Audacity 3.2.0
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WaveClip Class Referencefinal

This allows multiple clips to be a part of one WaveTrack. More...

#include <WaveClip.h>

Inheritance diagram for WaveClip:
Collaboration diagram for WaveClip:


class  ClearSequenceFinisher
 Fix consistency of cutlines and envelope after deleting from Sequences. More...
struct  CreateToken
struct  StrongInvariantScope
struct  Transaction
 Restores state when an update loop over mSequences fails midway. More...

Public Types

using Attachments = Site< WaveClip, WaveClipListener, ClientData::DeepCopying >
using Channel = WaveClipChannel
- Public Types inherited from ClientData::Site< WaveClip, WaveClipListener, ClientData::DeepCopying >
using DataType = WaveClipListener
using DataPointer = UniquePtr< WaveClipListener >
using DataFactory = std::function< DataPointer(WaveClip &) >
 Type of function from which RegisteredFactory is constructed; it builds attachments. More...
- Public Types inherited from Observer::Publisher< CentShiftChange >
using message_type = CentShiftChange
using CallbackReturn = std::conditional_t< true, void, bool >
using Callback = std::function< CallbackReturn(const CentShiftChange &) >
 Type of functions that can be connected to the Publisher. More...
- Public Types inherited from Observer::Publisher< PitchAndSpeedPresetChange >
using message_type = PitchAndSpeedPresetChange
using CallbackReturn = std::conditional_t< true, void, bool >
using Callback = std::function< CallbackReturn(const PitchAndSpeedPresetChange &) >
 Type of functions that can be connected to the Publisher. More...
- Public Types inherited from Observer::Publisher< StretchRatioChange >
using message_type = StretchRatioChange
using CallbackReturn = std::conditional_t< true, void, bool >
using Callback = std::function< CallbackReturn(const StretchRatioChange &) >
 Type of functions that can be connected to the Publisher. More...
- Public Types inherited from Observer::Publisher< WaveClipDtorCalled >
using message_type = WaveClipDtorCalled
using CallbackReturn = std::conditional_t< true, void, bool >
using Callback = std::function< CallbackReturn(const WaveClipDtorCalled &) >
 Type of functions that can be connected to the Publisher. More...

Public Member Functions

 WaveClip (size_t width, const SampleBlockFactoryPtr &factory, sampleFormat format, int rate)
 typical constructor More...
 WaveClip (const WaveClip &orig, const SampleBlockFactoryPtr &factory, bool copyCutlines)
 WaveClip (const WaveClip &orig, const SampleBlockFactoryPtr &factory, bool copyCutlines, double t0, double t1)
 Copy only a range from the given WaveClip. More...
virtual ~WaveClip ()
double Start () const override
double End () const override
std::shared_ptr< ChannelIntervalDoGetChannel (size_t iChannel) override
 Retrieve a channel. More...
auto Channels ()
auto Channels () const
bool CheckInvariants () const
 Check weak invariant conditions on mSequences and mCutlines. More...
bool StrongInvariant () const
void AssertOrRepairStrongInvariant ()
size_t NChannels () const override
 How many Sequences the clip contains. More...
void ConvertToSampleFormat (sampleFormat format, const std::function< void(size_t)> &progressReport={})
int GetRate () const override
void SetRate (int rate)
void SetRawAudioTempo (double tempo)
PitchAndSpeedPreset GetPitchAndSpeedPreset () const
void StretchLeftTo (double to)
 Stretches from left to the absolute time (if in expected range) More...
void StretchRightTo (double to)
 Sets from the right to the absolute time (if in expected range) More...
void StretchBy (double ratio)
double GetStretchRatio () const override
bool SetCentShift (int cents)
int GetCentShift () const override
Observer::Subscription SubscribeToCentShiftChange (std::function< void(int)> cb) const override
void SetPitchAndSpeedPreset (PitchAndSpeedPreset preset)
virtual Observer::Subscription SubscribeToPitchAndSpeedPresetChange (std::function< void(PitchAndSpeedPreset)> cb) const override
void Resample (int rate, BasicUI::ProgressDialog *progress=nullptr)
double GetSequenceStartTime () const noexcept
void SetSequenceStartTime (double startTime)
double GetSequenceEndTime () const
sampleCount GetSequenceStartSample () const
 Returns the index of the first sample of the underlying sequence. More...
sampleCount GetSequenceSamplesCount () const
double GetPlayStartTime () const noexcept override
void SetPlayStartTime (double time)
double GetPlayEndTime () const override
double GetPlayDuration () const
bool IsEmpty () const
sampleCount GetPlayStartSample () const
 Real start time of the clip, quantized to raw sample rate (track's rate) More...
sampleCount GetPlayEndSample () const
 Real end time of the clip, quantized to raw sample rate (track's rate) More...
sampleCount GetVisibleSampleCount () const override
void SetTrimLeft (double trim)
 Sets the play start offset in seconds from the beginning of the underlying sequence. More...
double GetTrimLeft () const noexcept
 Returns the play start offset in seconds from the beginning of the underlying sequence. More...
void SetTrimRight (double trim)
 Sets the play end offset in seconds from the ending of the underlying sequence. More...
double GetTrimRight () const noexcept
 Returns the play end offset in seconds from the ending of the underlying sequence. More...
void TrimLeft (double deltaTime)
 Moves play start position by deltaTime. More...
void TrimRight (double deltaTime)
 Moves play end position by deltaTime. More...
void TrimQuarternotesFromRight (double quarters)
 Same as TrimRight, but expressed as quarter notes. More...
void TrimLeftTo (double to)
 Sets the the left trimming to the absolute time (if that is in bounds) More...
void TrimRightTo (double to)
 Sets the the right trimming to the absolute time (if that is in bounds) More...
void ShiftBy (double delta) noexcept
bool SplitsPlayRegion (double t) const
 [ < t and t < ), such that if the track were split at t, it would split this clip in two of lengths > 0. More...
bool WithinPlayRegion (double t) const
 t ∈ [...) More...
bool BeforePlayRegion (double t) const
 t < [ More...
bool AtOrBeforePlayRegion (double t) const
 t <= [ More...
bool AfterPlayRegion (double t) const
 ) <= t More...
bool EntirelyWithinPlayRegion (double t0, double t1) const
 t0 and t1 both ∈ [...) More...
bool PartlyWithinPlayRegion (double t0, double t1) const
 t0 xor t1 ∈ [...) More...
bool IntersectsPlayRegion (double t0, double t1) const
 [t0, t1) ∩ [...) != ∅ More...
bool CoversEntirePlayRegion (double t0, double t1) const
 t0 <= [ and ) <= t1, such that removing [t0, t1) from the track deletes this clip. More...
sampleCount CountSamples (double t0, double t1) const
AudioSegmentSampleView GetSampleView (size_t iChannel, sampleCount start, size_t length, bool mayThrow=true) const override
 Request up to length samples. The actual number of samples available from the returned view is queried through AudioSegmentSampleView::GetSampleCount(). More...
AudioSegmentSampleView GetSampleView (size_t iChannel, double t0, double t1, bool mayThrow=true) const
 Request interval samples within [t0, t1). t0 and t1 are truncated to the clip's play start and end. Stretching influences the number of samples fitting into [t0, t1), i.e., half as many for twice as large a stretch ratio, due to a larger spacing of the raw samples. The actual number of samples available from the returned view is queried through AudioSegmentSampleView::GetSampleCount(). More...
bool GetSamples (size_t ii, samplePtr buffer, sampleFormat format, sampleCount start, size_t len, bool mayThrow=true) const
 Get samples from one channel. More...
bool GetSamples (samplePtr buffers[], sampleFormat format, sampleCount start, size_t len, bool mayThrow=true) const
 Get (non-interleaved) samples from all channels. More...
void SetSamples (size_t ii, constSamplePtr buffer, sampleFormat format, sampleCount start, size_t len, sampleFormat effectiveFormat)
EnvelopeGetEnvelope () noexcept
const EnvelopeGetEnvelope () const noexcept
void SetEnvelope (std::unique_ptr< Envelope > p)
const BlockArrayGetSequenceBlockArray (size_t ii) const
SequenceGetSequence (size_t ii)
const SequenceGetSequence (size_t ii) const
std::pair< float, float > GetMinMax (size_t ii, double t0, double t1, bool mayThrow) const
float GetRMS (size_t ii, double t0, double t1, bool mayThrow) const
void UpdateEnvelopeTrackLen ()
std::shared_ptr< SampleBlockAppendToChannel (size_t iChannel, constSamplePtr buffer, sampleFormat format, size_t len)
std::shared_ptr< SampleBlockAppendLegacyNewBlock (constSamplePtr buffer, sampleFormat format, size_t len)
void AppendLegacySharedBlock (const std::shared_ptr< SampleBlock > &pBlock)
bool Append (size_t iChannel, size_t nChannels, constSamplePtr buffers[], sampleFormat format, size_t len, unsigned int stride, sampleFormat effectiveFormat)
bool Append (constSamplePtr buffers[], sampleFormat format, size_t len, unsigned int stride, sampleFormat effectiveFormat)
void Flush ()
 Flush must be called after last Append. More...
void RepairChannels ()
 Ensure that all sequences have the same sample count. More...
void Clear (double t0, double t1)
void ClearLeft (double t)
void ClearRight (double t)
void ClearAndAddCutLine (double t0, double t1)
void AddCutLine (WaveClipHolder pClip)
bool Paste (double t0, const WaveClip &other)
void InsertSilence (double t, double len, double *pEnvelopeValue=nullptr)
void AppendSilence (double len, double envelopeValue)
const WaveClipHoldersGetCutLines ()
 Get access to cut lines list. More...
const WaveClipConstHoldersGetCutLines () const
size_t NumCutLines () const
bool FindCutLine (double cutLinePosition, double *cutLineStart=nullptr, double *cutLineEnd=nullptr) const
void ExpandCutLine (double cutLinePosition)
bool RemoveCutLine (double cutLinePosition)
 Remove cut line, without expanding the audio in it. More...
void OffsetCutLines (double t0, double len)
 Offset cutlines right to time 't0' by time amount 'len'. More...
void CloseLock () noexcept
 Should be called upon project close. Not balanced by unlocking calls. More...
bool HandleXMLTag (const std::string_view &tag, const AttributesList &attrs) override
void HandleXMLEndTag (const std::string_view &tag) override
XMLTagHandlerHandleXMLChild (const std::string_view &tag) override
void WriteXML (size_t ii, XMLWriter &xmlFile) const
bool GetIsPlaceholder () const
void SetIsPlaceholder (bool val)
void SetName (const wxString &name)
const wxString & GetName () const
sampleCount TimeToSamples (double time) const override
double SamplesToTime (sampleCount s) const noexcept
void SetSilence (sampleCount offset, sampleCount length)
 Silences the 'length' amount of samples starting from 'offset'(relative to the play start) More...
constSamplePtr GetAppendBuffer (size_t ii) const
 Get one channel of the append buffer. More...
size_t GetAppendBufferLen (size_t ii) const
void OnProjectTempoChange (const std::optional< double > &oldTempo, double newTempo)
SampleFormats GetSampleFormats () const
size_t CountBlocks () const
void DiscardRightChannel ()
 Reduce width. More...
void SwapChannels ()
std::shared_ptr< WaveClipSplitChannels ()
void MakeStereo (WaveClip &&other, bool mustAlign)
size_t GetBestBlockSize (sampleCount t) const
 A hint for sizing of well aligned fetches. More...
size_t GetMaxBlockSize () const
 WaveClip (const WaveClip &orig, const SampleBlockFactoryPtr &factory, bool copyCutlines, CreateToken token)
bool HasEqualPitchAndSpeed (const WaveClip &other) const
bool HasPitchOrSpeed () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ClipInterface
 ~ClipInterface () override
virtual AudioSegmentSampleView GetSampleView (size_t iChannel, sampleCount start, size_t length, bool mayThrow=true) const =0
virtual size_t NChannels () const =0
virtual int GetCentShift () const =0
virtual Observer::Subscription SubscribeToCentShiftChange (std::function< void(int)> cb) const =0
virtual PitchAndSpeedPreset GetPitchAndSpeedPreset () const =0
virtual Observer::Subscription SubscribeToPitchAndSpeedPresetChange (std::function< void(PitchAndSpeedPreset)> cb) const =0
- Public Member Functions inherited from ClipTimes
virtual ~ClipTimes ()
virtual sampleCount GetVisibleSampleCount () const =0
virtual int GetRate () const =0
virtual double GetPlayStartTime () const =0
virtual double GetPlayEndTime () const =0
virtual sampleCount TimeToSamples (double time) const =0
virtual double GetStretchRatio () const =0
- Public Member Functions inherited from WideChannelGroupInterval
 ~WideChannelGroupInterval () override
virtual size_t NChannels () const =0
 Report the number of channels. More...
template<typename IntervalType = ChannelInterval>
std::shared_ptr< IntervalType > GetChannel (size_t iChannel)
 Retrieve a channel, cast to the given type. More...
template<typename IntervalType = const ChannelInterval>
auto GetChannel (size_t iChannel) const -> std::enable_if_t< std::is_const_v< IntervalType >, std::shared_ptr< IntervalType > >
template<typename IntervalType = ChannelInterval>
IteratorRange< ChannelIterator< IntervalType > > Channels ()
 Get range of ChannelInterval objects with mutative access. More...
template<typename IntervalType = const ChannelInterval>
auto Channels () const -> std::enable_if_t< std::is_const_v< IntervalType >, IteratorRange< ChannelIterator< IntervalType > > >
 Get range of channels with read-only access. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ChannelGroupInterval
 ChannelGroupInterval ()=default
virtual ~ChannelGroupInterval ()
virtual double Start () const =0
virtual double End () const =0
- Public Member Functions inherited from XMLTagHandler
 XMLTagHandler ()
virtual ~XMLTagHandler ()
virtual bool HandleXMLTag (const std::string_view &tag, const AttributesList &attrs)=0
virtual void HandleXMLEndTag (const std::string_view &WXUNUSED(tag))
virtual void HandleXMLContent (const std::string_view &WXUNUSED(content))
virtual XMLTagHandlerHandleXMLChild (const std::string_view &tag)=0
void ReadXMLEndTag (const char *tag)
void ReadXMLContent (const char *s, int len)
XMLTagHandlerReadXMLChild (const char *tag)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ClientData::Site< WaveClip, WaveClipListener, ClientData::DeepCopying >
 ~Site ()
 Site ()
 Site (const Site &other)
 Site (Site &&other)
Siteoperator= (const Site &other)
Siteoperator= (Site &&other)
size_t size () const
 How many attachment pointers are in the Site. More...
Subclass & Get (const RegisteredFactory &key)
 Get reference to an attachment, creating on demand if not present, down-cast it to Subclass. More...
auto Get (const RegisteredFactory &key) const -> std::enable_if_t< std::is_const< Subclass >::value, Subclass & >
 Get reference to an attachment, creating on demand if not present, down-cast it to Subclass. More...
Subclass * Find (const RegisteredFactory &key)
 Get a (bare) pointer to an attachment, or null, down-cast it to Subclass *; will not create on demand. More...
auto Find (const RegisteredFactory &key) const -> std::enable_if_t< std::is_const< Subclass >::value, Subclass * >
 Get a (bare) pointer to an attachment, or null, down-cast it to Subclass *; will not create on demand. More...
void Assign (const RegisteredFactory &key, ReplacementPointer &&replacement)
 Reassign Site's pointer to ClientData. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Observer::Publisher< CentShiftChange >
 Publisher (ExceptionPolicy *pPolicy=nullptr, Alloc a={})
 Constructor supporting type-erased custom allocation/deletion. More...
 Publisher (Publisher &&)=default
Publisheroperator= (Publisher &&)=default
Subscription Subscribe (Callback callback)
 Connect a callback to the Publisher; later-connected are called earlier. More...
Subscription Subscribe (Object &obj, Return(Object::*callback)(Args...))
 Overload of Subscribe takes an object and pointer-to-member-function. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Observer::Publisher< PitchAndSpeedPresetChange >
 Publisher (ExceptionPolicy *pPolicy=nullptr, Alloc a={})
 Constructor supporting type-erased custom allocation/deletion. More...
 Publisher (Publisher &&)=default
Publisheroperator= (Publisher &&)=default
Subscription Subscribe (Callback callback)
 Connect a callback to the Publisher; later-connected are called earlier. More...
Subscription Subscribe (Object &obj, Return(Object::*callback)(Args...))
 Overload of Subscribe takes an object and pointer-to-member-function. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Observer::Publisher< StretchRatioChange >
 Publisher (ExceptionPolicy *pPolicy=nullptr, Alloc a={})
 Constructor supporting type-erased custom allocation/deletion. More...
 Publisher (Publisher &&)=default
Publisheroperator= (Publisher &&)=default
Subscription Subscribe (Callback callback)
 Connect a callback to the Publisher; later-connected are called earlier. More...
Subscription Subscribe (Object &obj, Return(Object::*callback)(Args...))
 Overload of Subscribe takes an object and pointer-to-member-function. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Observer::Publisher< WaveClipDtorCalled >
 Publisher (ExceptionPolicy *pPolicy=nullptr, Alloc a={})
 Constructor supporting type-erased custom allocation/deletion. More...
 Publisher (Publisher &&)=default
Publisheroperator= (Publisher &&)=default
Subscription Subscribe (Callback callback)
 Connect a callback to the Publisher; later-connected are called earlier. More...
Subscription Subscribe (Object &obj, Return(Object::*callback)(Args...))
 Overload of Subscribe takes an object and pointer-to-member-function. More...

Static Public Attributes

static const char * WaveClip_tag = "waveclip"
- Static Public Attributes inherited from Observer::Publisher< CentShiftChange >
static constexpr bool notifies_all
- Static Public Attributes inherited from Observer::Publisher< PitchAndSpeedPresetChange >
static constexpr bool notifies_all
- Static Public Attributes inherited from Observer::Publisher< StretchRatioChange >
static constexpr bool notifies_all
- Static Public Attributes inherited from Observer::Publisher< WaveClipDtorCalled >
static constexpr bool notifies_all

Private Member Functions

 WaveClip (const WaveClip &)=delete
WaveClipoperator= (const WaveClip &)=delete
size_t GreatestAppendBufferLen () const
void MarkChanged () noexcept
 Called by mutating operations; notifies listeners. More...
sampleCount TimeToSequenceSamples (double t) const
bool StretchRatioEquals (double value) const
sampleCount GetNumSamples () const
const SampleBlockFactoryPtrGetFactory () const
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< Sequence > > GetEmptySequenceCopies () const
void StretchCutLines (double ratioChange)
double SnapToTrackSample (double time) const noexcept
ClearSequenceFinisher ClearSequence (double t0, double t1)

Static Private Member Functions

static void TransferSequence (WaveClip &origClip, WaveClip &newClip)
static void FixSplitCutlines (WaveClipHolders &myCutlines, WaveClipHolders &newCutlines)

Private Attributes

PitchAndSpeedPreset mPitchAndSpeedPreset { PitchAndSpeedPreset::Default }
int mCentShift { 0 }
double mClipStretchRatio = 1.
std::optional< double > mRawAudioTempo
std::optional< double > mProjectTempo
int mRate
 Sample rate of the raw audio, i.e., before stretching. More...
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< Sequence > > mSequences
std::unique_ptr< EnvelopemEnvelope
 Envelope is unique, not per-sequence, and always non-null. More...
WaveClipHolders mCutLines {}
bool mIsPlaceholder { false }
wxString mName
double mSequenceOffset { 0 }
double mTrimLeft { 0 }
double mTrimRight { 0 }

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ClientData::Site< WaveClip, WaveClipListener, ClientData::DeepCopying >
static size_t numFactories ()
 How many static factories have been registered with this specialization of Site. More...
virtual std::shared_ptr< ChannelIntervalDoGetChannel (size_t iChannel)=0
 Retrieve a channel. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ClientData::Site< WaveClip, WaveClipListener, ClientData::DeepCopying >
void ForEach (const Function &function)
 Invoke function on each ClientData object that has been created in this. More...
void ForEach (const Function &function) const
 Invoke function on each ClientData object that has been created in this. More...
void ForCorresponding (Site &other, const Function &function, bool create=true)
WaveClipListenerFindIf (const Function &function)
 Return pointer to first attachment in this that is not null and satisfies a predicate, or nullptr. More...
const WaveClipListenerFindIf (const Function &function) const
 Return pointer to first attachment in this that is not null and satisfies a predicate, or nullptr. More...
void EraseIf (const Function &function)
 Erase attached objects satisfying a predicate. More...
void BuildAll ()
 For each RegisteredFactory, if the corresponding attachment is absent in this, build and store it. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Observer::Publisher< CentShiftChange >
CallbackReturn Publish (const CentShiftChange &message)
 Send a message to connected callbacks. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Observer::Publisher< PitchAndSpeedPresetChange >
CallbackReturn Publish (const PitchAndSpeedPresetChange &message)
 Send a message to connected callbacks. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Observer::Publisher< StretchRatioChange >
CallbackReturn Publish (const StretchRatioChange &message)
 Send a message to connected callbacks. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Observer::Publisher< WaveClipDtorCalled >
CallbackReturn Publish (const WaveClipDtorCalled &message)
 Send a message to connected callbacks. More...

Detailed Description

This allows multiple clips to be a part of one WaveTrack.

Definition at line 228 of file WaveClip.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Attachments

Definition at line 251 of file WaveClip.h.

◆ Channel

Definition at line 293 of file WaveClip.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ WaveClip() [1/5]

WaveClip::WaveClip ( const WaveClip )

◆ WaveClip() [2/5]

WaveClip::WaveClip ( size_t  width,
const SampleBlockFactoryPtr factory,
sampleFormat  format,
int  rate 

typical constructor

widthhow many sequences
width > 0
NChannels() == width

Definition at line 223 of file WaveClip.cpp.

227 assert(width > 0);
228 mRate = rate;
229 mSequences.resize(width);
230 for (auto &pSequence : mSequences)
231 pSequence = std::make_unique<Sequence>(factory,
234 mEnvelope = std::make_unique<Envelope>(true, 1e-7, 2.0, 1.0);
235 assert(CheckInvariants());
static RegisteredToolbarFactory factory
@ narrowestSampleFormat
Two synonyms for previous values that might change if more values were added.
Two sample formats, remembering format of original source and describing stored format.
Definition: SampleFormat.h:79
bool CheckInvariants() const
Check weak invariant conditions on mSequences and mCutlines.
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:1979
std::unique_ptr< Envelope > mEnvelope
Envelope is unique, not per-sequence, and always non-null.
Definition: WaveClip.h:966
int mRate
Sample rate of the raw audio, i.e., before stretching.
Definition: WaveClip.h:959
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< Sequence > > mSequences
Definition: WaveClip.h:964

References CheckInvariants(), factory, anonymous_namespace{ExportPCM.cpp}::format, mEnvelope, mRate, mSequences, and narrowestSampleFormat.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ WaveClip() [3/5]

WaveClip::WaveClip ( const WaveClip orig,
const SampleBlockFactoryPtr factory,
bool  copyCutlines 

essentially a copy constructor - but you must pass in the current sample block factory, because we might be copying from one project to another

NChannels() == orig.NChannels()
!copyCutlines || NumCutLines() == orig.NumCutLines()

Definition at line 270 of file WaveClip.h.

273 : WaveClip{ orig, factory, copyCutlines, {} }
274 {}
This allows multiple clips to be a part of one WaveTrack.
Definition: WaveClip.h:238

◆ WaveClip() [4/5]

WaveClip::WaveClip ( const WaveClip orig,
const SampleBlockFactoryPtr factory,
bool  copyCutlines,
double  t0,
double  t1 

Copy only a range from the given WaveClip.

CountSamples(t1, t0) > 0
NChannels() == orig.NChannels()

Definition at line 281 of file WaveClip.cpp.

284 : mCentShift { orig.mCentShift }
289 assert(orig.CountSamples(t0, t1) > 0);
293 //Adjust trim values to sample-boundary
294 if(t0 > orig.GetPlayStartTime()) {
295 const auto s0 = orig.TimeToSamples(t0 - orig.GetSequenceStartTime());
296 mTrimLeft = orig.SamplesToTime(s0);
298 }
299 else
300 mTrimLeft = orig.mTrimLeft;
302 if(t1 < orig.GetPlayEndTime())
303 {
304 const auto s1 = orig.TimeToSamples(orig.GetSequenceEndTime() - t1);
305 mTrimRight = orig.SamplesToTime(s1);
306 }
307 else
308 mTrimRight = orig.mTrimRight;
310 mRate = orig.mRate;
312 // Deep copy of attachments
313 Attachments &attachments = *this;
314 attachments = orig;
318 mSequences.reserve(orig.NChannels());
319 for (auto &pSequence : orig.mSequences)
320 mSequences.push_back(
321 std::make_unique<Sequence>(*pSequence, factory));
323 mEnvelope = std::make_unique<Envelope>(*orig.mEnvelope);
325 if (copyCutlines)
326 for (const auto &cutline : orig.mCutLines)
327 mCutLines.push_back(
328 std::make_shared<WaveClip>(*cutline, factory, true));
330 assert(NChannels() == orig.NChannels());
331 assert(CheckInvariants());
std::optional< double > mRawAudioTempo
Definition: WaveClip.h:955
double GetSequenceStartTime() const noexcept
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:1872
Site< WaveClip, WaveClipListener, ClientData::DeepCopying > Attachments
Definition: WaveClip.h:251
bool mIsPlaceholder
Definition: WaveClip.h:976
sampleCount TimeToSamples(double time) const override
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:1731
int mCentShift
Definition: WaveClip.h:950
double GetPlayStartTime() const noexcept override
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:1762
double mTrimRight
Definition: WaveClip.h:946
std::optional< double > mProjectTempo
Definition: WaveClip.h:956
sampleCount CountSamples(double t0, double t1) const
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:1957
double GetPlayEndTime() const override
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:1772
bool GetIsPlaceholder() const
Definition: WaveClip.h:772
double mSequenceOffset
Definition: WaveClip.h:944
double SamplesToTime(sampleCount s) const noexcept
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:1736
size_t NChannels() const override
How many Sequences the clip contains.
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:373
double mTrimLeft
Definition: WaveClip.h:945
WaveClipHolders mCutLines
Definition: WaveClip.h:973
double GetSequenceEndTime() const
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:1885
double mClipStretchRatio
Definition: WaveClip.h:954

References CheckInvariants(), CountSamples(), factory, GetIsPlaceholder(), GetPlayEndTime(), GetPlayStartTime(), GetSequenceEndTime(), GetSequenceStartTime(), mCutLines, mEnvelope, mIsPlaceholder, mRate, mSequenceOffset, mSequences, mTrimLeft, mTrimRight, NChannels(), SamplesToTime(), and TimeToSamples().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ~WaveClip()

WaveClip::~WaveClip ( )

Definition at line 335 of file WaveClip.cpp.

CallbackReturn Publish(const Message &message)
Send a message to connected callbacks.
Definition: Observer.h:207

References Observer::Publisher< Message, NotifyAll >::Publish().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ WaveClip() [5/5]

WaveClip::WaveClip ( const WaveClip orig,
const SampleBlockFactoryPtr factory,
bool  copyCutlines,
CreateToken  token 

essentially a copy constructor - but you must pass in the current sample block factory, because we might be copying from one project to another

This is effectively private because CreateToken is private, but must be public to cooperate with make_shared.

The clip so constructed does NOT (yet) satisfy the class invariants!

emptyCopyif true, don't make sequences
NChannels() == (token.emptyCopy ? 0 : orig.NChannels())
!copyCutlines || NumCutLines() == orig.NumCutLines()

Definition at line 238 of file WaveClip.cpp.

241 : mCentShift { orig.mCentShift }
247 // essentially a copy constructor - but you must pass in the
248 // current sample block factory, because we might be copying
249 // from one project to another
252 mTrimLeft = orig.mTrimLeft;
253 mTrimRight = orig.mTrimRight;
254 mRate = orig.mRate;
256 // Deep copy of attachments
257 Attachments &attachments = *this;
258 attachments = orig;
260 mSequences.reserve(orig.NChannels());
261 if (!token.emptyCopy)
262 for (auto &pSequence : orig.mSequences)
263 mSequences.push_back(std::make_unique<Sequence>(*pSequence, factory));
265 mEnvelope = std::make_unique<Envelope>(*orig.mEnvelope);
267 mName = orig.mName;
269 if (copyCutlines)
270 for (const auto &clip: orig.mCutLines)
271 mCutLines.push_back(
272 std::make_shared<WaveClip>(*clip, factory, true, token));
276 assert(NChannels() == (token.emptyCopy ? 0 : orig.NChannels()));
277 assert(token.emptyCopy || CheckInvariants());
278 assert(!copyCutlines || NumCutLines() == orig.NumCutLines());
PitchAndSpeedPreset mPitchAndSpeedPreset
Definition: WaveClip.h:949
wxString mName
Definition: WaveClip.h:978
size_t NumCutLines() const
Definition: WaveClip.h:731

References CheckInvariants(), WaveClip::CreateToken::emptyCopy, factory, GetIsPlaceholder(), mCutLines, mEnvelope, mIsPlaceholder, mName, mRate, mSequenceOffset, mSequences, mTrimLeft, mTrimRight, NChannels(), and NumCutLines().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddCutLine()

void WaveClip::AddCutLine ( WaveClipHolder  pClip)
NChannels() == pClip->NChannels()

Definition at line 1470 of file WaveClip.cpp.

1472 assert(NChannels() == pClip->NChannels());
1473 mCutLines.push_back(move(pClip));
1474 // New clip is assumed to have correct width
1475 assert(CheckInvariants());

References CheckInvariants(), mCutLines, and NChannels().

Referenced by ClearAndAddCutLine().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ AfterPlayRegion()

bool WaveClip::AfterPlayRegion ( double  t) const

) <= t

Definition at line 1952 of file WaveClip.cpp.

1954 return GetPlayEndTime() <= t;

References GetPlayEndTime().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Append() [1/2]

bool WaveClip::Append ( constSamplePtr  buffers[],
sampleFormat  format,
size_t  len,
unsigned int  stride,
sampleFormat  effectiveFormat 

Append (non-interleaved) samples to all channels You must call Flush after the last Append

true if at least one complete block was created assume as many buffers available as NChannels() In case of failure or exceptions, the clip contents are unchanged but un-flushed data are lost
effectiveFormatMake the effective format of the data at least the minumum of this value and `format`. (Maybe wider, if merging with preexistent data.) If the data are later narrowed from stored format, but not narrower than the effective, then no dithering will occur.

Definition at line 869 of file WaveClip.cpp.

872 StrongInvariantScope scope{ *this };
874 Transaction transaction{ *this };
876 //wxLogDebug(wxT("Append: len=%lli"), (long long) len);
878 size_t ii = 0;
879 bool appended = false;
880 for (auto &pSequence : mSequences)
881 appended =
882 pSequence->Append(buffers[ii++], format, len, stride, effectiveFormat)
883 || appended;
885 transaction.Commit();
886 // use No-fail-guarantee
888 MarkChanged();
890 return appended;
void MarkChanged() noexcept
Called by mutating operations; notifies listeners.
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:735
void UpdateEnvelopeTrackLen()
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:807
static CommandContext::TargetFactory::SubstituteInUnique< InteractiveOutputTargets > scope

References WaveClip::Transaction::Commit(), anonymous_namespace{ExportPCM.cpp}::format, MarkChanged(), mSequences, anonymous_namespace{wxCommandTargets.cpp}::scope, and UpdateEnvelopeTrackLen().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Append() [2/2]

bool WaveClip::Append ( size_t  iChannel,
size_t  nChannels,
constSamplePtr  buffers[],
sampleFormat  format,
size_t  len,
unsigned int  stride,
sampleFormat  effectiveFormat 

Append (non-interleaved) samples to some or all channels You must call Flush after the last Append

For stereo clips, typically this is invoked on left, then right channels, either alternating (as when recording) or in two batches (channel-major pattern of effect processing), which violates the strong invariant condition, then restores it (either repeatedly, or once).

true if at least one complete block was created In case of failure or exceptions, the clip contents are unchanged but un-flushed data are lost
iChannel < NChannels()
iChannel + nChannels <= NChannels()
effectiveFormatMake the effective format of the data at least the minumum of this value and `format`. (Maybe wider, if merging with preexistent data.) If the data are later narrowed from stored format, but not narrower than the effective, then no dithering will occur.

Definition at line 844 of file WaveClip.cpp.

848 assert(iChannel < NChannels());
849 assert(iChannel + nChannels <= NChannels());
851 // No requirement or promise of the strong invariant, and therefore no
852 // need for Transaction
854 //wxLogDebug(wxT("Append: len=%lli"), (long long) len);
856 bool appended = false;
857 for (size_t ii = 0; ii < nChannels; ++ii)
858 appended = mSequences[iChannel + ii]->Append(
859 buffers[ii], format, len, stride, effectiveFormat)
860 || appended;
862 // use No-fail-guarantee
864 MarkChanged();
866 return appended;
bool Append(size_t iChannel, size_t nChannels, constSamplePtr buffers[], sampleFormat format, size_t len, unsigned int stride, sampleFormat effectiveFormat)
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:844

References Append(), anonymous_namespace{ExportPCM.cpp}::format, anonymous_namespace{StretchingSequenceIntegrationTest.cpp}::iChannel, MarkChanged(), mSequences, NChannels(), and UpdateEnvelopeTrackLen().

Referenced by Append().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ AppendLegacyNewBlock()

std::shared_ptr< SampleBlock > WaveClip::AppendLegacyNewBlock ( constSamplePtr  buffer,
sampleFormat  format,
size_t  len 

For use in importing pre-version-3 projects to preserve sharing of blocks; no dithering applied

NChannels() == 1
Exception safety guarantee:

Definition at line 826 of file WaveClip.cpp.

828 // This is a special use function for legacy files only and this assertion
829 // does not need to be relaxed. The clip is in a still unzipped track.
830 assert(NChannels() == 1);
831 return AppendToChannel(0, buffer, format, len);
std::shared_ptr< SampleBlock > AppendToChannel(size_t iChannel, constSamplePtr buffer, sampleFormat format, size_t len)
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:817

References AppendToChannel(), anonymous_namespace{ExportPCM.cpp}::format, and NChannels().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ AppendLegacySharedBlock()

void WaveClip::AppendLegacySharedBlock ( const std::shared_ptr< SampleBlock > &  pBlock)

For use in importing pre-version-3 projects to preserve sharing of blocks

NChannels() == 1
Exception safety guarantee:

Definition at line 835 of file WaveClip.cpp.

838 // This is a special use function for legacy files only and this assertion
839 // does not need to be relaxed. The clip is in a still unzipped track.
840 assert(NChannels() == 1);
841 mSequences[0]->AppendSharedBlock( pBlock );

References mSequences, and NChannels().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ AppendSilence()

void WaveClip::AppendSilence ( double  len,
double  envelopeValue 

Insert silence at the end, and causes the envelope to ramp linearly to the given value

Exception safety guarantee:

Definition at line 1276 of file WaveClip.cpp.

1278 auto t = GetPlayEndTime();
1279 InsertSilence( t, len, &envelopeValue );
void InsertSilence(double t, double len, double *pEnvelopeValue=nullptr)
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:1229

References GetPlayEndTime(), and InsertSilence().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ AppendToChannel()

std::shared_ptr< SampleBlock > WaveClip::AppendToChannel ( size_t  iChannel,
constSamplePtr  buffer,
sampleFormat  format,
size_t  len 
iChannel < NChannels()
Exception safety guarantee:

Definition at line 817 of file WaveClip.cpp.

820 assert(iChannel < NChannels());
821 return mSequences[iChannel]->AppendNewBlock(buffer, format, len);

References anonymous_namespace{ExportPCM.cpp}::format, anonymous_namespace{StretchingSequenceIntegrationTest.cpp}::iChannel, mSequences, and NChannels().

Referenced by AppendLegacyNewBlock().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ AssertOrRepairStrongInvariant()

void WaveClip::AssertOrRepairStrongInvariant ( )

When StrongInvariant() is false, violate an assertion in debug, but in release, establish it (or fail, propagating an exception)

Exception safety guarantee:

Definition at line 2030 of file WaveClip.cpp.

2032 if (!StrongInvariant()) {
2033 assert(false);
2035 assert(StrongInvariant());
2036 }
void RepairChannels()
Ensure that all sequences have the same sample count.
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:918
bool StrongInvariant() const
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:2013

References RepairChannels(), and StrongInvariant().

Referenced by WaveClip::StrongInvariantScope::StrongInvariantScope().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ AtOrBeforePlayRegion()

bool WaveClip::AtOrBeforePlayRegion ( double  t) const

t <= [

Definition at line 1947 of file WaveClip.cpp.

1949 return t <= GetPlayStartTime();

References GetPlayStartTime().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ BeforePlayRegion()

bool WaveClip::BeforePlayRegion ( double  t) const

t < [

Definition at line 1942 of file WaveClip.cpp.

1944 return t < GetPlayStartTime();

References GetPlayStartTime().

Referenced by EntirelyWithinPlayRegion().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Channels() [1/2]

auto WaveClip::Channels ( )

Definition at line 295 of file WaveClip.h.

295 { return
296 WideChannelGroupInterval::Channels<Channel>(); }

◆ Channels() [2/2]

auto WaveClip::Channels ( ) const

Definition at line 298 of file WaveClip.h.

298 { return
299 WideChannelGroupInterval::Channels<const Channel>(); }

◆ CheckInvariants()

bool WaveClip::CheckInvariants ( ) const

Check weak invariant conditions on mSequences and mCutlines.

Conditions are mSequences.size() > 0 all sequences are non-null all sequences have the same sample formats and sample block factory all cutlines satisfy the strong invariant

Definition at line 1979 of file WaveClip.cpp.

1981 const auto width = NChannels();
1982 auto iter = mSequences.begin(),
1983 end = mSequences.end();
1984 // There must be at least one pointer
1985 if (iter != end) {
1986 // All pointers mut be non-null
1987 auto &pFirst = *iter++;
1988 if (pFirst) {
1989 // All sequences must have the same sample formats, and sample block
1990 // factory
1991 return
1992 std::all_of(iter, end, [&](decltype(pFirst) pSequence) {
1993 return pSequence &&
1994 pSequence->GetSampleFormats() == pFirst->GetSampleFormats() &&
1995 pSequence->GetFactory() == pFirst->GetFactory();
1996 }) &&
1997 // All cut lines are non-null, satisfy the invariants, and match width
1998 std::all_of(mCutLines.begin(), mCutLines.end(),
1999 [width](const WaveClipHolder &pCutLine) {
2000 if (!(pCutLine && pCutLine->NChannels() == width))
2001 return false;
2002 if (!pCutLine->StrongInvariant()) {
2003 pCutLine->AssertOrRepairStrongInvariant();
2004 return false;
2005 }
2006 return true;
2007 });
2008 }
2009 }
2010 return false;
std::shared_ptr< WaveClip > WaveClipHolder
Definition: WaveClip.h:43
const char * end(const char *str) noexcept
Definition: StringUtils.h:106

References details::end(), mCutLines, mSequences, and NChannels().

Referenced by AddCutLine(), DiscardRightChannel(), HandleXMLEndTag(), MakeStereo(), StrongInvariant(), SwapChannels(), TransferSequence(), and WaveClip().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Clear()

void WaveClip::Clear ( double  t0,
double  t1 

This name is consistent with WaveTrack::Clear. It performs a "Cut" operation (but without putting the cut audio to the clipboard)

Exception safety guarantee:

Definition at line 1283 of file WaveClip.cpp.

1285 auto st0 = t0;
1286 auto st1 = t1;
1287 auto offset = .0;
1288 if (st0 <= GetPlayStartTime())
1289 {
1290 offset = (t0 - GetPlayStartTime()) + GetTrimLeft();
1291 st0 = GetSequenceStartTime();
1293 SetTrimLeft(.0);
1294 }
1295 if (st1 >= GetPlayEndTime())
1296 {
1297 st1 = GetSequenceEndTime();
1298 SetTrimRight(.0);
1299 }
1300 Transaction transaction{ *this };
1301 ClearSequence(st0, st1)
1302 .Commit();
1303 transaction.Commit();
1304 MarkChanged();
1306 if (offset != .0)
1307 ShiftBy(offset);
void ShiftBy(double delta) noexcept
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:1898
double GetTrimLeft() const noexcept
Returns the play start offset in seconds from the beginning of the underlying sequence.
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:1815
ClearSequenceFinisher ClearSequence(double t0, double t1)
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:1337
void SetTrimRight(double trim)
Sets the play end offset in seconds from the ending of the underlying sequence.
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:1820
void SetTrimLeft(double trim)
Sets the play start offset in seconds from the beginning of the underlying sequence.
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:1810

References ClearSequence(), WaveClip::ClearSequenceFinisher::Commit(), GetPlayEndTime(), GetPlayStartTime(), GetSequenceEndTime(), GetSequenceStartTime(), GetTrimLeft(), MarkChanged(), SetTrimLeft(), SetTrimRight(), and ShiftBy().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ClearAndAddCutLine()

void WaveClip::ClearAndAddCutLine ( double  t0,
double  t1 

Clear, and add cut line that starts at t0 and contains everything until t1 if there is at least one clip sample between t0 and t1, noop otherwise.

Exception safety guarantee:
Weak – This WaveClip remains destructible in case of AudacityException. But some cutlines may be deleted

Definition at line 1406 of file WaveClip.cpp.

1408 StrongInvariantScope scope{ *this };
1409 if (t0 > GetPlayEndTime() || t1 < GetPlayStartTime() || CountSamples(t0, t1) == 0)
1410 return; // no samples to remove
1412 Transaction transaction{ *this };
1414 const double clip_t0 = std::max( t0, GetPlayStartTime() );
1415 const double clip_t1 = std::min( t1, GetPlayEndTime() );
1417 auto newClip = std::make_shared<WaveClip>(
1418 *this, GetFactory(), true, clip_t0, clip_t1);
1419 if(t1 < GetPlayEndTime())
1420 {
1421 newClip->ClearSequence(t1, newClip->GetSequenceEndTime())
1422 .Commit();
1423 newClip->SetTrimRight(.0);
1424 }
1425 if(t0 > GetPlayStartTime())
1426 {
1427 newClip->ClearSequence(newClip->GetSequenceStartTime(), t0)
1428 .Commit();
1429 newClip->SetTrimLeft(.0);
1430 }
1432 newClip->SetSequenceStartTime( clip_t0 - GetSequenceStartTime() );
1434 // Remove cutlines from this clip that were in the selection, shift
1435 // left those that were after the selection
1436 // May DELETE as we iterate, so don't use range-for
1437 for (auto it = mCutLines.begin(); it != mCutLines.end();)
1438 {
1439 WaveClip* clip = it->get();
1440 double cutlinePosition = GetSequenceStartTime() + clip->GetSequenceStartTime();
1441 if (cutlinePosition >= t0 && cutlinePosition <= t1)
1442 it = mCutLines.erase(it);
1443 else
1444 {
1445 if (cutlinePosition >= t1)
1446 {
1447 clip->ShiftBy(clip_t0 - clip_t1);
1448 }
1449 ++it;
1450 }
1451 }
1453 // Clear actual audio data
1454 auto s0 = TimeToSequenceSamples(t0);
1455 auto s1 = TimeToSequenceSamples(t1);
1457 // use Weak-guarantee
1458 for (auto &pSequence : mSequences)
1459 pSequence->Delete(s0, s1-s0);
1461 // Collapse envelope
1462 auto sampleTime = 1.0 / GetRate();
1463 GetEnvelope().CollapseRegion( t0, t1, sampleTime );
1465 transaction.Commit();
1466 MarkChanged();
1467 AddCutLine(move(newClip));
int min(int a, int b)
void CollapseRegion(double t0, double t1, double sampleDur) noexcept
Definition: Envelope.cpp:396
sampleCount TimeToSequenceSamples(double t) const
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:1970
int GetRate() const override
Definition: WaveClip.h:337
Envelope & GetEnvelope() noexcept
Definition: WaveClip.h:553
const SampleBlockFactoryPtr & GetFactory() const
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:713
void AddCutLine(WaveClipHolder pClip)
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:1470

References AddCutLine(), Envelope::CollapseRegion(), CountSamples(), GetEnvelope(), GetFactory(), GetPlayEndTime(), GetPlayStartTime(), GetRate(), GetSequenceStartTime(), MarkChanged(), mCutLines, min(), mSequences, anonymous_namespace{wxCommandTargets.cpp}::scope, ShiftBy(), and TimeToSequenceSamples().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ClearLeft()

void WaveClip::ClearLeft ( double  t)

Removes samples starting from the left boundary of the clip till t, if it's inside the play region. Also removes trimmed (hidden) data, if present. Changes offset to make remaining samples stay at their old place. Destructive operation.

Definition at line 1310 of file WaveClip.cpp.

1312 if (t > GetPlayStartTime() && t < GetPlayEndTime())
1313 {
1314 Transaction transaction{ *this };
1316 .Commit();
1317 transaction.Commit();
1318 SetTrimLeft(.0);
1320 MarkChanged();
1321 }
void SetSequenceStartTime(double startTime)
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:1879

References ClearSequence(), WaveClip::ClearSequenceFinisher::Commit(), GetPlayEndTime(), GetPlayStartTime(), GetSequenceStartTime(), MarkChanged(), SetSequenceStartTime(), and SetTrimLeft().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ClearRight()

void WaveClip::ClearRight ( double  t)

Removes samples starting from t (if it's inside the clip), till the right boundary. Also removes trimmed (hidden) data, if present. Destructive operation.

Definition at line 1324 of file WaveClip.cpp.

1326 if (t > GetPlayStartTime() && t < GetPlayEndTime())
1327 {
1328 Transaction transaction{ *this };
1330 .Commit();
1331 transaction.Commit();
1332 SetTrimRight(.0);
1333 MarkChanged();
1334 }

References ClearSequence(), WaveClip::ClearSequenceFinisher::Commit(), GetPlayEndTime(), GetPlayStartTime(), GetSequenceEndTime(), MarkChanged(), and SetTrimRight().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ClearSequence()

auto WaveClip::ClearSequence ( double  t0,
double  t1 

This name is consistent with WaveTrack::Clear. It performs a "Cut" operation (but without putting the cut audio to the clipboard)


Definition at line 1337 of file WaveClip.cpp.

1339 StrongInvariantScope scope{ *this };
1341 auto clip_t0 = std::max(t0, GetSequenceStartTime());
1342 auto clip_t1 = std::min(t1, GetSequenceEndTime());
1344 auto s0 = TimeToSequenceSamples(clip_t0);
1345 auto s1 = TimeToSequenceSamples(clip_t1);
1347 if (s0 == s1)
1348 return {};
1350 // use Strong-guarantee
1351 for (auto &pSequence : mSequences)
1352 pSequence->Delete(s0, s1 - s0);
1354 return { this, t0, t1, clip_t0, clip_t1 };

References min(), and anonymous_namespace{wxCommandTargets.cpp}::scope.

Referenced by Clear(), ClearLeft(), ClearRight(), InsertSilence(), and Paste().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ CloseLock()

void WaveClip::CloseLock ( )

Should be called upon project close. Not balanced by unlocking calls.

Exception safety guarantee:

Definition at line 1559 of file WaveClip.cpp.

1561 // Don't need a Transaction for noexcept operations
1562 for (auto &pSequence : mSequences)
1563 pSequence->CloseLock();
1564 for (const auto &cutline: mCutLines)
1565 cutline->CloseLock();

References mCutLines, and mSequences.

◆ ConvertToSampleFormat()

void WaveClip::ConvertToSampleFormat ( sampleFormat  format,
const std::function< void(size_t)> &  progressReport = {} 

Definition at line 782 of file WaveClip.cpp.

785 // This mutator does not require the strong invariant. It leaves sample
786 // counts unchanged in each sequence.
788 // Note: it is not necessary to do this recursively to cutlines.
789 // They get converted as needed when they are expanded.
791 Transaction transaction{ *this };
793 auto bChanged = mSequences[0]->ConvertToSampleFormat(format, progressReport);
794 for (size_t ii = 1, width = NChannels(); ii < width; ++ii) {
795 bool alsoChanged =
796 mSequences[ii]->ConvertToSampleFormat(format, progressReport);
797 // Class invariant implies:
798 assert(bChanged == alsoChanged);
799 }
800 if (bChanged)
801 MarkChanged();
803 transaction.Commit();

References anonymous_namespace{ExportPCM.cpp}::format, MarkChanged(), mSequences, and NChannels().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ CountBlocks()

size_t WaveClip::CountBlocks ( ) const

Definition at line 693 of file WaveClip.cpp.

695 return std::accumulate(mSequences.begin(), mSequences.end(), size_t{},
696 [](size_t acc, auto &pSequence){
697 return acc + pSequence->GetBlockArray().size(); });

References mSequences.

◆ CountSamples()

sampleCount WaveClip::CountSamples ( double  t0,
double  t1 
) const

Counts number of sample times within t0 and t1 region. t0 and t1 are rounded to the nearest clip sample boundary, i.e. relative to clips start time offset.

Number of samples within t0 and t1 if t1 > t0, 0 otherwise

Definition at line 1957 of file WaveClip.cpp.

1959 if(t0 < t1)
1960 {
1961 t0 = std::max(t0, GetPlayStartTime());
1962 t1 = std::min(t1, GetPlayEndTime());
1963 const auto s0 = TimeToSamples(t0 - GetPlayStartTime());
1964 const auto s1 = TimeToSamples(t1 - GetPlayStartTime());
1965 return s1 - s0;
1966 }
1967 return { 0 };

References GetPlayEndTime(), GetPlayStartTime(), min(), and TimeToSamples().

Referenced by ClearAndAddCutLine(), and WaveClip().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ CoversEntirePlayRegion()

bool WaveClip::CoversEntirePlayRegion ( double  t0,
double  t1 
) const

t0 <= [ and ) <= t1, such that removing [t0, t1) from the track deletes this clip.

t0 <= t1

Definition at line 1936 of file WaveClip.cpp.

1938 assert(t0 <= t1);
1939 return t0 <= GetPlayStartTime() && GetPlayEndTime() <= t1;

References GetPlayEndTime(), and GetPlayStartTime().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ DiscardRightChannel()

void WaveClip::DiscardRightChannel ( )

Reduce width.

NChannels() == 1

Definition at line 429 of file WaveClip.cpp.

431 mSequences.resize(1);
432 this->Attachments::ForEach([](WaveClipListener &attachment){
433 attachment.Erase(1);
434 });
435 for (auto &pCutline : mCutLines)
436 pCutline->DiscardRightChannel();
437 assert(NChannels() == 1);
438 assert(CheckInvariants());
virtual void Erase(size_t index)
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:58

References CheckInvariants(), WaveClipListener::Erase(), mCutLines, mSequences, and NChannels().

Referenced by SplitChannels().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ DoGetChannel()

std::shared_ptr< ChannelInterval > WaveClip::DoGetChannel ( size_t  iChannel)

Retrieve a channel.

result: !(iChannel < NChannels()) || result

Implements WideChannelGroupInterval.

Definition at line 350 of file WaveClip.cpp.

352 return std::make_shared<Channel>(*this, iChannel);

References anonymous_namespace{StretchingSequenceIntegrationTest.cpp}::iChannel.

◆ End()

double WaveClip::End ( ) const
result: Start() < result

Implements ChannelGroupInterval.

Definition at line 345 of file WaveClip.cpp.

347 return GetPlayEndTime();

References GetPlayEndTime().

Referenced by anonymous_namespace{WaveClipAdjustBorderHandle.cpp}::GetRightAdjustLimit(), and TimeStretching::SetClipStretchRatio().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ EntirelyWithinPlayRegion()

bool WaveClip::EntirelyWithinPlayRegion ( double  t0,
double  t1 
) const

t0 and t1 both ∈ [...)

t0 <= t1

Definition at line 1914 of file WaveClip.cpp.

1916 assert(t0 <= t1);
1917 // t1 is the open end of the interval, hence it's ok if it's equal to the
1918 // open end of the play region.
1919 return !BeforePlayRegion(t0) && t1 <= GetPlayEndTime();
bool BeforePlayRegion(double t) const
t < [
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:1942

References BeforePlayRegion(), and GetPlayEndTime().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ExpandCutLine()

void WaveClip::ExpandCutLine ( double  cutLinePosition)

Expand cut line (that is, re-insert audio, then DELETE audio saved in cut line). Returns true if a cut line could be found and successfully expanded, false otherwise

Exception safety guarantee:

Definition at line 1499 of file WaveClip.cpp.

1501 auto end = mCutLines.end();
1502 auto it = std::find_if( mCutLines.begin(), end,
1503 [&](const WaveClipHolder &cutline) {
1504 return fabs(GetSequenceStartTime() + cutline->GetSequenceStartTime() - cutLinePosition) < 0.0001;
1505 } );
1507 if ( it != end ) {
1508 auto *cutline = it->get();
1509 // assume Strong-guarantee from Paste
1511 // Envelope::Paste takes offset into account, WaveClip::Paste doesn't!
1512 // Do this to get the right result:
1513 cutline->mEnvelope->SetOffset(0);
1514 bool success = Paste(
1515 GetSequenceStartTime() + cutline->GetSequenceStartTime(), *cutline);
1516 assert(success); // class invariant promises cutlines have correct width
1518 // Now erase the cutline,
1519 // but be careful to find it again, because Paste above may
1520 // have modified the array of cutlines (if our cutline contained
1521 // another cutline!), invalidating the iterator we had.
1522 end = mCutLines.end();
1523 it = std::find_if(mCutLines.begin(), end,
1524 [=](const WaveClipHolder &p) { return p.get() == cutline; });
1525 if (it != end)
1526 mCutLines.erase(it); // deletes cutline!
1527 else {
1528 wxASSERT(false);
1529 }
1530 }
bool Paste(double t0, const WaveClip &other)
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:1100

References details::end(), GetSequenceStartTime(), mCutLines, and Paste().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ FindCutLine()

bool WaveClip::FindCutLine ( double  cutLinePosition,
double *  cutLineStart = nullptr,
double *  cutLineEnd = nullptr 
) const

Find cut line at (approximately) this position. Returns true and fills in cutLineStart and cutLineEnd (if specified) if a cut line at this position could be found. Return false otherwise.

Definition at line 1478 of file WaveClip.cpp.

1482 for (const auto &cutline: mCutLines)
1483 {
1484 if (fabs(GetSequenceStartTime() + cutline->GetSequenceStartTime() - cutLinePosition) < 0.0001)
1485 {
1486 auto startTime = GetSequenceStartTime() + cutline->GetSequenceStartTime();
1487 if (cutlineStart)
1488 *cutlineStart = startTime;
1489 if (cutlineEnd)
1490 *cutlineEnd = startTime + cutline->SamplesToTime(cutline->GetVisibleSampleCount());
1491 return true;
1492 }
1493 }
1495 return false;

References GetSequenceStartTime(), and mCutLines.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ FixSplitCutlines()

void WaveClip::FixSplitCutlines ( WaveClipHolders myCutlines,
WaveClipHolders newCutlines 

Definition at line 462 of file WaveClip.cpp.

465 auto beginMe = myCutlines.begin(),
466 endMe = myCutlines.end();
467 auto iterNew = newCutlines.begin(),
468 endNew = newCutlines.end();
469 for_each(beginMe, endMe, [&](const auto &myCutline){
470 assert(iterNew != endNew);
471 const auto pNew = *iterNew;
472 TransferSequence(*myCutline, *pNew);
473 // Recursion!
474 FixSplitCutlines(myCutline->mCutLines, pNew->mCutLines);
475 ++iterNew;
476 });
477 assert(iterNew == endNew);
static void FixSplitCutlines(WaveClipHolders &myCutlines, WaveClipHolders &newCutlines)
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:462
static void TransferSequence(WaveClip &origClip, WaveClip &newClip)
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:453

References FixSplitCutlines(), and TransferSequence().

Referenced by FixSplitCutlines(), and SplitChannels().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Flush()

void WaveClip::Flush ( )

Flush must be called after last Append.

In case of exceptions, the clip contents are unchanged but un-flushed data are lost

Definition at line 893 of file WaveClip.cpp.

895 // Does not require or guarantee the strong invariant
897 //wxLogDebug(wxT("WaveClip::Flush"));
898 //wxLogDebug(wxT(" mAppendBufferLen=%lli"), (long long) mAppendBufferLen);
899 //wxLogDebug(wxT(" previous sample count %lli"), (long long) mSequence->GetNumSamples());
901 if (GreatestAppendBufferLen() > 0) {
903 Transaction transaction{ *this };
905 for (auto &pSequence : mSequences)
906 pSequence->Flush();
908 transaction.Commit();
910 // No-fail operations
912 MarkChanged();
913 }
915 //wxLogDebug(wxT("now sample count %lli"), (long long) mSequence->GetNumSamples());
size_t GreatestAppendBufferLen() const
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:537

References WaveClip::Transaction::Commit(), GreatestAppendBufferLen(), MarkChanged(), mSequences, and UpdateEnvelopeTrackLen().

Referenced by Resample().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetAppendBuffer()

constSamplePtr WaveClip::GetAppendBuffer ( size_t  ii) const

Get one channel of the append buffer.

iiidentifies the channel
ii < NChannels()

Definition at line 729 of file WaveClip.cpp.

731 assert(ii < NChannels());
732 return mSequences[ii]->GetAppendBuffer();

References mSequences, and NChannels().

Referenced by WaveClipChannel::GetAppendBuffer(), and anonymous_namespace{WaveDataCache.cpp}::AppendBufferHelper::GetAppendBufferPointer().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetAppendBufferLen()

size_t WaveClip::GetAppendBufferLen ( size_t  ii) const
iiidentifies the channel
ii < NChannels()

Definition at line 423 of file WaveClip.cpp.

425 assert(iChannel < NChannels());
426 return mSequences[iChannel]->GetAppendBufferLen();

References anonymous_namespace{StretchingSequenceIntegrationTest.cpp}::iChannel, mSequences, and NChannels().

Referenced by WaveClipChannel::GetAppendBufferLen(), anonymous_namespace{WaveDataCache.cpp}::AppendBufferHelper::GetAppendBufferPointer(), GreatestAppendBufferLen(), and anonymous_namespace{WaveDataCache.cpp}::MakeDefaultDataProvider().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetBestBlockSize()

size_t WaveClip::GetBestBlockSize ( sampleCount  t) const

A hint for sizing of well aligned fetches.

Definition at line 701 of file WaveClip.cpp.

703 return mSequences[0]->GetBestBlockSize(t);

References mSequences.

◆ GetCentShift()

int WaveClip::GetCentShift ( ) const

Implements ClipInterface.

Definition at line 634 of file WaveClip.cpp.

636 return mCentShift;

References mCentShift.

Referenced by anonymous_namespace{PitchAndSpeedDialog.cpp}::GetClipShift(), HasEqualPitchAndSpeed(), and HasPitchOrSpeed().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetCutLines() [1/2]

const WaveClipHolders & WaveClip::GetCutLines ( )

Get access to cut lines list.

Definition at line 728 of file WaveClip.h.

728{ return mCutLines; }

◆ GetCutLines() [2/2]

const WaveClipConstHolders & WaveClip::GetCutLines ( ) const

Definition at line 729 of file WaveClip.h.

730 { return reinterpret_cast< const WaveClipConstHolders& >( mCutLines ); }
std::vector< WaveClipConstHolder > WaveClipConstHolders
Definition: WaveClip.h:46

◆ GetEmptySequenceCopies()

std::vector< std::unique_ptr< Sequence > > WaveClip::GetEmptySequenceCopies ( ) const

Definition at line 719 of file WaveClip.cpp.

721 decltype(mSequences) newSequences;
722 newSequences.reserve(mSequences.size());
723 for (auto& pSequence : mSequences)
724 newSequences.push_back(std::make_unique<Sequence>(
725 pSequence->GetFactory(), pSequence->GetSampleFormats()));
726 return newSequences;

References mSequences.

Referenced by Resample().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetEnvelope() [1/2]

const Envelope & WaveClip::GetEnvelope ( ) const

Definition at line 554 of file WaveClip.h.

554{ return *mEnvelope; }

◆ GetEnvelope() [2/2]

Envelope & WaveClip::GetEnvelope ( )

Definition at line 553 of file WaveClip.h.

553{ return *mEnvelope; }

Referenced by ClearAndAddCutLine(), WaveClipChannel::GetEnvelope(), AUPImportFileHandle::HandleEnvelope(), InsertSilence(), and WaveClip::ClearSequenceFinisher::~ClearSequenceFinisher().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetFactory()

const SampleBlockFactoryPtr & WaveClip::GetFactory ( ) const

Definition at line 713 of file WaveClip.cpp.

715 // All sequences have the same factory by class invariant
716 return mSequences[0]->GetFactory();

References mSequences.

Referenced by ClearAndAddCutLine(), MakeStereo(), Paste(), SplitChannels(), and WaveClip::Transaction::Transaction().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetIsPlaceholder()

bool WaveClip::GetIsPlaceholder ( ) const

Definition at line 772 of file WaveClip.h.

772{ return mIsPlaceholder; }

Referenced by WaveClip().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetMaxBlockSize()

size_t WaveClip::GetMaxBlockSize ( ) const

Definition at line 706 of file WaveClip.cpp.

708 return std::accumulate(mSequences.begin(), mSequences.end(), size_t{},
709 [](size_t acc, auto &pSequence){
710 return std::max(acc, pSequence->GetMaxBlockSize()); });

References mSequences.

◆ GetMinMax()

std::pair< float, float > WaveClip::GetMinMax ( size_t  ii,
double  t0,
double  t1,
bool  mayThrow 
) const

Getting high-level data for one channel for screen display and clipping calculations and Contrast

iiidentifies the channel
ii < NChannels()

Definition at line 740 of file WaveClip.cpp.

743 assert(ii < NChannels());
744 t0 = std::max(t0, GetPlayStartTime());
745 t1 = std::min(t1, GetPlayEndTime());
746 if (t0 > t1) {
747 if (mayThrow)
749 return {
750 0.f, // harmless, but unused since Sequence::GetMinMax does not use these values
751 0.f // harmless, but unused since Sequence::GetMinMax does not use these values
752 };
753 }
755 if (t0 == t1)
756 return{ 0.f, 0.f };
758 auto s0 = TimeToSequenceSamples(t0);
759 auto s1 = TimeToSequenceSamples(t1);
761 return mSequences[ii]->GetMinMax(s0, s1 - s0, mayThrow);
Throw InconsistencyException, using C++ preprocessor to identify the source code location.

References GetPlayEndTime(), GetPlayStartTime(), min(), mSequences, NChannels(), THROW_INCONSISTENCY_EXCEPTION, and TimeToSequenceSamples().

Referenced by WaveClipChannel::GetMinMax().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetName()

const wxString & WaveClip::GetName ( ) const

Definition at line 1726 of file WaveClip.cpp.

1728 return mName;

References mName.

◆ GetNumSamples()

sampleCount WaveClip::GetNumSamples ( ) const

Definition at line 678 of file WaveClip.cpp.

680 // Assume only the weak invariant
681 sampleCount result = 0;
682 for (auto &pSequence: mSequences)
683 result = std::max(result, pSequence->GetNumSamples());
684 return result;
Positions or offsets within audio files need a wide type.
Definition: SampleCount.h:19

References mSequences.

Referenced by GetPlayEndTime(), GetSampleView(), GetSequenceEndTime(), GetSequenceSamplesCount(), GetVisibleSampleCount(), MakeStereo(), RepairChannels(), Resample(), SetRate(), TimeToSequenceSamples(), and UpdateEnvelopeTrackLen().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetPitchAndSpeedPreset()

PitchAndSpeedPreset WaveClip::GetPitchAndSpeedPreset ( ) const

Implements ClipInterface.

Definition at line 1606 of file WaveClip.cpp.

1608 return mPitchAndSpeedPreset;

References mPitchAndSpeedPreset.

◆ GetPlayDuration()

double WaveClip::GetPlayDuration ( ) const

Always a multiple of the track's sample period, whether the clip is stretched or not.

Definition at line 1784 of file WaveClip.cpp.

1786 return GetPlayEndTime() - GetPlayStartTime();

References GetPlayEndTime(), and GetPlayStartTime().

Referenced by IsEmpty().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetPlayEndSample()

sampleCount WaveClip::GetPlayEndSample ( ) const

Real end time of the clip, quantized to raw sample rate (track's rate)

Definition at line 1799 of file WaveClip.cpp.

1801 return sampleCount { GetPlayEndTime() * mRate + 0.5 };

References GetPlayEndTime(), and mRate.

Referenced by WaveClipChannel::GetPlayEndSample().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetPlayEndTime()

double WaveClip::GetPlayEndTime ( ) const

Open-end of play region. Always a multiple of the track's sample period, whether the clip is stretched or not.

Implements ClipTimes.

Definition at line 1772 of file WaveClip.cpp.

1774 const auto numSamples = GetNumSamples();
1775 double maxLen = mSequenceOffset +
1776 ((numSamples + GreatestAppendBufferLen()).as_double()) *
1778 mTrimRight;
1779 // JS: calculated value is not the length;
1780 // it is a maximum value and can be negative; no clipping to 0
1781 return SnapToTrackSample(maxLen);
double GetStretchRatio() const override
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:625
double SnapToTrackSample(double time) const noexcept
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:1741
sampleCount GetNumSamples() const
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:678

References GetNumSamples(), GetStretchRatio(), GreatestAppendBufferLen(), mRate, mSequenceOffset, mTrimRight, and SnapToTrackSample().

Referenced by AUPImportFileHandle::AddSilence(), AfterPlayRegion(), AppendSilence(), Clear(), ClearAndAddCutLine(), ClearLeft(), ClearRight(), CountSamples(), CoversEntirePlayRegion(), WaveClipChannel::End(), End(), EntirelyWithinPlayRegion(), GetMinMax(), GetPlayDuration(), GetPlayEndSample(), WaveClipChannel::GetPlayEndTime(), InsertSilence(), IntersectsPlayRegion(), Paste(), WaveClipUIUtilities::SelectClip(), anonymous_namespace{ClipOverflowButtonHandle.cpp}::SelectInterval(), SplitsPlayRegion(), StretchLeftTo(), StretchRightTo(), TrimLeftTo(), WaveClip(), and WithinPlayRegion().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetPlayStartSample()

sampleCount WaveClip::GetPlayStartSample ( ) const

Real start time of the clip, quantized to raw sample rate (track's rate)

Definition at line 1794 of file WaveClip.cpp.

1796 return sampleCount { GetPlayStartTime() * mRate + 0.5 };

References GetPlayStartTime(), and mRate.

Referenced by WaveClipChannel::GetPlayStartSample().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetPlayStartTime()

double WaveClip::GetPlayStartTime ( ) const

Closed-begin of play region. Always a multiple of the track's sample period, whether the clip is stretched or not.

Implements ClipTimes.

Definition at line 1762 of file WaveClip.cpp.


References mSequenceOffset, mTrimLeft, and SnapToTrackSample().

Referenced by AtOrBeforePlayRegion(), BeforePlayRegion(), Clear(), ClearAndAddCutLine(), ClearLeft(), ClearRight(), CountSamples(), CoversEntirePlayRegion(), GetMinMax(), GetPlayDuration(), GetPlayStartSample(), WaveClipChannel::GetPlayStartTime(), InsertSilence(), IntersectsPlayRegion(), Paste(), WaveClipUIUtilities::SelectClip(), anonymous_namespace{ClipOverflowButtonHandle.cpp}::SelectInterval(), WaveClipUtilities::SharesBoundaryWithNextClip(), SplitsPlayRegion(), WaveClipChannel::Start(), Start(), StretchBy(), StretchLeftTo(), StretchRightTo(), TrimRightTo(), WaveClip(), and WithinPlayRegion().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetRate()

int WaveClip::GetRate ( ) const

Implements ClipTimes.

Definition at line 337 of file WaveClip.h.

338 {
339 return mRate;
340 }

Referenced by ClearAndAddCutLine(), WaveClipChannel::GetRate(), InsertSilence(), Paste(), WaveClipUtilities::SharesBoundaryWithNextClip(), TrimQuarternotesFromRight(), UpdateEnvelopeTrackLen(), WaveBitmapCache::WaveBitmapCache(), and WaveClip::ClearSequenceFinisher::~ClearSequenceFinisher().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetRMS()

float WaveClip::GetRMS ( size_t  ii,
double  t0,
double  t1,
bool  mayThrow 
) const

Getting high-level data for one channel for screen display and clipping calculations and Contrast

iiidentifies the channel
ii < NChannels()

Definition at line 764 of file WaveClip.cpp.

766 assert(ii < NChannels());
767 if (t0 > t1) {
768 if (mayThrow)
770 return 0.f;
771 }
773 if (t0 == t1)
774 return 0.f;
776 auto s0 = TimeToSequenceSamples(t0);
777 auto s1 = TimeToSequenceSamples(t1);
779 return mSequences[ii]->GetRMS(s0, s1-s0, mayThrow);

References mSequences, NChannels(), THROW_INCONSISTENCY_EXCEPTION, and TimeToSequenceSamples().

Referenced by WaveClipChannel::GetRMS().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetSampleFormats()

SampleFormats WaveClip::GetSampleFormats ( ) const

Definition at line 687 of file WaveClip.cpp.

689 // All sequences have the same formats by class invariant
690 return mSequences[0]->GetSampleFormats();

References mSequences.

Referenced by anonymous_namespace{WaveDataCache.cpp}::AppendBufferHelper::GetAppendBufferPointer(), MakeStereo(), and Paste().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetSamples() [1/2]

bool WaveClip::GetSamples ( samplePtr  buffers[],
sampleFormat  format,
sampleCount  start,
size_t  len,
bool  mayThrow = true 
) const

Get (non-interleaved) samples from all channels.

assume as many buffers available as NChannels()

startrelative to clip play start sample

Definition at line 387 of file WaveClip.cpp.

390 bool result = true;
391 for (size_t ii = 0, width = NChannels(); result && ii < width; ++ii)
392 result = GetSamples(ii, buffers[ii], format, start, len, mayThrow);
393 return result;
bool GetSamples(size_t ii, samplePtr buffer, sampleFormat format, sampleCount start, size_t len, bool mayThrow=true) const
Get samples from one channel.
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:378

References anonymous_namespace{ExportPCM.cpp}::format, GetSamples(), and NChannels().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetSamples() [2/2]

bool WaveClip::GetSamples ( size_t  ii,
samplePtr  buffer,
sampleFormat  format,
sampleCount  start,
size_t  len,
bool  mayThrow = true 
) const

Get samples from one channel.

iiidentifies the channel
startrelative to clip play start sample
ii < NChannels()

Definition at line 378 of file WaveClip.cpp.

382 assert(ii < NChannels());
383 return mSequences[ii]
384 ->Get(buffer, format, start + TimeToSamples(mTrimLeft), len, mayThrow);

References anonymous_namespace{ExportPCM.cpp}::format, mSequences, mTrimLeft, NChannels(), and TimeToSamples().

Referenced by WaveClipUtilities::GetFloatAtTime(), WaveClipChannel::GetSamples(), and GetSamples().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetSampleView() [1/2]

AudioSegmentSampleView WaveClip::GetSampleView ( size_t  iChannel,
double  t0,
double  t1,
bool  mayThrow = true 
) const

Request interval samples within [t0, t1). t0 and t1 are truncated to the clip's play start and end. Stretching influences the number of samples fitting into [t0, t1), i.e., half as many for twice as large a stretch ratio, due to a larger spacing of the raw samples. The actual number of samples available from the returned view is queried through AudioSegmentSampleView::GetSampleCount().

iChannel < NChannels()
stretched samples in [t0, t1) can be counted in a size_t

Definition at line 363 of file WaveClip.cpp.

366 assert(iChannel < NChannels());
367 const auto start = TimeToSamples(std::max(0., t0));
368 const auto length =
369 (std::min(GetNumSamples(), TimeToSamples(t1)) - start).as_size_t();
370 return GetSampleView(iChannel, start, length, mayThrow);
AudioSegmentSampleView GetSampleView(size_t iChannel, sampleCount start, size_t length, bool mayThrow=true) const override
Request up to length samples. The actual number of samples available from the returned view is querie...
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:355

References GetNumSamples(), GetSampleView(), anonymous_namespace{StretchingSequenceIntegrationTest.cpp}::iChannel, min(), NChannels(), and TimeToSamples().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetSampleView() [2/2]

AudioSegmentSampleView WaveClip::GetSampleView ( size_t  iChannel,
sampleCount  start,
size_t  length,
bool  mayThrow = true 
) const

Request up to length samples. The actual number of samples available from the returned view is queried through AudioSegmentSampleView::GetSampleCount().

startindex of first clip sample from play start
iChannel < NChannels()

Implements ClipInterface.

Definition at line 355 of file WaveClip.cpp.

358 assert(ii < NChannels());
359 return mSequences[ii]->GetFloatSampleView(
360 start + TimeToSamples(mTrimLeft), length, mayThrow);

References mSequences, mTrimLeft, NChannels(), and TimeToSamples().

Referenced by WaveClipChannel::GetSampleView(), and GetSampleView().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetSequence() [1/2]

Sequence * WaveClip::GetSequence ( size_t  ii)

Get low-level access to a sequence. Whenever possible, don't use this, but use more high-level functions inside WaveClip (or add them if you think they are useful for general use)

ii < NChannels()

Definition at line 571 of file WaveClip.h.

571 {
572 assert(ii < NChannels());
573 return mSequences[ii].get();
574 }

Referenced by WaveClipChannel::GetSequence(), and anonymous_namespace{WaveDataCache.cpp}::MakeDefaultDataProvider().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetSequence() [2/2]

const Sequence * WaveClip::GetSequence ( size_t  ii) const

Get low-level access to a sequence. Whenever possible, don't use this, but use more high-level functions inside WaveClip (or add them if you think they are useful for general use)

ii < NChannels()

Definition at line 578 of file WaveClip.h.

578{ return mSequences[ii].get(); }

◆ GetSequenceBlockArray()

const BlockArray * WaveClip::GetSequenceBlockArray ( size_t  ii) const
iiidentifies the channel
ii < NChannels()

Definition at line 417 of file WaveClip.cpp.

419 assert(ii < NChannels());
420 return &mSequences[ii]->GetBlockArray();

References mSequences, and NChannels().

Referenced by WaveClipChannel::GetSequenceBlockArray().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetSequenceEndTime()

double WaveClip::GetSequenceEndTime ( ) const

Definition at line 1885 of file WaveClip.cpp.

1887 const auto numSamples = GetNumSamples();
1888 double maxLen = GetSequenceStartTime() +
1889 numSamples.as_double() * GetStretchRatio() / mRate;
1890 return maxLen;

References GetNumSamples(), GetSequenceStartTime(), GetStretchRatio(), and mRate.

Referenced by Clear(), ClearRight(), anonymous_namespace{WaveClipAdjustBorderHandle.cpp}::GetLeftAdjustLimit(), anonymous_namespace{WaveClipAdjustBorderHandle.cpp}::GetRightAdjustLimit(), InsertSilence(), Paste(), TimeToSequenceSamples(), TrimRightTo(), and WaveClip().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetSequenceSamplesCount()

sampleCount WaveClip::GetSequenceSamplesCount ( ) const

Returns the total number of samples in all underlying sequences (but not counting the cutlines)

Definition at line 1757 of file WaveClip.cpp.

1759 return GetNumSamples() * NChannels();

References GetNumSamples(), and NChannels().

Referenced by Paste().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetSequenceStartSample()

sampleCount WaveClip::GetSequenceStartSample ( ) const

Returns the index of the first sample of the underlying sequence.

Definition at line 1893 of file WaveClip.cpp.


References mSequenceOffset, and TimeToSamples().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetSequenceStartTime()

double WaveClip::GetSequenceStartTime ( ) const

Definition at line 1872 of file WaveClip.cpp.

1874 // JS: mSequenceOffset is the minimum value and it is returned; no clipping to 0
1875 // Do we need to `SnapToTrackSample` before returning?
1876 return mSequenceOffset;

References mSequenceOffset.

Referenced by Clear(), ClearAndAddCutLine(), ClearLeft(), ExpandCutLine(), FindCutLine(), anonymous_namespace{WaveClipAdjustBorderHandle.cpp}::GetLeftAdjustLimit(), anonymous_namespace{WaveClipAdjustBorderHandle.cpp}::GetRightAdjustLimit(), GetSequenceEndTime(), InsertSilence(), OffsetCutLines(), Paste(), RemoveCutLine(), SetRate(), ShiftBy(), TimeToSequenceSamples(), WaveClip(), and WaveClip::ClearSequenceFinisher::~ClearSequenceFinisher().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetStretchRatio()

double WaveClip::GetStretchRatio ( ) const

Implements ClipTimes.

Definition at line 625 of file WaveClip.cpp.

627 const auto dstSrcRatio =
628 mProjectTempo.has_value() && mRawAudioTempo.has_value() ?
630 1.0;
631 return mClipStretchRatio * dstSrcRatio;

References mClipStretchRatio, mProjectTempo, and mRawAudioTempo.

Referenced by GetPlayEndTime(), GetSequenceEndTime(), WaveClipChannel::GetStretchRatio(), HasEqualPitchAndSpeed(), OnProjectTempoChange(), Paste(), SamplesToTime(), TimeStretching::SetClipStretchRatio(), SetRate(), WaveClipUtilities::SharesBoundaryWithNextClip(), StretchBy(), StretchLeftTo(), StretchRatioEquals(), TimeToSamples(), TrimQuarternotesFromRight(), UpdateEnvelopeTrackLen(), and WaveBitmapCache::WaveBitmapCache().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetTrimLeft()

double WaveClip::GetTrimLeft ( ) const

Returns the play start offset in seconds from the beginning of the underlying sequence.

Definition at line 1815 of file WaveClip.cpp.

1817 return mTrimLeft;

References mTrimLeft.

Referenced by Clear(), and WaveClipChannel::GetTrimLeft().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetTrimRight()

double WaveClip::GetTrimRight ( ) const

Returns the play end offset in seconds from the ending of the underlying sequence.

Definition at line 1825 of file WaveClip.cpp.

1827 return mTrimRight;

References mTrimRight.

Referenced by WaveClipChannel::GetTrimRight().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetVisibleSampleCount()

sampleCount WaveClip::GetVisibleSampleCount ( ) const

Returns a number of raw samples, not accounting for stretching.

Implements ClipTimes.

Definition at line 1804 of file WaveClip.cpp.

1806 return GetNumSamples()

References GetNumSamples(), mTrimLeft, mTrimRight, and TimeToSamples().

Referenced by WaveClipChannel::GetVisibleSampleCount(), WaveClipUtilities::SetFloatsFromTime(), and WaveClipUtilities::SharesBoundaryWithNextClip().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GreatestAppendBufferLen()

size_t WaveClip::GreatestAppendBufferLen ( ) const

Definition at line 537 of file WaveClip.cpp.

539 size_t result = 0;
540 for (size_t iChannel = 0; iChannel < NChannels(); ++iChannel)
541 result = std::max(result, mSequences[iChannel]->GetAppendBufferLen());
542 return result;
size_t GetAppendBufferLen(size_t ii) const
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:423

References GetAppendBufferLen(), anonymous_namespace{StretchingSequenceIntegrationTest.cpp}::iChannel, mSequences, and NChannels().

Referenced by Flush(), and GetPlayEndTime().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ HandleXMLChild()

XMLTagHandler * WaveClip::HandleXMLChild ( const std::string_view &  tag)

Implements XMLTagHandler.

Definition at line 1034 of file WaveClip.cpp.

1036 auto &pFirst = mSequences[0];
1037 if (tag == Sequence::Sequence_tag) {
1038 // Push back a new sequence prototyped from the empty sequence made
1039 // by the constructor. See also HandleXMLEndTag above.
1040 // Assume sequences were serialized in channel iteration order.
1041 mSequences.push_back(std::make_unique<Sequence>(
1042 pFirst->GetFactory(), pFirst->GetSampleFormats()));
1043 return mSequences.back().get();
1044 }
1045 else if (tag == "envelope")
1046 return mEnvelope.get();
1047 else if (tag == WaveClip_tag)
1048 {
1049 // Nested wave clips are cut lines
1050 auto format = pFirst->GetSampleFormats().Stored();
1051 // The format is not stored in WaveClip itself but passed to
1052 // Sequence::Sequence; but then the Sequence will deserialize format
1053 // again
1054 mCutLines.push_back(
1055 std::make_shared<WaveClip>(
1056 // Make only one channel now, but recursive deserialization
1057 // increases the width later
1058 1, pFirst->GetFactory(),
1059 format, mRate));
1060 return mCutLines.back().get();
1061 }
1062 else
1063 return nullptr;
static const char * Sequence_tag
Definition: Sequence.h:56
static const char * WaveClip_tag
Definition: WaveClip.h:249

References anonymous_namespace{ExportPCM.cpp}::format, mCutLines, mEnvelope, mRate, mSequences, Sequence::Sequence_tag, and WaveClip_tag.

Referenced by AUPImportFileHandle::HandleSequence(), and AUPImportFileHandle::HandleWaveClip().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ HandleXMLEndTag()

void WaveClip::HandleXMLEndTag ( const std::string_view &  tag)

Definition at line 1020 of file WaveClip.cpp.

1022 // All blocks were deserialized into new sequences; remove the one made
1023 // by the constructor which remains empty.
1024 mSequences.erase(mSequences.begin());
1025 mSequences.shrink_to_fit();
1026 if (tag == WaveClip_tag)
1028 // A proof of this assertion assumes that nothing has happened since
1029 // construction of this, besides calls to the other deserialization
1030 // functions
1031 assert(CheckInvariants());

References CheckInvariants(), mSequences, UpdateEnvelopeTrackLen(), and WaveClip_tag.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ HandleXMLTag()

bool WaveClip::HandleXMLTag ( const std::string_view &  tag,
const AttributesList attrs 

Implements XMLTagHandler.

Definition at line 947 of file WaveClip.cpp.

949 if (tag == WaveClip_tag)
950 {
951 double dblValue;
952 long longValue;
953 for (auto pair : attrs)
954 {
955 auto attr = pair.first;
956 auto value = pair.second;
958 if (attr == Offset_attr)
959 {
960 if (!value.TryGet(dblValue))
961 return false;
962 SetSequenceStartTime(dblValue);
963 }
964 else if (attr == TrimLeft_attr)
965 {
966 if (!value.TryGet(dblValue))
967 return false;
968 SetTrimLeft(dblValue);
969 }
970 else if (attr == TrimRight_attr)
971 {
972 if (!value.TryGet(dblValue))
973 return false;
974 SetTrimRight(dblValue);
975 }
976 else if (attr == CentShiftAttr)
977 {
978 if (!value.TryGet(dblValue))
979 return false;
980 mCentShift = dblValue;
981 }
982 else if (attr == PitchAndSpeedPreset_attr)
983 {
984 if (!value.TryGet(longValue))
985 return false;
986 mPitchAndSpeedPreset = static_cast<PitchAndSpeedPreset>(longValue);
987 }
988 else if (attr == RawAudioTempo_attr)
989 {
990 if (!value.TryGet(dblValue))
991 return false;
992 if (dblValue == 0)
993 mRawAudioTempo.reset();
994 else
995 mRawAudioTempo = dblValue;
996 }
997 else if (attr == ClipStretchRatio_attr)
998 {
999 if (!value.TryGet(dblValue))
1000 return false;
1001 mClipStretchRatio = dblValue;
1002 }
1003 else if (attr == Name_attr)
1004 {
1005 if(value.IsStringView())
1006 SetName(value.ToWString());
1007 }
1008 else if (Attachments::FindIf(
1009 [&](WaveClipListener &listener){
1010 return listener.HandleXMLAttribute(attr, value); }
1011 ))
1012 ;
1013 }
1014 return true;
1015 }
1017 return false;
Definition: ClipInterface.h:40
static constexpr auto TrimRight_attr
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:940
static constexpr auto RawAudioTempo_attr
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:943
static constexpr auto ClipStretchRatio_attr
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:944
static constexpr auto Name_attr
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:945
static constexpr auto CentShiftAttr
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:941
static constexpr auto Offset_attr
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:938
static constexpr auto TrimLeft_attr
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:939
static constexpr auto PitchAndSpeedPreset_attr
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:942
void SetName(const wxString &name)
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:1721
virtual bool HandleXMLAttribute(const std::string_view &attr, const XMLAttributeValueView &valueView)
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:44

References CentShiftAttr, ClipStretchRatio_attr, WaveClipListener::HandleXMLAttribute(), mCentShift, mClipStretchRatio, mPitchAndSpeedPreset, mRawAudioTempo, Name_attr, Offset_attr, PitchAndSpeedPreset_attr, RawAudioTempo_attr, SetName(), SetSequenceStartTime(), SetTrimLeft(), SetTrimRight(), TrimLeft_attr, TrimRight_attr, and WaveClip_tag.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ HasEqualPitchAndSpeed()

bool WaveClip::HasEqualPitchAndSpeed ( const WaveClip other) const

Checks for stretch-ratio equality, accounting for rounding errors.

Definition at line 661 of file WaveClip.cpp.

663 return StretchRatioEquals(other.GetStretchRatio()) &&
664 GetCentShift() == other.GetCentShift();
int GetCentShift() const override
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:634
bool StretchRatioEquals(double value) const
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:672

References GetCentShift(), GetStretchRatio(), and StretchRatioEquals().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ HasPitchOrSpeed()

bool WaveClip::HasPitchOrSpeed ( ) const

Definition at line 667 of file WaveClip.cpp.

669 return !StretchRatioEquals(1.0) || GetCentShift() != 0;

References GetCentShift(), and StretchRatioEquals().

Referenced by WaveClipChannel::HasPitchOrSpeed().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ InsertSilence()

void WaveClip::InsertSilence ( double  t,
double  len,
double *  pEnvelopeValue = nullptr 

Insert silence - note that this is an efficient operation for large amounts of silence

Exception safety guarantee:

Definition at line 1229 of file WaveClip.cpp.

1231 StrongInvariantScope scope{ *this };
1232 Transaction transaction{ *this };
1233 ClearSequenceFinisher finisher;
1235 if (t == GetPlayStartTime() && t > GetSequenceStartTime())
1236 finisher = ClearSequence(GetSequenceStartTime(), t);
1237 else if (t == GetPlayEndTime() && t < GetSequenceEndTime()) {
1238 finisher = ClearSequence(t, GetSequenceEndTime());
1239 SetTrimRight(.0);
1240 }
1242 const auto s0 = TimeToSequenceSamples(t);
1243 const auto slen = TimeToSamples(len);
1245 // use Strong-guarantee
1246 for (auto &pSequence : mSequences)
1247 pSequence->InsertSilence(s0, slen);
1249 // use No-fail-guarantee in the rest
1250 finisher.Commit();
1251 transaction.Commit();
1253 OffsetCutLines(t, len);
1255 const auto sampleTime = 1.0 / GetRate();
1256 auto &envelope = GetEnvelope();
1257 if ( pEnvelopeValue ) {
1259 // Preserve limit value at the end
1260 auto oldLen = envelope.GetTrackLen();
1261 auto newLen = oldLen + len;
1262 envelope.Cap( sampleTime );
1264 // Ramp across the silence to the given value
1265 envelope.SetTrackLen( newLen, sampleTime );
1266 envelope.InsertOrReplace
1267 ( envelope.GetOffset() + newLen, *pEnvelopeValue );
1268 }
1269 else
1270 envelope.InsertSpace( t, len );
1272 MarkChanged();
void OffsetCutLines(double t0, double len)
Offset cutlines right to time 't0' by time amount 'len'.
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:1550

References ClearSequence(), WaveClip::ClearSequenceFinisher::Commit(), GetEnvelope(), GetPlayEndTime(), GetPlayStartTime(), GetRate(), GetSequenceEndTime(), GetSequenceStartTime(), MarkChanged(), mSequences, OffsetCutLines(), anonymous_namespace{wxCommandTargets.cpp}::scope, SetTrimRight(), TimeToSamples(), and TimeToSequenceSamples().

Referenced by AUPImportFileHandle::AddSilence(), and AppendSilence().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IntersectsPlayRegion()

bool WaveClip::IntersectsPlayRegion ( double  t0,
double  t1 
) const

[t0, t1) ∩ [...) != ∅

t0 <= t1

Definition at line 1928 of file WaveClip.cpp.

1930 assert(t0 <= t1);
1931 // t1 is the open end of the interval, so it must be excluded from the closed
1932 // begin of the play region.
1933 return t0 < GetPlayEndTime() && GetPlayStartTime() < t1;

References GetPlayEndTime(), and GetPlayStartTime().

Referenced by WaveClipChannel::Intersects().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IsEmpty()

bool WaveClip::IsEmpty ( ) const

Definition at line 1789 of file WaveClip.cpp.

1791 return std::floor(GetPlayDuration() * mRate + 0.5) < 2.0;
double GetPlayDuration() const
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:1784

References GetPlayDuration(), and mRate.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ MakeStereo()

void WaveClip::MakeStereo ( WaveClip &&  other,
bool  mustAlign 

Steal the right side data from other All cutlines are lost in this! Cutlines are not copied from other.

Stating sufficient preconditions for the postondition. Even stronger preconditions on matching offset, trims, and rates could be stated.

NChannels() == 1
other.NChannels() == 1
GetSampleFormats() == other.GetSampleFormats()
GetSampleBlockFactory() == other.GetSampleBlockFactory()
!mustAlign || GetNumSamples() == other.GetNumSamples()
!mustAlign || StrongInvariant()

Definition at line 512 of file WaveClip.cpp.

514 assert(NChannels() == 1);
515 assert(other.NChannels() == 1);
516 assert(GetSampleFormats() == other.GetSampleFormats());
517 assert(GetFactory() == other.GetFactory());
518 assert(!mustAlign || GetNumSamples() == other.GetNumSamples());
520 mCutLines.clear();
521 mSequences.resize(2);
522 mSequences[1] = move(other.mSequences[0]);
524 this->Attachments::ForCorresponding(other,
525 [mustAlign](WaveClipListener *pLeft, WaveClipListener *pRight){
526 // Precondition of callback from ClientData::Site
527 assert(pLeft && pRight);
528 pLeft->MakeStereo(std::move(*pRight), mustAlign);
529 });
531 if (mustAlign)
532 assert(StrongInvariant());
533 else
534 assert(CheckInvariants());
SampleFormats GetSampleFormats() const
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:687
virtual void MakeStereo(WaveClipListener &&other, bool aligned)
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:50

References CheckInvariants(), GetFactory(), GetNumSamples(), GetSampleFormats(), WaveClipListener::MakeStereo(), mCutLines, mSequences, NChannels(), and StrongInvariant().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ MarkChanged()

void WaveClip::MarkChanged ( )

Called by mutating operations; notifies listeners.

Exception safety guarantee:

Definition at line 735 of file WaveClip.cpp.

737 Attachments::ForEach(std::mem_fn(&WaveClipListener::MarkChanged));
virtual void MarkChanged() noexcept=0

References WaveClipListener::MarkChanged().

Referenced by Append(), Clear(), ClearAndAddCutLine(), ClearLeft(), ClearRight(), ConvertToSampleFormat(), Flush(), InsertSilence(), Paste(), Resample(), SetRate(), SetSamples(), SetSilence(), and ShiftBy().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ NChannels()

size_t WaveClip::NChannels ( ) const

◆ NumCutLines()

size_t WaveClip::NumCutLines ( ) const

Definition at line 731 of file WaveClip.h.

731{ return mCutLines.size(); }

Referenced by WaveClip().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ OffsetCutLines()

void WaveClip::OffsetCutLines ( double  t0,
double  len 

Offset cutlines right to time 't0' by time amount 'len'.

Exception safety guarantee:

Definition at line 1550 of file WaveClip.cpp.

1552 for (const auto &cutLine : mCutLines)
1553 {
1554 if (GetSequenceStartTime() + cutLine->GetSequenceStartTime() >= t0)
1555 cutLine->ShiftBy(len);
1556 }

References GetSequenceStartTime(), and mCutLines.

Referenced by InsertSilence(), and Paste().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ OnProjectTempoChange()

void WaveClip::OnProjectTempoChange ( const std::optional< double > &  oldTempo,
double  newTempo 

Definition at line 545 of file WaveClip.cpp.

548 if (!mRawAudioTempo.has_value())
549 // When we have tempo detection ready (either by header-file
550 // read-up or signal analysis) we can use something smarter than that. In
551 // the meantime, use the tempo of the project when the clip is created as
552 // source tempo.
553 mRawAudioTempo = oldTempo.value_or(newTempo);
555 if (oldTempo.has_value())
556 {
557 const auto ratioChange = *oldTempo / newTempo;
558 mSequenceOffset *= ratioChange;
559 mTrimLeft *= ratioChange;
560 mTrimRight *= ratioChange;
561 StretchCutLines(ratioChange);
562 mEnvelope->RescaleTimesBy(ratioChange);
563 }
564 mProjectTempo = newTempo;
void StretchCutLines(double ratioChange)
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:613

References GetStretchRatio(), mEnvelope, mProjectTempo, mRawAudioTempo, mSequenceOffset, mTrimLeft, mTrimRight, Observer::Publisher< Message, NotifyAll >::Publish(), and StretchCutLines().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator=()

WaveClip & WaveClip::operator= ( const WaveClip )

◆ PartlyWithinPlayRegion()

bool WaveClip::PartlyWithinPlayRegion ( double  t0,
double  t1 
) const

t0 xor t1 ∈ [...)

t0 <= t1

Definition at line 1922 of file WaveClip.cpp.

1924 assert(t0 <= t1);
1925 return WithinPlayRegion(t0) != WithinPlayRegion(t1);
bool WithinPlayRegion(double t) const
t ∈ [...)
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:1909

References WithinPlayRegion().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Paste()

bool WaveClip::Paste ( double  t0,
const WaveClip o 
true and succeed if and only if this->NChannels() == other.NChannels() and either this is empty or this->GetStretchRatio() == other.GetStretchRatio().

This says, same widths and ratios are sufficient for success

result: this->NChannels() != other.NChannels() || this->GetStretchRatio() != other.GetStretchRatio() || result
Exception safety guarantee:

Definition at line 1100 of file WaveClip.cpp.

1102 const WaveClip *pOther = &o;
1103 WaveClipHolder dup;
1104 if (!o.StrongInvariant()) {
1105 assert(false); // precondition not honored
1106 // But try to repair it and continue in release
1107 dup = std::make_shared<WaveClip>(o, o.GetFactory(), true);
1108 dup->RepairChannels();
1109 pOther = dup.get();
1110 }
1111 auto &other = *pOther;
1113 if (NChannels() != other.NChannels())
1114 // post is satisfied
1115 return false;
1117 if (GetSequenceSamplesCount() == 0)
1118 {
1119 // Empty clip: we're flexible and adopt the other's stretching.
1120 mRawAudioTempo = other.mRawAudioTempo;
1121 mClipStretchRatio = other.mClipStretchRatio;
1122 mProjectTempo = other.mProjectTempo;
1123 }
1124 else if (GetStretchRatio() != other.GetStretchRatio())
1125 // post is satisfied
1126 return false;
1128 StrongInvariantScope scope{ *this };
1130 Transaction transaction{ *this };
1132 const bool clipNeedsResampling = other.mRate != mRate;
1133 const bool clipNeedsNewFormat =
1134 other.GetSampleFormats().Stored() != GetSampleFormats().Stored();
1135 std::shared_ptr<WaveClip> newClip;
1137 t0 = std::clamp(t0, GetPlayStartTime(), GetPlayEndTime());
1138 // Delay the finish of the clearing of this clip
1139 ClearSequenceFinisher finisher;
1141 //seems like edge cases cannot happen, see WaveTrack::PasteWaveTrack
1142 auto &factory = GetFactory();
1143 if (t0 == GetPlayStartTime())
1144 {
1145 finisher = ClearSequence(GetSequenceStartTime(), t0);
1146 SetTrimLeft(other.GetTrimLeft());
1148 auto copy = std::make_shared<WaveClip>(other, factory, true);
1149 copy->ClearSequence(copy->GetPlayEndTime(), copy->GetSequenceEndTime())
1150 .Commit();
1151 newClip = std::move(copy);
1152 }
1153 else if (t0 == GetPlayEndTime())
1154 {
1156 SetTrimRight(other.GetTrimRight());
1158 auto copy = std::make_shared<WaveClip>(other, factory, true);
1159 copy->ClearSequence(copy->GetSequenceStartTime(), copy->GetPlayStartTime())
1160 .Commit();
1161 newClip = std::move(copy);
1162 }
1163 else
1164 {
1165 newClip = std::make_shared<WaveClip>(other, factory, true);
1166 newClip->ClearSequence(newClip->GetPlayEndTime(), newClip->GetSequenceEndTime())
1167 .Commit();
1168 newClip->ClearSequence(newClip->GetSequenceStartTime(), newClip->GetPlayStartTime())
1169 .Commit();
1170 newClip->SetTrimLeft(0);
1171 newClip->SetTrimRight(0);
1172 }
1174 if (clipNeedsResampling || clipNeedsNewFormat)
1175 {
1176 auto copy = std::make_shared<WaveClip>(*newClip.get(), factory, true);
1178 if (clipNeedsResampling)
1179 // The other clip's rate is different from ours, so resample
1180 copy->Resample(mRate);
1182 if (clipNeedsNewFormat)
1183 // Force sample formats to match.
1184 copy->ConvertToSampleFormat(GetSampleFormats().Stored());
1185 newClip = std::move(copy);
1186 }
1188 // Paste cut lines contained in pasted clip
1189 WaveClipHolders newCutlines;
1190 for (const auto &cutline: newClip->mCutLines)
1191 {
1192 auto cutlineCopy = std::make_shared<WaveClip>(*cutline, factory,
1193 // Recursively copy cutlines of cutlines. They don't need
1194 // their offsets adjusted.
1195 true);
1196 cutlineCopy->ShiftBy(t0 - GetSequenceStartTime());
1197 newCutlines.push_back(std::move(cutlineCopy));
1198 }
1202 // Because newClip was made above as a copy of (a copy of) other
1203 assert(other.NChannels() == newClip->NChannels());
1204 // And other has the same width as this, so this loop is safe
1205 // Assume Strong-guarantee from Sequence::Paste
1206 for (size_t ii = 0, width = NChannels(); ii < width; ++ii)
1207 mSequences[ii]->Paste(s0, newClip->mSequences[ii].get());
1209 // Assume No-fail-guarantee in the remaining
1211 finisher.Commit();
1212 transaction.Commit();
1213 MarkChanged();
1215 const auto sampleTime = 1.0 / GetRate();
1216 const auto timeOffsetInEnvelope =
1218 mEnvelope->PasteEnvelope(
1219 timeOffsetInEnvelope, newClip->mEnvelope.get(), sampleTime);
1220 OffsetCutLines(t0, newClip->GetPlayEndTime() - newClip->GetPlayStartTime());
1222 for (auto &holder : newCutlines)
1223 mCutLines.push_back(std::move(holder));
1225 return true;
std::vector< WaveClipHolder > WaveClipHolders
Definition: WaveClip.h:45
sampleFormat Stored() const
Definition: SampleFormat.h:91
sampleCount GetSequenceSamplesCount() const
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:1757
double as_double() const
Definition: SampleCount.h:46
void copy(const T *src, T *dst, int32_t n)
Definition: VectorOps.h:40

References sampleCount::as_double(), ClearSequence(), WaveClip::ClearSequenceFinisher::Commit(), staffpad::vo::copy(), factory, GetFactory(), GetPlayEndTime(), GetPlayStartTime(), GetRate(), GetSampleFormats(), GetSequenceEndTime(), GetSequenceSamplesCount(), GetSequenceStartTime(), GetStretchRatio(), MarkChanged(), mClipStretchRatio, mCutLines, mEnvelope, mProjectTempo, mRate, mRawAudioTempo, mSequences, NChannels(), OffsetCutLines(), Paste(), anonymous_namespace{wxCommandTargets.cpp}::scope, SetTrimLeft(), SetTrimRight(), SampleFormats::Stored(), StrongInvariant(), and TimeToSequenceSamples().

Referenced by ExpandCutLine(), and Paste().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ RemoveCutLine()

bool WaveClip::RemoveCutLine ( double  cutLinePosition)

Remove cut line, without expanding the audio in it.

Definition at line 1533 of file WaveClip.cpp.

1535 for (auto it = mCutLines.begin(); it != mCutLines.end(); ++it)
1536 {
1537 const auto &cutline = *it;
1538 //std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon() or (1.0 / static_cast<double>(mRate))?
1539 if (fabs(GetSequenceStartTime() + cutline->GetSequenceStartTime() - cutLinePosition) < 0.0001)
1540 {
1541 mCutLines.erase(it); // deletes cutline!
1542 return true;
1543 }
1544 }
1546 return false;

References GetSequenceStartTime(), and mCutLines.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ RepairChannels()

void WaveClip::RepairChannels ( )

Ensure that all sequences have the same sample count.

Definition at line 918 of file WaveClip.cpp.

920 if (NChannels() < 2)
921 return;
922 // Be sure of consistency of sample counts
923 // We may be here because the drive can't hold another megabyte, but
924 // note that InsertSilence makes silent blocks that don't occupy
925 // space in the database table of blocks.
926 // (However autosave may want to rewrite the document blob, so this solution
927 // may yet not be perfect.)
928 Transaction transaction{ *this };
929 const auto maxSamples = GetNumSamples();
930 for (const auto &pSequence: mSequences) {
931 const auto numSamples = pSequence->GetNumSamples();
932 if (pSequence->GetNumSamples() != maxSamples)
933 pSequence->InsertSilence(numSamples, maxSamples - numSamples);
934 }
935 transaction.Commit();

References GetNumSamples(), mSequences, and NChannels().

Referenced by AssertOrRepairStrongInvariant().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Resample()

void WaveClip::Resample ( int  rate,
BasicUI::ProgressDialog progress = nullptr 
Exception safety guarantee:

We want to keep going as long as we have something to feed the resampler with OR as long as the resampler spews out samples (which could continue for a few iterations after we stop feeding it)

Definition at line 1612 of file WaveClip.cpp.

1614 // This mutator does not require the strong invariant.
1616 // Note: it is not necessary to do this recursively to cutlines.
1617 // They get resampled as needed when they are expanded.
1619 if (rate == mRate)
1620 return; // Nothing to do
1622 // This function does its own RAII without a Transaction
1624 double factor = (double)rate / (double)mRate;
1625 //Resample is always configured to have single channel.
1626 //Create Resample instance per each channel in the clip
1627 std::vector<::Resample> resample;
1628 for (unsigned n = 0; n < mSequences.size(); ++n)
1629 resample.emplace_back(true, factor, factor);// constant rate resampling
1631 const size_t bufsize = 65536;
1632 Floats inBuffer{ bufsize };
1633 Floats outBuffer{ bufsize };
1634 sampleCount pos = 0;
1635 bool error = false;
1636 int outGenerated = 0;
1637 const auto numSamples = GetNumSamples();
1639 // These sequences are appended to below
1640 auto newSequences = GetEmptySequenceCopies();
1647 while (pos < numSamples || outGenerated > 0) {
1648 const auto inLen = limitSampleBufferSize( bufsize, numSamples - pos );
1650 bool isLast = ((pos + inLen) == numSamples);
1652 auto ppNewSequence = newSequences.begin();
1653 std::optional<std::pair<size_t, size_t>> results{};
1654 size_t nSequence = 0;
1655 for (auto &pSequence : mSequences) {
1656 auto &pNewSequence = *ppNewSequence++;
1657 if (
1658 inLen > 0 &&
1659 !pSequence->Get(
1660 (samplePtr)inBuffer.get(), floatSample, pos, inLen, true))
1661 {
1662 error = true;
1663 break;
1664 }
1666 // Expect the same results for all channels, or else fail
1667 auto newResults = resample[nSequence].Process(factor, inBuffer.get(), inLen,
1668 isLast, outBuffer.get(), bufsize);
1669 if (!results)
1670 results.emplace(newResults);
1671 else if (*results != newResults) {
1672 error = true;
1673 break;
1674 }
1676 outGenerated = results->second;
1677 if (outGenerated < 0) {
1678 error = true;
1679 break;
1680 }
1682 pNewSequence->Append((samplePtr)outBuffer.get(), floatSample,
1683 outGenerated, 1,
1684 widestSampleFormat /* computed samples need dither */
1685 );
1686 ++nSequence;
1687 }
1688 if (results)
1689 pos += results->first;
1691 if (progress)
1692 {
1693 auto updateResult = progress->Poll(
1694 pos.as_long_long(),
1695 numSamples.as_long_long()
1696 );
1697 error = (updateResult != BasicUI::ProgressResult::Success);
1698 if (error)
1699 throw UserException{};
1700 }
1701 }
1703 if (error)
1706 XO("Resampling failed."),
1707 XO("Warning"),
1708 "Error:_Resampling"
1709 };
1710 else
1711 {
1712 // Use No-fail-guarantee in these steps
1713 mSequences = move(newSequences);
1714 mRate = rate;
1715 Flush();
1716 Attachments::ForEach( std::mem_fn( &WaveClipListener::Invalidate ) );
1717 MarkChanged();
1718 }
@ Internal
Indicates internal failure from Audacity.
size_t limitSampleBufferSize(size_t bufferSize, sampleCount limit)
Definition: SampleCount.cpp:22
char * samplePtr
Definition: SampleFormat.h:57
virtual ProgressResult Poll(unsigned long long numerator, unsigned long long denominator, const TranslatableString &message={})=0
Update the bar and poll for clicks. Call only on the main thread.
A MessageBoxException that shows a given, unvarying string.
Can be thrown when user cancels operations, as with a progress dialog. Delayed handler does nothing.
Definition: UserException.h:17
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< Sequence > > GetEmptySequenceCopies() const
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:719
void Flush()
Flush must be called after last Append.
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:893
virtual void Invalidate()=0

References sampleCount::as_long_long(), floatSample, Flush(), GetEmptySequenceCopies(), GetNumSamples(), Internal, WaveClipListener::Invalidate(), limitSampleBufferSize(), MarkChanged(), mRate, mSequences, BasicUI::ProgressDialog::Poll(), BasicUI::Success, widestSampleFormat, and XO().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ SamplesToTime()

double WaveClip::SamplesToTime ( sampleCount  s) const

Definition at line 1736 of file WaveClip.cpp.

1738 return s.as_double() * GetStretchRatio() / mRate;

References GetStretchRatio(), and mRate.

Referenced by SetRate(), and WaveClip().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SetCentShift()

bool WaveClip::SetCentShift ( int  cents)

Definition at line 1588 of file WaveClip.cpp.

1590 if (
1593 return false;
1594 mCentShift = cents;
1596 return true;
static constexpr auto MaxCents
static constexpr auto MinCents

References TimeAndPitchInterface::MaxCents, mCentShift, TimeAndPitchInterface::MinCents, and Observer::Publisher< Message, NotifyAll >::Publish().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ SetEnvelope()

void WaveClip::SetEnvelope ( std::unique_ptr< Envelope p)

Definition at line 411 of file WaveClip.cpp.

413 assert(p);
414 mEnvelope = move(p);

References mEnvelope.

◆ SetIsPlaceholder()

void WaveClip::SetIsPlaceholder ( bool  val)

Definition at line 773 of file WaveClip.h.

773{ mIsPlaceholder = val; }

◆ SetName()

void WaveClip::SetName ( const wxString &  name)

Definition at line 1721 of file WaveClip.cpp.

1723 mName = name;
const TranslatableString name
Definition: Distortion.cpp:76

References mName, and name.

Referenced by HandleXMLTag().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SetPitchAndSpeedPreset()

void WaveClip::SetPitchAndSpeedPreset ( PitchAndSpeedPreset  preset)

Definition at line 1599 of file WaveClip.cpp.

References mPitchAndSpeedPreset, preset, and Observer::Publisher< Message, NotifyAll >::Publish().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ SetPlayStartTime()

void WaveClip::SetPlayStartTime ( double  time)

Definition at line 1767 of file WaveClip.cpp.


References mTrimLeft, and SetSequenceStartTime().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ SetRate()

void WaveClip::SetRate ( int  rate)

Definition at line 1568 of file WaveClip.cpp.

1570 const auto trimLeftSampleNum = TimeToSamples(mTrimLeft);
1571 const auto trimRightSampleNum = TimeToSamples(mTrimRight);
1572 auto ratio = static_cast<double>(mRate) / rate;
1573 mRate = rate;
1574 mTrimLeft = SamplesToTime(trimLeftSampleNum);
1575 mTrimRight = SamplesToTime(trimRightSampleNum);
1576 const auto newLength =
1578 mEnvelope->RescaleTimes(newLength);
1579 MarkChanged();

References sampleCount::as_double(), GetNumSamples(), GetSequenceStartTime(), GetStretchRatio(), MarkChanged(), mEnvelope, mRate, mTrimLeft, mTrimRight, SamplesToTime(), SetSequenceStartTime(), and TimeToSamples().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ SetRawAudioTempo()

void WaveClip::SetRawAudioTempo ( double  tempo)

Definition at line 1583 of file WaveClip.cpp.

1585 mRawAudioTempo = tempo;

References mRawAudioTempo.

◆ SetSamples()

void WaveClip::SetSamples ( size_t  ii,
constSamplePtr  buffer,
sampleFormat  format,
sampleCount  start,
size_t  len,
sampleFormat  effectiveFormat 
iiidentifies the channel
ii < NChannels()
startrelative to clip play start sample
Exception safety guarantee:
effectiveFormatMake the effective format of the data at least the minumum of this value and `format`. (Maybe wider, if merging with preexistent data.) If the data are later narrowed from stored format, but not narrower than the effective, then no dithering will occur.

Definition at line 397 of file WaveClip.cpp.

401 StrongInvariantScope scope{ *this };
402 assert(ii < NChannels());
403 // use Strong-guarantee
404 mSequences[ii]->SetSamples(buffer, format,
405 start + TimeToSamples(mTrimLeft), len, effectiveFormat);
407 // use No-fail-guarantee
408 MarkChanged();

References anonymous_namespace{ExportPCM.cpp}::format, MarkChanged(), mSequences, mTrimLeft, NChannels(), anonymous_namespace{wxCommandTargets.cpp}::scope, and TimeToSamples().

Referenced by WaveClipUtilities::SetFloatsFromTime(), and WaveClipChannel::SetSamples().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SetSequenceStartTime()

void WaveClip::SetSequenceStartTime ( double  startTime)

Definition at line 1879 of file WaveClip.cpp.

1881 mSequenceOffset = startTime;
1882 mEnvelope->SetOffset(startTime);

References mEnvelope, and mSequenceOffset.

Referenced by ClearLeft(), HandleXMLTag(), SetPlayStartTime(), SetRate(), and ShiftBy().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SetSilence()

void WaveClip::SetSilence ( sampleCount  offset,
sampleCount  length 

Silences the 'length' amount of samples starting from 'offset'(relative to the play start)


Definition at line 1746 of file WaveClip.cpp.

1748 StrongInvariantScope scope{ *this };
1749 const auto start = TimeToSamples(mTrimLeft) + offset;
1750 Transaction transaction{ *this };
1751 for (auto &pSequence : mSequences)
1752 pSequence->SetSilence(start, length);
1753 transaction.Commit();
1754 MarkChanged();

References WaveClip::Transaction::Commit(), MarkChanged(), mSequences, mTrimLeft, anonymous_namespace{wxCommandTargets.cpp}::scope, and TimeToSamples().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ SetTrimLeft()

void WaveClip::SetTrimLeft ( double  trim)

Sets the play start offset in seconds from the beginning of the underlying sequence.

Definition at line 1810 of file WaveClip.cpp.

1812 mTrimLeft = std::max(.0, trim);

References mTrimLeft.

Referenced by Clear(), ClearLeft(), HandleXMLTag(), Paste(), and TrimLeft().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SetTrimRight()

void WaveClip::SetTrimRight ( double  trim)

Sets the play end offset in seconds from the ending of the underlying sequence.

Definition at line 1820 of file WaveClip.cpp.

1822 mTrimRight = std::max(.0, trim);

References mTrimRight.

Referenced by Clear(), ClearRight(), HandleXMLTag(), InsertSilence(), Paste(), and TrimRight().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ShiftBy()

void WaveClip::ShiftBy ( double  delta)
Exception safety guarantee:

Definition at line 1898 of file WaveClip.cpp.

1901 MarkChanged();

References GetSequenceStartTime(), MarkChanged(), and SetSequenceStartTime().

Referenced by Clear(), ClearAndAddCutLine(), WaveTrackShifter::DoHorizontalOffset(), and WaveClip::ClearSequenceFinisher::~ClearSequenceFinisher().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SnapToTrackSample()

double WaveClip::SnapToTrackSample ( double  time) const

Definition at line 1741 of file WaveClip.cpp.

1743 return std::round(t * mRate) / mRate;
fastfloat_really_inline void round(adjusted_mantissa &am, callback cb) noexcept
Definition: fast_float.h:2512

References mRate, and fast_float::round().

Referenced by GetPlayEndTime(), GetPlayStartTime(), TrimLeftTo(), and TrimRightTo().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SplitChannels()

std::shared_ptr< WaveClip > WaveClip::SplitChannels ( )

A stereo WaveClip becomes mono, keeping the left side and returning a new clip with the right side samples

NChannels() == 2
NChannels() == 1
result: result->NChannels() == 1

Definition at line 480 of file WaveClip.cpp.

482 assert(NChannels() == 2);
484 // Make empty copies of this and all cutlines
485 CreateToken token{ true };
486 auto result = std::make_shared<WaveClip>(*this, GetFactory(), true, token);
488 // Move one Sequence
489 TransferSequence(*this, *result);
491 // Must also do that for cutlines, which must be in correspondence, because
492 // of the post of the constructor.
493 // And possibly too for cutlines inside of cutlines!
494 FixSplitCutlines(mCutLines, result->mCutLines);
496 // Fix attachments in the new clip and assert consistency conditions between
497 // the clip and its cutlines
498 result->Attachments::ForEach([](WaveClipListener &attachment){
499 attachment.Erase(0);
500 });
501 assert(result->CheckInvariants());
503 // This call asserts invariants for this clip
506 // Assert postconditions
507 assert(NChannels() == 1);
508 assert(result->NChannels() == 1);
509 return result;
void DiscardRightChannel()
Reduce width.
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:429

References DiscardRightChannel(), WaveClipListener::Erase(), FixSplitCutlines(), GetFactory(), mCutLines, NChannels(), and TransferSequence().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ SplitsPlayRegion()

bool WaveClip::SplitsPlayRegion ( double  t) const

[ < t and t < ), such that if the track were split at t, it would split this clip in two of lengths > 0.

The play region is an open-closed interval, [...), where "[ = GetPlayStartTime()", and ") = GetPlayEndTime()."

Definition at line 1904 of file WaveClip.cpp.

1906 return GetPlayStartTime() < t && t < GetPlayEndTime();

References GetPlayEndTime(), and GetPlayStartTime().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Start()

double WaveClip::Start ( ) const
result: result < End()

Implements ChannelGroupInterval.

Definition at line 340 of file WaveClip.cpp.

342 return GetPlayStartTime();

References GetPlayStartTime().

Referenced by anonymous_namespace{WaveClipAdjustBorderHandle.cpp}::GetLeftAdjustLimit(), and TimeStretching::SetClipStretchRatio().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ StretchBy()

void WaveClip::StretchBy ( double  ratio)

Definition at line 599 of file WaveClip.cpp.

601 const auto pst = GetPlayStartTime();
602 mSequenceOffset = pst - mTrimLeft * ratio;
603 mTrimLeft *= ratio;
604 mTrimRight *= ratio;
605 mClipStretchRatio *= ratio;
606 mEnvelope->SetOffset(mSequenceOffset);
607 mEnvelope->RescaleTimesBy(ratio);
608 StretchCutLines(ratio);

References GetPlayStartTime(), GetStretchRatio(), mClipStretchRatio, mEnvelope, mSequenceOffset, mTrimLeft, mTrimRight, Observer::Publisher< Message, NotifyAll >::Publish(), and StretchCutLines().

Referenced by StretchRightTo().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ StretchCutLines()

void WaveClip::StretchCutLines ( double  ratioChange)

Definition at line 613 of file WaveClip.cpp.

615 for (const auto& cutline : mCutLines)
616 {
617 cutline->mSequenceOffset *= ratioChange;
618 cutline->mTrimLeft *= ratioChange;
619 cutline->mTrimRight *= ratioChange;
620 cutline->mClipStretchRatio *= ratioChange;
621 cutline->mEnvelope->RescaleTimesBy(ratioChange);
622 }

References mCutLines.

Referenced by OnProjectTempoChange(), StretchBy(), and StretchLeftTo().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ StretchLeftTo()

void WaveClip::StretchLeftTo ( double  to)

Stretches from left to the absolute time (if in expected range)

Definition at line 569 of file WaveClip.cpp.

571 const auto pet = GetPlayEndTime();
572 if (to >= pet)
573 return;
574 const auto oldPlayDuration = pet - GetPlayStartTime();
575 const auto newPlayDuration = pet - to;
576 const auto ratioChange = newPlayDuration / oldPlayDuration;
577 mSequenceOffset = pet - (pet - mSequenceOffset) * ratioChange;
578 mTrimLeft *= ratioChange;
579 mTrimRight *= ratioChange;
580 mClipStretchRatio *= ratioChange;
581 mEnvelope->SetOffset(mSequenceOffset);
582 mEnvelope->RescaleTimesBy(ratioChange);
583 StretchCutLines(ratioChange);

References GetPlayEndTime(), GetPlayStartTime(), GetStretchRatio(), mClipStretchRatio, mEnvelope, mSequenceOffset, mTrimLeft, mTrimRight, Observer::Publisher< Message, NotifyAll >::Publish(), and StretchCutLines().

Referenced by anonymous_namespace{WaveClipAdjustBorderHandle.cpp}::StretchLeftTo().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ StretchRatioEquals()

bool WaveClip::StretchRatioEquals ( double  value) const

Definition at line 672 of file WaveClip.cpp.

675 1 + GetStretchRatio() - value);
static bool IsPassThroughMode(double stretchRatio)

References GetStretchRatio(), and TimeAndPitchInterface::IsPassThroughMode().

Referenced by HasEqualPitchAndSpeed(), and HasPitchOrSpeed().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ StretchRightTo()

void WaveClip::StretchRightTo ( double  to)

Sets from the right to the absolute time (if in expected range)

Definition at line 588 of file WaveClip.cpp.

590 const auto pst = GetPlayStartTime();
591 if (to <= pst)
592 return;
593 const auto oldPlayDuration = GetPlayEndTime() - pst;
594 const auto newPlayDuration = to - pst;
595 const auto ratioChange = newPlayDuration / oldPlayDuration;
596 StretchBy(ratioChange);
void StretchBy(double ratio)
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:599

References GetPlayEndTime(), GetPlayStartTime(), and StretchBy().

Referenced by WaveTrackUtilities::ExpandClipTillNextOne(), TimeStretching::SetClipStretchRatio(), and anonymous_namespace{WaveClipAdjustBorderHandle.cpp}::StretchRightTo().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ StrongInvariant()

bool WaveClip::StrongInvariant ( ) const

A precondition for some mutating operations CheckInvariants() is true, and also all sequences have the same length

Definition at line 2013 of file WaveClip.cpp.

2015 if (!CheckInvariants())
2016 return false;
2017 const auto width = NChannels();
2018 auto iter = mSequences.begin(),
2019 end = mSequences.end();
2020 assert(iter != end); // because CheckInvariants is true
2021 auto &pFirst = *iter++;
2022 assert(pFirst); // likewise
2023 // All sequences must have the same lengths
2024 return all_of(iter, end, [&](decltype(pFirst) pSequence) {
2025 assert(pSequence); // likewise
2026 return pSequence->GetNumSamples() == pFirst->GetNumSamples();
2027 });

References CheckInvariants(), details::end(), mSequences, and NChannels().

Referenced by AssertOrRepairStrongInvariant(), MakeStereo(), and Paste().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SubscribeToCentShiftChange()

Observer::Subscription WaveClip::SubscribeToCentShiftChange ( std::function< void(int)>  cb) const

Implements ClipInterface.

Definition at line 640 of file WaveClip.cpp.

642 // Consider the list of subcribers as a mutable member that doesn't change
643 // real state
644 return const_cast<WaveClip*>(this)->
646 [cb](const CentShiftChange& cents) { cb(cents.newValue); });
An object that sends messages to an open-ended list of subscribed callbacks.
Definition: Observer.h:108
const int newValue
Definition: WaveClip.h:203

References CentShiftChange::newValue.

◆ SubscribeToPitchAndSpeedPresetChange()

Observer::Subscription WaveClip::SubscribeToPitchAndSpeedPresetChange ( std::function< void(PitchAndSpeedPreset)>  cb) const

Implements ClipInterface.

Definition at line 649 of file WaveClip.cpp.

652 // Consider the list of subcribers as a mutable member that doesn't change
653 // real state
654 return const_cast<WaveClip*>(this)->
656 [cb](const PitchAndSpeedPresetChange& formant) {
657 cb(formant.newValue);
658 });
const PitchAndSpeedPreset newValue
Definition: WaveClip.h:212

References PitchAndSpeedPresetChange::newValue.

◆ SwapChannels()

void WaveClip::SwapChannels ( )
NChannels() == 2

Definition at line 441 of file WaveClip.cpp.

443 assert(NChannels() == 2);
444 this->Attachments::ForEach([](WaveClipListener &attachment){
445 attachment.SwapChannels();
446 });
448 for (auto &pCutline : mCutLines)
449 pCutline->SwapChannels();
450 assert(CheckInvariants());
void swap(std::unique_ptr< Alg_seq > &a, std::unique_ptr< Alg_seq > &b)
Definition: NoteTrack.cpp:628
virtual void SwapChannels()
Default implementation does nothing.
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:54

References CheckInvariants(), mCutLines, mSequences, NChannels(), anonymous_namespace{NoteTrack.cpp}::swap(), and WaveClipListener::SwapChannels().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TimeToSamples()

sampleCount WaveClip::TimeToSamples ( double  time) const

Implements ClipTimes.

Definition at line 1731 of file WaveClip.cpp.

1733 return sampleCount(floor(time * mRate / GetStretchRatio() + 0.5));

References GetStretchRatio(), and mRate.

Referenced by CountSamples(), WaveClipUtilities::GetFloatAtTime(), GetSamples(), GetSampleView(), GetSequenceStartSample(), GetVisibleSampleCount(), InsertSilence(), WaveClipUtilities::SetFloatsFromTime(), SetRate(), SetSamples(), SetSilence(), WaveClipChannel::TimeToSamples(), TimeToSequenceSamples(), and WaveClip().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ TimeToSequenceSamples()

sampleCount WaveClip::TimeToSequenceSamples ( double  t) const

Definition at line 1970 of file WaveClip.cpp.

1972 if (t < GetSequenceStartTime())
1973 return 0;
1974 else if (t > GetSequenceEndTime())
1975 return GetNumSamples();
1976 return TimeToSamples(t - GetSequenceStartTime());

References GetNumSamples(), GetSequenceEndTime(), GetSequenceStartTime(), and TimeToSamples().

Referenced by ClearAndAddCutLine(), GetMinMax(), GetRMS(), InsertSilence(), and Paste().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ TransferSequence()

void WaveClip::TransferSequence ( WaveClip origClip,
WaveClip newClip 

Definition at line 453 of file WaveClip.cpp.

455 // Move right channel into result
456 newClip.mSequences.resize(1);
457 newClip.mSequences[0] = move(origClip.mSequences[1]);
458 // Delayed satisfaction of the class invariants after the empty construction
459 newClip.CheckInvariants();

References CheckInvariants(), and mSequences.

Referenced by FixSplitCutlines(), and SplitChannels().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ TrimLeft()

void WaveClip::TrimLeft ( double  deltaTime)

Moves play start position by deltaTime.

Definition at line 1830 of file WaveClip.cpp.

1832 SetTrimLeft(mTrimLeft + deltaTime);

References mTrimLeft, and SetTrimLeft().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TrimLeftTo()

void WaveClip::TrimLeftTo ( double  to)

Sets the the left trimming to the absolute time (if that is in bounds)

Definition at line 1859 of file WaveClip.cpp.

1861 mTrimLeft =

References GetPlayEndTime(), mSequenceOffset, mTrimLeft, and SnapToTrackSample().

Referenced by anonymous_namespace{WaveClipAdjustBorderHandle.cpp}::TrimLeftTo().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ TrimQuarternotesFromRight()

void WaveClip::TrimQuarternotesFromRight ( double  quarters)

Same as TrimRight, but expressed as quarter notes.

Definition at line 1840 of file WaveClip.cpp.

1842 assert(mRawAudioTempo.has_value());
1843 if (!mRawAudioTempo.has_value())
1844 return;
1845 const auto secondsPerQuarter = 60 * GetStretchRatio() / *mRawAudioTempo;
1846 // MH Clip boundaries are
1847 // quantized to the sample period. Music durations aren't, though.
1848 // `quarters` was probably chosen such that the clip ends exactly at some
1849 // musical grid snapping point. However, if we right-trim by `quarters`,
1850 // the clip's play end time might be rounded up to the next sample period,
1851 // overlapping the next snapping point on the musical grid. We don't want
1852 // this, or it would disturb music producers who want to horizontally
1853 // duplicate loops.
1854 const auto quantizedTrim =
1855 std::ceil(quarters * secondsPerQuarter * GetRate()) / GetRate();
1856 TrimRight(quantizedTrim);
void TrimRight(double deltaTime)
Moves play end position by deltaTime.
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:1835

References GetRate(), GetStretchRatio(), mRawAudioTempo, and TrimRight().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TrimRight()

void WaveClip::TrimRight ( double  deltaTime)

Moves play end position by deltaTime.

Definition at line 1835 of file WaveClip.cpp.

1837 SetTrimRight(mTrimRight + deltaTime);

References mTrimRight, and SetTrimRight().

Referenced by TrimQuarternotesFromRight().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ TrimRightTo()

void WaveClip::TrimRightTo ( double  to)

Sets the the right trimming to the absolute time (if that is in bounds)

Definition at line 1866 of file WaveClip.cpp.

1868 const auto endTime = SnapToTrackSample(GetSequenceEndTime());
1869 mTrimRight = endTime - std::clamp(to, GetPlayStartTime(), endTime);

References GetPlayStartTime(), GetSequenceEndTime(), mTrimRight, and SnapToTrackSample().

Referenced by anonymous_namespace{WaveClipAdjustBorderHandle.cpp}::TrimRightTo().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ UpdateEnvelopeTrackLen()

void WaveClip::UpdateEnvelopeTrackLen ( )

Whenever you do an operation to the sequence that will change the number of samples (that is, the length of the clip), you will want to call this function to tell the envelope about it.

Exception safety guarantee:

Definition at line 807 of file WaveClip.cpp.

809 // The envelope time points account for stretching.
810 const auto len = GetNumSamples().as_double() * GetStretchRatio() / mRate;
811 if (len != mEnvelope->GetTrackLen())
812 mEnvelope->SetTrackLen(len, 1.0 / GetRate());

References sampleCount::as_double(), GetNumSamples(), GetRate(), GetStretchRatio(), mEnvelope, and mRate.

Referenced by Append(), Flush(), and HandleXMLEndTag().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ WithinPlayRegion()

bool WaveClip::WithinPlayRegion ( double  t) const

t ∈ [...)

Definition at line 1909 of file WaveClip.cpp.

1911 return GetPlayStartTime() <= t && t < GetPlayEndTime();

References GetPlayEndTime(), and GetPlayStartTime().

Referenced by WaveClipUtilities::GetFloatAtTime(), PartlyWithinPlayRegion(), and WaveClipChannel::WithinPlayRegion().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ WriteXML()

void WaveClip::WriteXML ( size_t  ii,
XMLWriter xmlFile 
) const

Wave clip data has always been written by channel-major iteration and is still done so for compatibility. Therefore, the first argument.

iiidentifies the channel
ii < NChannels()

Definition at line 1066 of file WaveClip.cpp.

1069 assert(ii < NChannels());
1071 if (GetSequenceSamplesCount() <= 0)
1072 // Oops, I'm empty? How did that happen? Anyway, I do nothing but causing
1073 // problems, don't save me.
1074 return;
1076 xmlFile.StartTag(WaveClip_tag);
1078 xmlFile.WriteAttr(TrimLeft_attr, mTrimLeft, 8);
1079 xmlFile.WriteAttr(TrimRight_attr, mTrimRight, 8);
1082 static_cast<long>(mPitchAndSpeedPreset));
1083 xmlFile.WriteAttr(RawAudioTempo_attr, mRawAudioTempo.value_or(0.), 8);
1085 xmlFile.WriteAttr(Name_attr, mName);
1086 Attachments::ForEach([&](const WaveClipListener &listener){
1087 listener.WriteXMLAttributes(xmlFile);
1088 });
1090 mSequences[ii]->WriteXML(xmlFile);
1091 mEnvelope->WriteXML(xmlFile);
1093 for (const auto &clip: mCutLines)
1094 clip->WriteXML(ii, xmlFile);
1096 xmlFile.EndTag(WaveClip_tag);
virtual void StartTag(const wxString &name)
Definition: XMLWriter.cpp:79
void WriteAttr(const wxString &name, const Identifier &value)
Definition: XMLWriter.h:36
virtual void EndTag(const wxString &name)
Definition: XMLWriter.cpp:102
virtual void WriteXMLAttributes(XMLWriter &writer) const
Definition: WaveClip.cpp:40

References CentShiftAttr, ClipStretchRatio_attr, WaveTrackUtilities::GetSequenceSamplesCount(), Name_attr, Offset_attr, PitchAndSpeedPreset_attr, RawAudioTempo_attr, TrimLeft_attr, TrimRight_attr, and WaveClipListener::WriteXMLAttributes().

Referenced by WaveClipChannel::WriteXML().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

◆ mCentShift

int WaveClip::mCentShift { 0 }

Definition at line 950 of file WaveClip.h.

Referenced by GetCentShift(), HandleXMLTag(), and SetCentShift().

◆ mClipStretchRatio

double WaveClip::mClipStretchRatio = 1.

Definition at line 954 of file WaveClip.h.

Referenced by GetStretchRatio(), HandleXMLTag(), Paste(), StretchBy(), and StretchLeftTo().

◆ mCutLines

WaveClipHolders WaveClip::mCutLines {}

Cut Lines are nothing more than ordinary wave clips, with the offset relative to the start of the clip.

all are non-null

Definition at line 973 of file WaveClip.h.

Referenced by AddCutLine(), CheckInvariants(), ClearAndAddCutLine(), CloseLock(), DiscardRightChannel(), ExpandCutLine(), FindCutLine(), HandleXMLChild(), MakeStereo(), OffsetCutLines(), Paste(), RemoveCutLine(), SplitChannels(), StretchCutLines(), SwapChannels(), WaveClip(), and WaveClip::ClearSequenceFinisher::~ClearSequenceFinisher().

◆ mEnvelope

std::unique_ptr<Envelope> WaveClip::mEnvelope

Envelope is unique, not per-sequence, and always non-null.

Definition at line 966 of file WaveClip.h.

Referenced by HandleXMLChild(), OnProjectTempoChange(), Paste(), SetEnvelope(), SetRate(), SetSequenceStartTime(), StretchBy(), StretchLeftTo(), UpdateEnvelopeTrackLen(), and WaveClip().

◆ mIsPlaceholder

bool WaveClip::mIsPlaceholder { false }

Definition at line 976 of file WaveClip.h.

Referenced by WaveClip().

◆ mName

wxString WaveClip::mName

Definition at line 978 of file WaveClip.h.

Referenced by GetName(), SetName(), and WaveClip().

◆ mPitchAndSpeedPreset

PitchAndSpeedPreset WaveClip::mPitchAndSpeedPreset { PitchAndSpeedPreset::Default }

Definition at line 949 of file WaveClip.h.

Referenced by GetPitchAndSpeedPreset(), HandleXMLTag(), and SetPitchAndSpeedPreset().

◆ mProjectTempo

std::optional<double> WaveClip::mProjectTempo

Definition at line 956 of file WaveClip.h.

Referenced by GetStretchRatio(), OnProjectTempoChange(), and Paste().

◆ mRate

int WaveClip::mRate

◆ mRawAudioTempo

std::optional<double> WaveClip::mRawAudioTempo

◆ mSequenceOffset

double WaveClip::mSequenceOffset { 0 }

Real-time durations, i.e., stretching the clip modifies these.

Definition at line 944 of file WaveClip.h.

Referenced by GetPlayEndTime(), GetPlayStartTime(), GetSequenceStartSample(), GetSequenceStartTime(), OnProjectTempoChange(), SetSequenceStartTime(), StretchBy(), StretchLeftTo(), TrimLeftTo(), and WaveClip().

◆ mSequences

std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Sequence> > WaveClip::mSequences

◆ mTrimLeft

double WaveClip::mTrimLeft { 0 }

◆ mTrimRight

double WaveClip::mTrimRight { 0 }

◆ WaveClip_tag

const char * WaveClip::WaveClip_tag = "waveclip"

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: