22#include <wx/weakref.h>
static Settings & settings()
Performs effect computation.
Hold values to send to effect output meters.
bool TransferDataToWindow(const EffectSettings &settings) override
std::unique_ptr< EffectEditor > PopulateOrExchange(ShuttleGui &S, EffectInstance &instance, EffectSettingsAccess &access, const EffectOutputs *pOutputs) override
Add controls to effect panel; always succeeds.
wxWeakRef< wxWindow > mUIParent
wxTextCtrl * mThresholdText
void OnControlChange(wxCommandEvent &evt)
wxCheckBox * mIndependent
bool TransferDataFromWindow(EffectSettings &settings) override
wxTextCtrl * mTruncLongestAllowedSilenceT
wxTextCtrl * mInitialAllowedSilenceT
wxTextCtrl * mSilenceCompressPercentT
Derived from ShuttleGuiBase, an Audacity specific class for shuttling data to and from GUI.
Truncate Silence automatically reduces the length of passages where the volume is below a set thresho...
Externalized state of a plug-in.