► dox2-src | |
CrossPlatform.dox2 | |
Dependencies.dox2 | |
ExceptionSafety.dox2 | |
InsideNyquist.dox2 | |
MainPage.dox2 | |
OtherHeaders.dox2 | |
ShuttleSystem.dox2 | |
Themability.dox2 | |
WidgetMigration.dox2 | |
WxWishlist.dox2 | |
► include | |
► audacity | |
Types.h | |
► libraries | |
► image-compiler | |
imageCompilerMain.cpp | |
► lib-audacity-application-logic | |
AudacityApplicationLogic.cpp | |
AudacityApplicationLogic.h | |
AudacityApplicationLogicTypes.h | |
► lib-audio-devices | |
AudioIOBase.cpp | |
AudioIOBase.h | |
DeviceChange.cpp | |
DeviceChange.h | |
DeviceManager.cpp | |
DeviceManager.h | |
Meter.cpp | |
Meter.h | |
► lib-audio-graph | |
AudioGraphBuffers.cpp | |
AudioGraphBuffers.h | |
AudioGraphChannel.cpp | |
AudioGraphChannel.h | |
AudioGraphSink.cpp | |
AudioGraphSink.h | |
AudioGraphSource.cpp | |
AudioGraphSource.h | |
AudioGraphTask.cpp | |
AudioGraphTask.h | |
► lib-audio-io | |
AudioIO.cpp | |
AudioIO.h | |
AudioIOExt.cpp | |
AudioIOExt.h | Abstract base class for hooks into audio playback procedures |
AudioIOListener.cpp | |
AudioIOListener.h | |
PlaybackSchedule.cpp | |
PlaybackSchedule.h | |
ProjectAudioIO.cpp | |
ProjectAudioIO.h | |
RingBuffer.cpp | |
RingBuffer.h | |
► lib-audio-unit | |
AudioUnitEffectBase.cpp | |
AudioUnitEffectBase.h | |
AudioUnitEffectsModule.cpp | |
AudioUnitEffectsModule.h | |
AudioUnitInstance.cpp | |
AudioUnitInstance.h | |
AudioUnitUtils.cpp | |
AudioUnitUtils.h | |
AudioUnitWrapper.cpp | |
AudioUnitWrapper.h | |
► lib-basic-ui | |
BasicUI.cpp | |
BasicUI.h | Toolkit-neutral facade for basic user interface services |
BasicUIPoint.h | A pair of screen coordinates for use in toolkit-neutral UI facades |
► lib-breakpad-configurer | |
► internal | |
► unix | |
unix/CrashReportContext.cpp | |
unix/CrashReportContext.h | |
► win32 | |
win32/CrashReportContext.cpp | |
win32/CrashReportContext.h | |
BreakpadConfigurer.cpp | |
BreakpadConfigurer.h | |
► lib-builtin-effects | |
AmplifyBase.cpp | |
AmplifyBase.h | |
AutoDuckBase.cpp | |
AutoDuckBase.h | |
BassTrebleBase.cpp | |
BassTrebleBase.h | |
ChangePitchBase.cpp | |
ChangePitchBase.h | Change Pitch effect provides raising or lowering the pitch without changing the tempo |
ChangeSpeedBase.cpp | |
ChangeSpeedBase.h | |
ChangeTempoBase.cpp | |
ChangeTempoBase.h | |
ClickRemovalBase.cpp | |
ClickRemovalBase.h | |
CompressorInstance.cpp | |
CompressorInstance.h | |
ContrastBase.cpp | |
ContrastBase.h | |
DistortionBase.cpp | |
DistortionBase.h | |
DtmfBase.cpp | |
DtmfBase.h | |
EchoBase.cpp | |
EchoBase.h | |
EqualizationBase.cpp | |
EqualizationBase.h | |
EqualizationCurves.cpp | |
EqualizationCurves.h | |
EqualizationCurvesList.cpp | |
EqualizationCurvesList.h | |
EqualizationFilter.cpp | |
EqualizationFilter.h | |
EqualizationParameters.cpp | |
EqualizationParameters.h | |
Fade.cpp | |
Fade.h | |
FadeIn.cpp | |
FadeIn.h | |
FindClippingBase.cpp | |
FindClippingBase.h | |
libraries/lib-builtin-effects/Generator.cpp | |
Generator.h | |
Invert.cpp | |
Invert.h | |
LegacyCompressorBase.cpp | |
LegacyCompressorBase.h | |
LoudnessBase.cpp | |
LoudnessBase.h | |
NoiseBase.cpp | |
NoiseBase.h | |
NoiseReductionBase.cpp | |
NoiseReductionBase.h | |
NormalizeBase.cpp | |
NormalizeBase.h | |
PaulstretchBase.cpp | |
PaulstretchBase.h | |
PhaserBase.cpp | |
PhaserBase.h | |
PlotSpectrumBase.cpp | |
PlotSpectrumBase.h | |
Repair.cpp | |
Repair.h | |
RepeatBase.cpp | |
RepeatBase.h | |
ReverbBase.cpp | |
ReverbBase.h | |
Reverse.cpp | |
Reverse.h | |
SBSMSBase.cpp | |
SBSMSBase.h | |
ScienFilterBase.cpp | |
ScienFilterBase.h | |
SilenceBase.cpp | |
SilenceBase.h | |
SoundTouchBase.cpp | |
SoundTouchBase.h | |
StereoToMono.cpp | |
StereoToMono.h | |
TimeScaleBase.cpp | |
TimeScaleBase.h | |
ToneGenBase.cpp | |
ToneGenBase.h | |
TruncSilenceBase.cpp | |
TruncSilenceBase.h | |
TwoPassSimpleMono.cpp | |
TwoPassSimpleMono.h | |
WahWahBase.cpp | |
WahWahBase.h | |
► lib-channel | |
Channel.cpp | |
Channel.h | Abstract class ChannelGroup with two discrete iterable dimensions, channels and intervals; subclasses associate information with those and their intersections |
► lib-cloud-audiocom | |
► sync | |
BlockHasher.cpp | |
BlockHasher.h | |
CloudProjectsDatabase.cpp | |
CloudProjectsDatabase.h | |
CloudSyncDTO.cpp | |
CloudSyncDTO.h | |
CloudSyncError.cpp | |
CloudSyncError.h | |
CloudSyncHousekeeper.cpp | |
DataUploader.cpp | |
DataUploader.h | |
LocalProjectSnapshot.cpp | |
LocalProjectSnapshot.h | |
MissingBlocksUploader.cpp | |
MissingBlocksUploader.h | |
MixdownUploader.cpp | |
MixdownUploader.h | |
ProjectCloudExtension.cpp | |
ProjectCloudExtension.h | |
ProjectUploadOperation.h | |
RemoteProjectSnapshot.cpp | |
RemoteProjectSnapshot.h | |
ResumedSnaphotUploadOperation.cpp | |
ResumedSnaphotUploadOperation.h | |
WavPackCompressor.cpp | |
WavPackCompressor.h | |
CloudLibrarySettings.cpp | |
CloudLibrarySettings.h | |
CloudSyncService.cpp | |
CloudSyncService.h | |
NetworkUtils.cpp | |
NetworkUtils.h | |
OAuthService.cpp | |
OAuthService.h | |
ServiceConfig.cpp | |
ServiceConfig.h | |
UploadService.cpp | |
UploadService.h | |
UserService.cpp | |
UserService.h | |
► lib-command-parameters | |
ShuttleAutomation.cpp | |
ShuttleAutomation.h | |
ShuttlePrefs.cpp | |
ShuttlePrefs.h | |
WrappedType.cpp | |
WrappedType.h | |
► lib-components | |
ComponentInterface.cpp | |
ComponentInterface.h | |
ComponentInterfaceSymbol.h | |
EffectAutomationParameters.cpp | |
EffectAutomationParameters.h | |
EffectInterface.cpp | |
EffectInterface.h | |
PluginProvider.cpp | |
PluginProvider.h | Generalized interface for discovery of plug-ins for one protocol |
SettingsVisitor.cpp | |
SettingsVisitor.h | |
► lib-concurrency | |
► concurrency | |
CancellationContext.cpp | |
CancellationContext.h | |
ICancellable.h | |
► lib-crashpad-configurer | |
► internal | |
Util.h | |
CrashpadConfigurer.cpp | |
CrashpadConfigurer.h | |
► lib-crypto | |
► crypto | |
SHA256.cpp | |
SHA256.h | |
► tests | |
CryptoTests.cpp | |
► lib-dynamic-range-processor | |
► SimpleCompressor | |
GainReductionComputer.cpp | |
GainReductionComputer.h | |
LookAheadGainReduction.cpp | |
LookAheadGainReduction.h | |
► tests | |
CompressorProcessorTests.cpp | |
DynamicRangeProcessorHistoryTests.cpp | |
DynamicRangeProcessorUtilsTests.cpp | |
CompressorProcessor.cpp | |
CompressorProcessor.h | |
DownwardMeterValueProvider.cpp | |
DownwardMeterValueProvider.h | |
DynamicRangeProcessorClock.cpp | |
DynamicRangeProcessorClock.h | |
DynamicRangeProcessorHistory.cpp | |
DynamicRangeProcessorHistory.h | |
DynamicRangeProcessorTypes.h | |
DynamicRangeProcessorUtils.cpp | |
DynamicRangeProcessorUtils.h | |
MeterValueProvider.cpp | |
MeterValueProvider.h | |
UpwardMeterValueProvider.cpp | |
UpwardMeterValueProvider.h | |
► lib-effects | |
Effect.cpp | |
Effect.h | |
EffectBase.cpp | |
EffectBase.h | |
EffectManager.cpp | |
EffectManager.h | |
EffectOutputTracks.cpp | |
EffectOutputTracks.h | |
EffectPlugin.cpp | |
EffectPlugin.h | |
LoadEffects.cpp | |
LoadEffects.h | |
MixAndRender.cpp | |
MixAndRender.h | |
PerTrackEffect.cpp | |
PerTrackEffect.h | |
StatefulEffect.cpp | |
StatefulEffect.h | |
StatefulEffectBase.cpp | |
StatefulEffectBase.h | |
StatefulPerTrackEffect.cpp | |
StatefulPerTrackEffect.h | |
► lib-exceptions | |
AudacityException.cpp | Implements AudacityException and related |
AudacityException.h | Declare abstract class AudacityException, some often-used subclasses, and GuardedCall |
InconsistencyException.cpp | Implements InconsistencyException |
InconsistencyException.h | MessageBoxException for violation of preconditions or assertions |
UserException.cpp | Implements UserException |
UserException.h | An AudacityException with no visible message |
► lib-export-ui | |
ExportOptionsUIServices.cpp | |
ExportOptionsUIServices.h | |
► lib-fft | |
FFT.cpp | Fast Fourier Transform routines |
FFT.h | |
PowerSpectrumGetter.cpp | |
PowerSpectrumGetter.h | |
RealFFTf.cpp | |
RealFFTf.h | |
Spectrum.cpp | Functions for computing Spectra |
Spectrum.h | |
SpectrumAnalyst.cpp | |
SpectrumAnalyst.h | |
SpectrumTransformer.cpp | |
SpectrumTransformer.h | |
► lib-file-formats | |
AcidizerTags.h | |
FileFormats.cpp | Works with libsndfile to provide encoding and other file information |
FileFormats.h | |
► lib-files | |
AudacityLogger.cpp | |
AudacityLogger.h | |
FileException.cpp | Implements FileException |
FileException.h | MessageBoxException for failures of file operations |
FileIO.cpp | |
FileIO.h | |
FileNames.cpp | |
FileNames.h | |
PathList.cpp | |
PathList.h | |
PlatformCompatibility.cpp | |
PlatformCompatibility.h | |
PlatformCompatibilityWX.cpp | |
TempDirectory.cpp | |
TempDirectory.h | |
wxFileNameWrapper.h | |
► lib-graphics | |
► graphics | |
Color.h | |
Point.h | |
Rect.h | |
Size.h | |
FrameStatistics.cpp | |
FrameStatistics.h | |
► lib-import-export | |
► riff-test-util | |
RiffTestUtil.cpp | |
► tests | |
GetAcidizerTagsTests.cpp | |
Export.cpp | |
Export.h | |
ExportOptionsEditor.cpp | |
ExportOptionsEditor.h | |
ExportPlugin.cpp | |
ExportPlugin.h | |
ExportPluginHelpers.cpp | |
ExportPluginHelpers.h | |
ExportPluginRegistry.cpp | |
ExportPluginRegistry.h | |
ExportProgressUI.cpp | |
ExportProgressUI.h | |
ExportTypes.h | |
ExportUtils.cpp | |
ExportUtils.h | |
GetAcidizerTags.cpp | |
GetAcidizerTags.h | |
Import.cpp | |
Import.h | |
ImportExport.cpp | |
ImportExport.h | |
ImportForwards.h | |
ImportPlugin.cpp | |
ImportPlugin.h | The interface that all file import "plugins" (if you want to call them that) must implement. Defines ImportFileHandle, ImportPlugin, UnusableImportPlugin, ImportPluginList and UnusableImportPluginList |
ImportProgressListener.cpp | |
ImportProgressListener.h | |
ImportUtils.cpp | |
ImportUtils.h | |
LibsndfileTagger.cpp | |
LibsndfileTagger.h | |
PlainExportOptionsEditor.cpp | |
PlainExportOptionsEditor.h | |
► lib-ipc | |
► internal | |
BufferedIPCChannel.cpp | |
BufferedIPCChannel.h | |
ipc-types.h | |
socket_guard.h | |
IPCChannel.cpp | |
IPCChannel.h | |
IPCClient.cpp | |
IPCClient.h | |
IPCServer.cpp | |
IPCServer.h | |
► lib-label-track | |
AnalysisTracks.cpp | |
AnalysisTracks.h | |
LabelTrack.cpp | |
LabelTrack.h | |
LabelTrackEditing.cpp | |
► lib-ladspa | |
ladspa.h | |
LadspaEffectBase.cpp | |
LadspaEffectBase.h | |
LadspaEffectsModule.cpp | |
LadspaEffectsModule.h | |
LadspaInstance.cpp | |
LadspaInstance.h | |
► lib-lv2 | |
► zix | |
common.h | |
ring.cpp | |
ring.h | |
LoadLV2.cpp | |
LoadLV2.h | Defines the module to handle the LV2 effect protocol |
lv2_external_ui.h | |
LV2EffectBase.cpp | |
LV2EffectBase.h | |
LV2FeaturesList.cpp | |
LV2FeaturesList.h | |
LV2Instance.cpp | |
LV2Instance.h | |
LV2InstanceFeaturesList.cpp | |
LV2InstanceFeaturesList.h | |
LV2Ports.cpp | |
LV2Ports.h | |
LV2Preferences.cpp | |
LV2Preferences.h | |
LV2Symbols.cpp | |
LV2Symbols.h | Declare URI identifiers used in calls to the lv2 library and a mapping of them to integers |
LV2Utils.h | RAII for lv2 resources |
LV2Wrapper.cpp | |
LV2Wrapper.h | |
► lib-math | |
► tests | |
MathTests.cpp | |
Biquad.cpp | |
Biquad.h | |
Dither.cpp | |
Dither.h | |
EBUR128.cpp | |
EBUR128.h | |
float_cast.h | |
Gain.h | |
InterpolateAudio.cpp | |
InterpolateAudio.h | |
LinearFit.h | |
Matrix.cpp | |
Matrix.h | General routine to interpolate (or even extrapolate small amounts) audio when a few of the samples are bad. Works great for a few dozen bad samples, but not so well with hundreds. Uses the least-squares autoregression (LSAR) algorithm, as described in: |
PitchName.cpp | Utilities for converting from frequency to pitch and from pitch to absolute (e.g., C4 for middle C) or nominal (A through G#) pitch name |
PitchName.h | |
Resample.cpp | |
Resample.h | |
Reverb_libSoX.h | |
RoundUpUnsafe.h | |
SampleCount.cpp | |
SampleCount.h | |
SampleFormat.cpp | Functions that work with Dither and initialise it |
SampleFormat.h | |
► lib-menus | |
CommandContext.cpp | Contains definitions for CommandContext |
CommandContext.h | |
CommandFlag.cpp | |
CommandFlag.h | |
CommandFunctors.h | |
CommandManager.cpp | |
CommandManager.h | |
CommandTargets.cpp | Contains definitions for CommandType class |
CommandTargets.h | |
Keyboard.cpp | |
Keyboard.h | |
MenuRegistry.cpp | |
MenuRegistry.h | |
► lib-mixer | |
AudioIOSequences.cpp | |
AudioIOSequences.h | |
DownmixSource.cpp | |
DownmixSource.h | |
DownmixStage.cpp | |
DownmixStage.h | |
EffectStage.cpp | |
EffectStage.h | |
Envelope.cpp | |
Envelope.h | |
Mix.cpp | |
Mix.h | |
MixerOptions.cpp | |
MixerOptions.h | |
MixerSource.cpp | |
MixerSource.h | |
WideSampleSequence.cpp | |
WideSampleSequence.h | |
WideSampleSource.cpp | |
WideSampleSource.h | |
► lib-module-manager | |
AsyncPluginValidator.cpp | |
AsyncPluginValidator.h | |
ConfigInterface.cpp | |
ConfigInterface.h | |
ModuleManager.cpp | Based on LoadLadspa, this code loads pluggable Audacity extension modules. It also has the code to invoke a function returning a replacement window, i.e. an alternative to the usual interface, for Audacity |
ModuleManager.h | |
ModuleSettings.cpp | |
ModuleSettings.h | |
PluginDescriptor.cpp | |
PluginDescriptor.h | |
PluginHost.cpp | |
PluginHost.h | |
PluginInterface.cpp | |
PluginInterface.h | |
PluginIPCUtils.cpp | |
PluginIPCUtils.h | |
PluginManager.cpp | |
PluginManager.h | |
► lib-music-information-retrieval | |
► tests | |
MirFakes.h | |
MirTestUtils.cpp | |
MirTestUtils.h | |
MusicInformationRetrievalTests.cpp | |
StftFrameProviderTests.cpp | |
TatumQuantizationFitBenchmarking.cpp | |
TatumQuantizationFitVisualization.cpp | |
WavMirAudioReader.cpp | |
WavMirAudioReader.h | |
DecimatingMirAudioReader.cpp | |
DecimatingMirAudioReader.h | |
GetMeterUsingTatumQuantizationFit.cpp | |
GetMeterUsingTatumQuantizationFit.h | |
MirDsp.cpp | |
MirDsp.h | |
MirProjectInterface.h | |
MirTypes.h | |
MirUtils.cpp | |
MirUtils.h | |
MusicInformationRetrieval.cpp | |
MusicInformationRetrieval.h | |
StftFrameProvider.cpp | |
StftFrameProvider.h | |
► lib-network-manager | |
► curl | |
CurlHandleManager.cpp | Define a class responsible for reuse of CURL handles |
CurlHandleManager.h | Declare a class responsible for reuse of CURL handles |
CurlResponse.cpp | Define an implementation of IResponse using libcurl |
CurlResponse.h | Declare an implementation of IResponse using libcurl |
CurlResponseFactory.cpp | Define an implementation of IResponseFactory using libcurl |
CurlResponseFactory.h | Declare an implementation of IResponseFactory using libcurl |
CurlStringList.cpp | Define a RAII wrapper for the curl_slist |
CurlStringList.h | Declare a RAII wrapper for the curl_slist |
CookiesList.cpp | Define HTTP cookies list class |
CookiesList.h | Define HTTP cookies list class |
HeadersList.cpp | Define HTTP headers list class |
HeadersList.h | Declare HTTP headers list class |
IResponse.cpp | |
IResponse.h | Declare an interface for HTTP response |
IResponseFactory.h | |
MultipartData.cpp | |
MultipartData.h | |
NetworkManager.cpp | Define a class for performing HTTP requests |
NetworkManager.h | Declare a class for performing HTTP requests |
NetworkManagerApi.h | Declare macros for the Network Manager library DLL API |
Request.cpp | Define a class for constructing HTTP requests |
Request.h | Declare a class for constructing HTTP requests |
RequestPayload.cpp | Declare a class for constructing HTTP requests |
RequestPayload.h | Declare a class for constructing HTTP requests |
► lib-note-track | |
MIDIPlay.cpp | |
MIDIPlay.h | Inject added MIDI playback capability into Audacity's audio engine |
NoteTrack.cpp | |
NoteTrack.h | |
WrapAllegro.h | |
► lib-numeric-formats | |
► formatters | |
BeatsNumericConverterFormatter.cpp | |
BeatsNumericConverterFormatter.h | |
ParsedNumericConverterFormatter.cpp | |
ParsedNumericConverterFormatter.h | |
► tests | |
NumericConverterTests.cpp | |
Beats.cpp | |
Beats.h | |
NumericConverter.cpp | |
NumericConverter.h | |
NumericConverterFormats.cpp | |
NumericConverterFormats.h | |
NumericConverterFormatter.cpp | |
NumericConverterFormatter.h | |
NumericConverterFormatterContext.cpp | |
NumericConverterFormatterContext.h | |
NumericConverterRegistry.cpp | |
NumericConverterRegistry.h | |
NumericConverterType.cpp | |
NumericConverterType.h | |
ProjectNumericFormats.cpp | |
ProjectNumericFormats.h | |
ProjectTimeSignature.cpp | |
ProjectTimeSignature.h | |
► lib-nyquist-effects | |
LoadNyquist.cpp | |
LoadNyquist.h | |
NyquistBase.cpp | |
NyquistBase.h | |
► lib-playable-track | |
PlayableTrack.cpp | |
PlayableTrack.h | Extends Track with notions of mute and solo setting |
► lib-preference-pages | |
LibraryPrefs.cpp | |
LibraryPrefs.h | |
PrefsPanel.cpp | |
PrefsPanel.h | |
► lib-preferences | |
► tests | |
SettingsTestsCommon.cpp | |
SettingsTestsCommon.h | |
SettingsWXTests.cpp | |
BasicSettings.cpp | |
BasicSettings.h | |
Prefs.cpp | Utility functions for working with our wxConf (gPrefs) |
Prefs.h | |
► lib-project | |
Project.cpp | |
Project.h | |
ProjectFormatVersion.cpp | |
ProjectFormatVersion.h | |
ProjectStatus.cpp | |
ProjectStatus.h | |
► lib-project-file-io | |
ActiveProjects.cpp | |
ActiveProjects.h | |
DBConnection.cpp | Implements DBConnection |
DBConnection.h | Declare DBConnection, which maintains database connection and associated status and background thread |
ProjectFileIO.cpp | |
ProjectFileIO.h | |
ProjectFileIOExtension.cpp | |
ProjectFileIOExtension.h | |
ProjectSerializer.cpp | |
ProjectSerializer.h | |
SqliteSampleBlock.cpp | |
► lib-project-history | |
ProjectHistory.cpp | |
ProjectHistory.h | |
UndoManager.cpp | |
UndoManager.h | |
► lib-project-rate | |
Decibels.cpp | |
Decibels.h | |
ProjectRate.cpp | |
ProjectRate.h | Object holding per-project preferred sample rate |
QualitySettings.cpp | |
QualitySettings.h | |
► lib-realtime-effects | |
RealtimeEffectList.cpp | |
RealtimeEffectList.h | |
RealtimeEffectManager.cpp | |
RealtimeEffectManager.h | |
RealtimeEffectState.cpp | |
RealtimeEffectState.h | |
► lib-registries | |
AttachedVirtualFunction.h | Utility for non-intrusive definition of a new method on a base class |
ClientData.cpp | |
ClientData.h | Utility ClientData::Site to register hooks into a host class that attach client data |
ClientDataHelpers.h | Some implementation details for ClientData |
Registrar.h | |
Registry.cpp | |
Registry.h | |
► lib-sample-track | |
SampleTrack.cpp | |
SampleTrack.h | |
► lib-screen-geometry | |
NumberScale.h | |
ZoomInfo.cpp | |
ZoomInfo.h | |
► lib-sentry-reporting | |
AnonymizedMessage.cpp | Define a class to store anonymized messages |
AnonymizedMessage.h | Declare a class to store anonymized messages |
SentryHelper.h | |
SentryReport.cpp | Define a class to report errors to Sentry |
SentryReport.h | Declare a class to report errors to Sentry |
SentryRequestBuilder.cpp | Declare a class to generate the requests to Sentry |
SentryRequestBuilder.h | Define a class to generate the requests to Sentry |
► lib-shuttlegui | |
ReadOnlyText.h | |
ShuttleGui.cpp | Implements ShuttleGui, ShuttleGuiBase and InvisiblePanel |
ShuttleGui.h | |
wxTextCtrlWrapper.h | |
► lib-snapping | |
► details | |
BeatsSnapFunctions.cpp | |
FrameSnapFunctions.cpp | |
TimeSnapFunctions.cpp | |
► tests | |
SnappingTest.cpp | |
ProjectSnap.cpp | |
ProjectSnap.h | |
Snap.cpp | |
Snap.h | |
SnapUtils.cpp | |
SnapUtils.h | |
► lib-sqlite-helpers | |
► sqlite | |
Blob.cpp | |
Blob.h | |
Connection.cpp | |
Connection.h | |
Error.cpp | |
Error.h | |
Function.cpp | |
Function.h | |
Result.cpp | |
Result.h | |
SafeConnection.cpp | |
SafeConnection.h | |
SQLiteUtils.cpp | |
SQLiteUtils.h | |
Statement.cpp | |
Statement.h | |
Transaction.cpp | |
Transaction.h | |
► tests | |
SQliteHelpersTests.cpp | |
► lib-stretching-sequence | |
► tests | |
AudioContainerHelper.h | |
AudioSegmentSampleViewTest.cpp | |
ClipSegmentTest.cpp | |
ClipTimeAndPitchSourceTest.cpp | |
FloatVectorClip.cpp | |
FloatVectorClip.h | |
MockAudioSegmentFactory.h | |
MockPlayableSequence.h | |
MockSampleBlock.cpp | |
MockSampleBlock.h | |
MockSampleBlockFactory.cpp | |
MockSampleBlockFactory.h | |
SilenceSegmentTest.cpp | |
StretchingSequenceIntegrationTest.cpp | |
StretchingSequenceTest.cpp | |
TestWaveClipMaker.cpp | |
TestWaveClipMaker.h | |
TestWaveTrackMaker.cpp | |
TestWaveTrackMaker.h | |
AudioSegment.cpp | |
AudioSegment.h | |
AudioSegmentFactory.cpp | |
AudioSegmentFactory.h | |
AudioSegmentFactoryInterface.cpp | |
AudioSegmentFactoryInterface.h | |
AudioSegmentSampleView.cpp | |
AudioSegmentSampleView.h | An audio segment is either a whole clip or the silence between clips. Views allow shared references to the same memory yet over instance-specific ranges |
ClipInterface.cpp | |
ClipInterface.h | |
ClipSegment.cpp | |
ClipSegment.h | |
ClipTimeAndPitchSource.cpp | |
ClipTimeAndPitchSource.h | |
PlaybackDirection.h | |
SilenceSegment.cpp | |
SilenceSegment.h | |
StretchingSequence.cpp | |
StretchingSequence.h | |
TempoChange.cpp | |
TempoChange.h | |
► lib-string-utils | |
► 3party | |
fast_float.h | |
► tests | |
FromCharsTests.cpp | Tests for the FromChars functions |
StringUtilsTests.cpp | |
UriParserTests.cpp | |
CodeConversions.cpp | Define functions to perform UTF-8 to std::wstring conversions |
CodeConversions.h | Declare functions to perform UTF-8 to std::wstring conversions |
DateTimeConversions.cpp | Define functions to work with date and time string representations |
DateTimeConversions.h | Declare functions to work with date and time string representations |
FromChars.cpp | Define functions to convert numeric types to string representation |
FromChars.h | Declare functions to convert numeric types to string representation |
HexHelpers.h | Define helper functions for hex-to-num conversion |
StringUtils.cpp | |
StringUtils.h | |
ToChars.cpp | |
ToChars.h | Define functions to convert numeric types to string representation |
UriParser.cpp | |
UriParser.h | |
UrlDecode.cpp | Define a function to decode an URL encode string |
UrlDecode.h | Declare a function to decode an URL encode string |
UrlEncode.cpp | Define a function to perform URL encoding of a string |
UrlEncode.h | Declare a function to perform URL encoding of a string |
► lib-strings | |
Base64.cpp | |
Base64.h | |
FutureStrings.h | |
Identifier.cpp | |
Identifier.h | |
Internat.cpp | |
Internat.h | |
Languages.cpp | Determine installed languages |
Languages.h | |
TranslatableString.cpp | |
TranslatableString.h | |
wxArrayStringEx.cpp | |
wxArrayStringEx.h | |
► lib-tags | |
Tags.cpp | |
Tags.h | |
► lib-theme | |
AColor.cpp | |
AColor.h | |
AColorResources.h | |
AllThemeResources.cpp | |
AllThemeResources.h | |
ImageManipulation.cpp | |
ImageManipulation.h | |
MacroMagic.h | |
Theme.cpp | |
Theme.h | |
ThemeAsCeeCode.h | |
ThemeImageDefsAsCee.h | |
► lib-theme-resources | |
ClassicThemeAsCeeCode.cpp | |
DarkThemeAsCeeCode.cpp | |
HighContrastThemeAsCeeCode.cpp | |
LightThemeAsCeeCode.cpp | |
LoadThemeResources.cpp | |
LoadThemeResources.h | |
► lib-time-and-pitch | |
► StaffPad | |
CircularSampleBuffer.h | |
FourierTransform_pffft.cpp | |
FourierTransform_pffft.h | |
SamplesFloat.h | |
SimdComplexConversions_sse2.h | |
SimdTypes.h | |
SimdTypes_neon.h | |
SimdTypes_scalar.h | |
SimdTypes_sse2.h | |
TimeAndPitch.cpp | |
TimeAndPitch.h | |
VectorOps.h | |
► tests | |
StaffPadTimeAndPitchTest.cpp | |
TimeAndPitchFakeSource.h | |
TimeAndPitchRealSource.h | |
AudioContainer.cpp | |
AudioContainer.h | |
DummyFormantShifterLogger.cpp | |
DummyFormantShifterLogger.h | |
FormantShifter.cpp | |
FormantShifter.h | |
FormantShifterLogger.cpp | |
FormantShifterLogger.h | |
FormantShifterLoggerInterface.h | |
StaffPadTimeAndPitch.cpp | |
StaffPadTimeAndPitch.h | |
TimeAndPitchExperimentalSettings.cpp | |
TimeAndPitchExperimentalSettings.h | |
TimeAndPitchInterface.cpp | |
TimeAndPitchInterface.h | |
► lib-time-frequency-selection | |
ProjectSelectionManager.cpp | |
ProjectSelectionManager.h | |
SelectedRegion.cpp | |
SelectedRegion.h | |
ViewInfo.cpp | |
ViewInfo.h | |
► lib-time-track | |
TimeTrack.cpp | |
TimeTrack.h | |
► lib-track | |
ChannelAttachments.cpp | |
ChannelAttachments.h | Adapts TrackAttachment interface with extra channel index argument |
PendingTracks.cpp | |
PendingTracks.h | |
TimeWarper.cpp | Contains definitions for IdentityTimeWarper, ShiftTimeWarper, LinearTimeWarper, LogarithmicTimeWarper, QuadraticTimeWarper, Geometric TimeWarper classes |
TimeWarper.h | Contains declarations for TimeWarper, IdentityTimeWarper, ShiftTimeWarper, LinearTimeWarper, LinearInputRateSlideTimeWarper, LinearOutputRateSlideTimeWarper, LinearInputInverseRateTimeWarper, GeometricInputRateTimeWarper, GeometricOutputRateTimeWarper classes |
Track.cpp | |
Track.h | Declares abstract base class Track, TrackList, and iterators over TrackList |
TrackAttachment.cpp | Implements TrackAttachment |
TrackAttachment.h | Abstract base class for structures that user interface associates with tracks |
UndoTracks.cpp | |
UndoTracks.h | |
► lib-track-selection | |
SelectionState.cpp | |
SelectionState.h | |
SyncLock.cpp | |
SyncLock.h | |
TrackFocus.cpp | |
TrackFocus.h | |
► lib-transactions | |
TransactionScope.cpp | |
TransactionScope.h | |
► lib-url-schemes | |
► win | |
win/SchemeRegistrar.cpp | |
SchemeRegistrar.cpp | |
URLSchemesRegistry.cpp | |
URLSchemesRegistry.h | |
► lib-utility | |
► tests | |
CallableTest.cpp | |
CompositeTest.cpp | |
MathApproxTest.cpp | |
TupleTest.cpp | |
TypeEnumeratorTest.cpp | |
VariantTest.cpp | |
AppEvents.cpp | |
AppEvents.h | |
BufferedStreamReader.cpp | |
BufferedStreamReader.h | |
Callable.cpp | |
Callable.h | Functions and classes that generate callable objects |
CFResources.cpp | |
CFResources.h | Wrap resource pointers from Apple Core SDK for RAII |
CommandLineArgs.cpp | |
CommandLineArgs.h | |
Composite.cpp | |
Composite.h | |
CRTPBase.h | |
GlobalVariable.h | |
IteratorX.cpp | |
IteratorX.h | |
LockFreeQueue.h | |
MapToPositiveHalfIndex.h | |
MathApprox.h | |
lib-utility/memorystream.cpp | |
lib-utility/memorystream.h | |
MemoryX.cpp | |
MemoryX.h | |
MessageBuffer.h | |
ModuleConstants.cpp | |
ModuleConstants.h | |
Observer.cpp | |
Observer.h | |
PackedArray.h | Smart pointer for a header contiguous with an array holding a dynamically determined number of elements |
spinlock.h | |
Tuple.cpp | |
Tuple.h | Extraction of sub-tuples of std::tuple (or other tuple-like classes) |
TypedAny.h | Wrapper class for std::any, making type distinctions |
TypeEnumerator.cpp | |
TypeEnumerator.h | Make a list of all distinct types so far mentioned in calls of a certain macro |
TypeList.cpp | |
TypeList.h | Metaprogramming utilities for manipulating lists of types |
TypeListVisitor.h | |
TypeSwitch.cpp | |
TypeSwitch.h | Dispatch to one of a set of functions by the run-time type of an object |
Variant.cpp | |
Variant.h | Emulates std::visit for one visitor |
► lib-uuid | |
Uuid.cpp | Define a class to generate and parse UUIDs |
Uuid.h | Declare a class to generate and parse UUIDs |
► lib-viewport | |
Viewport.cpp | |
Viewport.h | |
► lib-vst | |
aeffectx.h | |
VSTEffectBase.cpp | |
VSTEffectBase.h | |
VSTEffectsModule.cpp | |
VSTEffectsModule.h | |
VSTInstance.cpp | |
VSTInstance.h | |
VSTWrapper.cpp | |
VSTWrapper.h | |
► lib-vst3 | |
► internal | |
ConnectionProxy.cpp | |
ConnectionProxy.h | |
AudacityVst3HostApplication.cpp | |
AudacityVst3HostApplication.h | |
lib-vst3/memorystream.cpp | |
lib-vst3/memorystream.h | |
module_linux.cpp | |
module_win32.cpp | |
VST3EffectBase.cpp | |
VST3EffectBase.h | |
VST3EffectsModule.cpp | |
VST3EffectsModule.h | |
VST3Instance.cpp | |
VST3Instance.h | |
VST3Utils.cpp | |
VST3Utils.h | |
VST3Wrapper.cpp | |
VST3Wrapper.h | |
► lib-wave-track | |
SampleBlock.cpp | |
SampleBlock.h | |
Sequence.cpp | Implements classes Sequence and SeqBlock |
Sequence.h | |
TimeStretching.cpp | |
TimeStretching.h | |
WaveChannelUtilities.cpp | |
WaveChannelUtilities.h | |
WaveChannelViewConstants.cpp | |
WaveChannelViewConstants.h | |
WaveClip.cpp | |
WaveClip.h | |
WaveClipUtilities.cpp | |
WaveClipUtilities.h | |
WaveTrack.cpp | |
WaveTrack.h | |
WaveTrackSink.cpp | |
WaveTrackSink.h | |
WaveTrackUtilities.cpp | |
WaveTrackUtilities.h | |
► lib-wave-track-fft | |
TrackSpectrumTransformer.cpp | |
TrackSpectrumTransformer.h | |
► lib-wave-track-paint | |
► tests | |
GraphicsDataCacheTests.cpp | |
► waveform | |
WaveBitmapCache.cpp | |
WaveBitmapCache.h | |
WaveData.cpp | |
WaveData.h | |
WaveDataCache.cpp | |
WaveDataCache.h | |
WavePaintParameters.cpp | |
WavePaintParameters.h | |
GraphicsDataCache.cpp | |
GraphicsDataCache.h | |
PixelSampleMapper.cpp | |
PixelSampleMapper.h | |
► lib-wave-track-settings | |
SpectrogramSettings.cpp | |
SpectrogramSettings.h | |
WaveformSettings.cpp | |
WaveformSettings.h | |
► lib-wx-init | |
AccessibleLinksFormatter.cpp | |
AccessibleLinksFormatter.h | Define a helper class to format text with link in a way, accessible to VI users |
AudacityMessageBox.cpp | |
AudacityMessageBox.h | |
ErrorDialog.cpp | |
ErrorDialog.h | |
ErrorReportDialog.cpp | |
ErrorReportDialog.h | |
HelpSystem.cpp | |
HelpSystem.h | |
HelpText.cpp | Given a key, returns some html |
HelpText.h | |
HtmlWindow.cpp | |
HtmlWindow.h | |
Journal.cpp | |
Journal.h | |
JournalOutput.cpp | |
JournalOutput.h | The output stream of the journal system |
JournalRegistry.cpp | |
JournalRegistry.h | Journal system's error status, command dictionary, initializers |
LogWindow.cpp | |
LogWindow.h | |
MultiDialog.cpp | |
MultiDialog.h | |
ProgressDialog.cpp | |
ProgressDialog.h | |
SelectFile.cpp | |
SelectFile.h | |
SettingsWX.cpp | |
SettingsWX.h | |
wxWidgetsBasicUI.cpp | |
wxWidgetsBasicUI.h | Implementation of BasicUI using wxWidgets |
wxWidgetsWindowPlacement.cpp | |
wxWidgetsWindowPlacement.h | |
► lib-wx-wrappers | |
► FileDialog | |
► gtk | |
gtk/FileDialogPrivate.cpp | |
gtk/FileDialogPrivate.h | |
► mac | |
mac/FileDialogPrivate.h | |
► win | |
win/FileDialogPrivate.cpp | |
win/FileDialogPrivate.h | |
FileDialog.cpp | |
FileDialog.h | |
AccessibilityUtils.cpp | |
AccessibilityUtils.h | |
AudacityDontAskAgainMessageDialog.cpp | |
AudacityDontAskAgainMessageDialog.h | |
AudacityTextEntryDialog.cpp | |
AudacityTextEntryDialog.h | |
SpinControl.cpp | |
SpinControl.h | |
WindowAccessible.cpp | |
WindowAccessible.h | |
wxPanelWrapper.cpp | |
wxPanelWrapper.h | |
► lib-xml | |
XMLAttributeValueView.cpp | |
XMLAttributeValueView.h | |
XMLFileReader.cpp | |
XMLFileReader.h | |
XMLMethodRegistry.cpp | |
XMLMethodRegistry.h | |
XMLTagHandler.cpp | |
XMLTagHandler.h | |
XMLWriter.cpp | |
XMLWriter.h | |
► modules | |
► etc | |
► mod-null | |
ModNullCallback.cpp | |
ModNullCallback.h | |
► import-export | |
► mod-aup | |
AUP.cpp | |
ImportAUP.cpp | Upgrading project file formats from before version 3 |
► mod-cl | |
CL.cpp | |
ExportCL.cpp | |
► mod-ffmpeg | |
► lib-ffmpeg-support | |
► generator | |
modules/import-export/mod-ffmpeg/lib-ffmpeg-support/generator/Generator.cpp | |
► impl | |
► avcodec | |
► 55 | |
55/AVCodecIDLookup.cpp | |
55/AVCodecImpl.cpp | |
► 57 | |
57/AVCodecIDLookup.cpp | |
57/AVCodecImpl.cpp | |
► 58 | |
58/AVCodecIDLookup.cpp | |
58/AVCodecImpl.cpp | |
► 59 | |
59/AVCodecIDLookup.cpp | |
59/AVCodecImpl.cpp | |
► 60 | |
60/AVCodecIDLookup.cpp | |
60/AVCodecImpl.cpp | |
► 61 | |
61/AVCodecIDLookup.cpp | |
61/AVCodecImpl.cpp | |
AVCodecFunctionsLoader.cpp | |
AVCodecFunctionsLoader.h | |
► avformat | |
► 55 | |
55/AVFormatImpl.cpp | |
► 57 | |
57/AVFormatImpl.cpp | |
► 58 | |
58/AVFormatImpl.cpp | |
► 59 | |
59/AVFormatImpl.cpp | |
► 60 | |
60/AVFormatImpl.cpp | |
► 61 | |
61/AVFormatImpl.cpp | |
AVFormatFunctionsLoader.cpp | |
AVFormatFunctionsLoader.h | |
► avutil | |
► 52 | |
52/avconfig.h | |
52/AVUtilImpl.cpp | |
► 55 | |
55/avconfig.h | |
55/AVUtilImpl.cpp | |
► 56 | |
56/avconfig.h | |
56/AVUtilImpl.cpp | |
► 57 | |
57/avconfig.h | |
57/AVUtilImpl.cpp | |
► 58 | |
58/avconfig.h | |
58/AVUtilImpl.cpp | |
► 59 | |
59/avconfig.h | |
59/AVUtilImpl.cpp | |
AVUtilFunctionsLoader.cpp | |
AVUtilFunctionsLoader.h | |
DynamicLibraryHelpers.cpp | |
DynamicLibraryHelpers.h | |
ffmpeg-2.3.6-single-header.h | |
ffmpeg-3.4.8-single-header.h | |
ffmpeg-4.2.4-single-header.h | |
ffmpeg-5.0.1-single-header.h | |
ffmpeg-6.0.0-single-header.h | |
ffmpeg-7.0.0-single-header.h | |
FFmpegAPIResolver.cpp | |
FFmpegAPIResolver.h | |
FFmpegLog.h | |
► wrappers | |
AVChannelLayoutWrapper.h | |
AVCodecContextWrapper.cpp | |
AVCodecContextWrapper.h | |
AVCodecWrapper.cpp | |
AVCodecWrapper.h | |
AVDictionaryWrapper.cpp | |
AVDictionaryWrapper.h | |
AVFormatContextWrapper.cpp | |
AVFormatContextWrapper.h | |
AVFrameWrapper.cpp | |
AVFrameWrapper.h | |
AVInputFormatWrapper.cpp | |
AVInputFormatWrapper.h | |
AVIOContextWrapper.cpp | |
AVIOContextWrapper.h | |
AVOutputFormatWrapper.cpp | |
AVOutputFormatWrapper.h | |
AVPacketWrapper.cpp | |
AVPacketWrapper.h | |
AVStreamWrapper.cpp | |
AVStreamWrapper.h | |
AVCodecFunctions.h | |
AVCodecID.h | |
AVFormatFunctions.h | |
AVUtilFunctions.h | |
FFmpegFunctions.cpp | |
FFmpegFunctions.h | |
FFmpegTypes.h | |
FifoBuffer.cpp | |
FifoBuffer.h | |
ExportFFmpeg.cpp | |
ExportFFmpegOptions.cpp | |
ExportFFmpegOptions.h | |
FFmpeg.cpp | |
FFmpeg.h | |
FFmpegDefines.h | |
FFmpegPrefs.cpp | |
FFmpegPresets.cpp | |
FFmpegPresets.h | |
ImportFFmpeg.cpp | |
► mod-flac | |
ExportFLAC.cpp | |
FLAC.cpp | |
ImportFLAC.cpp | |
► mod-lof | |
ImportLOF.cpp | |
LOF.cpp | |
► mod-mp2 | |
ExportMP2.cpp | |
MP2.cpp | |
► mod-mp3 | |
ExportMP3.cpp | |
ExportMP3.h | |
MP3.cpp | |
MP3Prefs.cpp | |
► mod-mpg123 | |
ImportMP3_MPG123.cpp | |
MPG123.cpp | |
► mod-ogg | |
ExportOGG.cpp | |
ImportOGG.cpp | |
OGG.cpp | |
► mod-opus | |
ExportOpus.cpp | |
ImportOpus.cpp | |
Opus.cpp | |
► mod-pcm | |
ExportPCM.cpp | |
ImportPCM.cpp | |
PCM.cpp | |
► mod-wavpack | |
ExportWavPack.cpp | |
ImportWavPack.cpp | |
WavPack.cpp | |
► nyquist | |
► mod-nyq-bench | |
NyqBench.cpp | |
NyqBench.h | |
► scripting | |
► mod-script-pipe | |
PipeServer.cpp | |
ScripterCallback.cpp | |
ScripterCallback.h | |
► sharing | |
► mod-cloud-audiocom | |
► menus | |
AudioComMenus.cpp | |
► ui | |
► dialogs | |
AudioComDialogBase.cpp | |
AudioComDialogBase.h | |
CloudLocationDialog.cpp | |
CloudLocationDialog.h | |
CloudProjectPropertiesDialog.cpp | |
CloudProjectPropertiesDialog.h | |
ConnectionIssuesDialog.cpp | |
ConnectionIssuesDialog.h | |
LinkAccountDialog.cpp | |
LinkAccountDialog.h | |
LinkFailedDialog.cpp | |
LinkFailedDialog.h | |
LinkSucceededDialog.cpp | |
LinkSucceededDialog.h | |
LinkWithTokenDialog.cpp | |
LinkWithTokenDialog.h | |
LoginDialog.cpp | |
LoginDialog.h | |
NotCloudProjectDialog.cpp | |
NotCloudProjectDialog.h | |
ProjectLimitDialog.cpp | |
ProjectLimitDialog.h | |
ProjectsListDialog.cpp | |
ProjectsListDialog.h | |
ProjectVersionConflictDialog.cpp | |
ProjectVersionConflictDialog.h | |
ShareAudioDialog.cpp | |
ShareAudioDialog.h | |
SyncFailedDialog.cpp | |
SyncFailedDialog.h | |
SyncInBackroundDialog.cpp | |
SyncInBackroundDialog.h | |
SyncSucceededDialog.cpp | |
SyncSucceededDialog.h | |
UnsyncedProjectDialog.cpp | |
UnsyncedProjectDialog.h | |
UploadCanceledDialog.cpp | |
UploadCanceledDialog.h | |
WaitForActionDialog.cpp | |
WaitForActionDialog.h | |
► images | |
CloudImages.cpp | |
AudioComPrefsPanel.cpp | |
CloudSyncStatusField.cpp | |
CloudSyncStatusField.h | |
ProjectCloudUIExtension.cpp | |
ProjectCloudUIExtension.h | |
ShareAudioToolbar.cpp | |
ShareAudioToolbar.h | |
UserImage.cpp | |
UserImage.h | |
UserPanel.cpp | |
UserPanel.h | |
AudioComModule.cpp | |
AuthorizationHandler.cpp | |
AuthorizationHandler.h | |
CloudModuleSettings.cpp | |
CloudModuleSettings.h | |
CloudProjectFileIOExtensions.cpp | |
CloudProjectFileIOExtensions.h | |
CloudProjectMixdownUtils.cpp | |
CloudProjectMixdownUtils.h | |
CloudProjectOpenUtils.cpp | |
CloudProjectOpenUtils.h | |
LinkUrlHandler.cpp | |
► track-ui | |
► mod-midi-import-export | |
ExportMIDI.cpp | |
ImportMIDI.cpp | |
► src | |
► commands | |
AppCommandEvent.cpp | Implements AppCommandEvent |
AppCommandEvent.h | Headers and event table macros for AppCommandEvent |
AudacityCommand.cpp | |
AudacityCommand.h | |
BatchEvalCommand.cpp | Contains definitions for the BatchEvalCommand class |
BatchEvalCommand.h | |
Command.cpp | Contains definitions for Command, DecoratedCommand, ApplyAndSendResponse, and CommandImplementation classes. These are remnants of Dan Horgans external scripting commands. We now use AudacityCommand and a shuttle system. This allows commands to be used from within macros too, to have settings dialogs, using ShuttleGui and without need for validators |
Command.h | Contains declaration of Command base class |
CommandBuilder.cpp | Contains definitions for CommandBuilder class |
CommandBuilder.h | Contains declaration of CommandBuilder class |
CommandDirectory.cpp | A dictionary of supported scripting commands, including functions to look up a command by name |
CommandDirectory.h | Contains declarations for CommandDirectory class |
CommandDispatch.cpp | |
CommandDispatch.h | |
CommandHandler.cpp | Contains definitions for the CommandHandler class |
CommandHandler.h | Contains declarations for the CommandHandler class |
CommandManagerWindowClasses.cpp | |
CommandManagerWindowClasses.h | |
CommandMisc.h | |
CommandSignature.cpp | Definitions for CommandSignature class |
CommandSignature.h | Declaration of CommandSignature class |
CommandType.cpp | Contains definitions for CommandType class |
CommandType.h | Contains declarations for CommandType class |
CompareAudioCommand.cpp | Contains definitions for CompareAudioCommand class |
CompareAudioCommand.h | Contains declaration of CompareAudioCommand and CompareAudioCommandType classes |
Demo.cpp | |
Demo.h | |
DragCommand.cpp | Definitions for DragCommand |
DragCommand.h | Declarations of DragCommand and DragCommandType classes |
GetInfoCommand.cpp | Contains definitions for GetInfoCommand class. This class now lists |
GetInfoCommand.h | Contains declaration of GetInfoCommand class |
GetTrackInfoCommand.cpp | Definitions for GetTrackInfoCommand and GetTrackInfoCommandType classes |
GetTrackInfoCommand.h | Declarations of GetTrackInfoCommand and GetTrackInfoCommandType classes |
HelpCommand.cpp | Definitions for HelpCommand and HelpCommandType classes |
HelpCommand.h | |
ImportExportCommands.cpp | Contains definitions for the ImportCommand and ExportCommand classes |
ImportExportCommands.h | |
LoadCommands.cpp | |
LoadCommands.h | |
MessageCommand.cpp | Definitions for MessageCommand class |
MessageCommand.h | Contains definition of MessageCommand class |
OpenSaveCommands.cpp | Contains definitions for the OpenProjectCommand and SaveProjectCommand classes |
OpenSaveCommands.h | |
PreferenceCommands.cpp | Contains definitions for the GetPreferenceCommand and SetPreferenceCommand classes |
PreferenceCommands.h | |
ResponseQueue.cpp | Contains definitions for the ResponseQueue class |
ResponseQueue.h | Contains declarations for Response and ResponseQueue classes |
ScriptCommandRelay.cpp | Contains definitions for ScriptCommandRelay |
ScriptCommandRelay.h | Contains declarations for ScriptCommandRelay |
SelectCommand.cpp | Definitions for SelectCommand classes |
SelectCommand.h | Declarations for SelectCommand and SelectCommandType classes |
SetClipCommand.cpp | Definitions for SetClipCommand |
SetClipCommand.h | Declarations of SetClipCommand and SetClipCommandType classes |
SetEnvelopeCommand.cpp | Definitions for SetEnvelopeCommand |
SetEnvelopeCommand.h | Declarations of SetEnvelopeCommand class |
SetLabelCommand.cpp | Definitions for SetLabelCommand |
SetLabelCommand.h | Declarations of SetLabelCommand and SetLabelCommandType classes |
SetProjectCommand.cpp | Definitions for SetProjectCommand |
SetProjectCommand.h | Declarations of SetProjectCommand and SetProjectCommandType classes |
SetTrackInfoCommand.cpp | |
SetTrackInfoCommand.h | |
Validators.h | Contains declarations and definitions for Validator, OptionValidator, BoolValidator, DoubleValidator, RangeValidator, IntValidator and AndValidator classes |
wxCommandTargets.cpp | Contains definitions for CommandType class that use wxWidgets |
wxCommandTargets.h | |
► effects | |
► audiounits | |
AUControl.h | |
AudioUnitEditor.cpp | |
AudioUnitEditor.h | |
AudioUnitEffect.cpp | |
AudioUnitEffect.h | |
AudioUnitEffectOptionsDialog.cpp | |
AudioUnitEffectOptionsDialog.h | |
► ladspa | |
LadspaEditor.cpp | |
LadspaEditor.h | |
LadspaEffect.cpp | |
LadspaEffect.h | |
LadspaEffectOptionsDialog.cpp | |
LadspaEffectOptionsDialog.h | |
► lv2 | |
LV2Editor.cpp | |
LV2Editor.h | |
LV2Effect.cpp | |
LV2Effect.h | |
LV2EffectMeter.cpp | |
LV2EffectMeter.h | |
LV2PreferencesDialog.cpp | |
LV2PreferencesDialog.h | |
LV2UIFeaturesList.cpp | |
LV2UIFeaturesList.h | |
NativeWindow.h | |
► nyquist | |
Nyquist.cpp | |
Nyquist.h | |
► vamp | |
LoadVamp.cpp | |
LoadVamp.h | |
VampEffect.cpp | |
VampEffect.h | |
► VST | |
VSTControl.h | |
VSTControlGTK.cpp | |
VSTControlGTK.h | |
VSTControlMSW.cpp | |
VSTControlMSW.h | |
VSTControlOSX.h | |
VSTEditor.cpp | |
VSTEditor.h | |
VSTEffect.cpp | |
VSTEffect.h | |
VSTEffectOptionsDialog.cpp | |
VSTEffectOptionsDialog.h | |
► VST3 | |
► internal | |
► x11 | |
x11/PlugFrame.cpp | |
x11/PlugFrame.h | |
RunLoop.cpp | |
RunLoop.h | |
SocketWindow.cpp | |
SocketWindow.h | |
PlugFrame.cpp | |
PlugFrame.h | |
VST3Editor.cpp | |
VST3Editor.h | |
VST3Effect.cpp | |
VST3Effect.h | |
VST3OptionsDialog.cpp | |
VST3OptionsDialog.h | |
VST3ParametersWindow.cpp | |
VST3ParametersWindow.h | |
Amplify.cpp | |
Amplify.h | |
AutoDuck.cpp | |
AutoDuck.h | |
BasicEffectUIServices.cpp | |
BasicEffectUIServices.h | |
BassTreble.cpp | |
BassTreble.h | |
ChangePitch.cpp | Change Pitch effect provides raising or lowering the pitch without changing the tempo |
ChangePitch.h | |
ChangeSpeed.cpp | |
ChangeSpeed.h | |
ChangeTempo.cpp | |
ChangeTempo.h | |
ClickRemoval.cpp | |
ClickRemoval.h | |
ClipIndicatorPanel.cpp | |
ClipIndicatorPanel.h | |
CompressionMeterPanel.cpp | |
CompressionMeterPanel.h | |
Compressor.cpp | |
Compressor.h | |
CompressorEditor.cpp | |
CompressorEditor.h | |
Contrast.cpp | |
Contrast.h | |
Distortion.cpp | |
Distortion.h | |
DtmfGen.cpp | |
DtmfGen.h | |
DynamicRangeProcessorDummyOutputs.h | |
DynamicRangeProcessorEditor.cpp | |
DynamicRangeProcessorEditor.h | |
DynamicRangeProcessorEffectUtils.cpp | |
DynamicRangeProcessorEffectUtils.h | |
DynamicRangeProcessorHistoryPanel.cpp | |
DynamicRangeProcessorHistoryPanel.h | |
DynamicRangeProcessorPanelCommon.cpp | |
DynamicRangeProcessorPanelCommon.h | |
DynamicRangeProcessorTransferFunctionPanel.cpp | |
DynamicRangeProcessorTransferFunctionPanel.h | |
Echo.cpp | |
Echo.h | |
EffectEditor.cpp | |
EffectEditor.h | |
EffectPresetDialog.cpp | |
EffectPresetDialog.h | |
EffectPreview.cpp | |
EffectPreview.h | |
EffectUI.cpp | |
EffectUI.h | |
EffectUIServices.cpp | |
EffectUIServices.h | |
Equalization.cpp | Implements EffectEqualization |
Equalization.h | |
Equalization48x.cpp | Fast SSE based implementation of equalization |
Equalization48x.h | |
EqualizationBandSliders.cpp | |
EqualizationBandSliders.h | |
EqualizationCurvesDialog.cpp | |
EqualizationCurvesDialog.h | |
EqualizationPanel.cpp | |
EqualizationPanel.h | |
EqualizationUI.cpp | |
EqualizationUI.h | |
FindClipping.cpp | |
FindClipping.h | |
LegacyCompressor.cpp | |
LegacyCompressor.h | |
Limiter.cpp | |
Limiter.h | |
LimiterEditor.cpp | |
LimiterEditor.h | |
Loudness.cpp | |
Loudness.h | |
Noise.cpp | |
Noise.h | |
NoiseReduction.cpp | |
NoiseReduction.h | |
Normalize.cpp | |
Normalize.h | |
Paulstretch.cpp | |
Paulstretch.h | |
Phaser.cpp | |
Phaser.h | |
RealtimeEffectStateUI.cpp | |
RealtimeEffectStateUI.h | |
RegisterBuiltinEffects.cpp | |
RegisterBuiltinEffects.h | |
Repeat.cpp | |
Repeat.h | |
Reverb.cpp | |
Reverb.h | |
ScienFilter.cpp | Implements EffectScienFilter, EffectScienFilterPanel |
ScienFilter.h | |
ScoreAlignDialog.cpp | |
ScoreAlignDialog.h | |
Silence.cpp | |
Silence.h | |
StatefulEffectUIServices.cpp | |
StatefulEffectUIServices.h | |
StatelessPerTrackEffect.cpp | |
StatelessPerTrackEffect.h | |
TimeScale.cpp | |
TimeScale.h | |
ToneGen.cpp | |
ToneGen.h | |
TruncSilence.cpp | |
TruncSilence.h | |
Wahwah.cpp | |
Wahwah.h | |
► export | |
ExportAudioDialog.cpp | |
ExportAudioDialog.h | |
ExportFilePanel.cpp | |
ExportFilePanel.h | |
ExportMixerDialog.cpp | |
ExportMixerDialog.h | |
ExportMixerPanel.cpp | |
ExportMixerPanel.h | |
ExportOptionsHandler.cpp | |
ExportOptionsHandler.h | |
► import | |
FormatClassifier.cpp | |
FormatClassifier.h | |
ImportRaw.cpp | Functions for guessing audio type and attempting to read from unknown sample audio data. Implements ImportRawDialog |
ImportRaw.h | |
ImportStreamDialog.cpp | |
ImportStreamDialog.h | |
MultiFormatReader.cpp | |
MultiFormatReader.h | |
RawAudioGuess.cpp | |
RawAudioGuess.h | |
SpecPowerMeter.cpp | |
SpecPowerMeter.h | |
► menus | |
ClipMenus.cpp | |
EditMenus.cpp | |
ExtraMenus.cpp | |
FileMenus.cpp | |
HelpMenus.cpp | |
LabelMenus.cpp | |
MenuHelper.cpp | |
MenuHelper.h | |
NavigationMenus.cpp | |
PluginMenus.cpp | |
SelectMenus.cpp | |
TimelineMenus.cpp | |
ToolbarMenus.cpp | |
TrackMenus.cpp | |
TransportMenus.cpp | |
ViewMenus.cpp | |
► prefs | |
ApplicationPrefs.cpp | |
ApplicationPrefs.h | |
BatchPrefs.cpp | |
BatchPrefs.h | |
DevicePrefs.cpp | |
DevicePrefs.h | |
DirectoriesPrefs.cpp | |
DirectoriesPrefs.h | |
EffectsPrefs.cpp | |
EffectsPrefs.h | |
ExtImportPrefs.cpp | |
ExtImportPrefs.h | |
GUIPrefs.cpp | |
GUIPrefs.h | |
GUISettings.cpp | |
GUISettings.h | |
ImportExportPrefs.cpp | |
ImportExportPrefs.h | |
KeyConfigPrefs.cpp | |
KeyConfigPrefs.h | |
MidiIOPrefs.cpp | |
MidiIOPrefs.h | |
ModulePrefs.cpp | |
ModulePrefs.h | |
PlaybackPrefs.cpp | |
PlaybackPrefs.h | |
PrefsDialog.cpp | |
PrefsDialog.h | |
QualityPrefs.cpp | |
QualityPrefs.h | |
RecordingPrefs.cpp | |
RecordingPrefs.h | |
SpectrumPrefs.cpp | |
SpectrumPrefs.h | |
ThemePrefs.cpp | |
ThemePrefs.h | |
TracksBehaviorsPrefs.cpp | |
TracksBehaviorsPrefs.h | |
TracksPrefs.cpp | |
TracksPrefs.h | |
WaveformPrefs.cpp | |
WaveformPrefs.h | |
WaveformScale.cpp | |
WaveformScale.h | |
► toolbars | |
AudioSetupToolBar.cpp | |
AudioSetupToolBar.h | |
ControlToolBar.cpp | |
ControlToolBar.h | |
CutCopyPasteToolBar.cpp | |
CutCopyPasteToolBar.h | |
DeviceToolBar.cpp | |
DeviceToolBar.h | |
EditToolBar.cpp | |
EditToolBar.h | |
MeterToolBar.cpp | |
MeterToolBar.h | |
SelectionBar.cpp | |
SelectionBar.h | |
SelectionBarListener.h | |
SnappingToolBar.cpp | |
SnappingToolBar.h | |
SpectralSelectionBar.cpp | |
SpectralSelectionBar.h | |
SpectralSelectionBarListener.h | |
TimeSignatureToolBar.cpp | |
TimeSignatureToolBar.h | |
TimeToolBar.cpp | |
TimeToolBar.h | |
ToolBar.cpp | |
ToolBar.h | |
ToolBarButtons.cpp | |
ToolBarButtons.h | |
ToolDock.cpp | |
ToolDock.h | |
ToolManager.cpp | |
ToolManager.h | |
ToolsToolBar.cpp | |
ToolsToolBar.h | |
TranscriptionToolBar.cpp | |
TranscriptionToolBar.h | |
► tracks | |
► labeltrack | |
► ui | |
LabelDefaultClickHandle.cpp | |
LabelDefaultClickHandle.h | |
LabelGlyphHandle.cpp | |
LabelGlyphHandle.h | |
LabelTextHandle.cpp | |
LabelTextHandle.h | |
LabelTrackControls.cpp | |
LabelTrackControls.h | |
LabelTrackShifter.cpp | Headerless file injects method definitions for time shifting of LabelTrack |
LabelTrackView.cpp | |
LabelTrackView.h | |
LabelTrackVRulerControls.cpp | |
LabelTrackVRulerControls.h | |
► playabletrack | |
► notetrack | |
► ui | |
NoteTrackAffordanceControls.cpp | |
NoteTrackAffordanceControls.h | |
NoteTrackButtonHandle.cpp | |
NoteTrackButtonHandle.h | |
NoteTrackControls.cpp | |
NoteTrackControls.h | |
NoteTrackDisplayData.cpp | |
NoteTrackDisplayData.h | |
NoteTrackMenuItems.cpp | |
NoteTrackShifter.cpp | Headerless file injects method definitions for time shifting of NoteTrack |
NoteTrackSliderHandles.cpp | |
NoteTrackSliderHandles.h | |
NoteTrackView.cpp | |
NoteTrackView.h | |
NoteTrackVRulerControls.cpp | |
NoteTrackVRulerControls.h | |
NoteTrackVZoomHandle.cpp | |
NoteTrackVZoomHandle.h | |
StretchHandle.cpp | |
StretchHandle.h | |
► ui | |
PlayableTrackButtonHandles.cpp | |
PlayableTrackButtonHandles.h | |
PlayableTrackControls.cpp | |
PlayableTrackControls.h | |
► wavetrack | |
► ui | |
ClipButtonId.h | |
ClipOverflowButtonHandle.cpp | |
ClipOverflowButtonHandle.h | |
ClipParameters.cpp | |
ClipParameters.h | |
ClipPitchAndSpeedButtonHandle.cpp | |
ClipPitchAndSpeedButtonHandle.h | |
CutlineHandle.cpp | |
CutlineHandle.h | |
HighlitClipButtonHandle.cpp | |
HighlitClipButtonHandle.h | |
LowlitClipButton.cpp | |
LowlitClipButton.h | |
PitchAndSpeedDialog.cpp | |
PitchAndSpeedDialog.h | |
SampleHandle.cpp | |
SampleHandle.h | |
ShuttleGuiScopedSizer.h | |
SpectrumCache.cpp | |
SpectrumCache.h | |
SpectrumView.cpp | |
SpectrumView.h | |
SpectrumVRulerControls.cpp | |
SpectrumVRulerControls.h | |
SpectrumVZoomHandle.cpp | |
SpectrumVZoomHandle.h | |
WaveChannelView.cpp | |
WaveChannelView.h | |
WaveChannelVRulerControls.cpp | |
WaveChannelVRulerControls.h | |
WaveChannelVZoomHandle.cpp | |
WaveChannelVZoomHandle.h | |
WaveClipAdjustBorderHandle.cpp | |
WaveClipAdjustBorderHandle.h | |
WaveClipUIUtilities.cpp | |
WaveClipUIUtilities.h | |
WaveformAppearance.cpp | |
WaveformAppearance.h | |
WaveformView.cpp | |
WaveformView.h | |
WaveformVRulerControls.cpp | |
WaveformVRulerControls.h | |
WaveformVZoomHandle.cpp | |
WaveformVZoomHandle.h | |
WaveTrackAffordanceControls.cpp | |
WaveTrackAffordanceControls.h | |
WaveTrackAffordanceHandle.cpp | |
WaveTrackAffordanceHandle.h | |
WaveTrackControls.cpp | |
WaveTrackControls.h | |
WaveTrackMenuItems.cpp | |
WaveTrackShifter.cpp | Headerless file injects method definitions for time shifting of WaveTrack |
WaveTrackSliderHandles.cpp | |
WaveTrackSliderHandles.h | |
► timetrack | |
► ui | |
TimeTrackControls.cpp | |
TimeTrackControls.h | |
TimeTrackMenuItems.cpp | |
TimeTrackView.cpp | |
TimeTrackView.h | |
TimeTrackVRulerControls.cpp | |
TimeTrackVRulerControls.h | |
TimeTrackVZoomHandle.cpp | |
TimeTrackVZoomHandle.h | |
► ui | |
AffordanceHandle.cpp | |
AffordanceHandle.h | |
BackgroundCell.cpp | |
BackgroundCell.h | |
BrushHandle.cpp | |
BrushHandle.h | |
ButtonHandle.cpp | |
ButtonHandle.h | |
ChannelView.cpp | |
ChannelView.h | |
ChannelVRulerControls.cpp | |
ChannelVRulerControls.h | |
CommonChannelView.cpp | |
CommonChannelView.h | |
CommonTrackControls.cpp | |
CommonTrackControls.h | |
CommonTrackInfo.cpp | |
CommonTrackInfo.h | |
CommonTrackPanelCell.cpp | |
CommonTrackPanelCell.h | |
EditCursorOverlay.cpp | |
EditCursorOverlay.h | |
EnvelopeHandle.cpp | |
EnvelopeHandle.h | |
PlayIndicatorOverlay.cpp | |
PlayIndicatorOverlay.h | |
Scrubbing.cpp | |
Scrubbing.h | |
ScrubUI.cpp | |
ScrubUI.h | |
SelectHandle.cpp | |
SelectHandle.h | |
SliderHandle.cpp | |
SliderHandle.h | |
TextEditHelper.cpp | |
TextEditHelper.h | |
TimeShiftHandle.cpp | |
TimeShiftHandle.h | |
TrackButtonHandles.cpp | |
TrackButtonHandles.h | |
TrackControls.cpp | |
TrackControls.h | |
TrackSelectHandle.cpp | |
TrackSelectHandle.h | |
ZoomHandle.cpp | |
ZoomHandle.h | |
► update | |
NoUpdatesAvailableDialog.cpp | |
NoUpdatesAvailableDialog.h | |
UpdateDataParser.cpp | Declare a class that parses update server data format |
UpdateDataParser.h | Declare a class that parses update server data format |
UpdateManager.cpp | Declare a class that handles managing of updates |
UpdateManager.h | Declare a class that handles managing of updates |
UpdateNoticeDialog.cpp | Declare a dialog to notify the user about automatic update checking |
UpdateNoticeDialog.h | Define a dialog to notify the user about automatic update checking |
UpdatePopupDialog.cpp | Define a dialog for notifying users about new version available |
UpdatePopupDialog.h | Define a dialog for notifying users about new version available |
VersionId.cpp | |
VersionId.h | Declare a class with version number manipulation |
VersionPatch.h | Declare a structure that describes patch fields |
► widgets | |
AButton.cpp | |
AButton.h | |
ASlider.cpp | |
ASlider.h | |
AttachableScrollBar.cpp | |
AttachableScrollBar.h | |
auStaticText.cpp | |
auStaticText.h | |
BackedPanel.cpp | |
BackedPanel.h | |
BasicMenu.cpp | |
BasicMenu.h | Abstractions of menus and their items |
BeatsFormat.cpp | |
BeatsFormat.h | |
CustomUpdater.cpp | |
CustomUpdater.h | |
CustomUpdaterPosition.cpp | |
CustomUpdaterPosition.h | |
CustomUpdaterValue.cpp | |
CustomUpdaterValue.h | |
ExpandingToolBar.cpp | |
ExpandingToolBar.h | |
FileHistory.cpp | |
FileHistory.h | |
FreqGauge.cpp | |
FreqGauge.h | |
GeneratedUpdater.cpp | |
GeneratedUpdater.h | |
Grabber.cpp | |
Grabber.h | |
Grid.cpp | |
Grid.h | |
ImageRoll.cpp | |
ImageRoll.h | |
IntFormat.cpp | |
IntFormat.h | |
KeyView.cpp | |
KeyView.h | |
LinearDBFormat.cpp | |
LinearDBFormat.h | |
LinearUpdater.cpp | |
LinearUpdater.h | |
LogarithmicUpdater.cpp | |
LogarithmicUpdater.h | |
MeterPanel.cpp | |
MeterPanel.h | |
MeterPanelBase.cpp | |
MeterPanelBase.h | |
MissingPluginsErrorDialog.cpp | |
MissingPluginsErrorDialog.h | |
NumericTextCtrl.cpp | |
NumericTextCtrl.h | |
numformatter.cpp | |
numformatter.h | |
Overlay.cpp | |
Overlay.h | |
OverlayPanel.cpp | |
OverlayPanel.h | |
PopupMenuTable.cpp | |
PopupMenuTable.h | |
RealFormat.cpp | |
RealFormat.h | |
Ruler.cpp | |
Ruler.h | |
RulerFormat.cpp | |
RulerFormat.h | |
RulerPanel.cpp | |
RulerPanel.h | |
RulerUpdater.cpp | |
RulerUpdater.h | |
TimeFormat.cpp | |
TimeFormat.h | |
UnwritableLocationErrorDialog.cpp | |
UnwritableLocationErrorDialog.h | |
valnum.cpp | |
valnum.h | |
Warning.cpp | |
Warning.h | |
AboutDialog.cpp | |
AboutDialog.h | |
AboutDialogGPLv2Text.cpp | |
AboutDialogGPLv3Text.cpp | |
ActiveProject.cpp | |
ActiveProject.h | Handle changing of active project and keep global project pointer |
AdornedRulerPanel.cpp | |
AdornedRulerPanel.h | |
AnalyzedWaveClip.cpp | |
AnalyzedWaveClip.h | |
AudacityApp.cpp | |
AudacityApp.h | |
AudacityFileConfig.cpp | |
AudacityFileConfig.h | |
AudacityHeaders.cpp | |
AudacityHeaders.h | |
AudacityMirProject.cpp | |
AudacityMirProject.h | |
AudioPasteDialog.cpp | |
AudioPasteDialog.h | |
AutoRecoveryDialog.cpp | |
AutoRecoveryDialog.h | |
BatchCommandDialog.cpp | |
BatchCommandDialog.h | |
BatchCommands.cpp | |
BatchCommands.h | |
BatchProcessDialog.cpp | |
BatchProcessDialog.h | |
Benchmark.cpp | |
Benchmark.h | |
CellularPanel.cpp | |
CellularPanel.h | |
Clipboard.cpp | |
Clipboard.h | |
ClipMirAudioReader.cpp | |
ClipMirAudioReader.h | |
CommonCommandFlags.cpp | |
CommonCommandFlags.h | |
CrashReport.cpp | |
CrashReport.h | |
CrossFade.cpp | |
CrossFade.h | |
DefaultPlaybackPolicy.cpp | |
DefaultPlaybackPolicy.h | |
Dependencies.cpp | |
Dependencies.h | |
Diags.cpp | |
Diags.h | |
DoEffect.cpp | |
DoEffect.h | |
DropoutDetector.cpp | |
DropTarget.cpp | |
EffectAndCommandPluginManager.cpp | |
EffectAndCommandPluginManager.h | |
EnvelopeEditor.cpp | |
EnvelopeEditor.h | |
ExportLabelTrack.cpp | |
FrameStatisticsDialog.cpp | |
FrameStatisticsDialog.h | |
FreqWindow.cpp | |
FreqWindow.h | |
HelpUtilities.cpp | |
HelpUtilities.h | |
HistoryWindow.cpp | |
HistoryWindow.h | |
HitTestResult.h | |
IncompatiblePluginsDialog.cpp | |
IncompatiblePluginsDialog.h | |
JournalEvents.cpp | |
JournalEvents.h | |
JournalWindowPaths.cpp | |
JournalWindowPaths.h | |
KeyboardCapture.cpp | |
KeyboardCapture.h | |
LabelDialog.cpp | |
LabelDialog.h | |
LangChoice.cpp | |
LangChoice.h | |
Legacy.cpp | Converts old Audacity file types. Implements AutoRollbackRenamer |
Legacy.h | |
ListNavigationEnabled.cpp | |
ListNavigationEnabled.h | |
ListNavigationPanel.cpp | |
ListNavigationPanel.h | |
MenuCreator.cpp | Functions for building toobar menus and enabling and disabling items |
MenuCreator.h | |
MixerBoard.cpp | |
MixerBoard.h | |
MouseWheelHandler.cpp | |
MovableControl.cpp | |
MovableControl.h | |
NoteTrackEditing.cpp | |
PluginDataModel.cpp | |
PluginDataModel.h | |
PluginDataViewCtrl.cpp | |
PluginDataViewCtrl.h | |
PluginRegistrationDialog.cpp | |
PluginRegistrationDialog.h | |
PluginStartupRegistration.cpp | |
PluginStartupRegistration.h | |
Profiler.cpp | |
Profiler.h | |
ProjectAudioManager.cpp | |
ProjectAudioManager.h | |
ProjectFileManager.cpp | |
ProjectFileManager.h | |
ProjectFSCK.cpp | |
ProjectFSCK.h | |
ProjectManager.cpp | |
ProjectManager.h | |
ProjectSettings.cpp | |
ProjectSettings.h | |
ProjectTempoListener.cpp | |
ProjectTimeRuler.cpp | |
ProjectTimeRuler.h | |
ProjectWindow.cpp | |
ProjectWindow.h | |
ProjectWindowBase.cpp | |
ProjectWindowBase.h | |
ProjectWindows.cpp | |
ProjectWindows.h | Accessors for certain important windows associated with each project |
RealFFTf48x.cpp | |
RealFFTf48x.h | |
RealtimeEffectPanel.cpp | |
RealtimeEffectPanel.h | |
RefreshCode.h | |
ScrubState.cpp | |
ScrubState.h | |
SelectUtilities.cpp | |
SelectUtilities.h | |
ShuttleGetDefinition.cpp | |
ShuttleGetDefinition.h | |
SoundActivatedRecord.cpp | |
SoundActivatedRecord.h | |
SpectralDataDialog.cpp | |
SpectralDataManager.cpp | |
SpectralDataManager.h | |
SseMathFuncs.cpp | |
SseMathFuncs.h | SSE maths functions (for FFTs) |
TagsEditor.cpp | |
TagsEditor.h | |
ThemedWrappers.h | |
TimeDialog.cpp | |
TimeDialog.h | |
TimeDisplayMode.cpp | |
TimeDisplayMode.h | |
TimerRecordDialog.cpp | |
TimerRecordDialog.h | |
TimerRecordExportDialog.cpp | |
TimerRecordExportDialog.h | |
TimeTrackEditing.cpp | |
TrackArt.cpp | |
TrackArt.h | |
TrackArtist.cpp | |
TrackArtist.h | |
TrackInfo.cpp | |
TrackInfo.h | |
TrackPanel.cpp | Implements TrackPanel |
TrackPanel.h | |
TrackPanelAx.cpp | |
TrackPanelAx.h | |
TrackPanelCell.cpp | |
TrackPanelCell.h | |
TrackPanelConstants.h | |
TrackPanelDrawable.cpp | |
TrackPanelDrawable.h | |
TrackPanelDrawingContext.h | |
TrackPanelMouseEvent.h | |
TrackPanelResizeHandle.cpp | |
TrackPanelResizeHandle.h | |
TrackPanelResizerCell.cpp | |
TrackPanelResizerCell.h | |
TrackUtilities.cpp | |
TrackUtilities.h | |
TransportUtilities.cpp | |
TransportUtilities.h | |
UIHandle.cpp | |
UIHandle.h | |
VoiceKey.cpp | |
VoiceKey.h | |
WaveTrackLocation.cpp | |
WaveTrackLocation.h | |
WhatsNewDialog.cpp | |
WhatsNewDialog.h | |