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EqualizationPanel Class Referencefinal

EqualizationPanel is used with EqualizationDialog and controls a graph for EffectEqualization. We should look at amalgamating the various graphing code, such as provided by FrequencyPlotDialog and FilterPanel. More...

#include <EqualizationPanel.h>

Inheritance diagram for EqualizationPanel:
Collaboration diagram for EqualizationPanel:

Public Member Functions

 EqualizationPanel (wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID winid, EqualizationCurvesList &curvesList, RulerPanel &freqRuler, RulerPanel &dbRuler)
 ~EqualizationPanel ()
bool AcceptsFocus () const
bool AcceptsFocusFromKeyboard () const
void Recalc ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from wxPanelWrapper
 wxPanelWrapper ()
 wxPanelWrapper (wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID winid=wxID_ANY, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxDefaultSize, long style=wxTAB_TRAVERSAL|wxNO_BORDER, const TranslatableString &name=XO("Panel"))
bool Create (wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID winid=wxID_ANY, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxDefaultSize, long style=wxTAB_TRAVERSAL|wxNO_BORDER, const TranslatableString &name=XO("Panel"))
void SetLabel (const TranslatableString &label)
void SetName (const TranslatableString &name)
void SetToolTip (const TranslatableString &toolTip)
void SetName ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from wxTabTraversalWrapper< wxPanel >
 wxTabTraversalWrapper (Args &&... args)
 wxTabTraversalWrapper (const wxTabTraversalWrapper &)=delete
 wxTabTraversalWrapper (wxTabTraversalWrapper &&)=delete
wxTabTraversalWrapperoperator= (const wxTabTraversalWrapper &)=delete
wxTabTraversalWrapperoperator= (wxTabTraversalWrapper &&)=delete

Private Member Functions

void OnIdle (wxIdleEvent &event)
void OnMouseEvent (wxMouseEvent &event)
void OnCaptureLost (wxMouseCaptureLostEvent &event)
void OnPaint (wxPaintEvent &event)
void OnSize (wxSizeEvent &event)

Private Attributes

wxWindow * mParent
std::unique_ptr< EnvelopeEditormLinEditor
std::unique_ptr< EnvelopeEditormLogEditor
std::unique_ptr< wxBitmap > mBitmap
wxRect mEnvRect
int mWidth
int mHeight
Floats mOutr

Detailed Description

EqualizationPanel is used with EqualizationDialog and controls a graph for EffectEqualization. We should look at amalgamating the various graphing code, such as provided by FrequencyPlotDialog and FilterPanel.

Definition at line 26 of file EqualizationPanel.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ EqualizationPanel()

EqualizationPanel::EqualizationPanel ( wxWindow *  parent,
wxWindowID  winid,
EqualizationCurvesList curvesList,
RulerPanel freqRuler,
RulerPanel dbRuler 

Definition at line 50 of file EqualizationPanel.cpp.

53 : wxPanelWrapper(parent, winid)
54 , mCurvesList{ curvesList }
55 , mFreqRuler{ freqRuler }
56 , mdBRuler{ dbRuler }
58 auto &parameters = mCurvesList.mParameters;
59 mParent = parent;
61 mBitmap = NULL;
62 mWidth = 0;
63 mHeight = 0;
65 mLinEditor = std::make_unique<EnvelopeEditor>(
66 parameters.mLinEnvelope, false);
67 mLogEditor = std::make_unique<EnvelopeEditor>(
68 parameters.mLogEnvelope, false);
70 // Initial Recalc() needed to populate mOutr before the first paint event
71 Recalc();
RulerPanel & mdBRuler
EqualizationCurvesList & mCurvesList
std::unique_ptr< wxBitmap > mBitmap
std::unique_ptr< EnvelopeEditor > mLinEditor
RulerPanel & mFreqRuler
std::unique_ptr< EnvelopeEditor > mLogEditor
EqualizationFilter & mParameters

◆ ~EqualizationPanel()

EqualizationPanel::~EqualizationPanel ( )

Definition at line 74 of file EqualizationPanel.cpp.

76 if(HasCapture())
77 ReleaseMouse();

Member Function Documentation

◆ AcceptsFocus()

bool EqualizationPanel::AcceptsFocus ( ) const

Definition at line 36 of file EqualizationPanel.h.

36{ return false; }

◆ AcceptsFocusFromKeyboard()

bool EqualizationPanel::AcceptsFocusFromKeyboard ( ) const

Definition at line 38 of file EqualizationPanel.h.

38{ return false; }

◆ OnCaptureLost()

void EqualizationPanel::OnCaptureLost ( wxMouseCaptureLostEvent &  event)

Definition at line 323 of file EqualizationPanel.cpp.

325 if (HasCapture())
326 {
327 ReleaseMouse();
328 }

◆ OnIdle()

void EqualizationPanel::OnIdle ( wxIdleEvent &  event)

Definition at line 331 of file EqualizationPanel.cpp.

334 Recalc();
335 Refresh(false);
337 }

References mCurvesList, EqualizationCurvesList::mRecalcRequired, and Recalc().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ OnMouseEvent()

void EqualizationPanel::OnMouseEvent ( wxMouseEvent &  event)

Definition at line 291 of file EqualizationPanel.cpp.

293 const auto &parameters = mCurvesList.mParameters;
294 const auto &dBMax = parameters.mdBMax;
295 const auto &dBMin = parameters.mdBMin;
296 const auto &drawMode = parameters.mDrawMode;
297 const auto &lin = parameters.mLin;
299 if (!drawMode)
300 {
301 return;
302 }
304 if (event.ButtonDown() && !HasCapture())
305 {
306 CaptureMouse();
307 }
309 auto &pEditor = (lin ? mLinEditor : mLogEditor);
310 if (pEditor->MouseEvent(event, mEnvRect, ZoomInfo(0.0, mEnvRect.width),
311 false, 0.0,
312 dBMin, dBMax)
313 )
316 if (event.ButtonUp() && HasCapture())
317 {
319 ReleaseMouse();
320 }

References EqualizationCurvesList::EnvelopeUpdated(), EqualizationCurvesList::ForceRecalc(), mCurvesList, EqualizationParameters::mdBMax, mEnvRect, mLinEditor, mLogEditor, and EqualizationCurvesList::mParameters.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ OnPaint()

void EqualizationPanel::OnPaint ( wxPaintEvent &  event)

Definition at line 99 of file EqualizationPanel.cpp.

101 const auto &parameters = mCurvesList.mParameters;
102 const auto &dBMax = parameters.mdBMax;
103 const auto &dBMin = parameters.mdBMin;
104 const auto &M = parameters.mM;
105 const auto &drawMode = parameters.mDrawMode;
106 const auto &drawGrid = parameters.mDrawGrid;
107 const auto &loFreq = parameters.mLoFreq;
108 const auto &hiFreq = parameters.mHiFreq;
109 const auto &windowSize = parameters.mWindowSize;
110 const auto &filterFuncR = parameters.mFilterFuncR;
111 const auto &filterFuncI = parameters.mFilterFuncI;
113 wxPaintDC dc(this);
114 int width, height;
115 GetSize(&width, &height);
117 if (!mBitmap || mWidth!=width || mHeight!=height)
118 {
119 mWidth = width;
120 mHeight = height;
121 mBitmap = std::make_unique<wxBitmap>(mWidth, mHeight,24);
122 }
124 wxBrush bkgndBrush(wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_3DFACE));
126 wxMemoryDC memDC;
127 memDC.SelectObject(*mBitmap);
129 wxRect bkgndRect;
130 bkgndRect.x = 0;
131 bkgndRect.y = 0;
132 bkgndRect.width = mWidth;
133 bkgndRect.height = mHeight;
134 memDC.SetBrush(bkgndBrush);
135 memDC.SetPen(*wxTRANSPARENT_PEN);
136 memDC.DrawRectangle(bkgndRect);
138 bkgndRect.y = mHeight;
139 memDC.DrawRectangle(bkgndRect);
141 wxRect border;
142 border.x = 0;
143 border.y = 0;
144 border.width = mWidth;
145 border.height = mHeight;
147 memDC.SetBrush(*wxWHITE_BRUSH);
148 memDC.SetPen(*wxBLACK_PEN);
149 memDC.DrawRectangle(border);
151 mEnvRect = border;
154 // Pure blue x-axis line
155 memDC.SetPen(wxPen(theTheme.Colour( clrGraphLines ), 1, wxPENSTYLE_SOLID));
156 int center = (int) (mEnvRect.height * dBMax/(dBMax - dBMin) + .5);
157 AColor::Line(memDC,
158 mEnvRect.GetLeft(), mEnvRect.y + center,
159 mEnvRect.GetRight(), mEnvRect.y + center);
161 // Draw the grid, if asked for. Do it now so it's underneath the main plots.
162 if( drawGrid )
163 {
164 mFreqRuler.ruler.DrawGrid(memDC, mEnvRect.height, true, true, PANELBORDER, PANELBORDER);
165 mdBRuler.ruler.DrawGrid(memDC, mEnvRect.width, true, true, PANELBORDER, PANELBORDER);
166 }
168 // Med-blue envelope line
169 memDC.SetPen(wxPen(theTheme.Colour(clrGraphLines), 3, wxPENSTYLE_SOLID));
171 // Draw envelope
172 int x, y, xlast = 0, ylast = 0;
173 {
174 Doubles values{ size_t(mEnvRect.width) };
175 parameters.ChooseEnvelopeToPaint()
176 .GetValues(values.get(), mEnvRect.width, 0.0, 1.0 / mEnvRect.width);
177 bool off = false, off1 = false;
178 for (int i = 0; i < mEnvRect.width; i++)
179 {
180 x = mEnvRect.x + i;
181 y = lrint(mEnvRect.height*((dBMax - values[i]) / (dBMax - dBMin)) + .25); //needs more optimising, along with'what you get'?
182 if (y >= mEnvRect.height)
183 {
184 y = mEnvRect.height - 1;
185 off = true;
186 }
187 else
188 {
189 off = false;
190 off1 = false;
191 }
192 if ((i != 0) & (!off1))
193 {
194 AColor::Line(memDC, xlast, ylast,
195 x, mEnvRect.y + y);
196 }
197 off1 = off;
198 xlast = x;
199 ylast = mEnvRect.y + y;
200 }
201 }
203 //Now draw the actual response that you will get.
204 //mFilterFunc has a linear scale, window has a log one so we have to fiddle about
205 memDC.SetPen(wxPen(theTheme.Colour( clrResponseLines ), 1, wxPENSTYLE_SOLID));
206 double scale = (double)mEnvRect.height/(dBMax - dBMin); //pixels per dB
207 double yF; //gain at this freq
208 double delta = hiFreq / (((double)windowSize / 2.)); //size of each freq bin
210 bool lin = parameters.IsLinear(); // log or lin scale?
212 double loLog = log10(loFreq);
213 double step = lin ? hiFreq : (log10(hiFreq) - loLog);
214 step /= ((double)mEnvRect.width-1.);
215 double freq; //actual freq corresponding to x position
216 int halfM = (M - 1) / 2;
217 int n; //index to mFreqFunc
218 for(int i=0; i<mEnvRect.width; i++)
219 {
220 x = mEnvRect.x + i;
221 freq = lin ? step*i : pow(10., loLog + i*step); //Hz
222 if( ( lin ? step : (pow(10., loLog + (i+1)*step)-freq) ) < delta)
223 { //not enough resolution in FFT
224 // set up for calculating cos using recurrence - faster than calculating it directly each time
225 double theta = M_PI*freq/hiFreq; //radians, normalized
226 double wtemp = sin(0.5 * theta);
227 double wpr = -2.0 * wtemp * wtemp;
228 double wpi = -1.0 * sin(theta);
229 double wr = cos(theta*halfM);
230 double wi = sin(theta*halfM);
232 yF = 0.;
233 for(int j=0;j<halfM;j++)
234 {
235 yF += 2. * mOutr[j] * wr; // This works for me, compared to the previous version. Compare wr to cos(theta*(halfM-j)). Works for me. Keep everything as doubles though.
236 // do recurrence
237 wr = (wtemp = wr) * wpr - wi * wpi + wr;
238 wi = wi * wpr + wtemp * wpi + wi;
239 }
240 yF += mOutr[halfM];
241 yF = fabs(yF);
242 if(yF!=0.)
243 yF = LINEAR_TO_DB(yF);
244 else
245 yF = dBMin;
246 }
247 else
248 { //use FFT, it has enough resolution
249 n = (int)(freq/delta + .5);
250 if(pow(filterFuncR[n],2)+pow(filterFuncI[n],2)!=0.)
251 yF = 10.0*log10(pow(filterFuncR[n],2)+pow(filterFuncI[n],2)); //10 here, a power
252 else
253 yF = dBMin;
254 }
255 if(yF < dBMin)
256 yF = dBMin;
257 yF = center-scale*yF;
258 if(yF>mEnvRect.height)
259 yF = mEnvRect.height - 1;
260 if(yF<0.)
261 yF=0.;
262 y = (int)(yF+.5);
264 if (i != 0)
265 {
266 AColor::Line(memDC, xlast, ylast, x, mEnvRect.y + y);
267 }
268 xlast = x;
269 ylast = mEnvRect.y + y;
270 }
272 memDC.SetPen(*wxBLACK_PEN);
273 if( drawMode )
274 {
275 ZoomInfo zoomInfo( 0.0, mEnvRect.width-1 );
277 // Back pointer to TrackPanel won't be needed in the one drawing
278 // function we use here
279 TrackArtist artist( nullptr );
281 artist.pZoomInfo = &zoomInfo;
282 TrackPanelDrawingContext context{ memDC, {}, {}, &artist };
283 EnvelopeEditor::DrawPoints( parameters.ChooseEnvelopeToPaint(),
284 context, mEnvRect, false, 0.0,
285 dBMin, dBMax, false);
286 }
288 dc.Blit(0, 0, mWidth, mHeight, &memDC, 0, 0, wxCOPY, FALSE);
#define M_PI
Definition: Distortion.cpp:30
const wxChar * values
#define LINEAR_TO_DB(x)
Definition: MemoryX.h:339
THEME_API Theme theTheme
Definition: Theme.cpp:82
static void Line(wxDC &dc, wxCoord x1, wxCoord y1, wxCoord x2, wxCoord y2)
Definition: AColor.cpp:194
static void DrawPoints(const Envelope &env, TrackPanelDrawingContext &context, const wxRect &r, bool dB, double dBRange, float zoomMin, float zoomMax, bool mirrored, int origin=0)
void DrawGrid(wxDC &dc, int length, bool minor=true, bool major=true, int xOffset=0, int yOffset=0) const
Definition: Ruler.cpp:530
Ruler ruler
Definition: RulerPanel.h:79
wxColour & Colour(int iIndex)
This class handles the actual rendering of WaveTracks (both waveforms and spectra),...
Definition: TrackArtist.h:40
#define lrint(dbl)
Definition: float_cast.h:169

References ThemeBase::Colour(), Ruler::DrawGrid(), EnvelopeEditor::DrawPoints(), AColor::Line(), LINEAR_TO_DB, lrint, M_PI, mBitmap, mCurvesList, EqualizationParameters::mdBMax, mdBRuler, mEnvRect, mFreqRuler, mHeight, mOutr, EqualizationCurvesList::mParameters, mWidth, PANELBORDER, TrackArtist::pZoomInfo, RulerPanel::ruler, theTheme, and values.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ OnSize()

void EqualizationPanel::OnSize ( wxSizeEvent &  event)

Definition at line 93 of file EqualizationPanel.cpp.

95 Refresh( false );

◆ Recalc()

void EqualizationPanel::Recalc ( )

Definition at line 80 of file EqualizationPanel.cpp.

82 auto &parameters = mCurvesList.mParameters;
83 const auto &windowSize = parameters.mWindowSize;
85 mOutr = Floats{ windowSize };
87 parameters.CalcFilter(); //to calculate the actual response
88 InverseRealFFT(windowSize,
89 parameters.mFilterFuncR.get(),
90 parameters.mFilterFuncI.get(), mOutr.get());
void InverseRealFFT(size_t NumSamples, const float *RealIn, const float *ImagIn, float *RealOut)
Definition: FFT.cpp:266

References InverseRealFFT(), mCurvesList, mOutr, EqualizationCurvesList::mParameters, and EqualizationFilter::mWindowSize.

Referenced by OnIdle().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

◆ mBitmap

std::unique_ptr<wxBitmap> EqualizationPanel::mBitmap

Definition at line 62 of file EqualizationPanel.h.

Referenced by OnPaint().

◆ mCurvesList

EqualizationCurvesList& EqualizationPanel::mCurvesList

Definition at line 57 of file EqualizationPanel.h.

Referenced by OnIdle(), OnMouseEvent(), OnPaint(), and Recalc().

◆ mdBRuler

RulerPanel& EqualizationPanel::mdBRuler

Definition at line 59 of file EqualizationPanel.h.

Referenced by OnPaint().

◆ mEnvRect

wxRect EqualizationPanel::mEnvRect

Definition at line 63 of file EqualizationPanel.h.

Referenced by OnMouseEvent(), and OnPaint().

◆ mFreqRuler

RulerPanel& EqualizationPanel::mFreqRuler

Definition at line 58 of file EqualizationPanel.h.

Referenced by OnPaint().

◆ mHeight

int EqualizationPanel::mHeight

Definition at line 65 of file EqualizationPanel.h.

Referenced by OnPaint().

◆ mLinEditor

std::unique_ptr<EnvelopeEditor> EqualizationPanel::mLinEditor

Definition at line 60 of file EqualizationPanel.h.

Referenced by OnMouseEvent().

◆ mLogEditor

std::unique_ptr<EnvelopeEditor> EqualizationPanel::mLogEditor

Definition at line 60 of file EqualizationPanel.h.

Referenced by OnMouseEvent().

◆ mOutr

Floats EqualizationPanel::mOutr

Definition at line 69 of file EqualizationPanel.h.

Referenced by OnPaint(), and Recalc().

◆ mParent

wxWindow* EqualizationPanel::mParent

Definition at line 56 of file EqualizationPanel.h.

◆ mWidth

int EqualizationPanel::mWidth

Definition at line 64 of file EqualizationPanel.h.

Referenced by OnPaint().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: