Audacity 3.2.0
Classes | Enumerations | Functions
ImportRaw.cpp File Reference

Functions for guessing audio type and attempting to read from unknown sample audio data. Implements ImportRawDialog. More...

#include "ImportRaw.h"
#include "ImportPlugin.h"
#include "ImportUtils.h"
#include "AudioIOBase.h"
#include "FileFormats.h"
#include "Prefs.h"
#include "ProjectRate.h"
#include "SelectFile.h"
#include "ShuttleGui.h"
#include "UserException.h"
#include "WaveTrack.h"
#include "ProgressDialog.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <vector>
#include <wx/crt.h>
#include <wx/defs.h>
#include <wx/button.h>
#include <wx/choice.h>
#include <wx/combobox.h>
#include <wx/panel.h>
#include <wx/stattext.h>
#include <wx/textctrl.h>
#include "FormatClassifier.h"
#include "sndfile.h"
Include dependency graph for ImportRaw.cpp:

Go to the source code of this file.


class  ImportRawDialog
 ImportRawDialog prompts you with options such as endianness and sample size to help you importing data of an unknown format. More...


enum  { ChoiceID = 9000 , PlayID , DetectID }


void ImportRaw (const AudacityProject &project, wxWindow *parent, const wxString &fileName, WaveTrackFactory *trackFactory, TrackHolders &outTracks)
static int getEndianChoice (int sfFormat)

Detailed Description

Functions for guessing audio type and attempting to read from unknown sample audio data. Implements ImportRawDialog.

Definition in file ImportRaw.cpp.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Definition at line 280 of file ImportRaw.cpp.

280 {
281 ChoiceID = 9000,
282 PlayID,
283 DetectID,
@ PlayID
Definition: ImportRaw.cpp:282
@ DetectID
Definition: ImportRaw.cpp:283
@ ChoiceID
Definition: ImportRaw.cpp:281

Function Documentation

◆ getEndianChoice()

static int getEndianChoice ( int  sfFormat)

Definition at line 260 of file ImportRaw.cpp.

260 {
261 switch (sfFormat & SF_FORMAT_ENDMASK)
262 {
263 default:
264 case SF_ENDIAN_FILE:
265 return 0;
267 return 1;
268 case SF_ENDIAN_BIG:
269 return 2;
270 case SF_ENDIAN_CPU:
271 return 3;
272 }

Referenced by ImportRawDialog::ImportRawDialog(), and ImportRawDialog::OnDetect().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ImportRaw()

void ImportRaw ( const AudacityProject project,
wxWindow *  parent,
const wxString &  fileName,
WaveTrackFactory trackFactory,
TrackHolders outTracks 

Definition at line 106 of file ImportRaw.cpp.

109 outTracks.clear();
111 TrackListHolder trackList;
112 auto updateResult = ProgressResult::Success;
114 {
115 // On first run, set default sample rate from project rate
116 if (ImportRawDialog::mRate < 100.)
119 ImportRawDialog dlog(parent, fileName);
120 dlog.ShowModal();
121 if (!dlog.GetReturnCode())
122 return;
124 const int encoding = dlog.mEncoding;
125 unsigned numChannels = dlog.mChannels;
126 double rate = dlog.mRate;
127 sf_count_t offset = (sf_count_t)dlog.mOffset;
128 double percent = dlog.mPercent;
130 SF_INFO sndInfo = { 0 };
131 sndInfo.samplerate = (int)rate;
132 sndInfo.channels = (int)numChannels;
133 sndInfo.format = encoding | SF_FORMAT_RAW;
135 wxFile f; // will be closed when it goes out of scope
136 SFFile sndFile;
138 if (f.Open(fileName)) {
139 // Even though there is an sf_open() that takes a filename, use the one that
140 // takes a file descriptor since wxWidgets can open a file with a Unicode name and
141 // libsndfile can't (under Windows).
142 sndFile.reset(SFCall<SNDFILE*>(sf_open_fd, f.fd(), SFM_READ, &sndInfo, FALSE));
143 }
145 if (!sndFile){
146 char str[1000];
147 sf_error_str((SNDFILE *)NULL, str, 1000);
148 wxPrintf("%s\n", str);
150 throw FileException{ FileException::Cause::Open, fileName };
151 }
154 {
155 int result = sf_command(sndFile.get(), SFC_SET_RAW_START_OFFSET, &offset, sizeof(offset));
156 if (result != 0) {
157 char str[1000];
158 sf_error_str(sndFile.get(), str, 1000);
159 wxPrintf("%s\n", str);
161 throw FileException{ FileException::Cause::Read, fileName };
162 }
163 }
164 SFCall<sf_count_t>(sf_seek, sndFile.get(), 0, SEEK_SET);
166 auto totalFrames =
167 // fraction of a sf_count_t value
168 (sampleCount)(sndInfo.frames * percent / 100.0);
170 //
171 // Sample format:
172 //
173 // In general, go with the user's preferences. However, if
174 // the file is higher-quality, go with a format which preserves
175 // the quality of the original file.
176 //
181 trackList = trackFactory->CreateMany(numChannels, format, rate);
183 const auto maxBlockSize = (*trackList->Any<WaveTrack>().begin())->GetMaxBlockSize();
185 SampleBuffer srcbuffer(maxBlockSize * numChannels, format);
188 decltype(totalFrames) framescompleted = 0;
189 if (totalFrames < 0) {
190 wxASSERT(false);
191 totalFrames = 0;
192 }
194 auto msg = XO("Importing %s").Format( wxFileName::FileName(fileName).GetFullName() );
196 /* i18n-hint: 'Raw' means 'unprocessed' here and should usually be translated.*/
197 ProgressDialog progress(XO("Import Raw"), msg);
199 size_t block;
200 do {
201 block =
202 limitSampleBufferSize( maxBlockSize, totalFrames - framescompleted );
204 sf_count_t sf_result;
205 if (format == int16Sample)
206 sf_result = SFCall<sf_count_t>(sf_readf_short, sndFile.get(), (short *)srcbuffer.ptr(), block);
207 else
208 sf_result = SFCall<sf_count_t>(sf_readf_float, sndFile.get(), (float *)srcbuffer.ptr(), block);
210 if (sf_result >= 0) {
211 block = sf_result;
212 }
213 else {
214 // This is not supposed to happen, sndfile.h says result is always
215 // a count, not an invalid value for error
216 throw FileException{ FileException::Cause::Read, fileName };
217 }
219 if (block) {
220 size_t c = 0;
221 ImportUtils::ForEachChannel(*trackList, [&](auto& channel)
222 {
223 if (format == int16Sample) {
224 for (size_t j = 0; j < block; ++j)
225 ((short *)buffer.ptr())[j] =
226 ((short *)srcbuffer.ptr())[numChannels * j + c];
227 }
228 else {
229 for (size_t j = 0; j < block; ++j)
230 ((float *)buffer.ptr())[j] =
231 ((float *)srcbuffer.ptr())[numChannels * j + c];
232 }
234 channel.AppendBuffer(buffer.ptr(),
235 ((format == int16Sample) ? int16Sample : floatSample), block,
236 1, sf_subtype_to_effective_format(encoding));
237 ++c;
238 });
239 framescompleted += block;
240 }
242 updateResult = progress.Update(
243 framescompleted.as_long_long(),
244 totalFrames.as_long_long()
245 );
246 if (updateResult != ProgressResult::Success)
247 break;
249 } while (block > 0 && framescompleted < totalFrames);
250 }
252 if (updateResult == ProgressResult::Failed || updateResult == ProgressResult::Cancelled)
253 throw UserException{};
255 ImportUtils::FinalizeImport(outTracks, move(*trackList));
#define str(a)
sampleFormat sf_subtype_to_effective_format(unsigned int format)
Choose the narrowest value in the sampleFormat enumeration for a given libsndfile format.
size_t limitSampleBufferSize(size_t bufferSize, sampleCount limit)
Definition: SampleCount.cpp:22
constexpr sampleFormat int16Sample
Definition: SampleFormat.h:43
constexpr sampleFormat floatSample
Definition: SampleFormat.h:45
const auto project
std::shared_ptr< TrackList > TrackListHolder
Definition: Track.h:42
Thrown for failure of file or database operations in deeply nested places.
Definition: FileException.h:19
ImportRawDialog prompts you with options such as endianness and sample size to help you importing dat...
Definition: ImportRaw.cpp:58
static double mRate
Definition: ImportRaw.cpp:75
static sampleFormat ChooseFormat(sampleFormat effectiveFormat)
Choose appropriate format, which will not be narrower than the specified one.
Definition: ImportUtils.cpp:19
static void ForEachChannel(TrackList &trackList, const std::function< void(WaveChannel &)> &op)
Iterates over channels in each wave track from the list.
Definition: ImportUtils.cpp:73
static void FinalizeImport(TrackHolders &outTracks, const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< WaveTrack > > &importedStreams)
Flushes the given channels and moves them to outTracks.
Definition: ImportUtils.cpp:49
ProgressDialog Class.
static ProjectRate & Get(AudacityProject &project)
Definition: ProjectRate.cpp:28
double GetRate() const
Definition: ProjectRate.cpp:53
Can be thrown when user cancels operations, as with a progress dialog. Delayed handler does nothing.
Definition: UserException.h:17
TrackListHolder CreateMany(size_t nChannels)
Creates tracks with project's default rate and format and the given number of channels.
Definition: WaveTrack.cpp:423
A Track that contains audio waveform data.
Definition: WaveTrack.h:203
Positions or offsets within audio files need a wide type.
Definition: SampleCount.h:19
const char * begin(const char *str) noexcept
Definition: StringUtils.h:101

References details::begin(), ImportUtils::ChooseFormat(), WaveTrackFactory::CreateMany(), floatSample, ImportUtils::ForEachChannel(), anonymous_namespace{ExportPCM.cpp}::format, ProjectRate::Get(), ProjectRate::GetRate(), int16Sample, limitSampleBufferSize(), anonymous_namespace{StaffPadTimeAndPitch.cpp}::maxBlockSize, ImportRawDialog::mChannels, ImportRawDialog::mEncoding, ImportRawDialog::mOffset, ImportRawDialog::mPercent, ImportRawDialog::mRate, FileException::Open, project, SampleBuffer::ptr(), FileException::Read, sf_subtype_to_effective_format(), str, BasicUI::Success, ProgressDialog::Update(), and XO().

Referenced by anonymous_namespace{FileMenus.cpp}::DoImport().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function: