39#include "pluginterfaces/base/ibstream.h"
56 tresult PLUGIN_API
read (
void* buffer, int32 numBytes, int32* numBytesRead) SMTG_OVERRIDE;
57 tresult PLUGIN_API
write (
void* buffer, int32 numBytes, int32* numBytesWritten) SMTG_OVERRIDE;
58 tresult PLUGIN_API
seek (int64 pos, int32 mode, int64* result) SMTG_OVERRIDE;
59 tresult PLUGIN_API
tell (int64* pos) SMTG_OVERRIDE;
void setSize(TSize size)
set the memory size, a realloc will occur if memory already used
char * detachData()
returns the memory pointer and give up ownership
tresult PLUGIN_API tell(int64 *pos) SMTG_OVERRIDE
tresult PLUGIN_API read(void *buffer, int32 numBytes, int32 *numBytesRead) SMTG_OVERRIDE
TSize getSize() const
returns the current memory size
char * getData() const
returns the memory pointer
tresult PLUGIN_API seek(int64 pos, int32 mode, int64 *result) SMTG_OVERRIDE
bool truncate()
realloc to the current use memory size if needed
bool truncateToCursor()
truncate memory at current cursor position
tresult PLUGIN_API write(void *buffer, int32 numBytes, int32 *numBytesWritten) SMTG_OVERRIDE