |
CCanAccept | |
CCanAccept< T, std::void_t< Result< T > > > | |
COverloadSetBase | |
CConstantly | Generates functions useable as non-type template parameters |
COverloadSet | |
CSharedPtrFactory | Generates functions useable as non-type template parameters |
Ctype_identity | Standard in C++20; add a level of indirection to a type |
CUniquePtrFactory | Generates functions useable as non-type template parameters |
►NClientData | Utility ClientData::Site to register hooks into a host class that attach client data. |
CBase | A convenient default parameter for class template Site |
CCloneable | A convenient base class defining abstract virtual Clone() for a given kind of pointer |
CCopyable | Decorator template injects copy and move operators for container of pointers |
CCopyable< Container, DeepCopying > | Specialization that clones sub-objects when copying; strong guarantee for assignment |
CCopyable< Container, ShallowCopying > | Specialization that copies pointers, not sub-objects; strong guarantee for assignment |
CCopyable< Container, SkipCopying > | Specialization that ignores contents of the source when copying (not when moving) |
CLockable | Decorator template injects type Lock and method lock() into interface of Object |
►CLockable< Object, NoLocking > | Specialization for trivial, non-locking policy |
CLock | Empty class |
CLockable< Object, NonrecursiveLocking > | Specialization for real locking with std::mutex |
CLockable< Object, RecursiveLocking > | Specialization for real locking with std::recursive_mutex |
CLocked | Decorated reference to a ClientData::Lockable, with a current lock on it |
►CSite | Utility to register hooks into a host class that attach client data |
CRegisteredFactory | Client code makes static instance from a factory of attachments; passes it to Get or Find as a retrieval key |
►NComposite | |
►Ndetail | |
CThis | |
CThis< false > | |
CThis< true > | |
CBase | |
CBuilder | |
CExtension | Extend Base with extra fields, in a second, protected base class |
CExtension< Base, void, RequiredBaseArgs... > | Specialization when there is no need for the second base |
CTraits | |
►CTraits< MyCompositeBase, MyBuilder > | |
CItemBuilderType | |
CTraits< Registry::detail::GroupItemBase, Registry::GroupItem< RegistryTraits > > | |
►Ncrypto | |
CSHA256 | |
►NDanielRudrich | |
CGainReductionComputer | |
CLookAheadGainReduction | |
►Ndetail | |
CInputMessageReader | |
CPluginValidationResult | |
►NDialogDefinition | |
CItem | |
►NDynamicRangeProcessorUtils | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{DynamicRangeProcessorUtils.cpp} | |
CSettingDescription | |
►NDetail | |
CSerializedPreset | |
CPreset | |
►Nfast_float | |
Cadjusted_mantissa | |
Cbigint | |
Cbinary_format | |
Cfrom_chars_result | |
Cparse_options | |
Cparsed_number_string | |
Cpowers_template | |
Cspan | |
Cstackvec | |
Cvalue128 | |
►NFileNames | |
CFileType | |
►Ngraphics | |
CColor | Class for storing color in 32-bit format |
CPointType | A point in 2D space |
CRectType | Rectangle that is defined by the top left corner and the size |
CSizeType | A class that represents size in 2D space |
►Ninternal | |
►Ndtoa_impl | |
Cboundaries | |
Ccached_power | |
Cdiyfp | |
►Nitoa_impl | |
Cpair | |
►Nx11 | |
CPlugFrame | |
►CRunLoop | |
CEventHandler | |
CTimerHandler | |
CSocketWindow | Wrapper for GtkSocket object, which provides X window mapping via XEmbed protocol |
CConnectionProxy | Host's proxy object between connection points |
CPlugFrame | Dispatches window resize events from VST PlugView to the wxWindow |
►NJournal | Facilities for recording and playback of sequences of user interaction |
►Nanonymous_namespace{Journal.cpp} | |
CJournalLogger | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{JournalOutput.cpp} | |
CFlushingTextFile | |
►NEvents | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{JournalEvents.cpp} | |
CRegisteredEventType | |
CType | |
CWatcher | Singleton object listens to global wxEvent stream |
CRegisteredCommand | |
CRegisteredInitializer | |
CSyncException | |
►NKeyboardCapture | |
CPostFilter | Post-filter is conditionally called after passing the event to the window |
CPreFilter | Pre-filter is called before passing the event to the captured window |
►NLibFileFormats | |
►CAcidizerTags | Models how SoundForge allows the editing of ACID metadata, as far as our interest goes: setting the type to one-shot prevents the setting of BPM. Conversely, loops must have their BPM set (normally by setting the number of beats in the loop, but provided that the file duration is available, this is equivalent) |
CLoop | |
COneShot | |
►NLibImportExport | |
►NTest | |
►CAcidizerTags | In the Audacity code, we only are interested in LibFileFormats::AcidizerTags and the information it carries, but for testing we need to mimic more than one way ACID metadata may be set out there. We therefore need to be able to set tempo, beats and one-shot status independently |
CBeats | |
CLibsndfileTagger | When adding tags, the allocated memory must be preserved until the file is closed. This class handles that, beside the regular file opening and closing |
►NLowlitClipButton | |
CRectangleArgs | |
►NMenuRegistry | |
►Ndetail | |
CVisitorBase | |
CCommandGroupItem | |
CCommandItem | |
CConditionalGroupItem | |
CFinderScope | |
CItemProperties | A mix-in discovered by dynamic_cast; independent of the Traits |
CItemRegistry | |
CMenuItem | |
CMenuItemData | |
CMenuItems | |
CMenuPart | |
COptions | |
CSpecialItem | |
CTraits | |
CVisitor | |
►NMIR | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{GetMeterUsingTatumQuantizationFit.cpp} | |
CBarDivision | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{StftFrameProviderTests.cpp} | |
CTestMirAudioReader | |
CAnalyzedAudioClip | |
CDecimatingMirAudioReader | Our MIR operations do not need the full 44.1 or 48kHz resolution typical of audio files. It may change in the future, if we start looking at chromagrams for example, but for now even a certain amount of aliasing isn't an issue. In fact, for onset detection, it may even be beneficial, since it preserves a trace of the highest frequency components by folding them down below the nyquist. Thus we can decimate the audio signal to a certain extent. This is fast and easy to implement, meanwhile reducing dramatically the amount of data and operations |
CEmptyMirAudioReader | |
►CFakeAnalyzedAudioClip | |
CParams | |
CFakeProjectInterface | |
CLoopClassifierSettings | |
CMirAudioReader | |
CMusicalMeter | |
COctaveError | |
COnsetQuantization | |
CProjectInterface | |
CProjectSyncInfo | |
CProjectSyncInfoInput | |
CQuantizationFitDebugOutput | |
CRocInfo | |
CSquareWaveMirAudioReader | |
CStftFrameProvider | |
CWavMirAudioReader | |
►NMixerOptions | |
CDownmix | A matrix of booleans, one row per input channel, column per output |
CResampleParameters | |
CStageSpecification | |
CTimesAndSpeed | |
►CWarp | Immutable structure is an argument to Mixer's constructor |
CDefaultWarp | Hook function for default time warp |
►NNavigationActions | Namespace for functions for project navigation menu (part of Extra menu) |
CHandler | |
►NNumericConverterFormats | |
CDefaultFormatRegistrator | |
►NObserver | |
►Ndetail | Type-erased implementation helpers for Publisher |
CRecordBase | Doubly-linked list cell using shared and weak pointers |
CRecordLink | |
CRecordList | |
CExceptionPolicy | May be supplied to constructor of Publisher to customize exception handling |
CMessage | Default message type for Publisher |
►CPublisher | An object that sends messages to an open-ended list of subscribed callbacks |
CRecord | |
CSubscription | A move-only handle representing a connection to a Publisher |
►NPackedArray | |
►Ndetail | |
CExtendedTraits | Primary template of metafunction deducing other things from Traits<T> |
CExtendedTraits< T, std::void_t< decltype(std::declval< T >().*(Traits< T >::array_member))> > | Partial specialization used when Traits<T>::array_member is defined |
CDeleter | Deleter for an array of elements and optional contiguous header structure |
CPtr | Smart pointer type that deallocates with Deleter |
►CTraits | Primary template used in Deleter that can be specialized |
Cheader_type | |
►CTraits< AudioBufferList > | |
Cheader_type | |
►CTraits< AudioUnitCocoaViewInfo > | |
Cheader_type | |
►NRealtimeEffects | |
CInitializationScope | Brackets processing setup and cleanup in the main thread |
CProcessingScope | Brackets one block of processing in one thread |
►NRegistry | |
►Ndetail | |
CBaseItem | |
CBuilder | |
CComputedItem | |
CComputedItemBase | |
►CConsUnique | |
CNotAlready | |
CGroupItemBase | Common abstract base class for items that group other items |
CIndirectItem | An item that delegates to another held in a shared pointer |
CIndirectItemBase | |
CVisitor | Type-erasing adapter class (with no std::function overhead) |
CVisitorBase | |
CAcceptableItemType | |
CActualItem | Find the real item type (following chains of indirections) |
CActualItem< detail::ComputedItem< C, T > > | |
CActualItem< detail::IndirectItem< T > > | |
CAllTypes | |
CDefaultTraits | |
CEmptyContext | |
CGroupItem | Has variadic and range constructors that check types |
COrderingHint | |
COrderingPreferenceInitializer | |
CPlacement | |
CRegisteredItem | Generates classes whose instances register items at construction |
CSingleItem | Common abstract base class for items that are not groups |
CVisitorFunctions | |
►NSelectActions | |
CHandler | |
►Nstaffpad | |
►Naudio | |
►Nsimd | |
Cfloat_x4 | |
CCircularSampleBuffer | |
CFourierTransform | |
CSamplesFloat | |
►CTimeAndPitch | |
Cimpl | |
►Nstd | STL namespace |
Chash< audacity::Uuid > | |
Chash< Identifier > | |
Chash< NormalizedKeyString > | |
Chash< TaggedIdentifier< Tag, b > > | |
Chash< TranslatableString > | |
►NSteinberg | |
CMemoryStream | |
►NTrackInfo | |
CTCPLine | |
►NTuple | |
►Ndetail | |
Ceach_less | |
Ceach_less< std::index_sequence< Indices1... >, std::index_sequence< Indices2... > > | |
Cincreasing | |
Cincreasing< Index > | |
Cincreasing< Index, Indices... > | |
Cincreasing<> | |
Cincrement_each | |
Cincrement_each< std::index_sequence< Indices... > > | |
Cis_tuple | Type test metapredicate, for specializations of std::tuple only |
Cis_tuple< std::tuple< Types... > > | |
Cis_tuple_like | Type test metapredicate, for more general tuple-like types |
Cis_tuple_like< T, std::void_t< decltype(std::tuple_size< T >{})> > | |
►NTypeEnumerator | |
►Ndetail | |
►CCountTypes | |
CCount | |
CStop | |
Ctype_identity | Standard in C++20 |
►CTypeCounter | Implements the ENUMERATE_TYPE macro |
CLocation | |
CUnenumerated | A type excluded from any enumeration |
►CCollectTypes | |
CAccumulate | |
CAccumulateType | |
CStop | |
►NTypeList | Utilities for compile-time type manipulation. Some terminology as in Lisp |
CAnd | |
►CAnd< Predicate, Predicates... > | |
CRest | |
CAnd<> | |
CAppend | |
►CAppend< TypeList, TypeLists... > | |
►CCaptureFirst | |
CCaptureRest | |
CAppend<> | |
CApply | Bind the types in TypeList to the parameters of a variadic Template |
CApply< Template, List< Types... > > | |
►CBind | Destructure any tuple-like type into a TypeList |
CImpl | |
CImpl< std::index_sequence< Is... > > | |
CBind1st | Given a binary template and a fixed argument, make a metafunction |
CBind2nd | Given a binary template and a fixed argument, make a metafunction |
CButLast | |
CButLast< List< Type > > | |
CButLast< List< Type, Types... > > | |
CCall | Apply a metafunction to a type |
CCompose | |
CCompose< Metafunction, Metafunctions... > | |
CCompose<> | |
CCons | Build a type list from a type and another type list |
CCons< Type, List< Types... > > | |
CEvery | |
CFilter | Select only the subsequence of the type list satisfying the predicate |
CFn | |
CFn< Template, Templates... > | |
CFn<> | |
CHasBaseIn | Whether the given type is derived from any member of the list |
CHead | Delays expansion of nested alias head ; so Head<Nil> is legal |
CHead< List< Types... > > | |
CIn | |
CLast | |
CLast< List< Type > > | |
CLast< List< Type, Types... > > | |
►CLeftFold | Left fold reduction of a list of types by a binary template |
►CImpl | |
CAccumulate | |
CAccumulate< Acc > | |
CAccumulate< Acc, T, Ts... > | |
►CLeftFoldList | Like LeftFold, but passing nonempty prefixes, not elements, to Op |
COp1 | |
CLength | |
CLength< List< Types... > > | |
CList | Primary template for a list of arbitrary types |
CList< Type, Types... > | Non-empty specialization also defines first and rest |
CList<> | Empty specialization |
►CMap | Transform a list of types by the given metafunction |
CImpl | |
CMapList | |
►CNonEmptyTails | |
CNext | |
CNotAny | |
CNotEvery | |
►CNth | |
CCountdown | |
CCountdown< 0, TL > | |
CNull | |
CNull< List< Types... > > | |
COr | |
►COr< Predicate, Predicates... > | |
CRest | |
COr<> | |
CPushBack | PushBack – no Common Lisp equivalent name |
CPushBack< List< Types... >, Type > | |
CPushFront | An alternative more suggestive of C++ than Lisp conventions |
CReverse | |
►CRightFold | Right fold reduction of a list of types by a binary template |
CAccumulate | |
CAccumulate< Acc, Nil > | |
►CRightFoldList | Like RightFold, but passing nonempty tails, not elements, to Op |
CAccumulate | |
CAccumulate< Acc, Nil > | |
CSome | |
CStablePartition | |
CTail | Delays expansion of nested alias rest; so Tail<Nil> is legal |
CTail< List< Types... > > | |
CTails | |
Ctype_identity | Standard in C++20; add a level of indirection to a type |
►NTypeListVisitor | |
CVariantOfReferences | |
►NTypeSwitch | |
►Ndetail | |
►CExecutor | Metafunction implementing TypeSwitch |
►CCombine | |
►CCombineOp | |
CCase1_ | |
CCase2 | |
CDefault | |
CDummy | |
COpaque | |
CWrapper | |
►CTransparent | |
Ctype | No BaseClass of ArgumentType is acceptable to the first function |
►CNoOp | |
Ctype | |
►CInvoker | |
CBase | |
COp | |
CTypeSwitcher | |
CUsedCases | |
►NVariant | |
►Ndetail | |
Ctype_identity | Standard in C++20 |
CVisitHelperReturn | Help to define Visit() below |
►NVST3 | |
►NHosting | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{module_linux.cpp} | |
CLinuxModule | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{module_win32.cpp} | |
COle | |
CWin32Module | |
►NWaveTrackUtilities | |
CAllClipsConstIterator | |
CAllClipsIterator | |
C_LADSPA_Descriptor | _LADSPA_Descriptor is a structure that provides the API to a LADSPA (Linux Audio Plugin Architecture) Effect.
C_LADSPA_PortRangeHint | _LADSPA_PortRangeHint is a structure that gives parameter validation information for a LADSPA (Linux Audio Plugin Architecture) plug in effect.
C_LV2_External_UI_Host | |
C_LV2_External_UI_Widget | |
CAboutDialog | The AboutDialog shows the program version and developer credits |
CAboutDialogCreditItem | AboutDialogCreditItem is a structure used by the AboutDialog to hold information about one contributor to Audacity |
►CAButton | A wxButton with mouse-over behaviour |
CListener | |
CResetter | |
►CAccessibleLinksFormatter | A class that allows translatable text to have accessible links in it in a way that is friendly to translators |
CFormatArgument | |
CProcessedArgument | |
CAColor | AColor Manages color brushes and pens |
CActiveProjects | Manages a list of active projects |
CADCChanger | Makes temporary drawing context changes that you back out of, RAII style |
CAddedAnalysisTrack | |
CAdjustClipBorder | |
►CAdornedRulerPanel | This is an Audacity Specific ruler panel which additionally has border, selection markers, play marker |
CCommonCell | |
CCommonRulerHandle | |
CMainGroup | |
CMovePlayRegionHandle | |
CNewPlayRegionHandle | |
CPlayRegionAdjustingHandle | |
CQPCell | |
CResetter | |
CResizePlayRegionHandle | |
CScrubbingCell | |
CScrubbingHandle | |
CScrubbingRulerOverlay | |
CSubgroup | |
CTrackPanelGuidelineOverlay | |
CAEffect | VST Effects class, conforming to VST layout |
CAffordanceHandle | |
CAliasedFile | An audio file that is referenced (pointed into) directly from an Audacity .aup file rather than Audacity having its own copies of the data |
CAllProjects | |
►CAmplifyBase | |
CInstance | |
CAnalyzedWaveClip | |
CAndValidator | Parameter must pass both of the supplied validators |
CApp | |
CAppCommandEvent | An event 'envelope' for sending Command objects through the wxwidgets event loop |
CApplicableFor | Entry for the Applicability table |
CApplicationPrefs | A PrefsPanel to enable/disable certain general application options like checking updates, etc |
CApplyAndSendResponse | ApplyAndSendResponse is a DecoratoredCommand that performs the given command and then outputs a status message according to the result. It manages a CommandContext which is passed into its mCommand, so that result messages are routed back to the right place |
CApplyMacroDialog | Shows progress in executing commands in MacroCommands |
CArrayOf | This simplifies arrays of arrays, each array separately allocated with NEW[] But it might be better to use std::Array<ArrayOf<X>, N> for some small constant N Or use just one array when sub-arrays have a common size and are not large |
CArraysOf | |
►CASlider | ASlider is a custom slider, allowing for a slicker look and feel |
COptions | |
CResetter | |
CAStaticBitmap | A widget for bitmaps which ignores the erase event for flicker-free use |
►CAsyncPluginValidator | Starts and communicates with a dedicated process to perform plugin validation. Once instantiated, client should call AsyncPluginValidation::Validate for plugin that needs to be validated. When done, AsyncPluginValidation will notify caller via Delegate on the UI thread (requires event loop). After Delegate::OnValidationFinished is called procedure can be repeated with another plugin id |
CDelegate | Used to talk back to calling side |
CImpl | |
CAtomicUniquePointer | |
CAttachableScrollBar | An AttachableScrollBar is a scroll bar that can be attached to multiple items and so control their scrolling. Uses floats internally, not ints, allowing for (external) control of zooming |
CAttachedToolBarMenuItem | |
►CAttachedVirtualFunction | Class template generates single-dispatch, open method registry tables |
CEntry | Member of registry of implementations of the method |
COverride | For defining overrides of the method |
CAttachedWindows | |
CAUControl | |
CAudacityApp | AudacityApp is the 'main' class for Audacity |
CAudacityAVBufferRef | |
CAudacityAVCodecID | |
CAudacityAVDictionaryEntry | Simply an overlay of AVDictionaryEntry, but we avoid including that type |
CAudacityAVRational | |
CAudacityCommand | Base class for command in Audacity |
CAudacityCommandDialog | Default dialog used for commands. Is populated using ShuttleGui |
CAudacityDontAskAgainMessageDialog | |
CAudacityException | Base class for exceptions specially processed by the application |
CAudacityFileConfig | Our own specialisation of FileConfig |
►CAudacityHostAttribute | |
Cv | |
CAudacityHostAttributeList | |
CAudacityLogger | AudacityLogger is a thread-safe logger class |
CAudacityMessageDialog | Wrap wxMessageDialog so that caption IS translatable |
CAudacityMirProject | |
►CAudacityProject | The top-level handle to an Audacity project. It serves as a source of events that other objects can bind to, and a container of associated sub-objects that it treats opaquely. It stores a filename and a status message and a few other things. There is very little in this class, most of the intelligence residing in the cooperating attached objects |
CCreateToken | |
CAudacityTextEntryDialog | Wrap wxTextEntryDialog so that caption IS translatable |
CAudacityVst3HostApplication | |
CAudioContainer | |
CAudioContainerHelper | |
CAudioIO | AudioIO uses the PortAudio library to play and record sound |
CAudioIOBase | A singleton object supporting queries of the state of any active audio streams, and audio device capabilities |
►CAudioIoCallback | AudioIoCallback is a class that implements the callback required by PortAudio. The callback needs to be responsive, has no GUI, and copies data into and out of the sound card buffers. It also sends data to the meters |
CAudioIOExtIterator | |
CAudioIOExtRange | |
CTransportState | |
CAudioIODiagnostics | |
CAudioIOEvent | |
►CAudioIOExt | |
CRegisteredFactory | Typically statically constructed |
CAudioIOExtBase | Abstract interface to alternative, concurrent playback with the main audio (such as MIDI events) |
CAudioIOListener | Monitors record play start/stop and new sample blocks. Has callbacks for these events |
CAudioIOStartStreamOptions | Struct holding stream options, including a pointer to the time warp info and AudioIOListener and whether the playback is looped |
CAudioPasteDialog | |
CAudioSegment | A generalization for audio segments, whether clips or silence between clips |
CAudioSegmentFactory | |
CAudioSegmentFactoryInterface | |
CAudioSegmentSampleView | |
►CAudioSetupToolBar | A toolbar to allow easier changing of input and output devices |
CChoices | |
CAudioTrack | Track subclass holding data representing sound (as notes, or samples, or ...) |
CAudioUnitCleaner | Generates deleters for std::unique_ptr that clean up AU plugin state |
►CAudioUnitEditor | |
CCreateToken | |
CAudioUnitEffect | An Effect class that handles a wide range of effects. ??Mac only?? |
CAudioUnitEffectBase | An Effect class that handles a wide range of effects. ??Mac only?? |
CAudioUnitEffectOptionsDialog | |
CAudioUnitEffectSettings | Represents a cached copy of the state stored in an AudioUnit, but can outlive the original AudioUnit |
►CAudioUnitEffectsModule | |
CFactory | |
CAudioUnitInstance | |
►CAudioUnitWrapper | Manages and interacts with an AudioUnit, providing operations on audio effects |
CParameterInfo | Encapsulates parameter information for an AudioUnit |
►CAUPImportFileHandle | An ImportFileHandle for AUP files (pre-AUP3) |
Cfileinfo | |
Cnode | |
CAUPImportPlugin | An ImportPlugin for AUP files (pre-AUP3) |
CauStaticText | Like wxStaticText, except it can be themed. wxStaticText can't be |
CAutoDuckBase | Implements the Auto Ducking effect |
CAutoDuckRegion | Struct that holds a start and end time |
CAutoRecoveryDialog | |
CAutoRollbackRenamer | AutoRollbackRenamer handles the renaming of files which is needed when producing a NEW version of a file which may fail. On failure the old version is put back in place |
Cav_intfloat32 | |
Cav_intfloat64 | |
►CAVAllocator | |
Crebind | |
CAVBitStreamFilter | |
CAVBitStreamFilterContext | |
CAVBSFContext | |
CAVBufferRef | |
CAVChannelCustom | |
CAVChannelLayout | |
CAVChannelLayoutWrapper | |
CAVChapter | |
CAVClass | |
CAVCodec | |
CAVCodecContext | |
CAVCodecContextWrapper | |
CAVCodecDescriptor | |
CAVCodecFactories | |
CAVCodecFunctions | |
CAVCodecHWConfig | |
CAVCodecIDResolver | |
CAVCodecParameters | |
CAVCodecParser | |
CAVCodecParserContext | |
CAVCodecWrapper | |
CAVCPBProperties | |
CAVDictionaryEntry | |
CAVDictionaryWrapper | |
CAVFifoBuffer | |
CAVFormatContext | |
CAVFormatContextWrapper | |
CAVFormatFactories | |
CAVFormatFunctions | |
CAVFrac | |
CAVFrame | |
CAVFrameSideData | |
CAVFrameWrapper | |
CAVHWAccel | |
CAVHWDeviceContext | |
CAVHWFramesConstraints | |
CAVHWFramesContext | |
CAVIndexEntry | |
CAVInputFormat | |
CAVInputFormatWrapper | |
CAVIOContext | |
CAVIOContextWrapper | |
CAVIODirContext | |
CAVIODirEntry | |
CAVIOInterruptCB | |
CAVOutputFormat | |
CAVOutputFormatWrapper | |
CAVPacket | |
CAVPacketList | |
CAVPacketSideData | |
CAVPacketWrapper | |
CAVPanScan | |
CAVPicture | |
CAVProbeData | |
CAVProducerReferenceTime | |
CAVProfile | |
CAVProgram | |
CAVRational | |
CAVRegionOfInterest | |
CAVStream | |
CAVStreamGroup | |
CAVStreamGroupTileGrid | |
CAVStreamWrapper | |
CAVSubtitle | |
CAVSubtitleRect | |
CAVUtilFactories | |
CAVUtilFunctions | |
CBackedPanel | BackedPanel is for a panel that consists of a bitmap with something drawn over it. It supports efficient repainting when the overlays change and recreation of the bitmap when the panel size is changed |
CBackgroundCell | Class representing the background of a Track. It provides the hit test function that tells us what was hit |
CBackgroundHandle | |
CBasicEffectUIServices | |
►CBassTrebleBase | |
CInstance | |
CBassTrebleSettings | |
CBassTrebleState | |
CBatchEvalCommand | Given a string representing a command, pass it to the MacroCommands system |
CBatchEvalCommandType | The <something>CommandType classes are classes which are going away. They all provided a BuildSignature (what parameters they accept) and Name, but that is now replaced by the AudacityCommand interface.
CBatchPrefs | A probably unused PrefsPanel that in debug builds could offer a setting used in debugging batch (aka macros) processing |
CBE_CONFIG | BE_CONFIG is a structure defined in the Blade DLL Interface for LAME (MP3 Conversion DLL) |
Cbe_version | |
CBE_VERSION | BE_VERSION is a structure defined in the Blade DLL Interface for LAME (MP3 Conversion DLL) |
►CBeatsFormat | |
CTick | |
CTicks | |
CBenchmarkDialog | BenchmarkDialog is used for measuring performance and accuracy of sample block storage |
CBiquad | Represents a biquad digital filter |
CBlockArray | |
CBoolArrayValidator | Parameter must be char array of booleans, e.g. "011010001" |
CBoolSetting | This specialization of Setting for bool adds a Toggle method to negate the saved value |
CBoolValidator | Parameter must be a boolean |
CBoundedEnvelope | |
CBreakpadConfigurer | This class is used to configure Breakpad's handler before start |
CBriefCommandMessageTarget | BriefCommandMessageTarget is a CommandOutputTarget that provides status in a briefer listing |
CBriefCommandOutputTargets | BriefCommandOutputTargets is a CommandOutputTargets that replaces the status message target with the BriefCommandMessageTarget version |
CBrowserDialog | Adds some event handling to an HtmlWindow |
►CBrushHandle | |
CStateSaver | |
CBufferedIPCChannel | Socket-based implementation of IPCChannel that uses intermediate buffer for data exchange between client and server |
CBufferedProjectBlobStream | |
CBufferedStreamReader | A facade-like class, that implements buffered reading from the underlying data stream |
►CBuiltinCommandsModule | Internal module to auto register all built in commands. It is closely modelled on BuiltinEffectsModule |
CEntry | |
CRegistration | |
►CBuiltinEffectsModule | Internal module to auto register all built in effects.
CEntry | |
CRegistration | |
CBuiltinFormatString | BuiltinFormatString is a structure used in the NumericTextCtrl and holds both a descriptive name for the string format and a wxPrintf inspired style format string, optimised for displaying time in different formats |
CButtonHandle | A UIHandle for a TrackPanel button, such as the Mute and Solo buttons |
CByColumns_t | |
CCachingSettingBase | Class template adds an in-memory cache of a value to TransactionalSettingBase and support for SettingTransaction |
CCapturedParameters | Generates EffectParameterMethods overrides from variadic template arguments |
►CCellularPanel | Formerly part of TrackPanel, this abstract base class has no special knowledge of Track objects and is intended for reuse with other windows |
CFilter | |
CFoundCell | |
CState | |
CVisitor | |
CCentShiftChange | |
CChangeSpeedBase | An Effect that affects both pitch & speed |
CChangeTempoBase | |
►CChannel | |
CIntervalIterator | |
CChannelAttachment | |
CChannelAttachments | Holds multiple objects of the parameter type as a single attachment to Track |
CChannelAttachmentsBase | Holds multiple objects as a single attachment to Track |
►CChannelGroup | |
CChannelIterator | |
CIntervalIterator | |
CChannelGroupInterval | A start and an end time, and whatever else subclasses associate with them |
CChannelInterval | The intersection of a Channel and a WideChannelGroupInterval |
CChannelView | |
CChannelVRulerControls | |
►CChoiceEditor | Modified version of wxGridChoiceEditor using wxChoice instead of wxComboBox |
CFocusHandler | |
CChoiceSetting | |
CClearLogCommand | |
CCLExportProcessor | |
CClickRemovalBase | An Effect for removing clicks |
►CClipboard | |
CScope | Empty the clipboard at start of scope; restore its contents after |
CClipboardChangeMessage | Message is sent during idle time by the global clipboard |
CClipButtonDrawingArgs | |
CClipButtonSpecializations | |
CClipButtonSpecializations< ClipButtonId::Overflow > | |
CClipButtonSpecializations< ClipButtonId::Pitch > | |
CClipButtonSpecializations< ClipButtonId::Speed > | |
CClipIndicatorPanel | |
CClipInterface | |
CClipMirAudioReader | |
CClipMoveState | |
CClipOverflowButtonHandle | |
CClipParameters | |
CClipPitchAndSpeedButtonHandle | |
CClipSegment | |
CClipTimeAndPitchSource | |
CClipTimes | |
CCloseButtonHandle | |
CCoarseTrackShifter | |
CColorFunction | |
CColorPair | Pair of colors for waveform painting |
CCombinedMessageTarget | Sends messages to two message targets at once |
CComboEditor | |
CCommandBuilder | A type of factory for Commands of various sorts |
►CCommandContext | CommandContext provides additional information to an 'Apply()' command. It provides the project, and provides output channels for Error, Progress and Status. Status is used for general messaging from a command back to its invoker |
CTargetFactory | |
►CCommandDirectory | Allows registration and lookup (by name) of command types |
CRegisterType | |
CCommandFlagOptions | |
CCommandFunctor | CommandFunctor is a very small class that works with CommandManager. It holds the callback for one command |
CCommandFunctorPointer | |
CCommandHandler | Contains methods for applying commands that are passed to it |
CCommandImplementation | Derived from OldStyleCommand. It validates and applies the command. CommandImplementation::Apply() is overloaded in classes derived from it |
CCommandList | List of CommandListEntry |
CCommandListEntry | CommandListEntry is a structure used by CommandManager |
►CCommandManager | CommandManager implements a system for organizing all user-callable commands |
CCommandListEntry | |
CFactory | |
CGlobalMenuHook | |
CPopulator | |
CCommandMessageTarget | Interface for objects that can receive (string) messages from a command |
CCommandMessageTargetDecorator | CommandMessageTargetDecorator is a CommandOutputTarget that forwards its work on to another one. Typically we derive from it to modify some functionality and forward the rest |
CCommandOutputTargets | CommandOutputTargets a mix of three output classes to output progress indication, status messages and errors |
CCommandParameters | CommandParameters, derived from wxFileConfig, is essentially doing the same things as the SettingsVisitor classes. It does text <-> binary conversions of parameters. It does not seem to be using actual file read/writing.
CCommandProgressTarget | Interface for objects that can receive command progress information |
CCommandSignature | Class that maps parameter names to default values and validators |
CCommentCommand | |
CCommonChannelCell | |
CCommonChannelView | Implements some hit-testing shared by many ChannelView subtypes |
CCommonTrackCell | |
►CCommonTrackControls | |
CInitMenuData | |
►CCommonTrackPanelCell | |
CMenuItem | |
CMouseWheelHook | |
CCompareAudioCommand | Returns information about the amount of audio that is about a certain threshold of difference in two selected tracks |
CCompatibilityEntry | Describes format-codec compatibility |
CComponentInterface | ComponentInterface provides name / vendor / version functions to identify plugins. It is what makes a class a plug-in. Additionally it provides an optional parameter definitions function, for those components such as commands, effects and (soon) preference pagess that define parameters |
CComponentInterfaceSymbol | ComponentInterfaceSymbol pairs a persistent string identifier used internally with an optional, different string as msgid for lookup in a translation catalog |
CCompressionMeterPanel | |
CCompressorEditor | |
CCompressorInstance | |
CCompressorPanel | Panel used within the EffectLegacyCompressor for EffectLegacyCompressor |
►CCompressorProcessor | |
CFrameStats | |
CCompressorSettings | |
CConnectionPtr | |
CContrastBase | |
CContrastDialog | |
CControlToolBar | A ToolBar that has the main Transport buttons |
CCookie | A struct, representing a Cookie object |
CCookiesList | A class, representing a list of HTTP cookies |
CCopyableValueRestorer | |
CCrashpadConfigurer | |
CCrashReportContext | This object is for internal usage |
CCrossFader | Not used by Audacity (yet) apparently work in progress that has been abandoned |
CCustomUpdater | |
CCustomUpdaterPosition | |
CCustomUpdaterValue | |
CCutCopyPasteToolBar | A ToolBar that has the cut, copy and paste buttons on it |
CCutlineHandle | |
CDBConnection | |
CDBConnectionErrors | |
CDBConnectionTransactionScopeImpl | |
CDCUnchanger | Used to restore pen, brush and logical-op in a DC back to what they were |
CDecoratedCommand | DecoratedCommand is a decorator for command. It forwards functions to the mCommand it holds |
CDefaultConfigEntry | |
CDefaultedGlobalHook | |
►CDefaultPlaybackPolicy | The PlaybackPolicy used by Audacity for most playback |
CSlotData | |
CDefaultValidator | |
CDemoCommand | An AudacityCommand that does nothing but provide parameters. It is for development purposes |
CDemoDialog | DemoDialog used with DemoCommand |
CDependencyDialog | DependencyDialog shows dependencies of an AudacityProject on AliasedFile s |
CDestroyer | A deleter class to supply the second template parameter of unique_ptr for classes like wxWindow that should be sent a message called Destroy rather than be deleted directly |
CDeviceManager | A singleton that manages the audio devices known to Audacity |
CDevicePrefs | A PrefsPanel used to select recording and playback devices and other settings |
CDeviceSourceMap | |
CDeviceToolBar | A toobar to allow easier changing of input and output devices |
CDiags | Processing of the macros for recording bad events or performance monitoring |
CDialogFactoryResults | |
CDigitInfo | |
CDirectoriesPrefs | A PrefsPanel used to select directories |
►CDistortionBase | A WaveShaper distortion effect |
CInstance | |
CDither | This class implements various functions for dithering and is derived from the dither code in the Ardour project, written by Steve Harris |
CDoubleSetting | Specialization of Setting for double |
CDoubleValidator | Parameter must be a floating-point number |
CDownmixSource | Describes an input source for DownmixStage Decorates an AudioGraph::Source with operations that are necessary to perform down mixing, which are: number of source channels, per-channel gain, channel mapping |
CDownmixStage | Combines multiple audio graph sources into a single source |
CDownwardMeterValueProvider | |
CDragCommand | Command that sets clip information |
►CDtmfBase | |
CInstance | Temporary state of the computation |
CDtmfSettings | |
CDummyFormantShifterLogger | |
CDynamicRangeProcessorClock | A clock that can be paused and resumed |
CDynamicRangeProcessorDummyOutputs | |
►CDynamicRangeProcessorEditor | |
CHistoryPanels | |
►CDynamicRangeProcessorHistory | |
CPacket | |
►CDynamicRangeProcessorHistoryPanel | |
CClockSynchronization | |
CDynamicRangeProcessorOutputPacket | |
CDynamicRangeProcessorParameter | |
CDynamicRangeProcessorParameterAttributes | |
CDynamicRangeProcessorSettings | |
CDynamicRangeProcessorTransferFunctionPanel | |
CEBUR128 | Implements EBU-R128 loudness measurement |
►CEchoBase | |
CInstance | |
CEchoDialog | EchoDialog used with EffectEcho |
CEchoSettings | |
CEditCursorOverlay | |
CEditToolBar | A ToolBar that has the edit buttons on it |
CEffect | Base class for many of the effects in Audacity |
CEffectAmplify | An Effect that makes a sound louder or softer |
►CEffectAndCommandPluginManager | |
CUnsetBatchProcessing | A custom deleter for std::unique_ptr |
CEffectAndDefaultSettings | |
►CEffectAutoDuck | |
CPanel | |
CEffectBase | Base class for many of the effects in Audacity |
►CEffectBassTreble | A high shelf and low shelf filter |
CEditor | |
CEffectChangeSpeed | |
CEffectChangeTempo | A SoundTouchBase provides speeding up or slowing down tempo without changing pitch |
CEffectChirp | |
CEffectClickRemoval | |
CEffectCompressor | |
CEffectDefinitionInterface | EffectDefinitionInterface is a ComponentInterface that adds some basic read-only information about effect properties, and getting and setting of parameters |
CEffectDialog | |
►CEffectDistortion | |
CEditor | |
CEffectDistortionSettings | |
CEffectDistortionState | |
►CEffectDtmf | An effect that generates DTMF tones |
CEditor | |
►CEffectEcho | An Effect that causes an echo, variable delay and volume |
CEditor | |
CEffectEditor | |
CEffectEqualization | An Effect that modifies volume in different frequency bands |
CEffectEqualizationCurve | |
CEffectEqualizationGraphic | |
CEffectFindClipping | |
►CEffectInstance | Performs effect computation |
CMessagePackage | |
CEffectInstanceEx | Performs effect computation |
CEffectInstanceFactory | |
CEffectInstanceWithBlockSize | Inherit to add a state variable to an EffectInstance subclass |
CEffectLegacyCompressor | |
CEffectLegacyCompressorPanel | |
CEffectLimiter | |
CEffectLoudness | |
CEffectManager | EffectManager is the class that handles effects and effect categories |
CEffectNoise | An effect to add white noise |
►CEffectNoiseReduction | |
CDialog | Dialog used with EffectNoiseReduction |
CEffectNormalize | |
CEffectOutputs | Hold values to send to effect output meters |
CEffectOutputTracks | Use this object to copy the input tracks to tentative outputTracks |
CEffectPanel | |
CEffectParameter | |
CEffectParameterMethods | Interface for manipulations of an Effect's settings |
CEffectPaulstretch | |
►CEffectPhaser | |
CEditor | |
CEffectPhaserSettings | |
CEffectPhaserState | |
CEffectPlugin | Factory of instances of an effect |
CEffectPresetsDialog | |
CEffectRepeat | An Effect that repeats audio several times over |
►CEffectReverb | A reverberation effect |
CEditor | |
CEffectsButtonHandle | |
CEffectScienFilter | |
CEffectScienFilterPanel | EffectScienFilterPanel is used with EffectScienFilter and controls a graph for EffectScienFilter |
CEffectSettingChanged | Message sent by EffectEditor when a setting is changed by the user |
CEffectSettings | Externalized state of a plug-in |
►CEffectSettingsAccess | |
CMessage | Type of messages to send from main thread to processing |
CEffectSettingsExtra | Non-polymorphic package of settings values common to many effects |
CEffectSettingsManager | EffectSettingsManager is an EffectDefinitionInterface that adds a factory function for EffectSettings, and const functions for manipulating those settings. This externalizes certain effect state |
CEffectSilence | An effect to add silence |
CEffectsLocationPanel | |
CEffectsPrefs | A PrefsPanel for general GUI preferences |
►CEffectStage | Decorates a source with a non-timewarping effect, which may have latency |
CCreateToken | |
CEffectTimeScale | |
CEffectTone | |
CEffectToneGen | An Effect that can generate a sine, square or sawtooth wave. An extended mode of EffectToneGen supports 'chirps' where the frequency changes smoothly during the tone |
CEffectTruncSilence | |
CEffectTwoPassSimpleMono | An Effect base class that implements a two pass process |
CEffectUIHost | |
CEffectUIServices | |
►CEffectWahwah | An Effect that adds a 'spectral glide' |
CEditor | |
CEffectWahwahSettings | |
CEffectWahwahState | |
CEffectWithSettings | |
CEnumParameter | |
CEnums | |
CEnumSetting | Adapts EnumSettingBase to a particular enumeration type |
CEnumSettingBase | |
CEnumValueSymbols | |
CEnvelope | Piecewise linear or piecewise exponential function from double to double |
CEnvelopeEditor | |
CEnvelopeHandle | |
CEnvPoint | EnvPoint, derived from XMLTagHandler, provides Envelope with a draggable point type |
CEnvSetter | |
CEQCurve | One curve in a list |
CEQCurveReader | Deserializer of curves from XML files |
CEQCurveWriter | Serializer of curves into XML files |
CEQPoint | One point in a curve |
CEqualizationBandSliders | |
►CEqualizationBase | |
CTask | |
CEqualizationCurvesDialog | EqualizationCurvesDialog manages the available preset curves |
CEqualizationCurvesList | Maintains a list of preset curves for Equalization effects |
CEqualizationFilter | |
CEqualizationPanel | EqualizationPanel is used with EqualizationDialog and controls a graph for EffectEqualization. We should look at amalgamating the various graphing code, such as provided by FrequencyPlotDialog and FilterPanel |
CEqualizationParameters | Parameters of the Equalization effects that persist in configuration files |
CEqualizationUI | |
CErrorDialog | Gives an Error message with an option for help |
CErrorReportDialog | A dialog, that has "Send", "Don't send" and help buttons |
CEventMonitor | |
CExpandingToolBar | A smart ToolBar class that has a "MainPanel" which is always displayed, and an "ExtraPanel" that can be hidden to save space |
CExpandingToolBarEvtHandler | A custom event handler for ExpandingToolBar |
CExport | Main class to control the export function |
►CExportAudioDialog | |
CExportSetting | A private class used to store the information needed to do an export |
CExportCL | |
CExportCommand | Command for exporting audio |
CExportDiskFullError | |
CExportErrorException | |
CExportException | |
CExportFFmpeg | Controlling class for FFmpeg exporting. Creates the options dialog of the appropriate type, adds tags and invokes the export function |
CExportFFmpegOptions | Custom FFmpeg export dialog |
CExportFilePanel | |
CExportFLAC | |
CExportMixerDialog | Dialog for advanced mixing |
CExportMixerPanel | Panel that displays mixing for advanced mixing option |
CExportMP2 | |
CExportMP3 | |
CExportOGG | |
CExportOption | A type that provides a description of an exporting option. Isn't allowed to change except non-type related flags |
CExportOptionsCLEditor | |
►CExportOptionsEditor | Editor objects are used to retrieve a set of export options, and configure exporting parameters according the plugin internal logic. Each option is assigned with internal index that should not change |
CListener | Listener object that is used to report on option changes |
CExportOptionsHandler | |
CExportOptionsHandlerEvent | |
CExportOptionsUIServices | |
CExportOpus | |
CExportPCM | |
CExportPlugin | |
CExportPluginHelpers | Utility class that provides helper functions for ExportPlugin |
►CExportPluginRegistry | |
►CConstIterator | |
CProxyPtr | |
CExportPluginRegistryItem | |
CRegisteredPlugin | |
CTraits | |
CExportProcessor | |
CExportProcessorDelegate | |
CExportTaskBuilder | |
CExportUtils | |
CExportWavPack | |
CExposedFormat | Describes export type |
CExtendedCompressorParameter | |
CExtendedLV2FeaturesList | Extends one (immutable) feature list (whose lifetime contains this one's) |
CExtImportItem | |
CExtImportPrefs | A PrefsPanel used to select extended import filter options |
CExtImportPrefsDropTarget | |
CExtTargetFactory | Extended Target Factory with more options |
CFade | |
CFadeIn | |
CFadeOut | |
CFFmpegAPIResolver | |
CFFmpegExporter | Performs actual export |
CFFmpegExportProcessor | |
►CFFmpegFunctions | |
CPrivate | |
CFFmpegImportFileHandle | ! Does actual import, returned by FFmpegImportPlugin::Open |
CFFmpegImportPlugin | An ImportPlugin for FFmpeg data |
CFFmpegLibs | Class used to dynamically load FFmpeg libraries |
CFFmpegLog | |
CFFmpegNotFoundDialog | |
CFFmpegPreset | |
CFFmpegPresets | |
CFFMPegVersion | |
CFFTDeleter | |
CFFTParam | |
Cfifo_t | |
►CFifoBuffer | |
CPage | |
►CFileDialog | Dialog used to present platform specific "Save As" dialog with custom controls |
CDisabler | |
CFileDialogBase | |
CFileDialogWrapper | |
CFileException | Thrown for failure of file or database operations in deeply nested places |
CFileHistory | Similar to wxFileHistory, but customized to our needs |
CFileIO | |
CFileNames | Provides Static functions to yield filenames |
CFilesystemValidator | |
Cfilter_array_t | |
Cfilter_t | |
CFinally | "finally" as in The C++ Programming Language, 4th ed., p. 358 Useful for defining ad-hoc RAII actions. typical usage: auto cleanup = finally([&]{ ... code; ... }); |
CFindClippingBase | Locates clipping and inserts labels when found |
CFindClippingDialog | FindClippingDialog used with EffectFindClipping |
CFindDialog | |
CFindFFmpegDialog | Allows user to locate libav* libraries |
CFLAC__StreamMetadataDeleter | |
CFLACExportProcessor | |
CFLACImportFileHandle | An ImportFileHandle for FLAC data |
CFLACImportPlugin | An ImportPlugin for FLAC data |
CFloatVectorClip | |
CFlowPacker | A cursor for iterating the theme bitmap |
CFormantShifter | |
CFormantShifterLogger | |
CFormantShifterLoggerInterface | |
CFormat | Abstract base class used in importing a file |
CFormatChangedToFitValueMessage | |
►CFormatClassifier | FormatClassifier classifies the sample format and endianness of raw audio files |
CFormatClassT | |
CFormatInfo | |
CFormatMenuTable | |
CFormatterContext | A context in which formatter operates |
►CFrameStatistics | A class to profile TrackPanel painting |
CSection | Profiling section data |
CStopwatch | RAII wrapper used to measure a section time |
CUpdatePublisher | A helper that notifies the view that a specific section has changed |
CFrameStatisticsDialog | A dialog that displays information about time needed to paint the TrackPanel |
Cfreer | |
CFreqGauge | |
CFreqPlot | Works with FrequencyPlotDialog to display a spectrum plot of the waveform. This class actually does the graph display |
CFrequencyPlotDialog | Displays a spectrum plot of the waveform. Has options for selecting parameters of the plot |
CFromCharsResult | Result of the conversion, similar to std::from_chars_result |
CGeneratedUpdater | |
CGenerator | |
CGeometricInputRateTimeWarper | TimeScale - rate varies geometrically with input |
CGeometricInputTimeWarper | |
CGeometricOutputRateTimeWarper | TimeScale - rate varies geometrically with output |
CGeometricOutputTimeWarper | |
CGetInfoCommand | Command which outputs a list of available menu commands on the status channel |
CGetPreferenceCommand | Command for getting the value of a preference |
CGetTrackInfoCommand | Obsolete. GetInfo now does it |
►CGlobalHook | Global function-valued variable, adding a convenient Call() |
CSubstituteInShared | Can generate overriding hooks of shared_ptr factories |
CSubstituteInUnique | Can generate overriding hooks of unique_ptr factories |
CGlobalPrefsDialog | |
►CGlobalVariable | Class template to generate global variables |
Cdummy | |
CInitializer | Can guarantee that the global variable's lifetime encloses those of other objects of static duration |
CScope | RAII guard for temporary installation of a value; movable |
CGrabber | The widget to the left of a ToolBar that allows it to be dragged around to NEW positions |
CGrabberEvent | Grabber Class |
CGraphicsDataCache | |
►CGraphicsDataCacheBase | A base class for the GraphicsDataCache. Implements LRU policy |
CBaseLookupResult | A result of the cache lookup |
CLookupElement | Element of the cache lookup |
CGraphicsDataCacheElementBase | A base class for the for cache elements |
CGraphicsDataCacheIterator | A class that implements an iterator for the cache lookup result |
CGraphicsDataCacheKey | A key into the graphics data cache |
CGrid | Supplies an accessible grid based on wxGrid |
CGrowableSampleBuffer | |
CGUIPrefs | A PrefsPanel for general GUI preferences |
CHeader | A string pair, representing HTTP header |
CHeadersList | A class, representing a list of HTTP headers |
CHelpCommand | Command to get help about other commands |
CHelpSystem | Class which contains static methods and data needed for implementing help buttons |
CHighlitClipButtonHandle | |
CHistoryDialog | Works with UndoManager to allow user to see descriptions of and undo previous commands. Also allows you to selectively clear the undo memory so as to free up space |
CHitTestPreview | |
CHtmlWindow | HtmlWindow Class |
CIdentifier | An explicitly nonlocalized string, not meant for the user to see |
CIdentityTimeWarper | No change to time at all |
CImageRoll | An ImageRoll is an image that can be expanded to an arbitrary size; it is made up of both fixed pieces and repeating pieces |
CImageRollPanel | A wxPanel which displays an ImageRoll |
CImportCommand | Command for importing audio |
►CImporter | Singleton class which actually imports the audio, using ImportPlugin objects that are registered by modules, which in turn are factories of ImportFileHandle |
CImporterItem | |
CRegisteredImportPlugin | |
CRegisteredUnusableImportPlugin | |
CTraits | |
CImportExport | |
►CImportExportPrefs | A PrefsPanel used to select import and export options |
CPopulatorItem | |
►CRegisteredControls | |
CInit | |
CTraits | |
CImportFileHandle | Base class for FlacImportFileHandle, LOFImportFileHandle, MP3ImportFileHandle, OggImportFileHandle and PCMImportFileHandle. Gives API for sound file import |
CImportFileHandleEx | |
CImportPlugin | Base class for FlacImportPlugin, LOFImportPlugin, MP3ImportPlugin, OggImportPlugin and PCMImportPlugin. Gives API for sound file import |
CImportProgressListener | Interface used to report on import state and progress |
CImportRawDialog | ImportRawDialog prompts you with options such as endianness and sample size to help you importing data of an unknown format |
CImportStreamDialog | |
CImportUtils | |
CIncompatiblePluginsDialog | |
CInconsistencyException | Exception that should be impossible in production, thrown only from provably unreachable places |
CInit | |
CInitializeProcessingSettings | |
CInteractiveOutputTargets | InteractiveOutputTargets is an output target that pops up a dialog, if necessary |
CInternat | Internationalisation support |
CIntFormat | |
CIntSetting | Specialization of Setting for int |
CIntValidator | Parameter must be integral |
CInvert | |
CInvisiblePanel | An InvisiblePanel is a panel which does not repaint its own background |
CInvisibleTemporaryProject | Makes a temporary project that doesn't display on the screen |
CIotaRange | |
CIPCChannel | Interface for sending data from client to server or vice versa, complemented by IPCChannelStatusCallback |
CIPCChannelStatusCallback | Interface for listening connection status changes |
►CIPCClient | Simple TCP socket based ipc client. When created attempts to connect to existing server (see IPCServer) |
CImpl | |
CIPCConn | |
CIPCServ | |
►CIPCServer | Simple TCP socket based ipc server. When created server starts to listen for incoming connection (see IPCClient) |
CImpl | |
►CIteratorRange | A convenience for use with range-for |
Cidentity | |
CKeyConfigPrefs | A PrefsPanel for keybindings |
CKeyNode | |
CKeyView | Provides multiple views of keyboard shortcuts |
►CLabelDefaultClickHandle | |
CLabelState | |
CLabelDialog | Dialog for editing labels |
CLabelGlyphHandle | |
►CLabelStruct | A LabelStruct holds information for ONE label in a LabelTrack |
CBadFormatException | |
CLabelTextHandle | |
►CLabelTrack | A LabelTrack is a Track that holds labels (LabelStruct) |
CInterval | |
CLabelTrackControls | |
CLabelTrackEvent | |
CLabelTrackHit | |
CLabelTrackMenuTable | |
►CLabelTrackShifter | |
CMovingInterval | |
►CLabelTrackView | |
CFlags | |
CIndex | |
CLabelTrackVRulerControls | |
CLadspaEditor | |
CLadspaEffect | An Effect that calls up a LADSPA plug in, i.e. many possible effects from this one class |
CLadspaEffectBase | An Effect that calls up a LADSPA plug in, i.e. many possible effects from this one class |
CLadspaEffectMeter | |
CLadspaEffectOptionsDialog | |
CLadspaEffectOutputs | Carry output control port information back to main thread |
CLadspaEffectSettings | |
►CLadspaEffectsModule | |
CFactory | |
CLadspaInstance | |
Clame_global_flags | Struct with zillion of control parameters that control lame export (MP3 Conversion DLL) |
CLangChoiceDialog | A dialog used (at start up) to present the user with a choice of languages for Audacity |
CLegacyCompressorBase | An Effect derived from EffectTwoPassSimpleMono |
►CLibraryPrefs | A PrefsPanel used to select manage external libraries like the MP3 and FFmpeg encoding libraries |
CPopulatorItem | |
►CRegisteredControls | To be statically constructed, it registers additions to the Library preference page |
CInit | |
CTraits | |
CLilv_deleter | Generate deleter classes for smart pointers to lv2 resources |
CLimiterEditor | |
CLimiterSettings | |
CLinearDBFormat | |
CLinearInputInverseRateTimeWarper | TimeScale - inverse rate varies linearly with input |
CLinearInputRateTimeWarper | TimeScale - rate varies linearly with input |
CLinearInputStretchTimeWarper | |
CLinearOutputRateTimeWarper | TimeScale - rate varies linearly with output |
CLinearOutputStretchTimeWarper | |
CLinearTimeWarper | Linear scaling, initialised by giving two points on the line |
CLinearUpdater | |
CLinkingHtmlWindow | An HtmlWindow that handles linked clicked - usually the link will go to our own local copy of the manual, but it could launch a new browser window |
CLispifiedCommandOutputTargets | LispifiedCommandOutputTargets is a CommandOutputTargets that replaces the status message target with the LispyCommandMessageTarget version |
CLispyCommandMessageTarget | LispyCommandMessageTarget is a CommandOutputTarget that provides status in a lispy style |
CListNavigationEnabled | Changes default arrow navigation to behave more list- or table-like. Instead of searching focusable items among children first, list navigation searches for siblings when arrow key is pressed. Tab behaviour stays same. Requires wxWANT_CHARS style flag to be set |
CListNavigationPanel | |
CLocation | Used only by WaveTrack, a special way to hold location that can accommodate merged regions |
CLockFreeQueue | |
CLOFImportFileHandle | An ImportFileHandle for LOF data |
CLOFImportPlugin | An ImportPlugin for LOF data |
CLogarithmicUpdater | |
CLoginDialog | |
CLogWindow | Maintains the unique logging window which displays debug information |
CLongMessageDialog | LongMessageDialog is a dialog with a Text Window in it to capture the more lengthy output from some commands |
CLoudnessBase | An Effect to bring the loudness level up to a chosen level |
CLV2AtomPort | Immutable description of an LV2 Atom port |
CLV2AtomPortState | State of an instance of an LV2 Atom port |
CLV2AudioPort | Immutable description of an LV2 Audio port |
CLV2ControlPort | Immutable description of an LV2 control port |
CLV2ControlPortState | Other UI related state of an instance of an LV2 Control port |
CLV2CVPort | Immutable description of an LV2 CV port (control data signal at sample rate) |
CLV2CVPortState | State of an instance of an LV2 CV port |
►CLV2Editor | |
CPlainUIControl | |
CTimer | This must be destroyed before mSuilInstance |
CUI | |
CLV2Effect | |
CLV2EffectBase | |
CLV2EffectMeter | UI widget that watches a floating point location and then updates a bar |
CLV2EffectOutputs | Carry output control port information back to main thread |
CLV2EffectSettings | Storage locations to be connected to LV2 control ports |
►CLV2EffectsModule | |
CFactory | |
CLV2FeaturesList | |
CLV2FeaturesListBase | |
CLV2Instance | |
►CLV2InstanceFeaturesList | |
CValidatePlugin | Perform extra initialization-time checks |
CLV2Port | Immutable description of an LV2 port |
CLV2Ports | |
CLV2PortStates | |
CLV2PortUIStates | |
CLV2PreferencesDialog | |
►CLV2UIFeaturesList | |
CUIHandler | Abstraction of host services that a plug-ins native UI needs |
►CLV2Wrapper | Manager of a handle to an LV2 plug-in instantiation |
CCreateToken | To compel use of the factory |
CLV2Work | |
CLV2WrapperFeaturesList | |
CLWSlider | Lightweight version of ASlider. In other words it does not have a window permanently associated with it |
CMachineEndianness | |
CMacroCommandDialog | Provides a list of configurable commands for use with MacroCommands |
CMacroCommands | Maintains the list of commands for batch/macro processing. See also MacrosWindow and ApplyMacroDialog |
►CMacroCommandsCatalog | |
CEntry | |
CMacrosWindow | |
Cmad_bitptr | Struct in the MPEG library, used for MP3 compression by MP3Exporter |
Cmad_decoder | Struct in the MPEG library, used for MP3 compression by MP3Exporter |
Cmad_frame | Struct in the MPEG library, used for MP3 compression by MP3Exporter |
Cmad_header | Struct in the MPEG library, used for MP3 compression by MP3Exporter |
Cmad_pcm | Struct in the MPEG library, used for MP3 compression by MP3Exporter |
Cmad_stream | Struct in the MPEG library, used for MP3 compression by MP3Exporter |
Cmad_synth | Struct in the MPEG library, used for MP3 compression by MP3Exporter |
Cmad_timer_t | Struct in the MPEG library, used for MP3 compression by MP3Exporter |
CMatrix | Holds a matrix of doubles and supports arithmetic, subsetting, and matrix inversion. Used by InterpolateAudio |
►CMemoryStream | A low overhead memory stream with O(1) append, low heap fragmentation and a linear memory view |
CChunk | |
CIterator | |
CMenuButtonHandle | |
►CMenuCreator | MenuCreator is responsible for creating the main menu bar |
CSpecialItem | |
CMenuItemEnabler | |
CMenuUpdateMessage | Sent when menus update (such as for changing enablement of items) |
CMessageBoxException | Abstract AudacityException subclass displays a message, specified by further subclass |
CMessageBoxTarget | Displays messages from a command in a BasicUI::MessageBox |
►CMessageBuffer | Communicate data atomically from one writer thread to one reader |
CUpdateSlot | |
CMessageCommand | Command to get a message response. Used for testing, and used internally to create messages for forwarding |
CMessageCommandType | The <something>CommandType classes are classes which are going away. They all provided a BuildSignature (what parameters they accept) and Name, but that is now replaced by the AudacityCommand interface.
CMessageDialogTarget | MessageDialogTarget is a CommandOutputTarget that sends its status to the LongMessageDialog |
CMeter | AudioIO uses this to send sample buffers for real-time display updates |
CMeterBar | A struct used by MeterPanel to hold the position of one bar |
►CMeterPanel | MeterPanel is a panel that paints the meter used for monitoring or playback |
CState | |
►CMeterPanelBase | Inherits wxPanel and has a Meter; exposes shared_ptr to the Meter |
CForwarder | |
CResetter | |
CMeterToolBar | A ToolBar that holds the VU Meter |
CMeterUpdateMsg | Message used to update the MeterPanel |
CMeterUpdateQueue | Queue of MeterUpdateMsg used to feed the MeterPanel |
CMeterValueProvider | |
CMeterValues | |
CMidiIOPrefs | A PrefsPanel used to select recording and playback devices and other settings |
CMIDIPlay | Callbacks that AudioIO uses, to synchronize audio and MIDI playback |
CMinimizeButtonHandle | |
CMinMaxRMS | |
CMissingPluginsErrorDialog | An error dialog about missing plugins |
►CMixer | Functions for doing the mixdown of the tracks |
CInput | |
CMixerBoard | |
CMixerBoardFrame | |
CMixerBoardScrolledWindow | |
CMixerSource | |
CMixerTrackCluster | |
CMixerTrackSlider | |
CMockAudioSegmentFactory | |
CMockPlayableSequence | |
CMockSampleBlock | |
CMockSampleBlockFactory | |
CModifiedAnalysisTrack | |
CModNullCallback | ModNullCallback is a class containing all the callback functions for this demonstartion module. These functions are added into the standard Audacity Project Menus |
CModNullCommandFunctor | We create one of these functors for each menu item or command which we register with the Command Manager. These take the click from the menu into the actual function to be called |
CModule | |
CModuleManager | |
CModulePrefs | A PrefsPanel to enable/disable certain modules. 'Modules' are dynamically linked libraries that modify Audacity. They are plug-ins with names like mod-script-pipe that add NEW features |
CModuleSettingsResetHandler | |
CMovableControl | |
CMovableControlEvent | |
CMP2Exporter | Class used to export MP2 files |
CMP2ExportOptionsEditor | |
CMP2ExportProcessor | |
CMP3Exporter | Class used to export MP3 files |
CMP3ExportOptionsEditor | |
CMP3ExportProcessor | |
CMultiDialog | A dialog presenting an exclusive, multiple choice, help button, and log info |
CMultiFormatReader | MultiFormatReader reads raw audio files in different formats and machine endianness representations |
CMusicalInstrument | |
CMuteButtonHandle | |
CMyFLACFile | |
►CMyTransformer | |
CMyWindow | |
CNativeWindow | |
CNetworkManager | Class for performing HTTP requests |
CNiceAudioSegment | |
CNoiseBase | |
►CNoiseReductionBase | A two-pass effect to reduce background noise |
CSettings | |
CStatistics | |
CWorker | |
CNonInterfering | |
CNonKeystrokeInterceptingWindow | |
CNormalizeBase | An Effect to bring the peak level up to a chosen level |
CNormalizedKeyString | |
►CNoteTrack | A Track that is used for Midi notes. (Somewhat old code) |
CInterval | |
CNoteTrackAffordanceControls | |
CNoteTrackAffordanceHandle | |
CNoteTrackAttachment | |
CNoteTrackButtonHandle | |
CNoteTrackControls | |
CNoteTrackDisplayData | Temporary data used to display a note track |
CNoteTrackMenuTable | |
CNoteTrackRange | Persistent data for display of a note track |
CNoteTrackShifter | |
CNoteTrackTCPLines | |
CNoteTrackView | |
CNoteTrackVRulerControls | |
CNoteTrackVRulerMenuTable | |
CNoteTrackVZoomHandle | |
CNotifyingSelectedRegion | |
CNotifyingSelectedRegionMessage | |
CNoUpdatesAvailableDialog | Information dialog about no updates available, that allows to navigate to settings quickly |
CNullMessageTarget | Used to ignore a command's message updates |
CNullProgressTarget | Used to ignore a command's progress updates |
CNumberFormatter | |
CNumberIterator | |
►CNumberScale | |
CIterator | |
CNumericConverter | NumericConverter provides the advanced formatting control used in the selection bar of Audacity |
CNumericConverterFormatChangedMessage | |
►CNumericConverterFormatter | |
CConversionResult | |
CNumericConverterFormatterFactory | |
CNumericConverterRegistry | |
CNumericConverterRegistryGroup | |
CNumericConverterRegistryGroupData | |
CNumericConverterRegistryItem | |
CNumericConverterRegistrySuperGroup | |
CNumericConverterRegistryTraits | |
CNumericEditor | WxGridCellEditor for the NumericTextCtrl |
CNumericField | |
CNumericRenderer | WxGridCellRenderer for the NumericTextCtrl |
►CNumericTextCtrl | |
CFieldPosition | |
COptions | |
CNyqBench | |
CNyqControl | A control on a NyquistDialog |
CNyqRedirector | |
CNyqTextCtrl | |
►CNyquistBase | An Effect that calls up a Nyquist (XLISP) plug-in, i.e. many possible effects from this one class |
CExecFromMainHook | |
CGetDisplaysHook | |
CGetEffectHook | |
CNyxContext | |
CShowDebugOutputHook | |
CTokenizer | |
CYieldIfNeededHook | |
CNyquistEffect | |
CNyquistEffectsModule | |
CNyquistOutputDialog | Dialog used with NyquistBase |
CNyquistSettings | |
COGGExportProcessor | |
COggImportFileHandle | |
COggImportPlugin | |
COGGImportPlugin | An ImportPlugin for OGG data |
COldStyleCommand | Abstract base class for command interface. This is the version created by Dan Horgan. It was previously a factory for other command classes. It created a separation between the type of a command and the command itself, which is being removed. These Commands were managed by CommandDirectory |
COldStyleCommandPointer | OldStyleCommandPointer is a unique_ptr to an OldStyleCommand |
COldStyleCommandType | Base class for containing data common to all commands of a given type. Also acts as a factory |
Cone_pole_t | |
COpenProjectCommand | Command for opening an Audacity project |
COptionValidator | Parameter must be one of the defined options |
►COpusExportProcessor | |
COggPacket | |
COpusImportFileHandle | |
COpusImportPlugin | |
COtherPlayableSequence | This is defined just to enable dynamic_cast on it |
COverlay | |
COverlayPanel | |
CPackedArray_t | |
CPanSliderHandle | |
CPasteTimeWarper | Unit slope but with either a jump (pasting more) or a flat interval (pasting less) |
CPaulStretch | Class that helps EffectPaulStretch. It does the FFTs and inner loop of the effect |
CPaulstretchBase | An Extreme Time Stretch and Time Smear effect |
CPCMExportProcessor | |
CPCMImportFileHandle | An ImportFileHandle for PCM data |
CPCMImportPlugin | An ImportPlugin for PCM data |
CPendingTracks | |
►CPerTrackEffect | Base class for many of the effects in Audacity |
CInstance | |
CPffftAlignedCount | |
►CPffftAllocator | Aligned memory is required by pffft, so this defines an allocator |
Crebind | |
CPffftAllocatorBase | |
CPffftConstFloats | A read-only pointer to an aligned range of floats |
CPffftFloats | A pointer to an aligned range of floats |
CPffftFloatVector | A vector of floats guaranteeing alignment as demanded by pffft |
CPffftSetupDeleter | |
►CPhaserBase | An Effect that changes frequencies in a time varying manner |
CInstance | |
►CPitchAndSpeedDialog | |
CPitchShift | |
CStrongTarget | |
CPitchAndSpeedPresetChange | |
►CPixelSampleMapper | Utility class to calculate sample range for a given column |
CLinearMapper | |
►CPlainExportOptionsEditor | |
COptionDesc | |
CPlatformCompatibility | Filename Compatibility utilities |
CPlayableSequence | |
CPlayableTrack | AudioTrack subclass that can also be audibly replayed by the program |
CPlayableTrackControls | |
►CPlaybackPolicy | Directs which parts of tracks to fetch for playback |
CBufferTimes | Times are in seconds |
CPlaybackPrefs | A PrefsPanel used to select playback options |
►CPlaybackSchedule | |
►CTimeQueue | |
►CNode | |
CRecord | |
CPlaybackSlice | Describes an amount of contiguous (but maybe time-warped) data to be extracted from tracks to play |
CPlayIndicatorOverlay | |
CPlayIndicatorOverlayBase | |
CPlayRegion | |
CPlayRegionMessage | |
CPlotSpectrumBase | |
CPluginDataModel | !brief A plugins list model that can be attached to wxDataViewCtrl |
CPluginDataViewCtrl | |
CPluginDataViewRenderer | |
CPluginDataViewStateRenderer | |
CPluginDataViewTextRenderer | |
CPluginDescriptor | |
CPluginHost | Internal class, processes plugin validation requests from the main app. Request is a simple string formatted by detail::MakeRequestString. After connection is established host starts to wait for a request from server. Once request is successfully processed host sends a reply. Host is capable to handle only one request at a time, so it's not allowed to send another request until host hasn't finish processing previous request |
CPluginHostModule | |
►CPluginManager | PluginManager maintains a list of all plug ins. That covers modules, effects, generators, analysis-effects, commands. It also has functions for shared and private configs - which need to move out |
CIterator | |
CRange | |
CPluginManagerInterface | |
►CPluginProvider | |
CValidator | |
CPluginProviderUniqueHandle | |
CPluginRegistrationDialog | |
CPluginsChangedMessage | |
CPluginStartupRegistration | |
CPopupMenu | |
CPopupMenuHandler | |
CPopupMenuSection | |
►CPopupMenuTable | |
CAttachedItem | |
CPopupMenuTableEntry | |
CPopupMenuTableTraits | |
CPopupSubMenu | |
CPowerSpectrumGetter | Much faster that FFT.h's PowerSpectrum , at least in Short-Time Fourier Transform-like situations, where many power spectra of the same size are needed. Currently only power spectrum, but may be generalized to other uses |
CPreferenceInitializer | |
►CPreferencesResetHandler | Allows custom logic for preferences reset event |
CRegistration | Performs single-time global handler registration |
CPrefsDialog | Dialog that shows the current PrefsPanel in a tabbed divider |
►CPrefsListener | A listener notified of changes in preferences |
CImpl | |
CPrefsListenerDummy | |
►CPrefsPanel | Base class for a panel in the PrefsDialog. Classes derived from this class include BatchPrefs, DirectoriesPrefs, GUIPrefs, KeyConfigPrefs, MousePrefs, QualityPrefs, SpectrumPrefs and ThemePrefs |
CPrefsItem | |
CPrefsNode | |
CRegistration | |
CTraits | |
CPresetsBufferStream | |
CProfiler | A simple profiler to measure the average time lengths that a particular task/function takes. Currently not thread-safe and not thread-smart, but it will probably work fine if you use it on a high level |
CProgressDialog | ProgressDialog Class |
CProgressToMessageTarget | ProgressToMessageTarget formats the percentage complete text as a message and sends it to that message target |
►CProjectAudioIO | |
CDefaultOptions | |
CProjectAudioManager | |
CProjectEffectListDelegate | |
►CProjectFileIO | Object associated with a project that manages reading and writing of Audacity project file formats, and autosave |
CBackupProject | |
CTentativeConnection | |
CProjectFileIOExtension | Set of hooks for project file I/O |
►CProjectFileIOExtensionRegistry | Extension registry for project file I/O extensions |
CExtension | |
►CProjectFileManager | |
CReadProjectResults | |
CProjectFormatVersion | A structure that holds the project version |
►CProjectHistory | |
CAutoSave | |
►CProjectManager | Object associated with a project for high-level management of the project's lifetime, including creation, destruction, opening from file, importing, pushing undo states, and reverting to saved states |
CProjectChooser | Callable object that supplies the chooser argument of ProjectFileManager::OpenFile |
CProjectNumericFormats | |
CProjectNumericFormatsEvent | |
CProjectRate | Holds project sample rate |
CProjectSelectionManager | This object is useful mostly as an observer of others in the project |
CProjectSerializer | Class used to (de)serialize the project catalog |
CProjectSettings | Holds various per-project settings values, and sends events to the project when certain values change |
CProjectSettingsEvent | |
CProjectSnap | Project snapping settings |
►CProjectStatus | |
CDefaultFieldsRegistrator | |
CProjectStatusTextField | |
CRegisteredStatusWidthFunction | |
CProjectStatusFieldsRegistry | Registry of status bar fields |
CProjectTempoListener | |
►CProjectTimeRuler | |
CImpl | |
CProjectTimeSignature | |
►CProjectWindow | A top-level window associated with a project, and handling scrollbars and zooming |
CPlaybackScroller | |
CPlaybackScrollerMessage | |
CProjectWindowBase | A top-level window associated with a project |
CProjectWindowDestroyedMessage | Message sent when the project window is closed |
CPropertiesOfSelected | |
CQualityPrefs | A PrefsPanel used for setting audio quality |
CRangeValidator | Parameter must lie between the two given numbers |
CRateMenuTable | |
CRcOverride | |
CReadOnlyText | |
CRealFormat | |
CRealtimeEffectList | |
CRealtimeEffectListMessage | |
CRealtimeEffectListWindow | |
CRealtimeEffectManager | |
CRealtimeEffectManagerMessage | Posted when effect is being added or removed to/from channel group or project |
►CRealtimeEffectPanel | UI Panel that displays realtime effects from the effect stack of an individual track, provides controls for accessing effect settings, stack manipulation (reorder, add, remove) |
CPrefsListenerHelper | |
►CRealtimeEffectState | |
CAccess | Main thread's interface to inter-thread communication of changes of settings |
►CAccessState | Mediator of two-way inter-thread communication of changes of settings |
CCounterAndOutputs | |
►CFromMainSlot | |
CMessage | |
CReader | |
CShortMessage | |
►CToMainSlot | |
CReader | |
CEffectFactory | |
CResponse | |
CSettingsAndCounter | |
CRealtimeEffectStateUI | UI state for realtime effect |
CRecordableSequence | |
CRecordingDropoutEvent | Notification, after recording has stopped, when dropouts have been detected |
CRecordingPrefs | A PrefsPanel used to select recording options |
CRecordingSchedule | |
CRegionList | |
CRegionTimeWarper | No change before the specified region; during the region, warp according to the given warper; after the region, constant shift so as to match at the end of the warped region |
CRegisteredMenuItemEnabler | |
CRegisteredToolbarFactory | |
CRegistrar | Base class for registration callback. Audacity will call providers RegisterNameOfThing() functions with an &Registrar as the argument. RegisterNameOfThing() is then responsible for calling the appropriate callback functions |
CRegistryKey | |
CRepair | |
CRepeatBase | |
CRepeatDialog | Dialog used with EffectRepeat |
CRequest | Class to construct the HTTP request |
CResample | Interface to libsoxr |
CResampleBuf | |
CReservedCommandFlag | |
CResponse | Stores a command response string (and other response data if it becomes necessary) |
CResponseQueue | Allow messages to be sent from the main thread to the script thread |
CResponseTarget | Constructs a response (to be sent back to a script) |
CRestoreValue | Structure used by ValueRestorer |
CReverb_priv_ex | |
CReverb_priv_t | |
Creverb_t | |
►CReverbBase | |
CInstance | |
CReverbSettings | |
CReverbState | |
CReverse | |
CRingBuffer | Holds streamed audio samples |
CRowConv | |
CRowData | |
►CRuler | Used to display a Ruler |
CCache | |
CTickLengths | |
CRulerFormat | |
CRulerInvalidatedMessage | |
►CRulerPanel | RulerPanel class allows you to work with a Ruler like any other wxWindow |
COptions | |
►CRulerStruct | |
CFonts | |
►CRulerUpdater | Used to update a Ruler |
CLabel | An array of these created by the Updater is used to determine what and where text annotations to the numbers on the Ruler get drawn |
CTickOutputs | |
CTickSizes | |
CUpdateOutputs | |
CSampleBlock | Abstract class allows access to contents of a block of sound samples, serialization as XML, and reference count management that can suppress reclamation of its storage |
CSampleBlockCreateMessage | |
►CSampleBlockFactory | Abstract base class with methods to produce SampleBlock objects |
CFactory | Global factory of per-project factories of sample blocks |
CSampleBuffer | |
CsampleCount | Positions or offsets within audio files need a wide type |
CSampleFormats | Two sample formats, remembering format of original source and describing stored format |
CSampleHandle | |
CSampleTrack | |
CSashLine | |
CSaveCopyCommand | Command for saving a copy of currently project |
CSaveLogCommand | Command for saving the log contents |
CSaveProjectCommand | Command for saving an Audacity project |
CSBSMSBase | |
CSBSMSEffectInterface | |
CScienFilterBase | An Effect that applies 'classical' IIR filters |
CScopedHorizontalLay | |
CScopedInvisiblePanel | |
CScopedSizer | |
CScopedStatic | |
CScopedVerticalLay | |
CScoreAlignDialog | ScoreAlignDialog is \TODO |
CScriptCommandRelay | ScriptCommandRelay is just a way to move some of the scripting-specific code out of ModuleManager |
►CScrubber | |
CScrubPoller | |
CScrubbingOptions | |
CScrubbingOverlay | |
CScrubbingPlaybackPolicy | |
CScrubForwarder | |
CScrubState | |
CSelectCommand | Command for changing time, frequency and track selection. This class is a little baroque, as it uses the SelectTimeCommand, SelectFrequenciesCommand and SelectTracksCommand, when it could just explicitly code all three |
CSelectedRegion | Defines a selected portion of a project |
CSelectFrequenciesCommand | Command for changing the frequency selection |
►CSelectHandle | |
CTimerHandler | |
CSelectionBar | (not quite a Toolbar) at foot of screen for setting and viewing the selection range |
CSelectionBarListener | |
CSelectionState | |
CSelectionStateChanger | |
CSelectTimeCommand | Command for changing the time selection |
CSelectTracksCommand | Command for changing the selection of tracks |
CSeqBlock | Data structure containing pointer to a sample block and a start time. Element of a BlockArray |
CSequence | A WaveTrack contains WaveClip(s). A WaveClip contains a Sequence. A Sequence is primarily an interface to an array of SeqBlock instances, corresponding to the audio sample blocks in the database. Contrast with RingBuffer |
CSequenceDownmixSource | |
CSetClipCommand | Command that sets clip information |
CSetEnvelopeCommand | Command that sets envelope information |
CSetLabelCommand | Command that sets label information |
CSetPreferenceCommand | Command for setting a preference to a given value |
CSetProjectCommand | Command that sets project information |
CSetting | |
CSettingBase | Base class for settings objects. It holds a configuration key path |
CSettingPath | |
CSettings | |
CSettingScope | Makes temporary changes to preferences, then rolls them back at destruction |
CSettingsVisitorBase | Visitor of effect or command parameters. This is a base class with lots of virtual functions that do nothing by default. Unrelated to class Shuttle |
CSettingsWX | |
CSettingTransaction | Extend SettingScope with Commit() which flushes updates in a batch |
CSetTrackAudioCommand | A SetTrackBase that sets pan, volume, mute and solo |
CSetTrackBase | Base class for the various track modifying command classes, that loops over selected tracks. Subclasses override ApplyInner() to change one track |
CSetTrackCommand | A SetTrackBase that combines SetTrackStatusCommand, SetTrackAudioConmmand and SetTrackVisualsCommand |
CSetTrackNameCommand | |
CSetTrackStatusCommand | A SetTrackBase that sets name, selected and focus |
CSetTrackVisualsCommand | A SetTrackBase that sets appearance of a track |
CSetWaveClipNameCommand | |
CSFFile | |
CSFFileCloser | |
CSharedNonInterfering | Workaround for std::make_shared not working on macOs with over-alignment |
CShiftTimeWarper | Behaves like another, given TimeWarper, except shifted by a fixed amount |
CShuttleDefaults | SettingsVisitor that sets parameters to their default values |
CShuttleGetAutomation | SettingsVisitor that gets parameter values into a string |
CShuttleGetDefinition | SettingsVisitor that retrieves a JSON format definition of a command's parameters |
CShuttleGui | Derived from ShuttleGuiBase, an Audacity specific class for shuttling data to and from GUI |
►CShuttleGuiBase | Base class for shuttling data to and from a GUI |
CListControlColumn | |
CShuttlePrefs | A kind of Shuttle to exchange data with preferences e.g. the registry |
CShuttleSetAutomation | SettingsVisitor that sets parameters to a value (from a string) |
CSilenceBase | An effect to add silence |
CSilenceSegment | |
CSimpleDonwmixSource | |
CSimpleEffectSettingsAccess | Implementation of EffectSettings for cases where there is only one thread |
CSimpleGuard | A default template parameter for GuardedCall<R> |
CSimpleGuard< bool > | Specialization of SimpleGuard, also defining a default value |
CSimpleGuard< void > | Specialization of SimpleGuard, also defining a default value |
CSimpleMessageBoxException | A MessageBoxException that shows a given, unvarying string |
CSinCosStruct | |
CSinCosTable | |
CSingleInputParameterValue | |
CSliderDialog | Pop up dialog used with an LWSlider |
CSliderHandle | |
CSnapChangedMessage | |
CSnapFunctionsRegistry | |
CSnapFunctionSuperGroup | |
CSnapManager | |
CSnappingToolBar | |
CSnapPoint | |
CSnapRegistryGroup | |
CSnapRegistryGroupData | |
CSnapRegistryItem | |
CSnapRegistryTraits | |
CSnapResult | |
CSnapResults | |
Csocket_guard | RAII-style socket wrapper. Since socket is closed on wrapper destruction, initializing multiple guards with same(valid) socket descriptor is considered UB. For same reason wrapper isn't copyable |
CSoloButtonHandle | |
CSoundActivatedRecordDialog | Configures sound activated recording |
CSourceOutputStream | Helper class based on wxOutputStream used to get a png file in text format |
Csoxr_deleter | |
CSpecCache | |
CSpecPowerCalculation | SpecPowerCalculation is a simple spectral power level meter |
CSpecPxCache | |
CSpectralData | |
CSpectralDataDialog | Provides UI for spectral editing and parameters adjustments |
►CSpectralDataManager | Performs the calculation for spectral editing |
CSetting | |
►CWorker | |
CMyWindow | |
CSpectralSelectionBar | (not quite a Toolbar) at foot of screen for setting and viewing the frequency selection range |
CSpectralSelectionBarListener | |
CSpectrogramBounds | |
►CSpectrogramSettings | Spectrogram settings, either for one track or as defaults |
CColorSchemeEnumSetting | |
CGlobals | |
CSpectrumAnalyst | Used for finding the peaks, for snapping to peaks |
CSpectrumPrefs | A PrefsPanel for spectrum settings |
►CSpectrumTransformer | A class that transforms a portion of a wave track (preserving duration) by applying Fourier transform, then modifying coefficients, then inverse Fourier transform and overlap-add to reconstruct |
CWindow | Derive this class to add information to the queue |
►CSpectrumView | |
CSpectralDataSaver | |
CSpectrumVRulerControls | |
CSpectrumVRulerMenuTable | |
CSpectrumVZoomHandle | |
CSpeedChangeMessage | |
CSpinControl | |
Cspinlock | Intended for locking of resources that are only lightly contended and locked for very short times, can be used with std::lock_guard |
CSQLiteBlobStream | |
CSqliteSampleBlock | Implementation of SampleBlock using Sqlite database |
CSqliteSampleBlockFactory | Implementation of SampleBlockFactory using Sqlite database |
CStaffPadTimeAndPitch | |
CState | |
►CStatefulEffect | |
CInstance | |
►CStatefulEffectBase | |
CInstance | Calls through to members of StatefulEffectBase |
CStatefulEffectUIServices | |
►CStatefulPerTrackEffect | Base class for many of the effects in Audacity |
CInstance | |
CStatelessEffectUIServices | |
CStatelessPerTrackEffect | Simply the union of PerTrackEffect and StatelessEffectUIServices |
CStatusBarFieldItem | Abstract base class for status bar fields |
CStatusBarFieldRegistryTraits | |
CStatusBarTarget | Displays messages from a command in a wxStatusBar |
CStereoToMono | |
►CStickySetting | |
CResetHandler | |
CStreamContext | |
►CStretchHandle | |
CStretchState | |
CStretchingSequence | |
CStretchRatioChange | |
CStringifyable | |
CStringSetting | Specialization of Setting for strings |
CSubViewAdjuster | |
CSubViewAdjustHandle | |
CSubViewCloseHandle | |
CSubViewRearrangeHandle | |
CSyncLock | |
CSyncLockChangeMessage | Sent after sync lock setting changes, with its new state |
CSyncLockState | |
Ct_diag_struct | |
CTaggedIdentifier | Template generates different TaggedIdentifier classes that don't interconvert implicitly |
CTags | ID3 Tags (for MP3) |
CTagsEditorDialog | Derived from ExpandingToolBar, this dialog allows editing of Tags |
CTargetFactory | TargetFactory makes Command output targets. By default, we ignore progress updates but display all other messages directly |
CTaskProfile | Simple class to keep track of one task that may be called multiple times |
CTD | |
CTemporarySelection | |
►CTester | Parameterize for the type of visitor return |
CCopyOnly | |
CX | |
CY | Structure can specialize with only a non-const member function |
CZ | Structure always with a const member function |
CTestVariant | |
CTestVisitor | |
CTestWaveClipMaker | |
CTestWaveTrackMaker | |
CTextEditDelegate | |
CTextEditHelper | |
CTheme | Based on ThemeBase, Theme manages image and icon resources |
►CThemeBase | Theme management - Image loading and saving |
CRegisteredTheme | |
CThemeChangeMessage | |
CThemedAButtonWrapper | |
CThemedButtonWrapper | |
CThemedWindowWrapper | |
CThemePrefs | A PrefsPanel that configures dynamic loading of Theme icons and colours |
CThemeSet | |
CTimeAndPitchFakeSource | |
►CTimeAndPitchInterface | |
CParameters | |
CTimeAndPitchRealSource | |
CTimeAndPitchSource | |
CTimeDialog | Dialog used to request a time value |
CTimeDisplayModeSetting | |
CTimeFormat | |
CTimerProgressDialog | |
CTimerRecordDialog | Dialog for Timer Record, i.e., timed or long recording |
CTimerRecordExportDialog | |
CTimeScaleBase | An TimeScaleBase does high quality sliding time scaling/pitch shifting |
CTimeShiftHandle | |
CTimeSignatureChangedMessage | |
CTimeSignatureToolBar | |
CTimeToolBar | |
CTimeToolBarListener | |
CTimeTrack | A kind of Track used to 'warp time' |
CTimeTrackControls | |
CTimeTrackMenuTable | |
CTimeTrackView | |
CTimeTrackVRulerControls | |
CTimeTrackVZoomHandle | |
CTimeWarper | Transforms one point in time to another point. For example, a time stretching effect might use one to keep track of what happens to labels and split points in the input |
CTipWindow | A wxPopupWindow used to give the numerical value of an LWSlider or ASlider |
CTitleRestorer | |
CToCharsResult | Result of the conversion, similar to std::to_chars_result |
CToneGenBase | An Effect that can generate a sine, square or sawtooth wave. An extended mode of ToneGenBase supports 'chirps' where the frequency changes smoothly during the tone |
CToolBar | Works with ToolManager and ToolDock to provide a dockable window in which buttons can be placed |
CToolBarArea | An alternative to ToolBarFrame which can contain an ExpandingToolBar. ToolBarArea is used for a 'docked' ToolBar, ToolBarFrame for a floating one |
CToolBarArrangement | Small class that holds some layout information for an ExpandingToolBar |
►CToolBarButtons | |
CEntry | |
►CToolBarConfiguration | |
►CIterator | |
CTriple | |
CLegacy | |
CPlace | |
CPosition | |
CTree | |
CToolBarDialog | A dialog based container for ExpandingToolBars providing modal based operations |
CToolBarFrame | A miniframe based container for ExpandingToolBars providing modeless presentation |
CToolBarGrabber | Draws the grabber for an ExpandingToolBar |
CToolBarResizer | WxWindow that provides the resizer for a toolbar on the right hand side. Responsible for drawing the resizer appearance, resizing mouse events and constraining the resizing |
►CToolDock | A dynamic panel where a ToolBar can be docked |
CLayoutVisitor | |
CToolFrame | Class ToolFrame |
►CToolManager | Class ToolManager |
CTopPanelHook | |
CToolsToolBar | A kind of ToolBar with Tools on it |
CTopLevelKeystrokeHandlingWindow | |
►CTrack | Abstract base class for an object holding data associated with points on a time axis |
CDuplicateOptions | Choices when duplicating a track |
CProtectedCreationArg | Empty argument passed to some public constructors |
CTypeInfo | |
CTypeNames | Names of a track type for various purposes |
CTrackArtist | This class handles the actual rendering of WaveTracks (both waveforms and spectra), NoteTracks, LabelTracks and TimeTracks |
CTrackAttachment | |
CTrackControls | |
CTrackEffectListUIDelegate | |
CTrackFocus | |
CTrackFocusCallbacks | A façade hiding platform-specific accessibility API |
CTrackFocusChangeMessage | |
CTrackId | An in-session identifier of track objects across undo states. It does not persist between sessions |
CTrackIter | Iterator over only members of a TrackList of the specified subtype, optionally filtered by a predicate; past-end value dereferenceable, to nullptr |
CTrackIterRange | Range between two TrackIters, usable in range-for statements, and with Visit member functions |
CTrackList | A flat linked list of tracks supporting Add, Remove, Clear, and Contains, serialization of the list of tracks, event notifications |
CTrackListEvent | Notification of changes in individual tracks of TrackList, or of TrackList's composition |
CTrackMenuTable | |
►CTrackPanel | Coordinates updates and operations on the main part of the screen which contains multiple tracks |
CAudacityTimer | Timer class dedicated to informing the TrackPanel that it is time to refresh some aspect of the screen |
►CTrackPanelAx | Helper to TrackPanel to give accessibility |
CAdapter | |
CTrackPanelCell | |
CTrackPanelDrawable | Drawing interface common to cells, groups of cells, and temporary handles in CellularPanel |
CTrackPanelDrawingContext | |
CTrackPanelGroup | |
CTrackPanelMouseEvent | |
CTrackPanelMouseState | |
CTrackPanelNode | The TrackPanel is built up of nodes, subtrees of the CellularPanel's area Common base class for TrackPanelCell (leaf) and TrackPanelGroup (nonleaf) |
CTrackPanelResizeHandle | Constructed from one channel, but changes height of all channels in a track |
CTrackPanelResizerCell | |
CTracksBehaviorsPrefs | A PrefsPanel for Tracks Behaviors settings |
CTrackSelectHandle | |
►CTrackShifter | Abstract base class for policies to manipulate a track type for Time Shift |
CHitTestParams | Optional, more complete information for hit testing |
CTimeInterval | A simple time interval |
CTrackSpectrumTransformer | Subclass of SpectrumTransformer that rewrites a track |
CTracksPrefs | A PrefsPanel for track display and behavior properties |
CTracksViewModeEnumSetting | |
CTransactionalSettingBase | |
►CTransactionScope | RAII for a database transaction, possibly nested |
CFactory | Type of function supplying implementation of steps |
CTransactionScopeImpl | Abstract base class for implementation of steps of TransactionScope |
CTranscriptionToolBar | A kind of ToolBar used to help with analysing voice recordings |
►CTranslatableString | Holds a msgid for the translation catalog; may also bind format arguments |
CPluralTemp | |
CTransportSequences | |
CTransportUtilities | |
CTriplet | |
CTruncSilenceBase | Truncate Silence automatically reduces the length of passages where the volume is below a set threshold level |
CUIHandle | Short-lived drawing and event-handling object associated with a TrackPanelCell |
CUnbypassed | |
CUndoManager | Maintain a non-persistent list of states of the project, to support undo and redo commands |
►CUndoRedoExtensionRegistry | |
CEntry | Typically statically constructed |
CUndoRedoMessage | Type of message published by UndoManager |
CUndoStackElem | Holds one item with description and time range for the UndoManager |
CUndoState | |
CUndoStateExtension | Base class for extra information attached to undo/redo states |
CUniqueChannelTrack | Generates overrides of channel-related functions |
CUnusableImportPlugin | Used in place of a real plug in for plug ins that have not been compiled or are not available in this version of Audacity. Has enough information to identify the file extensions that would be used, but little else |
CUnwritableLocationErrorDialog | An error dialog about unwritable location, that allows to navigate to settings quickly |
CUpdateDataParser | A class that parses update server data format |
CUpdateManager | A class that managing of updates |
CUpdateNoticeDialog | Dialog, that notifies the users about automatic updates checking |
CUpdatePopupDialog | Show dialog window with update information for the user |
CUpwardMeterValueProvider | |
CUriFields | |
CURLschemeHandlerMessage | A message that is invoked when a custom-scheme URL is passed to Audacity |
CURLSchemesRegistry | |
CUserException | Can be thrown when user cancels operations, as with a progress dialog. Delayed handler does nothing |
CUuid | Platform independent class for generating and parsing UUIDs |
CValidator | A Validator is an object which checks whether a wxVariant satisfies a certain criterion. This is a base validator which allows anything |
CValueIterator | A convenience for defining iterators that return rvalue types, so that they cooperate correctly with stl algorithms and std::reverse_iterator |
CValueRestorer | Set a variable temporarily in a scope |
CValueType | |
CVampEffect | |
CVampEffectsModule | |
CVector | Holds a matrix of doubles and supports arithmetic operations, including Vector-Matrix operations. Used by InterpolateAudio |
CVelocitySliderHandle | |
CVersionId | A class, that supports base manipulation with version number |
CVersionPatch | A structure that describes patch fields |
►CViewInfo | |
CProjectFileIORegistration | Construct once at static initialization time to hook project file IO |
CViewport | |
CViewportCallbacks | A callback facade hiding GUI toolkit details |
CViewportMessage | |
CVoiceKey | This implements a voice key, detecting either the next "ON" or "OFF" point |
CVolumeSliderHandle | |
CVST3Editor | |
CVST3Effect | Objects of this class connect Audacity with VST3 effects |
CVST3EffectBase | Objects of this class connect Audacity with VST3 effects |
►CVST3EffectsModule | VST3Effect factory |
CFactory | |
CVST3Instance | |
CVST3OptionsDialog | |
CVST3ParameterControl | |
CVST3ParametersWindow | "Plain" plugin UI, contains a list of parameter controls and values |
CVST3PluginTraverser | |
CVST3PluginValidator | |
CVST3Utils | Provides a set of useful functions, used across the Audacity VST3 module |
►CVST3Wrapper | |
CFactoryPresetDesc | |
►CVSTControl | |
CImpl | |
CVSTControlBase | |
CVSTControlImpl | |
CVSTEditor | |
CVSTEffect | |
CVSTEffectBase | |
CVSTEffectOptionsDialog | |
►CVSTEffectsModule | |
CFactory | |
CVstEvent | |
CVstEvents | |
CVSTInstance | |
CVSTLink | |
CVSTMessage | |
CVstMidiEvent | |
CVstParameterProperties | |
CVstPatchChunkInfo | |
CVstRect | |
CVSTSettings | |
CVstTimeInfo | |
CVSTTimer | |
CVSTUIWrapper | |
►CVSTWrapper | |
CParameterInfo | |
CResourceHandle | |
CWahwahBase | An Effect that adds a 'spectral glide' |
►CWahWahBase | |
CInstance | |
CWarningDialog | Gives a warning message, that can be dismissed, with crucially the ability to not see similar warnings again for this session |
►CWaveBitmapCache | Cache containing rasterized bitmaps representing the waveform |
CLookupHelper | |
CWaveBitmapCacheElement | An element, that contains a rasterized bitmap matching the WaveDataCacheElement |
CWaveCacheElement | An element of a cache that contains the waveform data |
►CWaveCacheSampleBlock | Helper structure used to transfer the data between the data and graphics layers |
CSummary | Summary calculated over the requested range |
CWaveChannel | |
CWaveChannelSubView | |
CWaveChannelSubViewPlacement | |
►CWaveChannelSubViewType | |
CRegisteredType | |
CWaveChannelView | |
►CWaveChannelVRulerMenuTable | |
CInitMenuData | |
►CWaveClip | This allows multiple clips to be a part of one WaveTrack |
CClearSequenceFinisher | Fix consistency of cutlines and envelope after deleting from Sequences |
CCreateToken | |
CStrongInvariantScope | |
CTransaction | Restores state when an update loop over mSequences fails midway |
►CWaveClipAdjustBorderHandle | |
CAdjustPolicy | |
CWaveClipChannel | |
CWaveClipDtorCalled | |
CWaveClipListener | |
CWaveClipSpectrumCache | |
CWaveClipTitleEditHandle | |
CWaveColorAttachment | |
CWaveColorMenuTable | |
CWaveDataCache | Cache that contains the waveform data |
CWaveDisplayColumn | Data for sample blocks related to the column |
CWaveformAppearance | Persistent appearance settings that apply to all channels of a track |
CWaveformDisplay | |
CWaveformPrefs | A PrefsPanel for spectrum settings |
CWaveformScale | |
►CWaveformSettings | Waveform settings, either for one track or as defaults |
CGlobals | |
CWaveformView | |
CWaveformVRulerControls | |
CWaveformVRulerMenuTable | |
CWaveformVZoomHandle | |
CWavePaintParameters | Parameters for the waveform painting |
►CWaveTrack | A Track that contains audio waveform data |
CCreateToken | |
CRegion | Structure to hold region of a wavetrack and a comparison function for sortability |
CWaveTrackAffordanceControls | |
CWaveTrackAffordanceHandle | Implements some features which are specific to Wave Clips |
CWaveTrackControls | |
CWaveTrackFactory | Used to create or clone a WaveTrack, with appropriate context from the project that will own the track |
CWaveTrackLocation | |
CWaveTrackMenuTable | |
CWaveTrackMessage | |
CWaveTrackPopupMenuTable | |
CWaveTrackShifter | |
CWaveTrackSink | |
CWaveTrackTCPLines | |
CWavPackExportProcessor | |
CWavPackImportFileHandle | An ImportFileHandle for WavPack data |
CWavPackImportPlugin | An ImportPlugin for WavPack data |
CWhatsNewDialog | |
►CWideChannelGroupInterval | |
CChannelIterator | |
CWideSampleSequence | |
CWideSampleSource | Adapts WideSampleSequence to the interface AudioGraph::Source |
CWindowAccessible | An alternative to using wxWindowAccessible, which in wxWidgets 3.1.1 contained GetParent() which was incorrect |
CWithBase_t | |
CWrappedType | Used in type conversions, this wrapper for ints, strings, doubles and enums provides conversions between all the types. Functions that work on wrapped types can quickly be reused to work on any of these types. This cuts out a lot of repetitive code |
CWritableSampleTrack | |
CWriteId | |
CwxArrayStringEx | Extend wxArrayString with move operations and construction and insertion fromstd::initializer_list |
CwxDialogWrapper | |
CwxDirDialogWrapper | |
CwxFileNameWrapper | |
CwxFrameEx | |
CwxGtkString | |
CwxPanelWrapper | |
CwxSliderWrapper | |
CwxStaticBoxWrapper | |
CwxTabTraversalWrapper | |
CwxTextCtrlWrapper | |
CwxTreebook | A wxTreebook is a class like wxNotebook, but not yet supported by wxWidgets 2.6.3 |
CwxTreebookItemData | One item in a wxTreebook. (I think) |
CwxWidgetsBasicUI | An implementation of BasicUI::Services in terms of the wxWidgets toolkit |
CwxWidgetsWindowPlacement | Window placement information for wxWidgetsBasicUI can be constructed from a wxWindow pointer |
CXMLAttributeValueView | A view into an attribute value. The class does not take the ownership of the data |
CXMLFileReader | Reads a file and passes the results through an XMLTagHandler |
CXMLFileWriter | Wrapper to output XML data to files |
►CXMLMethodRegistry | |
CAttributeReaderEntries | |
CAttributeWriterEntry | Typically statically constructed |
CObjectReaderEntry | |
CObjectWriterEntry | Typically statically constructed |
CXMLMethodRegistryBase | Implementation helper for ProjectFileIORegistry |
CXMLStringWriter | Wrapper to output XML data to strings |
CXMLTagHandler | This class is an interface which should be implemented by classes which wish to be able to load and save themselves using XML files |
CXMLUtf8BufferWriter | |
CXMLValueChecker | XMLValueChecker implements static bool methods for checking input values from XML files |
CXMLWriter | Base class for XMLFileWriter and XMLStringWriter that provides the general functionality for creating XML in UTF8 encoding |
Cxmm_mm_union | |
CZixRingImpl | |
CZoomHandle | |
►CZoomInfo | |
CInterval | |