NActiveProjects | |
Nanonymous_namespace{AboutDialog.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{AccessibleLinksFormatter.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{AColor.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{AdornedRulerPanel.cpp} | |
CPlayheadHandle | |
Nanonymous_namespace{Amplify.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{ApplicationPrefs.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{AudacityApp.cpp} | Custom events |
Nanonymous_namespace{AudacityDontAskAgainMessageDialog.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{AudacityMirProject.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{AudioComMenus.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{AudioComPrefsPanel.cpp} | |
CAudioComPrefsPanel | |
Nanonymous_namespace{AudioPasteDialog.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{AudioSetupToolBar.cpp} | |
CViewDeviceSettingsDialog | |
Nanonymous_namespace{AudioUnitEffectsModule.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{AudioUnitInstance.cpp} | |
CAudioUnitMessage | |
Nanonymous_namespace{AutoDuck.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{AVCodecContextWrapper.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{BassTreble.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{BatchProcessDialog.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{BeatsNumericConverterFormatter.cpp} | |
CBeatsFormatter | |
CBeatsNumericConverterFormatterFactory | |
Nanonymous_namespace{BeatsSnapFunctions.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{BrushHandle.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{CallableTest.cpp} | |
CTakesNonTypeParameter | |
CTestVisitor | |
CX | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{CellularPanel.cpp} | |
CAdaptor | |
CDefaultRightButtonHandler | |
Nanonymous_namespace{ChangeSpeed.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{ChannelView.cpp} | |
CTrackPositioner | |
Nanonymous_namespace{ClickRemoval.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{ClipMenus.cpp} | Namespace for functions for Clip menu |
CFoundClip | |
CFoundClipBoundary | |
CFoundTrack | |
Nanonymous_namespace{ClipOverflowButtonHandle.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{ClipParameters.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{ClipPitchAndSpeedButtonHandle.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{ClipSegment.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{ClipSegmentTest.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{ClipTimeAndPitchSource.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{ClipTimeAndPitchSourceTest.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{CloudProjectFileIOExtensions.cpp} | |
CIOExtension | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{CommandBuilder.cpp} | |
CShuttleCli | |
Nanonymous_namespace{CommandFlag.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{CommonTrackInfo.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{CompareAudioCommand.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{CompositeTest.cpp} | |
CIgnore | |
CMyBuilder | |
CMyComponent | |
CMyComponentEx | |
Nanonymous_namespace{CompressionMeterPanel.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{Compressor.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{CompressorEditor.cpp} | |
CParameterWrapper | |
Nanonymous_namespace{CompressorInstance.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{Contrast.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{Contrast.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{ControlToolBar.cpp} | Methods for ControlToolBar |
Nanonymous_namespace{CrashReportContext.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{CutCopyPasteToolBar.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{CutlineHandle.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{DevicePrefs.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{DeviceToolBar.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{DirectoriesPrefs.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{Distortion.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{DoEffect.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{DownmixStage.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{DownwardMeterValueProvider.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{DragCommand.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{DropoutDetector.cpp} | |
CDropoutSubscription | |
Nanonymous_namespace{DtmfBase.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{DtmfGen.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{DynamicRangeProcessorEditor.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{DynamicRangeProcessorEffectUtils.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{DynamicRangeProcessorHistoryPanel.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{DynamicRangeProcessorTransferFunctionPanel.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{Echo.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{EditCursorOverlay.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{EditMenus.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{EditToolBar.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{EffectManager.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{EffectsPrefs.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{EffectStage.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{EffectUI.cpp} | |
CEffectSettingsAccessTee | |
Nanonymous_namespace{EnvelopeEditor.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{EnvelopeHandle.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{Equalization.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{EqualizationUI.cpp} | |
CEqualizationUIEditor | |
Nanonymous_namespace{ErrorReportDialog.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{ExportAudioDialog.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{ExportCL.cpp} | |
CExportCLProcess | |
CExtendPath | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{ExportFFmpeg.cpp} | |
CExportOptionsFFmpegCustomEditor | |
Nanonymous_namespace{ExportFFmpegOptions.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{ExportFilePanel.cpp} | |
CCustomSampleRateDialog | |
Nanonymous_namespace{ExportFLAC.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{ExportLabelTrack.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{ExportMIDI.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{ExportMP2.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{ExportMP3.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{ExportOGG.cpp} | |
CExportOptionOGGEditor | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{ExportOpus.cpp} | |
NVBRMode | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{ExportPCM.cpp} | |
CExportOptionsSFEditor | |
CExportOptionsSFTypedEditor | |
Nanonymous_namespace{ExportPluginHelpers.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{ExportPluginRegistry.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{ExportProgressUI.cpp} | |
CDialogExportProgressDelegate | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{ExportUtils.cpp} | |
CExportHookElement | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{ExportWavPack.cpp} | |
CExportOptionsWavPackEditor | |
Nanonymous_namespace{ExtImportPrefs.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{ExtraMenus.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{FFmpegPrefs.cpp} | |
CState | |
Nanonymous_namespace{FileDialogPrivate.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{FileMenus.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{FileNames.cpp} | |
CXDGDirConfig | |
Nanonymous_namespace{FindClipping.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{FloatVectorClip.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{FormantShifter.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{FormantShifterLogger.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{FrameSnapFunctions.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{FrameStatistics.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{FrameStatisticsDialog.cpp} | |
►CDialog | |
CSection | |
Nanonymous_namespace{FreqWindow.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{FromChars.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{GetInfoCommand.cpp} | |
CShuttleGuiGetDefinition | Shuttle that retrieves a JSON format definition of a command's parameters |
Nanonymous_namespace{GraphicsDataCache.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{GraphicsDataCacheTests.cpp} | |
CCacheElement | |
Nanonymous_namespace{GUIPrefs.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{HelpCommand.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{HelpMenus.cpp} | |
CQuickFixDialog | Class which makes a dialog for displaying quick fixes to common issues |
►Nanonymous_namespace{HelpSystem.cpp} | |
CHtmlTextHelpDialog | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{HistoryWindow.cpp} | |
CSpaceUsageCalculator | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{Import.cpp} | |
CImportProgressResultProxy | |
Nanonymous_namespace{ImportAUP.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{ImportExportCommands.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{ImportExportPrefs.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{ImportMIDI.cpp} | |
CMIDIImportFileHandle | |
CMIDIImportPlugin | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{ImportMP3_MPG123.cpp} | |
CMP3ImportFileHandle | |
CMP3ImportPlugin | |
Nanonymous_namespace{KeyboardCapture.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{KeyConfigPrefs.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{LabelMenus.cpp} | Namespace for functions for Edit Label submenu |
Nanonymous_namespace{LabelTrackView.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{LadspaEffectBase.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{LadspaInstance.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{LegacyCompressor.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{LibraryPrefs.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{Limiter.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{LimiterEditor.cpp} | |
CParameterWrapper | |
Nanonymous_namespace{LinkUrlHandler.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{LinkWithTokenDialog.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{LoadCommands.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{LoadLV2.cpp} | |
CLV2PluginValidator | |
Nanonymous_namespace{LoginDialog.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{LogWindow.cpp} | |
CLogWindowUpdater | |
Nanonymous_namespace{Loudness.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{LowlitClipButton.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{LV2Ports.cpp} | |
CGetValueData | |
CSetValueData | |
Nanonymous_namespace{LV2Preferences.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{MenuCreator.cpp} | |
CMenuBarListEntry | |
►CMenuItemVisitor | |
CCommandListEntryEx | |
CSubMenuListEntry | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{MenuHelper.cpp} | |
►CEffectsMenuGroupsHandler | |
CEffectsHandler | |
CGroupHandler | |
CMenuSectionBuilder | |
Nanonymous_namespace{MenuRegistry.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{MessageCommand.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{MeterToolBar.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{MidiIOPrefs.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{MIDIPlay.cpp} | |
CInitializeTime | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{MIDIPlay.h} | |
CIterator | |
CMIDIPlay | |
Nanonymous_namespace{Mix.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{MixerBoard.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{MixerSource.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{MockSampleBlock.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{ModuleManager.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{ModulePrefs.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{MP3Prefs.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{NavigationMenus.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{Noise.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{NoiseReduction.cpp} | |
CControlInfo | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{NoiseReductionBase.cpp} | |
CDiscriminationMethodInfo | |
CPrefsTableEntry | |
CWindowTypesInfo | |
Nanonymous_namespace{Normalize.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{NoteTrack.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{NoteTrackControls.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{NoteTrackMenuItems.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{NoteTrackView.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{NoteTrackVZoomHandle.cpp} | |
CInitMenuData | |
Nanonymous_namespace{NumericConverterFormats.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{NumericConverterFormatter.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{NumericConverterRegistry.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{NyqBench.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{NyquistBase.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{OpenSaveCommands.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{ParsedNumericConverterFormatter.cpp} | |
CBuiltinFormatString | Struct to hold a formatting control string and its user facing name Used in an array to hold the built-in time formats that are always available to the user |
CFieldConfig | |
CFormatStrings | |
CParsedNumericConverterFormatter | |
CParsedNumericConverterFormatterFactory | |
Nanonymous_namespace{Paulstretch.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{Phaser.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{PitchAndSpeedDialog.cpp} | |
CHitClip | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{PlayableTrack.cpp} | |
CMuteAndSolo | |
Nanonymous_namespace{PlayableTrackControls.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{PlaybackPrefs.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{PlaybackSchedule.cpp} | |
COldDefaultPlaybackPolicy | The old default playback policy plays once and consumes no messages |
Nanonymous_namespace{PlayIndicatorOverlay.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{PluginDescriptor.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{PluginHost.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{PluginInterface.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{PluginIPCUtils.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{PluginMenus.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{PluginStartupRegistration.cpp} | |
CPluginScanDialog | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{PopupMenuTable.cpp} | |
CPopupMenuBuilder | |
CPopupMenuImpl | |
Nanonymous_namespace{PreferenceCommands.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{Prefs.cpp} | |
CHub | |
CPreferencesResetHandlerRegistry | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{ProjectAudioManager.cpp} | |
CCutPreviewPlaybackPolicy | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{ProjectFileIO.cpp} | |
CContextData | |
Nanonymous_namespace{ProjectFileIOExtension.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{ProjectFileManager.cpp} | |
CCompactDialog | |
CImportProgress | |
Nanonymous_namespace{ProjectManager.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{ProjectSerializer.cpp} | |
CXMLTagHandlerAdapter | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{ProjectStatus.cpp} | |
CDispatcher | |
CMessage | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{ProjectWindow.cpp} | |
CAdapter | |
CScrollBar | |
Nanonymous_namespace{ProjectWindowBase.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{ProjectWindows.cpp} | |
CProjectWindows | |
Nanonymous_namespace{QualityPrefs.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{RealtimeEffectManager.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{RealtimeEffectPanel.cpp} | |
CDropHintLine | |
CEffectListUIDelegate | |
CEffectsMenuHelper | |
CHyperLinkCtrlWrapper | |
CRealtimeEffectControl | |
CRealtimeEffectsMenuVisitor | |
Nanonymous_namespace{RealtimeEffectState.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{RealtimeEffectStateUI.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{RecordingPrefs.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{RegisterBuiltinEffects.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{Registry.cpp} | |
►CCollectedItems | |
CItem | |
CItemOrdering | |
CPlaceHolder | Used only internally |
Nanonymous_namespace{Repeat.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{Reverb.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{RiffTestUtil.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{Ruler.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{SampleHandle.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{ScienFilter.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{Scrubbing.cpp} | |
CMenuItem | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{ScrubState.cpp} | |
►CScrubQueue | |
CData | |
CMessage | |
Nanonymous_namespace{SelectCommand.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{SelectedRegion.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{SelectHandle.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{SelectionBar.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{SelectMenus.cpp} | |
CSeekInfo | |
Nanonymous_namespace{SelectUtilities.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{Sequence.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{SetClipCommand.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{SetEnvelopeCommand.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{SetLabelCommand.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{SetProjectCommand.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{SetTrackInfoCommand.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{Silence.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{Snap.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{SnappingToolBar.cpp} | |
CSnapModePopup | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{SnapUtils.cpp} | |
CConstantMultiplierSnapItem | |
CProjectDependentMultiplierSnapItem | |
Nanonymous_namespace{SpectralDataManager.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{SpectralSelectionBar.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{SpectrogramSettings.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{SpectrumCache.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{SpectrumPrefs.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{SpectrumView.cpp} | |
CHandler | |
CSpectrogramSettingsHandler | |
Nanonymous_namespace{StaffPadTimeAndPitch.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{StatefulEffectUIServices.cpp} | |
CDefaultEffectEditor | |
Nanonymous_namespace{StretchingSequence.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{StretchingSequenceIntegrationTest.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{StretchingSequenceTest.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{SyncLock.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{Tags.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{TagsEditor.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{TempDirectory.cpp} | |
CTempDirChangedPublisher | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{TempoChange.cpp} | |
CProjectTempo | |
Nanonymous_namespace{Theme.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{TimeAndPitchExperimentalSettings.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{TimelineMenus.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{TimerRecordDialog.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{TimeScale.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{TimeShiftHandle.cpp} | |
CTemporaryClipRemover | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{TimeSignatureToolBar.cpp} | |
CTimeSignatureRestorer | |
Nanonymous_namespace{TimeSnapFunctions.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{TimeToolBar.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{TimeTrack.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{TimeTrackMenuItems.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{TimeTrackView.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{TimeTrackVRulerControls.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{ToneGen.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{ToolBar.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{ToolbarMenus.cpp} | Namespace for functions for View Toolbar menu |
Nanonymous_namespace{ToolsToolBar.cpp} | Namespace for functions for View Toolbar menu |
Nanonymous_namespace{Track.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{TrackArt.cpp} | |
CBeatsGridlinePainter | |
Nanonymous_namespace{TrackArtist.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{TrackMenus.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{TrackPanel.cpp} | |
CChannelStack | |
CEmptyCell | |
CHorizontalGroup | |
CLabeledChannelGroup | |
CMainGroup | |
CResizingChannelGroup | |
CSubgroup | |
CVRulerAndChannel | |
CVRulersAndChannels | |
Nanonymous_namespace{TracksBehaviorsPrefs.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{TrackSelectHandle.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{TracksPrefs.cpp} | |
CHandler | Observer attached to each project applies the vertical zoom fit preference |
Nanonymous_namespace{TranscriptionToolBar.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{TransportMenus.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{TruncSilence.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{TupleTest.cpp} | |
CX | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{TypeList.cpp} | |
CB | |
CD | |
CShortCircuiting | |
Nanonymous_namespace{UndoManager.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{UndoTracks.cpp} | |
CTrackListRestorer | |
Nanonymous_namespace{URLSchemesRegistry.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{ViewInfo.cpp} | |
CSelectedRegionRestorer | |
Nanonymous_namespace{ViewMenus.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{VST3Instance.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{VST3ParametersWindow.cpp} | |
CVST3ContinuousParameter | |
CVST3DiscreteParameter | |
CVST3ListParameter | |
CVST3ToggleParameter | |
CVST3ValueText | |
Nanonymous_namespace{VST3Utils.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{VST3Wrapper.cpp} | |
CComponentHandler | |
CInputParameterChanges | |
CVST3EffectSettings | |
CVST3PluginCache | |
Nanonymous_namespace{Wahwah.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{WaveChannelUtilities.cpp} | |
CSampleAccessArgs | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{WaveChannelView.cpp} | |
CPlacementArray | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{WaveChannelViewConstants.cpp} | |
CRegistry | |
Nanonymous_namespace{WaveClipAdjustBorderHandle.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{WaveDataCache.cpp} | |
►CAppendBufferHelper | |
CCacheItem | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{WaveformView.cpp} | |
CWaveBitmapCacheElementWX | |
►CWaveformPainter | |
CChannelCaches | |
CWavePortion | |
Nanonymous_namespace{WaveformVRulerControls.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{WaveTrack.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{WaveTrack.cpp} | |
CSplitInfo | |
CWaveTrackData | |
Nanonymous_namespace{WaveTrackAffordanceControls.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{WaveTrackControls.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{WaveTrackMenuItems.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{WaveTrackUtilities.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{WhatsNewDialog.cpp} | |
CFSHelper | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{wxCommandTargets.cpp} | |
CInteractiveOutputTargets | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{wxWidgetsBasicUI.cpp} | |
CMyGenericProgress | |
Nanonymous_namespace{ZoomInfo.cpp} | |
►NAppEvents | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{AppEvents.cpp} | |
CEventHandlers | |
CIdleEvent | |
CProviderBase | |
►Nau | |
Neffects | |
►Naudacity | |
Nanonymous_namespace{Uuid.cpp} | |
►Ncloud | |
Nanonymous_namespace{ShareAudioToolbar.cpp} | |
►Naudiocom | |
Nanonymous_namespace{AuthorizationHandler.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{CloudSyncService.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{NetworkUtils.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{OAuthService.cpp} | |
COAuthServiceSettingsResetHandler | |
Nanonymous_namespace{ServiceConfig.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{ShareAudioDialog.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{UploadService.cpp} | |
CAudiocomUploadOperation | |
Nanonymous_namespace{UserPanel.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{UserService.cpp} | |
►Nsync | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{AudioComDialogBase.cpp} | |
CIdleItem | |
CIdler | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{CloudLocationDialog.cpp} | |
CDialogDescription | |
Nanonymous_namespace{CloudProjectOpenUtils.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{CloudProjectsDatabase.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{CloudSyncDTO.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{CloudSyncHousekeeper.cpp} | |
CHousekeeper | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{CloudSyncStatusField.cpp} | |
CCloudSyncStatusBarFieldItem | |
Nanonymous_namespace{MixdownUploader.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{ProjectCloudExtension.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{ProjectCloudUIExtension.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{ProjectsListDialog.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{ProjectVersionConflictDialog.cpp} | |
CDialogProperties | |
Nanonymous_namespace{RemoteProjectSnapshot.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{ResumedSnaphotUploadOperation.cpp} | |
►CResumedSnaphotUploadOperation | |
CTag | |
Nanonymous_namespace{SyncFailedDialog.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{WavPackCompressor.cpp} | |
CExporter | |
CImporter | |
CAudioComDialogBase | |
CBlockHashCache | |
►CBlockHasher | |
CWorkers | |
CBlockUploadTask | |
CCloudLocationDialog | |
CCloudProjectPropertiesDialog | |
CCloudProjectsDatabase | |
CCloudStatusChangedMessage | |
CCloudSyncError | |
►CCloudSyncStatusField | |
CStatusWidget | |
CConnectionIssuesDialog | |
CCreateSnapshotResponse | |
►CDataUploader | |
CUploadOperation | |
CDBProjectData | |
CDecompressedBlock | |
CDialogButtonIdentifierTag | |
CDialogIdentifierTag | |
CLinkAccountDialog | |
►CLocalProjectSnapshot | |
CProjectBlocksLock | |
CSnapshotData | |
CTag | |
CLockedBlock | |
CMinMaxRMS | |
►CMissingBlocksUploader | |
CProducedItem | |
CTag | |
CMissingBlocksUploadProgress | |
CMixdownResult | |
►CMixdownUploader | |
CDataExporter | |
CTag | |
CNetworkStats | |
CNotCloudProjectDialog | |
COnCloseHook | |
CPaginatedProjectsResponse | |
CPaginationInfo | |
CPendingProjectBlobData | |
CPendingProjectBlockData | |
CPendingSnapshotData | |
►CProjectCloudExtension | |
CCloudStatusChangedNotifier | |
CUploadQueueElement | |
CProjectCloudUIExtension | |
CProjectForm | |
CProjectInfo | |
CProjectLimitDialog | |
►CProjectsListDialog | |
CProjectsTableData | |
CProjectSyncResult | |
CProjectSyncState | |
CProjectUploadData | |
CProjectUploadOperation | |
CProjectVersionConflictDialog | |
►CRemoteProjectSnapshot | |
CTag | |
CRemoteProjectSnapshotState | |
CSnapshotBlockInfo | |
CSnapshotInfo | |
CSyncFailedDialog | |
CSyncInBackroundDialog | |
CSyncSucceededDialog | |
CUnsyncedProjectDialog | |
CUploadCanceledDialog | |
CUploadUrls | |
CVersionInfo | |
CWaitForActionDialog | |
CAuthorizationHandler | |
CAuthResult | |
CAuthStateChangedMessage | Message that is sent when authorization state changes |
CCloudSyncService | |
CLinkFailedDialog | |
CLinkSucceededDialog | |
CLinkWithTokenDialog | |
COAuthService | Service responsible for OAuth authentication against the service |
CResponseResult | |
CServiceConfig | Configuration for the |
►CShareAudioDialog | |
CExportProgressUpdater | |
CInitialStatePanel | |
CProgressPanel | |
CServices | |
CTransferStats | |
CUploadFailedPayload | This structure represents an upload error as returned by the server |
CUploadOperation | Class used to track the upload operation |
CUploadOperationCompleted | |
CUploadOperationHandle | A unique_ptr like class that holds a pointer to UploadOperation |
CUploadService | Service, responsible for uploading audio files to |
CUploadSuccessfulPayload | This structure represents the payload associated with successful upload |
CUserDataChanged | |
CUserImage | |
CUserPanel | |
CUserPanelStateChangedMessage | |
CUserService | Service for providing information about the user profile |
CShareAudioToolbar | |
►Nconcurrency | |
►CCancellationContext | |
CTag | |
CICancellable | |
►Nnetwork_manager | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{CurlHandleManager.cpp} | |
CCurlConfig | |
Nanonymous_namespace{CurlResponse.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{CurlResponseFactory.cpp} | |
CStubResponse | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{MultipartData.cpp} | |
CByteBufferPart | |
CFilePart | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{RequestPayload.cpp} | |
CEmptyRequestPayloadStream | |
CFileRequestPayloadStream | |
CMemoryRequestPayloadStream | |
Ncommon_content_types | |
Ncommon_headers | |
NHttpCode | |
CCookie | |
CCookiesList | |
►CCurlHandleManager | |
CCachedHandle | |
►CHandle | |
CResult | |
CCurlResponse | |
CCurlResponseFactory | |
CCurlStringList | |
CHeader | |
CHeadersList | |
CIResponse | Interface, that provides access to the data from the HTTP response |
CIResponseFactory | |
►CMultipartData | |
CPart | |
CNetworkManager | |
CRequest | |
CRequestPayloadStream | |
►Nsentry | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{SentryReport.cpp} | |
CExceptionContext | Helper class to store additional details about the exception |
CAnonymizedMessage | A class, that stores anonymized message |
CException | A DTO for the Sentry Exception interface |
CMessage | A DTO for the Sentry Message interface |
►CReport | A report to Sentry |
CReportImpl | |
CSentryRequestBuilder | A helper, that creates a correct Request to Sentry |
►Nsqlite | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{SQLiteUtils.cpp} | |
CSQLiteIniter | |
►Ndetails | |
CSQLiteFunction | |
CSQLiteFunction< std::function< R()> > | |
CSQLiteFunction< std::function< R(Args...)> > | |
CAggregateFunction | A class representing an aggregate function in a SQLite database |
CBlob | A class representing a BLOB in a SQLite database |
CConnection | A class representing a connection to a SQLite database |
CError | A class representing an error in SQLite |
CResult | A class representing a result of an operation |
CRow | A class representing a row in a result set |
CRowIterator | A class representing an iterator over a result set |
CRunContext | A class representing a context of a run operation |
CRunResult | A class representing a result of a run operation |
►CSafeConnection | A class representing a safe connection to SQLite |
CLock | |
CTag | |
CScalarFunction | A class representing a scalar function in a SQLite database |
CStatement | A class representing a compiled statement |
CStatementHandle | |
CTransaction | A class representing a transaction in SQLite |
CApplicationSettings | Provides an access to application-wise settings |
►CBasicSettings | Base class for objects that provide facility to store data persistently, and access it with string keys that are formed similarly to how paths in tree are formed |
CGroupScope | |
CGoldenRatio | |
CGoldenRatio< 4 > | |
CGoldenRatio< 8 > | |
►CTypedAny | Generates distinct, non-interconvertible types wrapping std::any |
CGood_args | |
CGood_args< Arg > | |
CUuid | Utility class that generates and parses UUIDs |
NAudacityApplicationLogic | |
►NAudioGraph | |
CBuffers | Accumulates (non-interleaved) data during effect processing |
CChannel | |
CSink | Downstream receiver of sample streams, taking Buffers as external context |
CSource | Upstream producer of sample streams, taking Buffers as external context |
CTask | Copies from a Source to a Sink, mediated by Buffers |
►NAudioUnitUtils | |
CBuffer | |
CParameter | |
CParameterInfo | |
CParameterNameInfo | |
CProperty | |
CRenderCallback | |
CStreamBasicDescription | |
CUserPreset | |
Navcodec_55 | |
Navcodec_57 | |
Navcodec_58 | |
Navcodec_59 | |
Navcodec_60 | |
Navcodec_61 | |
Navformat_55 | |
Navformat_57 | |
Navformat_58 | |
Navformat_59 | |
Navformat_60 | |
Navformat_61 | |
Navutil_52 | |
Navutil_55 | |
Navutil_56 | |
Navutil_57 | |
Navutil_58 | |
Navutil_59 | |
NBase64 | |
►NBasicMenu | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{BasicMenu.cpp} | |
CWatcher | Singleton object listens to global wxEvent stream |
CHandle | |
►NBasicUI | |
CErrorDialogOptions | Options for variations of error dialogs; the default is for modal dialogs |
CGenericProgressDialog | Abstraction of a progress dialog with undefined time-to-completion estimate |
CMessageBoxOptions | |
CPoint | A pair of screen coordinates, x increasing rightward, y downward |
CProgressDialog | Abstraction of a progress dialog with well defined time-to-completion estimate |
CServices | Abstract class defines a few user interface services, not mentioning particular toolkits |
CWindowPlacement | Subclasses may hold information such as a parent window pointer for a dialog |
►NCallable | |
►Ndetail | |
CFunctionInvoker | |
CFunctionInvoker< R(Args...)> | |
CInvocableBase | Capture any invocable as a class, using std::function only when needed |
CInvocableBase< M C::* > | Partial specialization for pointers to members |
►CMemberInvoker | Capture pointer to member |
CCanAccept | |
CCanAccept< T, std::void_t< Result< T > > > | |
COverloadSetBase | |
CConstantly | Generates functions useable as non-type template parameters |
COverloadSet | |
CSharedPtrFactory | Generates functions useable as non-type template parameters |
Ctype_identity | Standard in C++20; add a level of indirection to a type |
CUniquePtrFactory | Generates functions useable as non-type template parameters |
►NClientData | Utility ClientData::Site to register hooks into a host class that attach client data. |
CBase | A convenient default parameter for class template Site |
CCloneable | A convenient base class defining abstract virtual Clone() for a given kind of pointer |
CCopyable | Decorator template injects copy and move operators for container of pointers |
CCopyable< Container, DeepCopying > | Specialization that clones sub-objects when copying; strong guarantee for assignment |
CCopyable< Container, ShallowCopying > | Specialization that copies pointers, not sub-objects; strong guarantee for assignment |
CCopyable< Container, SkipCopying > | Specialization that ignores contents of the source when copying (not when moving) |
CLockable | Decorator template injects type Lock and method lock() into interface of Object |
►CLockable< Object, NoLocking > | Specialization for trivial, non-locking policy |
CLock | Empty class |
CLockable< Object, NonrecursiveLocking > | Specialization for real locking with std::mutex |
CLockable< Object, RecursiveLocking > | Specialization for real locking with std::recursive_mutex |
CLocked | Decorated reference to a ClientData::Lockable, with a current lock on it |
►CSite | Utility to register hooks into a host class that attach client data |
CRegisteredFactory | Client code makes static instance from a factory of attachments; passes it to Get or Find as a retrieval key |
NCommandDispatch | |
NCommandLineArgs | |
NCommonTrackInfo | Functions for drawing the track control panel, which is shown to the side of a track It has the menus, pan and gain controls displayed in it. So "Info" is somewhat a misnomer. Should possibly be "TrackControls" |
►NComposite | |
►Ndetail | |
CThis | |
CThis< false > | |
CThis< true > | |
CBase | |
CBuilder | |
CExtension | Extend Base with extra fields, in a second, protected base class |
CExtension< Base, void, RequiredBaseArgs... > | Specialization when there is no need for the second base |
CTraits | |
►CTraits< MyCompositeBase, MyBuilder > | |
CItemBuilderType | |
CTraits< Registry::detail::GroupItemBase, Registry::GroupItem< RegistryTraits > > | |
►Ncrypto | |
Nanonymous_namespace{SHA256.cpp} | |
CSHA256 | |
►NDanielRudrich | |
Nanonymous_namespace{GainReductionComputer.cpp} | |
CGainReductionComputer | |
CLookAheadGainReduction | |
►Ndetail | |
CInputMessageReader | |
CPluginValidationResult | |
Ndetails | |
►NDialogDefinition | |
CItem | |
NDynamicRangeProcessorEffectUtils | |
NDynamicRangeProcessorPanel | |
►NDynamicRangeProcessorUtils | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{DynamicRangeProcessorUtils.cpp} | |
CSettingDescription | |
►NDetail | |
CSerializedPreset | |
CPreset | |
NEffectUI | |
NEQUtils | |
NExportProgressUI | |
►Nfast_float | |
Ndetail | |
Cadjusted_mantissa | |
Cbigint | |
Cbinary_format | |
Cfrom_chars_result | |
Cparse_options | |
Cparsed_number_string | |
Cpowers_template | |
Cspan | |
Cstackvec | |
Cvalue128 | |
►NFileNames | |
CFileType | |
►Ngraphics | |
NColors | |
Ndetails | |
CColor | Class for storing color in 32-bit format |
CPointType | A point in 2D space |
CRectType | Rectangle that is defined by the top left corner and the size |
CSizeType | A class that represents size in 2D space |
NGUISettings | |
►Ninternal | |
►Ndtoa_impl | |
Cboundaries | |
Ccached_power | |
Cdiyfp | |
►Nitoa_impl | |
Cpair | |
►Nx11 | |
CPlugFrame | |
►CRunLoop | |
CEventHandler | |
CTimerHandler | |
CSocketWindow | Wrapper for GtkSocket object, which provides X window mapping via XEmbed protocol |
CConnectionProxy | Host's proxy object between connection points |
CPlugFrame | Dispatches window resize events from VST PlugView to the wxWindow |
►NJournal | Facilities for recording and playback of sequences of user interaction |
►Nanonymous_namespace{Journal.cpp} | |
CJournalLogger | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{JournalOutput.cpp} | |
CFlushingTextFile | |
Nanonymous_namespace{JournalRegistry.cpp} | |
►NEvents | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{JournalEvents.cpp} | |
CRegisteredEventType | |
CType | |
CWatcher | Singleton object listens to global wxEvent stream |
►NWindowPaths | |
Nanonymous_namespace{JournalWindowPaths.cpp} | |
CRegisteredCommand | |
CRegisteredInitializer | |
CSyncException | |
►NKeyboardCapture | |
CPostFilter | Post-filter is conditionally called after passing the event to the window |
CPreFilter | Pre-filter is called before passing the event to the captured window |
NLanguages | |
►NLibFileFormats | |
►CAcidizerTags | Models how SoundForge allows the editing of ACID metadata, as far as our interest goes: setting the type to one-shot prevents the setting of BPM. Conversely, loops must have their BPM set (normally by setting the number of beats in the loop, but provided that the file duration is available, this is equivalent) |
CLoop | |
COneShot | |
►NLibImportExport | |
►NTest | |
►CAcidizerTags | In the Audacity code, we only are interested in LibFileFormats::AcidizerTags and the information it carries, but for testing we need to mimic more than one way ACID metadata may be set out there. We therefore need to be able to set tempo, beats and one-shot status independently |
CBeats | |
CLibsndfileTagger | When adding tags, the allocated memory must be preserved until the file is closed. This class handles that, beside the regular file opening and closing |
►NLowlitClipButton | |
NDetail | |
CRectangleArgs | |
NLV2Preferences | |
NLV2Symbols | |
NMenuHelper | |
►NMenuRegistry | |
►Ndetail | |
CVisitorBase | |
CCommandGroupItem | |
CCommandItem | |
CConditionalGroupItem | |
CFinderScope | |
CItemProperties | A mix-in discovered by dynamic_cast; independent of the Traits |
CItemRegistry | |
CMenuItem | |
CMenuItemData | |
CMenuItems | |
CMenuPart | |
COptions | |
CSpecialItem | |
CTraits | |
CVisitor | |
►NMIR | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{GetMeterUsingTatumQuantizationFit.cpp} | |
CBarDivision | |
Nanonymous_namespace{MirDsp.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{MirUtils.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{MusicInformationRetrieval.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{MusicInformationRetrievalTests.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{StftFrameProvider.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{StftFrameProviderTests.cpp} | |
CTestMirAudioReader | |
Nanonymous_namespace{TatumQuantizationFitBenchmarking.cpp} | |
CAnalyzedAudioClip | |
CDecimatingMirAudioReader | Our MIR operations do not need the full 44.1 or 48kHz resolution typical of audio files. It may change in the future, if we start looking at chromagrams for example, but for now even a certain amount of aliasing isn't an issue. In fact, for onset detection, it may even be beneficial, since it preserves a trace of the highest frequency components by folding them down below the nyquist. Thus we can decimate the audio signal to a certain extent. This is fast and easy to implement, meanwhile reducing dramatically the amount of data and operations |
CEmptyMirAudioReader | |
►CFakeAnalyzedAudioClip | |
CParams | |
CFakeProjectInterface | |
CLoopClassifierSettings | |
CMirAudioReader | |
CMusicalMeter | |
COctaveError | |
COnsetQuantization | |
CProjectInterface | |
CProjectSyncInfo | |
CProjectSyncInfoInput | |
CQuantizationFitDebugOutput | |
CRocInfo | |
CSquareWaveMirAudioReader | |
CStftFrameProvider | |
CWavMirAudioReader | |
►NMixerOptions | |
CDownmix | A matrix of booleans, one row per input channel, column per output |
CResampleParameters | |
CStageSpecification | |
CTimesAndSpeed | |
►CWarp | Immutable structure is an argument to Mixer's constructor |
CDefaultWarp | Hook function for default time warp |
NModuleSettings | |
►NNavigationActions | Namespace for functions for project navigation menu (part of Extra menu) |
CHandler | |
►NNumericConverterFormats | |
CDefaultFormatRegistrator | |
►NObserver | |
►Ndetail | Type-erased implementation helpers for Publisher |
CRecordBase | Doubly-linked list cell using shared and weak pointers |
CRecordLink | |
CRecordList | |
CExceptionPolicy | May be supplied to constructor of Publisher to customize exception handling |
CMessage | Default message type for Publisher |
►CPublisher | An object that sends messages to an open-ended list of subscribed callbacks |
CRecord | |
CSubscription | A move-only handle representing a connection to a Publisher |
►NPackedArray | |
►Ndetail | |
CExtendedTraits | Primary template of metafunction deducing other things from Traits<T> |
CExtendedTraits< T, std::void_t< decltype(std::declval< T >().*(Traits< T >::array_member))> > | Partial specialization used when Traits<T>::array_member is defined |
CDeleter | Deleter for an array of elements and optional contiguous header structure |
CPtr | Smart pointer type that deallocates with Deleter |
►CTraits | Primary template used in Deleter that can be specialized |
Cheader_type | |
►CTraits< AudioBufferList > | |
Cheader_type | |
►CTraits< AudioUnitCocoaViewInfo > | |
Cheader_type | |
NPlatformCompatibility | |
NPluginSettings | |
NQualitySettings | |
►NRealtimeEffects | |
CInitializationScope | Brackets processing setup and cleanup in the main thread |
CProcessingScope | Brackets one block of processing in one thread |
NRefreshCode | Namespace containing an enum 'what to do on a refresh?' |
►NRegistry | |
►Ndetail | |
CBaseItem | |
CBuilder | |
CComputedItem | |
CComputedItemBase | |
►CConsUnique | |
CNotAlready | |
CGroupItemBase | Common abstract base class for items that group other items |
CIndirectItem | An item that delegates to another held in a shared pointer |
CIndirectItemBase | |
CVisitor | Type-erasing adapter class (with no std::function overhead) |
CVisitorBase | |
CAcceptableItemType | |
CActualItem | Find the real item type (following chains of indirections) |
CActualItem< detail::ComputedItem< C, T > > | |
CActualItem< detail::IndirectItem< T > > | |
CAllTypes | |
CDefaultTraits | |
CEmptyContext | |
CGroupItem | Has variadic and range constructors that check types |
COrderingHint | |
COrderingPreferenceInitializer | |
CPlacement | |
CRegisteredItem | Generates classes whose instances register items at construction |
CSingleItem | Common abstract base class for items that are not groups |
CVisitorFunctions | |
►NSelectActions | |
CHandler | |
NSelectUtilities | Namespace for functions for Select menu |
►Nsimd_complex_conversions | |
Ndetails | |
►Nstaffpad | |
Nanonymous_namespace{TimeAndPitch.cpp} | |
►Naudio | |
►Nsimd | |
Cfloat_x4 | |
CCircularSampleBuffer | |
CFourierTransform | |
Nvo | |
CSamplesFloat | |
►CTimeAndPitch | |
Cimpl | |
►Nstd | STL namespace |
Chash< audacity::Uuid > | |
Chash< Identifier > | |
Chash< NormalizedKeyString > | |
Chash< TaggedIdentifier< Tag, b > > | |
Chash< TranslatableString > | |
►NSteinberg | |
NVst | |
CMemoryStream | |
NTempDirectory | |
NThemeResources | |
NTimeAndPitchExperimentalSettings | |
NTimeStretching | |
NToolCodes | |
NTrackArt | |
►NTrackInfo | |
CTCPLine | |
NTrackUtilities | |
►NTuple | |
►Ndetail | |
Ceach_less | |
Ceach_less< std::index_sequence< Indices1... >, std::index_sequence< Indices2... > > | |
Cincreasing | |
Cincreasing< Index > | |
Cincreasing< Index, Indices... > | |
Cincreasing<> | |
Cincrement_each | |
Cincrement_each< std::index_sequence< Indices... > > | |
Cis_tuple | Type test metapredicate, for specializations of std::tuple only |
Cis_tuple< std::tuple< Types... > > | |
Cis_tuple_like | Type test metapredicate, for more general tuple-like types |
Cis_tuple_like< T, std::void_t< decltype(std::tuple_size< T >{})> > | |
►NTypeEnumerator | |
►Ndetail | |
►CCountTypes | |
CCount | |
CStop | |
Ctype_identity | Standard in C++20 |
►CTypeCounter | Implements the ENUMERATE_TYPE macro |
CLocation | |
CUnenumerated | A type excluded from any enumeration |
►CCollectTypes | |
CAccumulate | |
CAccumulateType | |
CStop | |
►NTypeList | Utilities for compile-time type manipulation. Some terminology as in Lisp |
CAnd | |
►CAnd< Predicate, Predicates... > | |
CRest | |
CAnd<> | |
CAppend | |
►CAppend< TypeList, TypeLists... > | |
►CCaptureFirst | |
CCaptureRest | |
CAppend<> | |
CApply | Bind the types in TypeList to the parameters of a variadic Template |
CApply< Template, List< Types... > > | |
►CBind | Destructure any tuple-like type into a TypeList |
CImpl | |
CImpl< std::index_sequence< Is... > > | |
CBind1st | Given a binary template and a fixed argument, make a metafunction |
CBind2nd | Given a binary template and a fixed argument, make a metafunction |
CButLast | |
CButLast< List< Type > > | |
CButLast< List< Type, Types... > > | |
CCall | Apply a metafunction to a type |
CCompose | |
CCompose< Metafunction, Metafunctions... > | |
CCompose<> | |
CCons | Build a type list from a type and another type list |
CCons< Type, List< Types... > > | |
CEvery | |
CFilter | Select only the subsequence of the type list satisfying the predicate |
CFn | |
CFn< Template, Templates... > | |
CFn<> | |
CHasBaseIn | Whether the given type is derived from any member of the list |
CHead | Delays expansion of nested alias head ; so Head<Nil> is legal |
CHead< List< Types... > > | |
CIn | |
CLast | |
CLast< List< Type > > | |
CLast< List< Type, Types... > > | |
►CLeftFold | Left fold reduction of a list of types by a binary template |
►CImpl | |
CAccumulate | |
CAccumulate< Acc > | |
CAccumulate< Acc, T, Ts... > | |
►CLeftFoldList | Like LeftFold, but passing nonempty prefixes, not elements, to Op |
COp1 | |
CLength | |
CLength< List< Types... > > | |
CList | Primary template for a list of arbitrary types |
CList< Type, Types... > | Non-empty specialization also defines first and rest |
CList<> | Empty specialization |
►CMap | Transform a list of types by the given metafunction |
CImpl | |
CMapList | |
►CNonEmptyTails | |
CNext | |
CNotAny | |
CNotEvery | |
►CNth | |
CCountdown | |
CCountdown< 0, TL > | |
CNull | |
CNull< List< Types... > > | |
COr | |
►COr< Predicate, Predicates... > | |
CRest | |
COr<> | |
CPushBack | PushBack – no Common Lisp equivalent name |
CPushBack< List< Types... >, Type > | |
CPushFront | An alternative more suggestive of C++ than Lisp conventions |
CReverse | |
►CRightFold | Right fold reduction of a list of types by a binary template |
CAccumulate | |
CAccumulate< Acc, Nil > | |
►CRightFoldList | Like RightFold, but passing nonempty tails, not elements, to Op |
CAccumulate | |
CAccumulate< Acc, Nil > | |
CSome | |
CStablePartition | |
CTail | Delays expansion of nested alias rest; so Tail<Nil> is legal |
CTail< List< Types... > > | |
CTails | |
Ctype_identity | Standard in C++20; add a level of indirection to a type |
►NTypeListVisitor | |
CVariantOfReferences | |
►NTypeSwitch | |
►Ndetail | |
►CExecutor | Metafunction implementing TypeSwitch |
►CCombine | |
►CCombineOp | |
CCase1_ | |
CCase2 | |
CDefault | |
CDummy | |
COpaque | |
CWrapper | |
►CTransparent | |
Ctype | No BaseClass of ArgumentType is acceptable to the first function |
►CNoOp | |
Ctype | |
►CInvoker | |
CBase | |
COp | |
CTypeSwitcher | |
CUsedCases | |
NUndoTracks | |
►NVariant | |
►Ndetail | |
Ctype_identity | Standard in C++20 |
CVisitHelperReturn | Help to define Visit() below |
►NVST3 | |
►NHosting | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{module_linux.cpp} | |
CLinuxModule | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{module_win32.cpp} | |
COle | |
CWin32Module | |
NWaveChannelUtilities | |
NWaveChannelViewConstants | |
NWaveChannelVRulerControls | |
NWaveChannelVZoomHandle | |
NWaveClipUIUtilities | |
NWaveClipUtilities | |
►NWaveTrackUtilities | |
CAllClipsConstIterator | |
CAllClipsIterator | |