Audacity 3.2.0
Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | List of all members
SampleTrack Class Referenceabstract

#include <SampleTrack.h>

Inheritance diagram for SampleTrack:
Collaboration diagram for SampleTrack:

Public Member Functions

 SampleTrack ()
 SampleTrack (const SampleTrack &other, ProtectedCreationArg &&)
 ~SampleTrack () override
const TypeInfoGetTypeInfo () const override
virtual sampleFormat GetSampleFormat () const =0
double GetStartTime () const
 Get the minimum of Start() values of intervals, or 0 when none. More...
double GetEndTime () const
 Get the maximum of End() values of intervals, or 0 when none. More...
bool GetFloats (size_t iChannel, size_t nBuffers, float *const buffers[], sampleCount start, size_t len, bool backwards=false, fillFormat fill=FillFormat::fillZero, bool mayThrow=true, sampleCount *pNumWithinClips=nullptr) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from PlayableTrack
 PlayableTrack ()
 PlayableTrack (const PlayableTrack &orig, ProtectedCreationArg &&)
bool GetMute () const
bool GetSolo () const
bool GetNotMute () const
bool GetNotSolo () const
void SetMute (bool m)
void SetSolo (bool s)
void WriteXMLAttributes (XMLWriter &xmlFile) const
bool HandleXMLAttribute (const std::string_view &attr, const XMLAttributeValueView &value)
- Public Member Functions inherited from AudioTrack
 AudioTrack ()
 AudioTrack (const Track &orig, ProtectedCreationArg &&a)
void WriteXMLAttributes (XMLWriter &WXUNUSED(xmlFile)) const
bool HandleXMLAttribute (const std::string_view &, const XMLAttributeValueView &)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Track
TrackId GetId () const
template<typename Subclass = Track>
std::shared_ptr< Subclass > SharedPointer ()
template<typename Subclass = const Track>
auto SharedPointer () const -> std::enable_if_t< std::is_const_v< Subclass >, std::shared_ptr< Subclass > >
virtual const TypeInfoGetTypeInfo () const =0
virtual const TypeNamesGetTypeNames () const
virtual bool SupportsBasicEditing () const
 Whether this track type implements cut-copy-paste; by default, true. More...
virtual Holder PasteInto (AudacityProject &project, TrackList &list) const =0
virtual bool LinkConsistencyFix (bool doFix=true)
 Check consistency of channel groups, and maybe fix it. More...
bool LinkConsistencyCheck ()
 Do the non-mutating part of consistency fix only and return status. More...
bool HasOwner () const
std::shared_ptr< TrackListGetOwner () const
LinkType GetLinkType () const noexcept
 Track ()
 Track (const Track &orig, ProtectedCreationArg &&)
Trackoperator= (const Track &orig)=delete
virtual ~Track ()
void Init (const Track &orig)
virtual Holder Duplicate (DuplicateOptions={}) const
 public nonvirtual duplication function that invokes Clone() More...
void ReparentAllAttachments ()
const wxString & GetName () const
 Name is always the same for all channels of a group. More...
void SetName (const wxString &n)
bool GetSelected () const
 Selectedness is always the same for all channels of a group. More...
virtual void SetSelected (bool s)
virtual Holder Cut (double t0, double t1)=0
 Create tracks and modify this track. More...
virtual Holder Copy (double t0, double t1, bool forClipboard=true) const =0
 Create new tracks and don't modify this track. More...
virtual void Clear (double t0, double t1)=0
virtual void Paste (double t, const Track &src)=0
 Weak precondition allows overrides to replicate one channel into many. More...
virtual void SyncLockAdjust (double oldT1, double newT1)
virtual void Silence (double t0, double t1, ProgressReporter reportProgress={})=0
virtual void InsertSilence (double t, double len)=0
bool SameKindAs (const Track &track) const
template<typename R = void, typename ... Functions>
TypeSwitch (const Functions &...functions)
template<typename R = void, typename ... Functions>
TypeSwitch (const Functions &...functions) const
virtual void WriteXML (XMLWriter &xmlFile) const =0
virtual std::optional< TranslatableStringGetErrorOpening () const
void Notify (bool allChannels, int code=-1)
bool Any () const
bool IsSelected () const
bool IsLeader () const
void AdjustPositions ()
void WriteCommonXMLAttributes (XMLWriter &xmlFile, bool includeNameAndSelected=true) const
bool HandleCommonXMLAttribute (const std::string_view &attr, const XMLAttributeValueView &valueView)
- Public Member Functions inherited from XMLTagHandler
 XMLTagHandler ()
virtual ~XMLTagHandler ()
virtual bool HandleXMLTag (const std::string_view &tag, const AttributesList &attrs)=0
virtual void HandleXMLEndTag (const std::string_view &WXUNUSED(tag))
virtual void HandleXMLContent (const std::string_view &WXUNUSED(content))
virtual XMLTagHandlerHandleXMLChild (const std::string_view &tag)=0
void ReadXMLEndTag (const char *tag)
void ReadXMLContent (const char *s, int len)
XMLTagHandlerReadXMLChild (const char *tag)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ClientData::Site< Host, ClientData, ObjectCopyingPolicy, Pointer, ObjectLockingPolicy, RegistryLockingPolicy >
 ~Site ()
 Site ()
 Site (const Site &other)
Siteoperator= (const Site &other)
 Site (Site &&other)
Siteoperator= (Site &&other)
size_t size () const
 How many attachment pointers are in the Site. More...
template<typename Subclass = ClientData>
Subclass & Get (const RegisteredFactory &key)
 Get reference to an attachment, creating on demand if not present, down-cast it to Subclass. More...
template<typename Subclass = const ClientData>
auto Get (const RegisteredFactory &key) const -> std::enable_if_t< std::is_const< Subclass >::value, Subclass & >
 Get reference to an attachment, creating on demand if not present, down-cast it to Subclass. More...
template<typename Subclass = ClientData>
Subclass * Find (const RegisteredFactory &key)
 Get a (bare) pointer to an attachment, or null, down-cast it to Subclass *; will not create on demand. More...
template<typename Subclass = const ClientData>
auto Find (const RegisteredFactory &key) const -> std::enable_if_t< std::is_const< Subclass >::value, Subclass * >
 Get a (bare) pointer to an attachment, or null, down-cast it to Subclass *; will not create on demand. More...
template<typename ReplacementPointer >
void Assign (const RegisteredFactory &key, ReplacementPointer &&replacement)
 Reassign Site's pointer to ClientData. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ChannelGroup
virtual ~ChannelGroup ()
double GetStartTime () const
 Get the minimum of Start() values of intervals, or 0 when none. More...
double GetEndTime () const
 Get the maximum of End() values of intervals, or 0 when none. More...
void ShiftBy (double t)
 Change start time by given duration. More...
virtual void ShiftBy (double t0, double delta)=0
 Shift all intervals that starts after t0 by delta seconds. More...
virtual void MoveTo (double o)=0
 Change start time to given time point. More...
virtual size_t NChannels () const =0
 Report the number of channels. More...
template<typename ChannelType = Channel>
std::shared_ptr< ChannelType > GetChannel (size_t iChannel)
 Retrieve a channel, cast to the given type. More...
template<typename ChannelType = const Channel>
auto GetChannel (size_t iChannel) const -> std::enable_if_t< std::is_const_v< ChannelType >, std::shared_ptr< ChannelType > >
template<typename ChannelType = Channel>
IteratorRange< ChannelIterator< ChannelType > > Channels ()
 Get range of channels with mutative access. More...
template<typename ChannelType = const Channel>
auto Channels () const -> std::enable_if_t< std::is_const_v< ChannelType >, IteratorRange< ChannelIterator< ChannelType > > >
 Get range of channels with read-only access. More...
std::shared_ptr< ChannelNthChannel (size_t nChannel)
std::shared_ptr< const ChannelNthChannel (size_t nChannel) const
virtual size_t NIntervals () const =0
 Report the number of intervals. More...
template<typename IntervalType = Interval>
std::shared_ptr< IntervalType > GetInterval (size_t iInterval)
 Retrieve an interval, cast to the given type. More...
template<typename IntervalType = const Interval>
auto GetInterval (size_t iInterval) const -> std::enable_if_t< std::is_const_v< IntervalType >, std::shared_ptr< IntervalType > >
template<typename IntervalType = Interval>
IteratorRange< IntervalIterator< IntervalType > > Intervals ()
 Get range of intervals with mutative access. More...
template<typename IntervalType = const Interval>
auto Intervals () const -> std::enable_if_t< std::is_const_v< IntervalType >, IteratorRange< IntervalIterator< IntervalType > > >
 Get range of intervals with read-only access. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from PlayableSequence
 ~PlayableSequence () override
virtual const ChannelGroupFindChannelGroup () const =0
 Find associated ChannelGroup if any. More...
virtual bool GetSolo () const =0
 May vary asynchronously. More...
virtual bool GetMute () const =0
 May vary asynchronously. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from WideSampleSequence
virtual ~WideSampleSequence ()
virtual size_t NChannels () const =0
 A constant property. More...
virtual float GetChannelVolume (int channel) const =0
bool GetFloats (size_t iChannel, size_t nBuffers, float *const buffers[], sampleCount start, size_t len, bool backwards=false, fillFormat fill=FillFormat::fillZero, bool mayThrow=true, sampleCount *pNumWithinClips=nullptr) const
virtual bool DoGet (size_t iChannel, size_t nBuffers, const samplePtr buffers[], sampleFormat format, sampleCount start, size_t len, bool backward, fillFormat fill=FillFormat::fillZero, bool mayThrow=true, sampleCount *pNumWithinClips=nullptr) const =0
virtual double GetStartTime () const =0
virtual double GetEndTime () const =0
virtual double GetRate () const =0
sampleCount TimeToLongSamples (double t0) const
double LongSamplesToTime (sampleCount pos) const
double SnapToSample (double t) const
virtual sampleFormat WidestEffectiveFormat () const =0
virtual bool HasTrivialEnvelope () const =0
virtual void GetEnvelopeValues (double *buffer, size_t bufferLen, double t0, bool backwards) const =0
- Public Member Functions inherited from AudioGraph::Channel
virtual ~Channel ()
virtual ChannelType GetChannelType () const =0
 Classify this channel. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static const TypeInfoClassTypeInfo ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from PlayableTrack
static const TypeInfoClassTypeInfo ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from AudioTrack
static const TypeInfoClassTypeInfo ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Track
template<typename Subclass = Track>
static std::shared_ptr< Subclass > SharedPointer (Track *pTrack)
template<typename Subclass = const Track>
static std::shared_ptr< Subclass > SharedPointer (const Track *pTrack)
static const TypeInfoClassTypeInfo ()
static void CopyAttachments (Track &dst, const Track &src, bool deep)
 Copy (deep) or just share (!deep) AttachedTrackObjects. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ClientData::Site< Host, ClientData, ObjectCopyingPolicy, Pointer, ObjectLockingPolicy, RegistryLockingPolicy >
static size_t numFactories ()
 How many static factories have been registered with this specialization of Site. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from Track
using AttachedObjects = ::AttachedTrackObjects
 Alias for my base type. More...
using Holder = std::shared_ptr< Track >
- Public Types inherited from ClientData::Site< Host, ClientData, ObjectCopyingPolicy, Pointer, ObjectLockingPolicy, RegistryLockingPolicy >
using DataType = ClientData
using DataPointer = Pointer< ClientData >
using DataFactory = std::function< DataPointer(Host &) >
 Type of function from which RegisteredFactory is constructed; it builds attachments. More...
- Public Types inherited from ChannelGroup
enum class  LinkType : int { None = 0 , Group = 2 , Aligned }
 For two tracks describes the type of the linkage. More...
using Attachments = ChannelGroupAttachments
using Interval = WideChannelGroupInterval
- Protected Member Functions inherited from PlayableTrack
bool DoGetMute () const
void DoSetMute (bool value)
bool DoGetSolo () const
void DoSetSolo (bool value)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Track
void SetLinkType (LinkType linkType, bool completeList=true)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ClientData::Site< Host, ClientData, ObjectCopyingPolicy, Pointer, ObjectLockingPolicy, RegistryLockingPolicy >
template<typename Function >
void ForEach (const Function &function)
 Invoke function on each ClientData object that has been created in this. More...
template<typename Function >
void ForEach (const Function &function) const
 Invoke function on each ClientData object that has been created in this. More...
template<typename Function >
void ForCorresponding (Site &other, const Function &function, bool create=true)
template<typename Function >
ClientData * FindIf (const Function &function)
 Return pointer to first attachment in this that is not null and satisfies a predicate, or nullptr. More...
template<typename Function >
const ClientData * FindIf (const Function &function) const
 Return pointer to first attachment in this that is not null and satisfies a predicate, or nullptr. More...
template<typename Function >
void EraseIf (const Function &function)
 Erase attached objects satisfying a predicate. More...
void BuildAll ()
 For each RegisteredFactory, if the corresponding attachment is absent in this, build and store it. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ChannelGroup
virtual std::shared_ptr< ChannelDoGetChannel (size_t iChannel)=0
virtual std::shared_ptr< IntervalDoGetInterval (size_t iInterval)=0
 Retrieve an interval. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from Track
std::weak_ptr< TrackListmList
TrackNodePointer mNode {}
 Holds iterator to self, so that TrackList::Find can be constant-time. More...

Detailed Description

Definition at line 24 of file SampleTrack.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SampleTrack() [1/2]

SampleTrack::SampleTrack ( )

◆ SampleTrack() [2/2]

SampleTrack::SampleTrack ( const SampleTrack other,
ProtectedCreationArg &&  a 

Definition at line 17 of file SampleTrack.cpp.

18 : PlayableTrack(other, std::move(a))

◆ ~SampleTrack()

SampleTrack::~SampleTrack ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ ClassTypeInfo()

auto SampleTrack::ClassTypeInfo ( )

Definition at line 32 of file SampleTrack.cpp.

34 return typeInfo();
static const Track::TypeInfo & typeInfo()
Definition: SampleTrack.cpp:24

References typeInfo().

Referenced by typeInfo2().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetEndTime()

double ChannelGroup::GetEndTime ( ) const

Get the maximum of End() values of intervals, or 0 when none.

Implements WideSampleSequence.

Definition at line 293 of file Channel.cpp.

63 const auto &range = Intervals();
64 if (range.empty())
65 return 0;
66 return std::accumulate(range.first, range.second,
67 std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest(),
68 [](double acc, const auto &pInterval){
69 return std::max(acc, pInterval->End()); });
IteratorRange< IntervalIterator< IntervalType > > Intervals()
Get range of intervals with mutative access.
Definition: Channel.h:495

◆ GetFloats()

bool WideSampleSequence::GetFloats ( size_t  iChannel,
size_t  nBuffers,
float *const  buffers[],
sampleCount  start,
size_t  len,
bool  backwards = false,
fillFormat  fill = FillFormat::fillZero,
bool  mayThrow = true,
sampleCount pNumWithinClips = nullptr 
) const

Retrieve samples from a sequence in floating-point format, regardless of the storage format

iChannelindex of first channel to fetch
nBufferscounts buffers
buffersreceive the samples
startstarting sample, relative to absolute time zero
lenhow many samples to get. buffers are assumed sufficiently large
fillhow to assign values for sample positions between clips
mayThrowif false, fill buffer with zeros when there is failure to retrieve samples; else throw
[out]pNumWithinClipsReport how many samples were copied from within clips, rather than filled according to fillFormat; but these were not necessarily one contiguous range.
iChannel + nBuffers <= NChannels()
false when mayThrow is false and not all samples could be retrieved
if return value is false, buffers are zero-filled

Definition at line 58 of file WideSampleSequence.cpp.

35 // Cast the pointers to pass them to DoGet() which handles multiple
36 // destination formats
37 const auto castBuffers = reinterpret_cast<const samplePtr*>(buffers);
38 const auto result = DoGet(
39 iChannel, nBuffers, castBuffers,
40 floatSample, start, len, backwards, fill, mayThrow, pNumWithinClips);
41 if (!result)
42 while (nBuffers--)
43 ClearSamples(castBuffers[nBuffers], floatSample, 0, len);
44 return result;
void ClearSamples(samplePtr dst, sampleFormat format, size_t start, size_t len)
char * samplePtr
Definition: SampleFormat.h:57
virtual bool DoGet(size_t iChannel, size_t nBuffers, const samplePtr buffers[], sampleFormat format, sampleCount start, size_t len, bool backward, fillFormat fill=FillFormat::fillZero, bool mayThrow=true, sampleCount *pNumWithinClips=nullptr) const =0

Referenced by anonymous_namespace{WaveTrackUtilities.cpp}::ReverseOneClip().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetSampleFormat()

virtual sampleFormat SampleTrack::GetSampleFormat ( ) const
pure virtual

Implemented in WaveTrack.

◆ GetStartTime()

double ChannelGroup::GetStartTime ( ) const

Get the minimum of Start() values of intervals, or 0 when none.

Implements WideSampleSequence.

Definition at line 291 of file Channel.cpp.

52 const auto &range = Intervals();
53 if (range.empty())
54 return 0;
55 return std::accumulate(range.first, range.second,
56 std::numeric_limits<double>::max(),
57 [](double acc, const auto &pInterval){
58 return std::min(acc, pInterval->Start()); });

◆ GetTypeInfo()

auto SampleTrack::GetTypeInfo ( ) const

Implements Track.

Reimplemented in WritableSampleTrack, and WaveTrack.

Definition at line 37 of file SampleTrack.cpp.

39 return typeInfo();

References typeInfo().

Here is the call graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: