Audacity 3.2.0
Public Member Functions | Static Public Attributes | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes | List of all members
ExportFFmpegOptions Class Referencefinal

Custom FFmpeg export dialog. More...

#include <ExportFFmpegOptions.h>

Inheritance diagram for ExportFFmpegOptions:
Collaboration diagram for ExportFFmpegOptions:

Public Member Functions

 ExportFFmpegOptions (wxWindow *parent)
 ~ExportFFmpegOptions ()
void PopulateOrExchange (ShuttleGui &S)
void OnOK (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnGetURL (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnFormatList (wxCommandEvent &event)
void DoOnFormatList ()
void OnCodecList (wxCommandEvent &event)
void DoOnCodecList ()
void OnAllFormats (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnAllCodecs (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnSavePreset (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnLoadPreset (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnDeletePreset (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnImportPresets (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnExportPresets (wxCommandEvent &event)
bool SavePreset (bool bCheckForOverwrite)
- Public Member Functions inherited from wxDialogWrapper
 wxDialogWrapper ()
 wxDialogWrapper (wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const TranslatableString &title, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxDefaultSize, long style=wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE, const TranslatableString &name=XO("Dialog"))
bool Create (wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const TranslatableString &title, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxDefaultSize, long style=wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE, const TranslatableString &name=XO("Dialog"))
void SetTitle (const TranslatableString &title)
void SetLabel (const TranslatableString &title)
void SetName (const TranslatableString &title)
void SetName ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from wxTabTraversalWrapper< wxDialog >
 wxTabTraversalWrapper (Args &&... args)
 wxTabTraversalWrapper (const wxTabTraversalWrapper &)=delete
 wxTabTraversalWrapper (wxTabTraversalWrapper &&)=delete
wxTabTraversalWrapperoperator= (const wxTabTraversalWrapper &)=delete
wxTabTraversalWrapperoperator= (wxTabTraversalWrapper &&)=delete

Static Public Attributes

static CompatibilityEntry CompatibilityList []
static ExposedFormat fmts []
 List of export types. More...
static const int iAACSampleRates []
static ApplicableFor apptable []

Private Member Functions

void FindSelectedFormat (wxString **name, wxString **longname)
 Finds the format currently selected and returns its name and description. More...
void FindSelectedCodec (wxString **name, wxString **longname)
 Finds the codec currently selected and returns its name and description. More...
void FetchFormatList ()
 Retrieves format list from libavformat. More...
int FetchCompatibleFormatList (AudacityAVCodecID id, wxString *selfmt)
void FetchCodecList ()
 Retrieves codec list from libavcodec. More...
int FetchCompatibleCodecList (const wxChar *fmt, AudacityAVCodecID id)
void FetchPresetList ()
 Retrieves list of presets from configuration file. More...
bool ReportIfBadCombination ()
void EnableDisableControls (AVCodecWrapper *cdc, wxString *selfmt)

Private Attributes

wxArrayString mShownFormatNames
wxArrayString mShownFormatLongNames
wxArrayString mShownCodecNames
wxArrayString mShownCodecLongNames
wxArrayStringEx mFormatNames
wxArrayString mFormatLongNames
wxArrayStringEx mCodecNames
wxArrayString mCodecLongNames
wxListBox * mFormatList
wxListBox * mCodecList
wxStaticText * mFormatName
wxStaticText * mCodecName
wxComboBox * mPresetCombo
int mBitRateFromChoice
int mSampleRateFromChoice
std::unique_ptr< FFmpegPresetsmPresets
wxArrayStringEx mPresetNames
std::shared_ptr< FFmpegFunctionsmFFmpeg

Detailed Description

Custom FFmpeg export dialog.

Definition at line 73 of file ExportFFmpegOptions.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ExportFFmpegOptions()

ExportFFmpegOptions::ExportFFmpegOptions ( wxWindow *  parent)

Definition at line 477 of file ExportFFmpegOptions.cpp.

478: wxDialogWrapper(parent, wxID_ANY,
479 XO("Configure custom FFmpeg options"))
481 SetName();
484 //FFmpegLibsInst()->LoadLibs(NULL,true); //Loaded at startup or from Prefs now
486 mPresets = std::make_unique<FFmpegPresets>();
487 mPresets->GetPresetList(mPresetNames);
489 if (mFFmpeg)
490 {
496 //Select the format that was selected last time this dialog was closed
497 mFormatList->Select(mFormatList->FindString(gPrefs->Read(wxT("/FileFormats/FFmpegFormat"))));
500 //Select the codec that was selected last time this dialog was closed
501 auto codec = mFFmpeg->CreateEncoder(gPrefs->Read(wxT("/FileFormats/FFmpegCodec")).ToUTF8());
503 if (codec != nullptr)
504 mCodecList->Select(mCodecList->FindString(wxString::FromUTF8(codec->GetName())));
507 }
audacity::BasicSettings * gPrefs
Definition: Prefs.cpp:68
@ eIsCreatingFromPrefs
Definition: ShuttleGui.h:46
#define S(N)
Definition: ToChars.cpp:64
void FetchCodecList()
Retrieves codec list from libavcodec.
std::unique_ptr< FFmpegPresets > mPresets
void PopulateOrExchange(ShuttleGui &S)
void FetchFormatList()
Retrieves format list from libavformat.
wxArrayStringEx mPresetNames
std::shared_ptr< FFmpegFunctions > mFFmpeg
Derived from ShuttleGuiBase, an Audacity specific class for shuttling data to and from GUI.
Definition: ShuttleGui.h:640
virtual bool Read(const wxString &key, bool *value) const =0
std::string ToUTF8(const std::wstring &wstr)
static std::shared_ptr< FFmpegFunctions > Load(bool fromUserPathOnly=false)

References DoOnCodecList(), DoOnFormatList(), eIsCreatingFromPrefs, FetchCodecList(), FetchFormatList(), gPrefs, FFmpegFunctions::Load(), mCodecList, mFFmpeg, mFormatList, mPresetNames, mPresets, PopulateOrExchange(), audacity::BasicSettings::Read(), S, wxDialogWrapper::SetName(), audacity::ToUTF8(), and wxT().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ~ExportFFmpegOptions()

ExportFFmpegOptions::~ExportFFmpegOptions ( )

Definition at line 473 of file ExportFFmpegOptions.cpp.


Member Function Documentation

◆ DoOnCodecList()

void ExportFFmpegOptions::DoOnCodecList ( )

Definition at line 1284 of file ExportFFmpegOptions.cpp.

1286 wxString *selcdc = nullptr;
1287 wxString* selcdclong = nullptr;
1289 FindSelectedCodec(&selcdc, &selcdclong);
1291 if (selcdc == nullptr)
1292 {
1293 return;
1294 }
1296 wxString* selfmt = nullptr;
1297 wxString* selfmtlong = nullptr;
1299 FindSelectedFormat(&selfmt, &selfmtlong);
1301 auto cdc = mFFmpeg->CreateEncoder(selcdc->ToUTF8());
1302 if (cdc == nullptr)
1303 {
1304 //This shouldn't really happen
1305 /* i18n-hint: "codec" is short for a "coder-decoder" algorithm */
1306 mCodecName->SetLabel(wxString(_("Failed to find the codec")));
1307 return;
1308 }
1310 mCodecName->SetLabel(wxString::Format(wxT("[%d] %s"), (int) mFFmpeg->GetAudacityCodecID(cdc->GetId()).value, *selcdclong));
1312 if (selfmt != nullptr)
1313 {
1314 auto fmt = mFFmpeg->GuessOutputFormat(selfmt->ToUTF8(), nullptr, nullptr);
1315 if (fmt == nullptr)
1316 {
1317 selfmt = nullptr;
1318 selfmtlong = nullptr;
1319 }
1320 }
1322 int newselfmt = FetchCompatibleFormatList(
1323 mFFmpeg->GetAudacityCodecID(cdc->GetId()), selfmt);
1325 if (newselfmt >= 0)
1326 mFormatList->Select(newselfmt);
1328 EnableDisableControls(cdc.get(), selfmt);
1329 Layout();
1330 Fit();
1331 return;
#define _(s)
Definition: Internat.h:73
void FindSelectedCodec(wxString **name, wxString **longname)
Finds the codec currently selected and returns its name and description.
int FetchCompatibleFormatList(AudacityAVCodecID id, wxString *selfmt)
void FindSelectedFormat(wxString **name, wxString **longname)
Finds the format currently selected and returns its name and description.
void EnableDisableControls(AVCodecWrapper *cdc, wxString *selfmt)

References _, EnableDisableControls(), FetchCompatibleFormatList(), FindSelectedCodec(), FindSelectedFormat(), mCodecName, mFFmpeg, mFormatList, and wxT().

Referenced by ExportFFmpegOptions(), OnCodecList(), and OnLoadPreset().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ DoOnFormatList()

void ExportFFmpegOptions::DoOnFormatList ( )

Definition at line 1234 of file ExportFFmpegOptions.cpp.

1236 wxString *selfmt = NULL;
1237 wxString *selfmtlong = NULL;
1238 FindSelectedFormat(&selfmt, &selfmtlong);
1239 if (selfmt == NULL)
1240 {
1241 return;
1242 }
1244 wxString *selcdc = NULL;
1245 wxString *selcdclong = NULL;
1246 FindSelectedCodec(&selcdc, &selcdclong);
1248 auto fmt = mFFmpeg->GuessOutputFormat(selfmt->ToUTF8(),NULL,NULL);
1249 if (fmt == NULL)
1250 {
1251 //This shouldn't really happen
1252 mFormatName->SetLabel(wxString(_("Failed to guess format")));
1253 return;
1254 }
1255 mFormatName->SetLabel(wxString::Format(wxT("%s"), *selfmtlong));
1259 if (selcdc != nullptr)
1260 {
1261 auto cdc = mFFmpeg->CreateEncoder(selcdc->ToUTF8());
1263 if (cdc != nullptr)
1264 {
1265 selcdcid = mFFmpeg->GetAudacityCodecID(cdc->GetId());
1266 }
1267 }
1268 int newselcdc =
1269 FetchCompatibleCodecList(*selfmt, selcdcid);
1271 if (newselcdc >= 0) mCodecList->Select(newselcdc);
1273 std::unique_ptr<AVCodecWrapper> cdc;
1275 if (selcdc != nullptr)
1276 cdc = mFFmpeg->CreateEncoder(selcdc->ToUTF8());
1278 EnableDisableControls(cdc.get(), selfmt);
1279 Layout();
1280 Fit();
1281 return;
Definition: AVCodecID.h:14
int FetchCompatibleCodecList(const wxChar *fmt, AudacityAVCodecID id)
wxStaticText * mFormatName

References _, AUDACITY_AV_CODEC_ID_NONE, EnableDisableControls(), FetchCompatibleCodecList(), FindSelectedCodec(), FindSelectedFormat(), mCodecList, mFFmpeg, mFormatName, and wxT().

Referenced by ExportFFmpegOptions(), OnFormatList(), and OnLoadPreset().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ EnableDisableControls()

void ExportFFmpegOptions::EnableDisableControls ( AVCodecWrapper cdc,
wxString *  selfmt 

Definition at line 1201 of file ExportFFmpegOptions.cpp.

1203 int handled = -1;
1204 for (int i = 0; apptable[i].control != 0; i++)
1205 {
1206 if (apptable[i].control != handled)
1207 {
1208 bool codec = false;
1209 bool format = false;
1210 if (apptable[i].codec == AUDACITY_AV_CODEC_ID_NONE)
1211 {
1212 codec = true;
1213 }
1214 else if (
1215 cdc != NULL &&
1216 apptable[i].codec == mFFmpeg->GetAudacityCodecID(cdc->GetId()))
1217 {
1218 codec = true;
1219 }
1221 if (wxString::FromUTF8(apptable[i].format) == wxT("any")) format = true;
1222 else if (selfmt != NULL &&
1223 *selfmt == wxString::FromUTF8(apptable[i].format)) format = true;
1224 if (codec && format)
1225 {
1226 handled = apptable[i].control;
1227 wxWindow *item = FindWindowById(apptable[i].control,this);
1228 if (item != NULL) item->Enable(apptable[i].enable);
1229 }
1230 }
1231 }
virtual AVCodecIDFwd GetId() const noexcept=0
static ApplicableFor apptable[]
int control
control ID

References apptable, AUDACITY_AV_CODEC_ID_NONE, ApplicableFor::control, anonymous_namespace{ExportPCM.cpp}::format, AVCodecWrapper::GetId(), mFFmpeg, and wxT().

Referenced by DoOnCodecList(), and DoOnFormatList().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ FetchCodecList()

void ExportFFmpegOptions::FetchCodecList ( )

Retrieves codec list from libavcodec.

Definition at line 535 of file ExportFFmpegOptions.cpp.

537 if (!mFFmpeg)
538 return;
539 // Enumerate all codecs
540 std::unique_ptr<AVCodecWrapper> codec;
541 for (auto codec : mFFmpeg->GetCodecs())
542 {
543 // We're only interested in audio and only in encoders
544 if (codec->IsAudio() && mFFmpeg->av_codec_is_encoder(codec->GetWrappedValue()))
545 {
546 // MP2 Codec is broken. Don't allow it.
547 if( codec->GetId() == mFFmpeg->GetAVCodecID(AUDACITY_AV_CODEC_ID_MP2))
548 continue;
550 mCodecNames.push_back(wxString::FromUTF8(codec->GetName()));
551 mCodecLongNames.push_back(wxString::Format(wxT("%s - %s"),mCodecNames.back(),wxString::FromUTF8(codec->GetLongName())));
552 }
553 }
554 // Show all codecs
Definition: AVCodecID.h:294
wxArrayStringEx mCodecNames
wxArrayString mShownCodecLongNames
wxArrayString mShownCodecNames
wxArrayString mCodecLongNames

References AUDACITY_AV_CODEC_ID_MP2, mCodecLongNames, mCodecNames, mFFmpeg, mShownCodecLongNames, mShownCodecNames, and wxT().

Referenced by ExportFFmpegOptions().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ FetchCompatibleCodecList()

int ExportFFmpegOptions::FetchCompatibleCodecList ( const wxChar *  fmt,
AudacityAVCodecID  id 

Retrieves a list of codecs compatible to format

fmtFormat short name
idid of the codec selected at the moment
index of the id in NEW codec list or -1 if it is not in the list

Definition at line 803 of file ExportFFmpegOptions.cpp.

805 const auto ffmpegId = mFFmpeg->GetAVCodecID(id);
807 // By default assume that id is not in the list
808 int index = -1;
809 // By default no codecs are compatible (yet)
810 mShownCodecNames.clear();
811 mShownCodecLongNames.clear();
812 // Clear the listbox
813 mCodecList->Clear();
814 // Zero - format is not found at all
815 int found = 0;
816 wxString str(fmt);
817 for (int i = 0; CompatibilityList[i].fmt != NULL; i++)
818 {
819 if (str == CompatibilityList[i].fmt)
820 {
821 // Format is found in the list
822 found = 1;
823 if (CompatibilityList[i].codec.value == AUDACITY_AV_CODEC_ID_NONE)
824 {
825 // Format is found in the list and it is compatible with AUDACITY_AV_CODEC_ID_NONE (means that it is compatible to anything)
826 found = 2;
827 break;
828 }
829 // Find the codec, that is claimed to be compatible
830 std::unique_ptr<AVCodecWrapper> codec = mFFmpeg->CreateEncoder(mFFmpeg->GetAVCodecID(CompatibilityList[i].codec));
831 // If it exists, is audio and has encoder
832 if (codec != NULL && codec->IsAudio() && mFFmpeg->av_codec_is_encoder(codec->GetWrappedValue()))
833 {
834 // If it was selected - remember its NEW index
835 if ((ffmpegId >= 0) && codec->GetId() == ffmpegId)
836 index = mShownCodecNames.size();
838 mShownCodecNames.push_back(wxString::FromUTF8(codec->GetName()));
839 mShownCodecLongNames.push_back(wxString::Format(wxT("%s - %s"),mShownCodecNames.back(),wxString::FromUTF8(codec->GetLongName())));
840 }
841 }
842 }
843 // All codecs are compatible with this format
844 if (found == 2)
845 {
846 std::unique_ptr<AVCodecWrapper> codec;
847 for (auto codec : mFFmpeg->GetCodecs())
848 {
849 if (codec->IsAudio() && mFFmpeg->av_codec_is_encoder(codec->GetWrappedValue()))
850 {
851 // MP2 is broken.
852 if( codec->GetId() == mFFmpeg->GetAVCodecID(AUDACITY_AV_CODEC_ID_MP2) )
853 continue;
856 .contains( wxString::FromUTF8(codec->GetName()) ) )
857 {
858 if ((ffmpegId >= 0) && codec->GetId() == ffmpegId)
859 index = mShownCodecNames.size();
861 mShownCodecNames.push_back(wxString::FromUTF8(codec->GetName()));
862 mShownCodecLongNames.push_back(wxString::Format(wxT("%s - %s"),mShownCodecNames.back(),wxString::FromUTF8(codec->GetLongName())));
863 }
864 }
865 }
866 }
867 // Format is not found - find format in libavformat and add its default audio codec
868 // This allows us to provide limited support for NEW formats without modifying the compatibility list
869 else if (found == 0)
870 {
871 wxCharBuffer buf = str.ToUTF8();
872 auto format = mFFmpeg->GuessOutputFormat(buf, nullptr, nullptr);
874 if (format != nullptr)
875 {
876 auto codec = mFFmpeg->CreateEncoder(format->GetAudioCodec());
878 if (
879 codec != nullptr && codec->IsAudio() && mFFmpeg->av_codec_is_encoder(codec->GetWrappedValue()))
880 {
881 if ((ffmpegId >= 0) && codec->GetId() == ffmpegId)
882 index = mShownCodecNames.size();
884 mShownCodecNames.push_back(wxString::FromUTF8(codec->GetName()));
885 mShownCodecLongNames.push_back(wxString::Format(wxT("%s - %s"),mShownCodecNames.back(),wxString::FromUTF8(codec->GetLongName())));
886 }
887 }
888 }
889 // Show NEW codec list
892 return index;
#define str(a)
IteratorRange< Iterator > make_iterator_range(const Iterator &i1, const Iterator &i2)
Definition: IteratorX.h:210
static CompatibilityEntry CompatibilityList[]
const wxChar * fmt
format, recognizable by guess_format()
AudacityAVCodecID codec
codec ID

References AUDACITY_AV_CODEC_ID_MP2, AUDACITY_AV_CODEC_ID_NONE, CompatibilityEntry::codec, CompatibilityList, CompatibilityEntry::fmt, anonymous_namespace{ExportPCM.cpp}::format, make_iterator_range(), mCodecList, mFFmpeg, mShownCodecLongNames, mShownCodecNames, str, and wxT().

Referenced by DoOnFormatList().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ FetchCompatibleFormatList()

int ExportFFmpegOptions::FetchCompatibleFormatList ( AudacityAVCodecID  id,
wxString *  selfmt 

Retrieves a list of formats compatible to codec

idCodec ID
selfmtformat selected at the moment
index of the selfmt in NEW format list or -1 if it is not in the list

Definition at line 897 of file ExportFFmpegOptions.cpp.

900 int index = -1;
901 mShownFormatNames.clear();
902 mShownFormatLongNames.clear();
903 mFormatList->Clear();
905 wxArrayString FromList;
906 // Find all formats compatible to this codec in compatibility list
907 for (int i = 0; CompatibilityList[i].fmt != NULL; i++)
908 {
909 if (CompatibilityList[i].codec == id || (CompatibilityList[i].codec.value == AUDACITY_AV_CODEC_ID_NONE) )
910 {
911 if ((selfmt != NULL) && (*selfmt == CompatibilityList[i].fmt)) index = mShownFormatNames.size();
912 FromList.push_back(CompatibilityList[i].fmt);
913 mShownFormatNames.push_back(CompatibilityList[i].fmt);
914 auto tofmt = mFFmpeg->GuessOutputFormat(
915 wxString(CompatibilityList[i].fmt).ToUTF8(), nullptr, nullptr);
917 if (tofmt != NULL)
918 {
919 mShownFormatLongNames.push_back(wxString::Format(
920 wxT("%s - %s"), CompatibilityList[i].fmt,
921 wxString::FromUTF8(tofmt->GetLongName())));
922 }
923 }
924 }
925 bool found = false;
926 if (selfmt != NULL)
927 {
928 for (int i = 0; CompatibilityList[i].fmt != NULL; i++)
929 {
930 if (*selfmt == CompatibilityList[i].fmt)
931 {
932 found = true;
933 break;
934 }
935 }
936 }
937 // Format was in the compatibility list
938 if (found)
939 {
940 // Find all formats which have this codec as default and which are not in the list yet and add them too
941 for (auto ofmt : mFFmpeg->GetOutputFormats())
942 {
943 if (ofmt->GetAudioCodec() == mFFmpeg->GetAVCodecID(id))
944 {
945 wxString ofmtname = wxString::FromUTF8(ofmt->GetName());
946 found = false;
947 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < FromList.size(); i++)
948 {
949 if (ofmtname == FromList[i])
950 {
951 found = true;
952 break;
953 }
954 }
955 if (!found)
956 {
957 if ((selfmt != NULL) &&
958 (*selfmt == wxString::FromUTF8(ofmt->GetName())))
959 index = mShownFormatNames.size();
961 mShownFormatNames.push_back(wxString::FromUTF8(ofmt->GetName()));
963 mShownFormatLongNames.push_back(wxString::Format(
964 wxT("%s - %s"), mShownFormatNames.back(),
965 wxString::FromUTF8(ofmt->GetLongName())));
966 }
967 }
968 }
969 }
971 return index;
wxArrayString mShownFormatLongNames
wxArrayString mShownFormatNames

References AUDACITY_AV_CODEC_ID_NONE, CompatibilityList, CompatibilityEntry::fmt, mFFmpeg, mFormatList, mShownFormatLongNames, mShownFormatNames, audacity::ToUTF8(), and wxT().

Referenced by DoOnCodecList().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ FetchFormatList()

void ExportFFmpegOptions::FetchFormatList ( )

Retrieves format list from libavformat.

Definition at line 513 of file ExportFFmpegOptions.cpp.

515 if (!mFFmpeg)
516 return;
518 for (auto ofmt : mFFmpeg->GetOutputFormats())
519 {
520 // Any audio-capable format has default audio codec.
521 // If it doesn't, then it doesn't supports any audio codecs
522 if (ofmt->GetAudioCodec() != AUDACITY_AV_CODEC_ID_NONE)
523 {
524 mFormatNames.push_back(wxString::FromUTF8(ofmt->GetName()));
525 mFormatLongNames.push_back(wxString::Format(wxT("%s - %s"),mFormatNames.back(),wxString::FromUTF8(ofmt->GetLongName())));
526 }
527 }
528 // Show all formats
wxArrayStringEx mFormatNames
wxArrayString mFormatLongNames

References AUDACITY_AV_CODEC_ID_NONE, mFFmpeg, mFormatLongNames, mFormatNames, mShownFormatLongNames, mShownFormatNames, and wxT().

Referenced by ExportFFmpegOptions().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ FetchPresetList()

void ExportFFmpegOptions::FetchPresetList ( )

Retrieves list of presets from configuration file.

◆ FindSelectedCodec()

void ExportFFmpegOptions::FindSelectedCodec ( wxString **  name,
wxString **  longname 

Finds the codec currently selected and returns its name and description.

Definition at line 782 of file ExportFFmpegOptions.cpp.

784 // Get current selection
785 wxArrayInt selections;
786 int n = mCodecList->GetSelections(selections);
787 if (n <= 0) return;
789 // Get selected codec short name
790 wxString selcdc = mCodecList->GetString(selections[0]);
792 // Find its index
793 int nCodec = make_iterator_range( mCodecNames ).index( selcdc );
794 if (nCodec == wxNOT_FOUND) return;
796 // Return short name and description
797 if (name != NULL) *name = &mCodecNames[nCodec];
798 if (longname != NULL) *longname = &mCodecLongNames[nCodec];
const TranslatableString name
Definition: Distortion.cpp:76

References make_iterator_range(), mCodecList, mCodecLongNames, mCodecNames, and name.

Referenced by DoOnCodecList(), DoOnFormatList(), and ReportIfBadCombination().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ FindSelectedFormat()

void ExportFFmpegOptions::FindSelectedFormat ( wxString **  name,
wxString **  longname 

Finds the format currently selected and returns its name and description.

Definition at line 761 of file ExportFFmpegOptions.cpp.

763 // Get current selection
764 wxArrayInt selections;
765 int n = mFormatList->GetSelections(selections);
766 if (n <= 0) return;
768 // Get selected format short name
769 wxString selfmt = mFormatList->GetString(selections[0]);
771 // Find its index
772 int nFormat = make_iterator_range( mFormatNames ).index( selfmt );
773 if (nFormat == wxNOT_FOUND) return;
775 // Return short name and description
776 if (name != NULL) *name = &mFormatNames[nFormat];
777 if (longname != NULL) *longname = &mFormatLongNames[nFormat];
778 return;

References make_iterator_range(), mFormatList, mFormatLongNames, mFormatNames, and name.

Referenced by DoOnCodecList(), DoOnFormatList(), and ReportIfBadCombination().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ OnAllCodecs()

void ExportFFmpegOptions::OnAllCodecs ( wxCommandEvent &  event)

◆ OnAllFormats()

void ExportFFmpegOptions::OnAllFormats ( wxCommandEvent &  event)

◆ OnCodecList()

void ExportFFmpegOptions::OnCodecList ( wxCommandEvent &  event)

Definition at line 1343 of file ExportFFmpegOptions.cpp.

1345 DoOnCodecList();

References DoOnCodecList().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ OnDeletePreset()

void ExportFFmpegOptions::OnDeletePreset ( wxCommandEvent &  event)

Definition at line 976 of file ExportFFmpegOptions.cpp.

978 wxComboBox *preset = dynamic_cast<wxComboBox*>(FindWindowById(FEPresetID,this));
979 wxString presetname = preset->GetValue();
980 if (presetname.empty())
981 {
982 AudacityMessageBox( XO("You can't delete a preset without name") );
983 return;
984 }
986 auto query = XO("Delete preset '%s'?").Format( presetname );
987 int action = AudacityMessageBox(
988 query,
989 XO("Confirm Deletion"),
990 wxYES_NO | wxCENTRE);
991 if (action == wxNO) return;
993 mPresets->DeletePreset(presetname);
994 long index = preset->FindString(presetname);
995 preset->SetValue(wxEmptyString);
996 preset->Delete(index);
997 mPresetNames.erase(
998 std::find( mPresetNames.begin(), mPresetNames.end(), presetname )
999 );
int AudacityMessageBox(const TranslatableString &message, const TranslatableString &caption, long style, wxWindow *parent, int x, int y)
EffectReverbSettings preset
Definition: Reverb.cpp:44

References AudacityMessageBox(), mPresetNames, mPresets, preset, and XO().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ OnExportPresets()

void ExportFFmpegOptions::OnExportPresets ( wxCommandEvent &  event)

Definition at line 1085 of file ExportFFmpegOptions.cpp.

1087 const bool kCheckForOverwrite = true;
1088 // Bug 1180 save any pending preset before exporting the lot.
1089 // If saving fails, don't try to export.
1090 if( !SavePreset(!kCheckForOverwrite) )
1091 return;
1093 wxArrayString presets;
1094 mPresets->GetPresetList( presets);
1095 if( presets.Count() < 1)
1096 {
1097 AudacityMessageBox( XO("No presets to export") );
1098 return;
1099 }
1101 wxString path;
1102 FileDialogWrapper dlg(this,
1103 XO("Select xml file to export presets into"),
1104 gPrefs->Read(wxT("/FileFormats/FFmpegPresetDir")),
1105 wxEmptyString,
1106 FileTypes(),
1108 if (dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL) return;
1109 path = dlg.GetPath();
1110 mPresets->ExportPresets(path);
static const FileNames::FileTypes & FileTypes()
bool SavePreset(bool bCheckForOverwrite)

References AudacityMessageBox(), FileTypes(), FileDialog::GetPath(), gPrefs, mPresets, audacity::BasicSettings::Read(), SavePreset(), FileDialog::ShowModal(), wxT(), and XO().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ OnFormatList()

void ExportFFmpegOptions::OnFormatList ( wxCommandEvent &  event)

Definition at line 1336 of file ExportFFmpegOptions.cpp.


References DoOnFormatList().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ OnGetURL()

void ExportFFmpegOptions::OnGetURL ( wxCommandEvent &  event)

Definition at line 1372 of file ExportFFmpegOptions.cpp.

1374 HelpSystem::ShowHelp(this, L"Custom_FFmpeg_Export_Options");
static void ShowHelp(wxWindow *parent, const FilePath &localFileName, const URLString &remoteURL, bool bModal=false, bool alwaysDefaultBrowser=false)
Definition: HelpSystem.cpp:231

References HelpSystem::ShowHelp().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ OnImportPresets()

void ExportFFmpegOptions::OnImportPresets ( wxCommandEvent &  event)

Definition at line 1066 of file ExportFFmpegOptions.cpp.

1068 wxString path;
1069 FileDialogWrapper dlg(this,
1070 XO("Select xml file with presets to import"),
1071 gPrefs->Read(wxT("/FileFormats/FFmpegPresetDir")),
1072 wxEmptyString,
1073 FileTypes(),
1074 wxFD_OPEN);
1075 if (dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL) return;
1076 path = dlg.GetPath();
1077 mPresets->ImportPresets(path);
1078 mPresets->GetPresetList(mPresetNames);
1079 mPresetCombo->Clear();
1080 mPresetCombo->Append(mPresetNames);

References FileTypes(), FileDialog::GetPath(), gPrefs, mPresetCombo, mPresetNames, mPresets, audacity::BasicSettings::Read(), FileDialog::ShowModal(), wxT(), and XO().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ OnLoadPreset()

void ExportFFmpegOptions::OnLoadPreset ( wxCommandEvent &  event)

Definition at line 1036 of file ExportFFmpegOptions.cpp.

1038 wxComboBox *preset = dynamic_cast<wxComboBox*>(FindWindowById(FEPresetID,this));
1039 wxString presetname = preset->GetValue();
1043 mFormatList->Clear();
1044 mFormatList->Append(mFormatNames);
1048 mCodecList->Clear();
1049 mCodecList->Append(mCodecNames);
1051 mPresets->LoadPreset(this,presetname);
1054 DoOnCodecList();

References DoOnCodecList(), DoOnFormatList(), mCodecList, mCodecLongNames, mCodecNames, mFormatList, mFormatLongNames, mFormatNames, mPresets, mShownCodecLongNames, mShownCodecNames, mShownFormatLongNames, mShownFormatNames, and preset.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ OnOK()

void ExportFFmpegOptions::OnOK ( wxCommandEvent &  event)

Definition at line 1351 of file ExportFFmpegOptions.cpp.

1354 return;
1356 int selcdc = mCodecList->GetSelection();
1357 int selfmt = mFormatList->GetSelection();
1358 if (selcdc > -1) gPrefs->Write(wxT("/FileFormats/FFmpegCodec"),mCodecList->GetString(selcdc));
1359 if (selfmt > -1) gPrefs->Write(wxT("/FileFormats/FFmpegFormat"),mFormatList->GetString(selfmt));
1360 gPrefs->Flush();
1365 gPrefs->Flush();
1367 EndModal(wxID_OK);
1369 return;
@ eIsSavingToPrefs
Definition: ShuttleGui.h:47
virtual bool Flush() noexcept=0
virtual bool Write(const wxString &key, bool value)=0

References eIsSavingToPrefs, audacity::BasicSettings::Flush(), gPrefs, mCodecList, mFormatList, PopulateOrExchange(), ReportIfBadCombination(), S, audacity::BasicSettings::Write(), and wxT().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ OnSavePreset()

void ExportFFmpegOptions::OnSavePreset ( wxCommandEvent &  event)

Definition at line 1004 of file ExportFFmpegOptions.cpp.

1005{ const bool kCheckForOverwrite = true;
1006 SavePreset(kCheckForOverwrite);

References SavePreset().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ PopulateOrExchange()

void ExportFFmpegOptions::PopulateOrExchange ( ShuttleGui S)

Definition at line 561 of file ExportFFmpegOptions.cpp.

563 IntSetting PredictionOrderSetting{ L"/FileFormats/FFmpegPredOrderMethod",
564 4 }; // defaults to Full search
566 S.StartVerticalLay(1);
567 S.StartMultiColumn(1, wxEXPAND);
568 {
569 S.SetStretchyRow(3);
570 S.StartMultiColumn(7, wxEXPAND);
571 {
572 S.SetStretchyCol(1);
573 mPresetCombo = S.Id(FEPresetID).AddCombo(XXO("Preset:"), gPrefs->Read(wxT("/FileFormats/FFmpegPreset"),wxEmptyString), mPresetNames);
574 S.Id(FELoadPresetID).AddButton(XXO("Load Preset"));
575 S.Id(FESavePresetID).AddButton(XXO("Save Preset"));
576 S.Id(FEDeletePresetID).AddButton(XXO("Delete Preset"));
577 S.Id(FEImportPresetsID).AddButton(XXO("Import Presets"));
578 S.Id(FEExportPresetsID).AddButton(XXO("Export Presets"));
579 }
580 S.EndMultiColumn();
581 S.StartMultiColumn(4, wxALIGN_LEFT);
582 {
583 S.SetStretchyCol(1);
584 S.SetStretchyCol(3);
585 S.Id(FEFormatLabelID).AddFixedText(XO("Format:"));
586 mFormatName = S.Id(FEFormatNameID).AddVariableText( {} );
587 /* i18n-hint: "codec" is short for a "coder-decoder" algorithm */
588 S.Id(FECodecLabelID).AddFixedText(XO("Codec:"));
589 mCodecName = S.Id(FECodecNameID).AddVariableText( {} );
590 }
591 S.EndMultiColumn();
592 S.AddVariableText(XO(
593"Not all formats and codecs are compatible. Nor are all option combinations compatible with all codecs."),
594 false);
595 S.StartMultiColumn(2, wxEXPAND);
596 {
597 S.StartMultiColumn(2, wxEXPAND);
598 {
599 S.SetStretchyRow(1);
600 S.Id(FEAllFormatsID).AddButton(XXO("Show All Formats"));
601 S.Id(FEAllCodecsID).AddButton(XXO("Show All Codecs"));
602 mFormatList = S.Id(FEFormatID).Name(XO("Formats")).
603 AddListBox(mFormatNames);
604 mFormatList->DeselectAll();
605 mCodecList = S.Id(FECodecID).Name(XO("Codecs")).
606 AddListBox(mCodecNames);
607 mCodecList->DeselectAll();
609 // so that names can be set on standard controls
613 }
614 S.EndMultiColumn();
615 S.StartVerticalLay();
616 {
617 //S.StartScroller( );
618 S.SetBorder( 3 );
619 S.StartStatic(XO("General Options"), 0);
620 {
621 S.StartMultiColumn(8, wxEXPAND);
622 {
623 S.Id(FELanguageID)
624 .ToolTip(XO("ISO 639 3-letter language code\nOptional\nempty - automatic"))
625 .TieTextBox(XXO("Language:"), {wxT("/FileFormats/FFmpegLanguage"), wxEmptyString}, 9);
627 S.AddSpace( 20,0 );
628 S.AddVariableText(XO("Bit Reservoir"));
629 S.Id(FEBitReservoirID).TieCheckBox( {}, {wxT("/FileFormats/FFmpegBitReservoir"), true});
631 S.AddSpace( 20,0 );
632 S.AddVariableText(XO("VBL"));
633 S.Id(FEVariableBlockLenID).TieCheckBox( {}, {wxT("/FileFormats/FFmpegVariableBlockLen"), true});
634 }
635 S.EndMultiColumn();
636 S.StartMultiColumn(4, wxALIGN_LEFT);
637 {
638 S.Id(FETagID)
639 /* i18n-hint: "codec" is short for a "coder-decoder" algorithm */
640 .ToolTip(XO("Codec tag (FOURCC)\nOptional\nempty - automatic"))
641 .TieTextBox(XXO("Tag:"), {wxT("/FileFormats/FFmpegTag"), wxEmptyString}, 4);
643 S.Id(FEBitrateID)
644 .ToolTip(XO("Bit Rate (bits/second) - influences the resulting file size and quality\nSome codecs may only accept specific values (128k, 192k, 256k etc)\n0 - automatic\nRecommended - 192000"))
645 .TieSpinCtrl(XXO("Bit Rate:"), {wxT("/FileFormats/FFmpegBitRate"), 0}, 1000000, 0);
647 S.Id(FEQualityID)
648 .ToolTip(XO("Overall quality, used differently by different codecs\nRequired for vorbis\n0 - automatic\n-1 - off (use bitrate instead)"))
649 .TieSpinCtrl(XXO("Quality:"), {wxT("/FileFormats/FFmpegQuality"), 0}, 500, -1);
651 S.Id(FESampleRateID)
652 .ToolTip(XO("Sample rate (Hz)\n0 - don't change sample rate"))
653 .TieSpinCtrl(XXO("Sample Rate:"), {wxT("/FileFormats/FFmpegSampleRate"), 0}, 200000, 0);
655 S.Id(FECutoffID)
656 .ToolTip(XO("Audio cutoff bandwidth (Hz)\nOptional\n0 - automatic"))
657 .TieSpinCtrl(XXO("Cutoff:"), {wxT("/FileFormats/FFmpegCutOff"), 0}, 10000000, 0);
659 // PRL: As commented elsewhere, this preference does nothing
660 S.Id(FEProfileID)
661 .ToolTip(XO("AAC Profile\nLow Complexity - default\nMost players won't play anything other than LC"))
662 .MinSize( { 100, -1 } )
663 .TieChoice(XXO("Profile:"), AACProfiles);
664 }
665 S.EndMultiColumn();
666 }
667 S.EndStatic();
668 S.StartStatic(XO("FLAC options"),0);
669 {
670 S.StartMultiColumn(4, wxALIGN_LEFT);
671 {
672 S
673 .ToolTip(XO("Compression level\nRequired for FLAC\n-1 - automatic\nmin - 0 (fast encoding, large output file)\nmax - 10 (slow encoding, small output file)"))
674 .Id(FECompLevelID).TieSpinCtrl(XXO("Compression:"), {wxT("/FileFormats/FFmpegCompLevel"), 0}, 10, -1);
676 S.Id(FEFrameSizeID)
677 .ToolTip(XO("Frame size\nOptional\n0 - default\nmin - 16\nmax - 65535"))
678 .TieSpinCtrl(XXO("Frame:"), {wxT("/FileFormats/FFmpegFrameSize"), 0}, 65535, 0);
680 S.Id(FELPCCoeffsID)
681 .ToolTip(XO("LPC coefficients precision\nOptional\n0 - default\nmin - 1\nmax - 15"))
682 .TieSpinCtrl(XXO("LPC"), {wxT("/FileFormats/FFmpegLPCCoefPrec"), 0}, 15, 0);
684 S.Id(FEPredOrderID)
685 .ToolTip(XO("Prediction Order Method\nEstimate - fastest, lower compression\nLog search - slowest, best compression\nFull search - default"))
686 .MinSize( { 100, -1 } )
687 .TieNumberAsChoice(
688 XXO("PdO Method:"),
689 PredictionOrderSetting,
691 );
693 S.Id(FEMinPredID)
694 .ToolTip(XO("Minimal prediction order\nOptional\n-1 - default\nmin - 0\nmax - 32 (with LPC) or 4 (without LPC)"))
695 .TieSpinCtrl(XXO("Min. PdO"), {wxT("/FileFormats/FFmpegMinPredOrder"), -1}, 32, -1);
697 S.Id(FEMaxPredID)
698 .ToolTip(XO("Maximal prediction order\nOptional\n-1 - default\nmin - 0\nmax - 32 (with LPC) or 4 (without LPC)"))
699 .TieSpinCtrl(XXO("Max. PdO"), {wxT("/FileFormats/FFmpegMaxPredOrder"), -1}, 32, -1);
701 S.Id(FEMinPartOrderID)
702 .ToolTip(XO("Minimal partition order\nOptional\n-1 - default\nmin - 0\nmax - 8"))
703 .TieSpinCtrl(XXO("Min. PtO"), {wxT("/FileFormats/FFmpegMinPartOrder"), -1}, 8, -1);
705 S.Id(FEMaxPartOrderID)
706 .ToolTip(XO("Maximal partition order\nOptional\n-1 - default\nmin - 0\nmax - 8"))
707 .TieSpinCtrl(XXO("Max. PtO"), {wxT("/FileFormats/FFmpegMaxPartOrder"), -1}, 8, -1);
709 /* i18n-hint: Abbreviates "Linear Predictive Coding",
710 but this text needs to be kept very short */
711 S.AddVariableText(XO("Use LPC"));
712 // PRL: This preference is not used anywhere!
713 S.Id(FEUseLPCID).TieCheckBox( {}, {wxT("/FileFormats/FFmpegUseLPC"), true});
714 }
715 S.EndMultiColumn();
716 }
717 S.EndStatic();
718 S.StartStatic(XO("MPEG container options"),0);
719 {
720 S.StartMultiColumn(4, wxALIGN_LEFT);
721 {
722 S.Id(FEMuxRateID)
723 .ToolTip(XO("Maximum bit rate of the multiplexed stream\nOptional\n0 - default"))
724 /* i18n-hint: 'mux' is short for multiplexor, a device that selects between several inputs
725 'Mux Rate' is a parameter that has some bearing on compression ratio for MPEG
726 it has a hard to predict effect on the degree of compression */
727 .TieSpinCtrl(XXO("Mux Rate:"), {wxT("/FileFormats/FFmpegMuxRate"), 0}, 10000000, 0);
729 S.Id(FEPacketSizeID)
730 /* i18n-hint: 'Packet Size' is a parameter that has some bearing on compression ratio for MPEG
731 compression. It measures how big a chunk of audio is compressed in one piece. */
732 .ToolTip(XO("Packet size\nOptional\n0 - default"))
733 /* i18n-hint: 'Packet Size' is a parameter that has some bearing on compression ratio for MPEG
734 compression. It measures how big a chunk of audio is compressed in one piece. */
735 .TieSpinCtrl(XXO("Packet Size:"), {wxT("/FileFormats/FFmpegPacketSize"), 0}, 10000000, 0);
736 }
737 S.EndMultiColumn();
738 }
739 S.EndStatic();
740 //S.EndScroller();
741 S.SetBorder( 5 );
742 S.AddStandardButtons(eOkButton | eCancelButton | eHelpButton );
743 }
744 S.EndVerticalLay();
745 }
746 S.EndMultiColumn();
747 }
748 S.EndMultiColumn();
749 S.EndVerticalLay();
751 Layout();
752 Fit();
753 SetMinSize(GetSize());
754 Center();
756 return;
ChoiceSetting AACProfiles
AAC profiles.
XXO("&Cut/Copy/Paste Toolbar")
#define safenew
Definition: MemoryX.h:10
@ eOkButton
Definition: ShuttleGui.h:609
@ eCancelButton
Definition: ShuttleGui.h:610
@ eHelpButton
Definition: ShuttleGui.h:613
Specialization of Setting for int.
Definition: Prefs.h:356
An alternative to using wxWindowAccessible, which in wxWidgets 3.1.1 contained GetParent() which was ...
const TranslatableStrings PredictionOrderMethodNames
Prediction order method - names.

References AACProfiles, eCancelButton, eHelpButton, eOkButton, gPrefs, mCodecList, mCodecName, mCodecNames, mFormatList, mFormatName, mFormatNames, mPresetCombo, mPresetNames, anonymous_namespace{ExportFFmpegOptions.cpp}::PredictionOrderMethodNames, audacity::BasicSettings::Read(), S, safenew, wxT(), XO(), and XXO().

Referenced by ExportFFmpegOptions(), and OnOK().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ReportIfBadCombination()

bool ExportFFmpegOptions::ReportIfBadCombination ( )

ReportIfBadCombination will trap bad combinations of format and codec and report using a message box. We may later extend it to catch bad parameters too.

true iff a bad combination was reported At the moment we don't trap unrecognised format or codec. (We do not expect them to happen ever).

Definition at line 1140 of file ExportFFmpegOptions.cpp.

1142 wxString *selcdc = nullptr;
1143 wxString* selcdclong = nullptr;
1145 FindSelectedCodec(&selcdc, &selcdclong);
1147 if (selcdc == nullptr)
1148 return false; // unrecognised codec. Treated as OK
1150 auto cdc = mFFmpeg->CreateEncoder(selcdc->ToUTF8());
1152 if (cdc == nullptr)
1153 return false; // unrecognised codec. Treated as OK
1155 wxString* selfmt = nullptr;
1156 wxString* selfmtlong = nullptr;
1158 FindSelectedFormat(&selfmt, &selfmtlong);
1160 if (selfmt == nullptr)
1161 return false; // unrecognised format; Treated as OK
1163 // This is intended to test for illegal combinations.
1164 // However, the list updating now seems to be working correctly
1165 // making it impossible to select illegal combinations
1166 bool bFound = false;
1167 for (int i = 0; CompatibilityList[i].fmt != NULL; i++)
1168 {
1169 if (*selfmt == CompatibilityList[i].fmt)
1170 {
1171 if (CompatibilityList[i].codec == mFFmpeg->GetAudacityCodecID(cdc->GetId()) || (CompatibilityList[i].codec == AUDACITY_AV_CODEC_ID_NONE) ){
1172 bFound = true;
1173 break;
1174 }
1175 }
1176 }
1178 // We can put extra code in here, to disallow combinations
1179 // We could also test for illegal parameters, and deliver
1180 // custom error messages in that case.
1181 // The below would make AAC codec disallowed.
1182 //if( cdc->id == AUDACITY_AV_CODEC_ID_AAC)
1183 // bFound = false;
1185 // Valid combination was found, so no reporting.
1186 if( bFound )
1187 return false;
1190 /* i18n-hint: "codec" is short for a "coder-decoder" algorithm */
1191 XO("Format %s is not compatible with codec %s.")
1192 .Format( *selfmt, *selcdc ),
1193 /* i18n-hint: "codec" is short for a "coder-decoder" algorithm */
1194 XO("Incompatible format and codec"));
1196 return true;
Abstract base class used in importing a file.

References AUDACITY_AV_CODEC_ID_NONE, AudacityMessageBox(), CompatibilityEntry::codec, CompatibilityList, FindSelectedCodec(), FindSelectedFormat(), CompatibilityEntry::fmt, mFFmpeg, and XO().

Referenced by OnOK().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SavePreset()

bool ExportFFmpegOptions::SavePreset ( bool  bCheckForOverwrite)

Definition at line 1010 of file ExportFFmpegOptions.cpp.

1012 wxComboBox *preset = dynamic_cast<wxComboBox*>(FindWindowById(FEPresetID,this));
1013 wxString name = preset->GetValue();
1014 if (name.empty())
1015 {
1016 AudacityMessageBox( XO("You can't save a preset without a name") );
1017 return false;
1018 }
1019 if( bCheckForOverwrite && !mPresets->OverwriteIsOk(name))
1020 return false;
1021 if( !mPresets->SavePreset(this,name) )
1022 return false;
1023 int index = mPresetNames.Index(name,false);
1024 if (index == -1)
1025 {
1026 mPresetNames.push_back(name);
1027 mPresetCombo->Clear();
1028 mPresetCombo->Append(mPresetNames);
1029 mPresetCombo->Select(mPresetNames.Index(name,false));
1030 }
1031 return true;

References AudacityMessageBox(), TranslatableString::empty(), mPresetCombo, mPresetNames, mPresets, name, preset, and XO().

Referenced by OnExportPresets(), and OnSavePreset().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

◆ apptable

ApplicableFor ExportFFmpegOptions::apptable

Some controls (parameters they represent) are only applicable to a number of codecs and/or formats. Syntax: first, enable a control for each applicable format-codec combination then disable it for anything else "any" - any format AUDACITY_AV_CODEC_ID_NONE - any codec This list must end with {FALSE,FFmpegExportCtrlID(0),AUDACITY_AV_CODEC_ID_NONE,NULL}

Definition at line 100 of file ExportFFmpegOptions.h.

Referenced by EnableDisableControls().

◆ CompatibilityList

CompatibilityEntry ExportFFmpegOptions::CompatibilityList

Format-codec compatibility list Must end with NULL entry

Definition at line 97 of file ExportFFmpegOptions.h.

Referenced by FetchCompatibleCodecList(), FetchCompatibleFormatList(), and ReportIfBadCombination().

◆ fmts

ExposedFormat ExportFFmpegOptions::fmts
Initial value:
{FMT_M4A, wxT("M4A"), wxT("m4a"), wxT("ipod"), 48, AV_CANMETA, true, XO("M4A (AAC) Files (FFmpeg)"), AUDACITY_AV_CODEC_ID_AAC, true},
{FMT_AC3, wxT("AC3"), wxT("ac3"), wxT("ac3"), 7, AV_VERSION_INT(0,0,0), false, XO("AC3 Files (FFmpeg)"), AUDACITY_AV_CODEC_ID_AC3, true},
{FMT_AMRNB, wxT("AMRNB"), wxT("amr"), wxT("amr"), 1, AV_VERSION_INT(0,0,0), false, XO("AMR (narrow band) Files (FFmpeg)"), AUDACITY_AV_CODEC_ID_AMR_NB, true},
{FMT_WMA2, wxT("WMA"), wxT("wma"), wxT("asf"), 2, AV_VERSION_INT(52,53,0), false, XO("WMA (version 2) Files (FFmpeg)"), AUDACITY_AV_CODEC_ID_WMAV2, true},
{FMT_OTHER, wxT("FFMPEG"), wxT(""), wxT(""), 255, AV_CANMETA, true, XO("Custom FFmpeg Export"), AUDACITY_AV_CODEC_ID_NONE, true}
Definition: AVCodecID.h:297
Definition: AVCodecID.h:302
Definition: AVCodecID.h:286
Definition: AVCodecID.h:296
#define AV_CANMETA
Definition: FFmpegDefines.h:20
#define AV_VERSION_INT(a, b, c)
Definition: FFmpegTypes.h:77

List of export types.

Definition at line 98 of file ExportFFmpegOptions.h.

Referenced by AdjustFormatIndex(), ExportFFmpeg::ExportFFmpeg(), FFmpegExporter::Init(), FFmpegExporter::InitCodecs(), and FFmpegExportProcessor::Initialize().

◆ iAACSampleRates

const int ExportFFmpegOptions::iAACSampleRates[]

Definition at line 99 of file ExportFFmpegOptions.h.

◆ mBitRateFromChoice

int ExportFFmpegOptions::mBitRateFromChoice

Definition at line 121 of file ExportFFmpegOptions.h.

◆ mCodecList

wxListBox* ExportFFmpegOptions::mCodecList

◆ mCodecLongNames

wxArrayString ExportFFmpegOptions::mCodecLongNames

◆ mCodecName

wxStaticText* ExportFFmpegOptions::mCodecName

Definition at line 117 of file ExportFFmpegOptions.h.

Referenced by DoOnCodecList(), and PopulateOrExchange().

◆ mCodecNames

wxArrayStringEx ExportFFmpegOptions::mCodecNames

◆ mFFmpeg

std::shared_ptr<FFmpegFunctions> ExportFFmpegOptions::mFFmpeg

◆ mFormatList

wxListBox* ExportFFmpegOptions::mFormatList

◆ mFormatLongNames

wxArrayString ExportFFmpegOptions::mFormatLongNames

◆ mFormatName

wxStaticText* ExportFFmpegOptions::mFormatName

Definition at line 116 of file ExportFFmpegOptions.h.

Referenced by DoOnFormatList(), and PopulateOrExchange().

◆ mFormatNames

wxArrayStringEx ExportFFmpegOptions::mFormatNames

◆ mPresetCombo

wxComboBox* ExportFFmpegOptions::mPresetCombo

Definition at line 119 of file ExportFFmpegOptions.h.

Referenced by OnImportPresets(), PopulateOrExchange(), and SavePreset().

◆ mPresetNames

wxArrayStringEx ExportFFmpegOptions::mPresetNames

◆ mPresets

std::unique_ptr<FFmpegPresets> ExportFFmpegOptions::mPresets

◆ mSampleRateFromChoice

int ExportFFmpegOptions::mSampleRateFromChoice

Definition at line 122 of file ExportFFmpegOptions.h.

◆ mShownCodecLongNames

wxArrayString ExportFFmpegOptions::mShownCodecLongNames

◆ mShownCodecNames

wxArrayString ExportFFmpegOptions::mShownCodecNames

◆ mShownFormatLongNames

wxArrayString ExportFFmpegOptions::mShownFormatLongNames

◆ mShownFormatNames

wxArrayString ExportFFmpegOptions::mShownFormatNames

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: