Audacity 3.2.0
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
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 C_LADSPA_Descriptor_LADSPA_Descriptor is a structure that provides the API to a LADSPA (Linux Audio Plugin Architecture) Effect.
 C_LADSPA_PortRangeHint_LADSPA_PortRangeHint is a structure that gives parameter validation information for a LADSPA (Linux Audio Plugin Architecture) plug in effect.
 CAboutDialogCreditItemAboutDialogCreditItem is a structure used by the AboutDialog to hold information about one contributor to Audacity
 CRegistry::AcceptableItemType< Item, TypeList >
 CAccessibleLinksFormatterA class that allows translatable text to have accessible links in it in a way that is friendly to translators
 CTypeList::LeftFold< Op, TypeList, Initial >::Impl< Types >::Accumulate< Acc,... >
 CTypeList::RightFold< Op, TypeList, Initial >::Accumulate< Acc, TL >
 CTypeList::RightFoldList< Op, TypeList, Initial >::Accumulate< Acc, TL >
 CTypeList::LeftFold< Op, TypeList, Initial >::Impl< Types >::Accumulate< Acc >
 CTypeList::RightFold< Op, TypeList, Initial >::Accumulate< Acc, Nil >
 CTypeList::RightFoldList< Op, TypeList, Initial >::Accumulate< Acc, Nil >
 CTypeList::LeftFold< Op, TypeList, Initial >::Impl< Types >::Accumulate< Acc, T, Ts... >
 CLibFileFormats::AcidizerTagsModels how SoundForge allows the editing of ACID metadata, as far as our interest goes: setting the type to one-shot prevents the setting of BPM. Conversely, loops must have their BPM set (normally by setting the number of beats in the loop, but provided that the file duration is available, this is equivalent)
 CAColorAColor Manages color brushes and pens
 CActiveProjectsManages a list of active projects
 CRegistry::ActualItem< T >Find the real item type (following chains of indirections)
 CRegistry::ActualItem< detail::ComputedItem< C, T > >
 CRegistry::ActualItem< detail::IndirectItem< T > >
 CAEffectVST Effects class, conforming to VST layout
 Caudacity::sqlite::AggregateFunctionA class representing an aggregate function in a SQLite database
 CAliasedFileAn audio file that is referenced (pointed into) directly from an Audacity .aup file rather than Audacity having its own copies of the data
 Cstd::allocator< T >STL class
 CRegistry::AllTypes< RegistryTraits >
 CTypeList::And< Predicates >
 CTypeList::And< Predicate, Predicates... >
 CAndValidatorParameter must pass both of the supplied validators
 Caudacity::sentry::AnonymizedMessageA class, that stores anonymized message
 CTypeList::Append< Lists >
 CTypeList::Append< TypeList, TypeLists... >
 CApplicableForEntry for the Applicability table
 CTypeList::Apply< Template, TypeList >Bind the types in TypeList to the parameters of a variadic Template
 CTypeList::Apply< std::variant, Map_t< Fn< std::reference_wrapper >, MapConst_t< Const, TypeList > > >
 CTypeList::Apply< Template, List< Types... > >
 CAsyncPluginValidatorStarts and communicates with a dedicated process to perform plugin validation. Once instantiated, client should call AsyncPluginValidation::Validate for plugin that needs to be validated. When done, AsyncPluginValidation will notify caller via Delegate on the UI thread (requires event loop). After Delegate::OnValidationFinished is called procedure can be repeated with another plugin id
 Cstd::atomic< T >STL class
 CPopupMenuTable::AttachedItem< Ptr >
 CAttachedVirtualFunction< Tag, Return, This, Arguments >Class template generates single-dispatch, open method registry tables
 CXMLMethodRegistry< Host >::AttributeReaderEntries
 CXMLMethodRegistry< Host >::AttributeWriterEntryTypically statically constructed
 CAudacityAVDictionaryEntrySimply an overlay of AVDictionaryEntry, but we avoid including that type
 CAudacityExceptionBase class for exceptions specially processed by the application
 CAudioIOExtBaseAbstract interface to alternative, concurrent playback with the main audio (such as MIDI events)
 CAudioIOListenerMonitors record play start/stop and new sample blocks. Has callbacks for these events
 CAudioIOStartStreamOptionsStruct holding stream options, including a pointer to the time warp info and AudioIOListener and whether the playback is looped
 CAudioSegmentA generalization for audio segments, whether clips or silence between clips
 CAudioUnitCleaner< T, fn >Generates deleters for std::unique_ptr that clean up AU plugin state
 CAudioUnitEffectSettingsRepresents a cached copy of the state stored in an AudioUnit, but can outlive the original AudioUnit
 CAudioUnitWrapperManages and interacts with an AudioUnit, providing operations on audio effects
 Caudacity::cloud::audiocom::AuthStateChangedMessageMessage that is sent when authorization state changes
 CAutoDuckRegionStruct that holds a start and end time
 CAutoRollbackRenamerAutoRollbackRenamer handles the renaming of files which is needed when producing a NEW version of a file which may fail. On failure the old version is put back in place
 CClientData::BaseA convenient default parameter for class template Site
 CTypeSwitch::detail::Invoker< R, Exec, ObjectTypes >::Base
 CGraphicsDataCacheBase::BaseLookupResultA result of the cache lookup
 Caudacity::BasicSettingsBase class for objects that provide facility to store data persistently, and access it with string keys that are formed similarly to how paths in tree are formed
 CBE_CONFIGBE_CONFIG is a structure defined in the Blade DLL Interface for LAME (MP3 Conversion DLL)
 CBE_VERSIONBE_VERSION is a structure defined in the Blade DLL Interface for LAME (MP3 Conversion DLL)
 Cfast_float::binary_format< T >
 CTypeList::Bind< TupleLike >Destructure any tuple-like type into a TypeList
 CTypeList::Bind1st< BinaryTemplate, First >Given a binary template and a fixed argument, make a metafunction
 CTypeList::Bind2nd< BinaryTemplate, Second >Given a binary template and a fixed argument, make a metafunction
 CBiquadRepresents a biquad digital filter
 Cstd::bitset< NCommandFlags >
 Caudacity::sqlite::BlobA class representing a BLOB in a SQLite database
 CBreakpadConfigurerThis class is used to configure Breakpad's handler before start
 CBufferedStreamReaderA facade-like class, that implements buffered reading from the underlying data stream
 CAudioGraph::BuffersAccumulates (non-interleaved) data during effect processing
 CPlaybackPolicy::BufferTimesTimes are in seconds
 CRegistry::detail::Builder< RegistryTraits >
 Canonymous_namespace{ParsedNumericConverterFormatter.cpp}::BuiltinFormatStringStruct to hold a formatting control string and its user facing name Used in an array to hold the built-in time formats that are always available to the user
 CBuiltinFormatStringBuiltinFormatString is a structure used in the NumericTextCtrl and holds both a descriptive name for the string format and a wxPrintf inspired style format string, optimised for displaying time in different formats
 CTypeList::ButLast< TypeList >
 CTypeList::ButLast< List< Type > >
 CTypeList::ButLast< List< Type, Types... > >
 CTypeList::Call< Predicate, T >Apply a metafunction to a type
 CTypeList::Append< TypeList, TypeLists... >::CaptureFirst< FirstTypes >
 CTypeList::Append< TypeList, TypeLists... >::CaptureFirst< FirstTypes >::CaptureRest< RestTypes >
 CTypeSwitch::detail::Executor< R, ArgumentTypes, Funs, Args >::Combine< Fs, Wrapped >::CombineOp< BaseClass, NextBase >::Case1_
 CChannelGroupIntervalA start and an end time, and whatever else subclasses associate with them
 CChannelIntervalThe intersection of a Channel and a WideChannelGroupInterval
 Cstaffpad::audio::CircularSampleBuffer< SampleT >
 Cstaffpad::audio::CircularSampleBuffer< float >
 CWaveClip::ClearSequenceFinisherFix consistency of cutlines and envelope after deleting from Sequences
 CClipboardChangeMessageMessage is sent during idle time by the global clipboard
 CClipButtonSpecializations< id >
 CClipButtonSpecializations< ClipButtonId::Overflow >
 CClipButtonSpecializations< ClipButtonId::Pitch >
 CClipButtonSpecializations< ClipButtonId::Speed >
 CClientData::Cloneable< Covariant, Owner >A convenient base class defining abstract virtual Clone() for a given kind of pointer
 CTypeEnumerator::CollectTypes< Tag, Location >
 Cgraphics::ColorClass for storing color in 32-bit format
 CColorPairPair of colors for waveform painting
 CTypeSwitch::detail::Executor< R, ArgumentTypes, Funs, Args >::Combine< Fs, Wrapped >
 CTypeSwitch::detail::Executor< R, ArgumentTypes, Funs, Args >::Combine< Fs, Wrapped >::CombineOp< BaseClass, NextBase >
 CCommandBuilderA type of factory for Commands of various sorts
 CCommandContextCommandContext provides additional information to an 'Apply()' command. It provides the project, and provides output channels for Error, Progress and Status. Status is used for general messaging from a command back to its invoker
 CCommandDirectoryAllows registration and lookup (by name) of command types
 CCommandFunctorCommandFunctor is a very small class that works with CommandManager. It holds the callback for one command
 CCommandHandlerContains methods for applying commands that are passed to it
 CCommandListList of CommandListEntry
 CCommandListEntryCommandListEntry is a structure used by CommandManager
 CCommandMessageTargetInterface for objects that can receive (string) messages from a command
 CCommandOutputTargetsCommandOutputTargets a mix of three output classes to output progress indication, status messages and errors
 CCommandProgressTargetInterface for objects that can receive command progress information
 CCommandSignatureClass that maps parameter names to default values and validators
 CCompatibilityEntryDescribes format-codec compatibility
 CComponentInterfaceComponentInterface provides name / vendor / version functions to identify plugins. It is what makes a class a plug-in. Additionally it provides an optional parameter definitions function, for those components such as commands, effects and (soon) preference pagess that define parameters
 CComponentInterfaceSymbolComponentInterfaceSymbol pairs a persistent string identifier used internally with an optional, different string as msgid for lookup in a translation catalog
 CTypeList::Compose< Metafunctions >
 CTypeList::Compose< Metafunction, Metafunctions... >
 CCompressorPanelPanel used within the EffectLegacyCompressor for EffectLegacyCompressor
 Caudacity::sqlite::ConnectionA class representing a connection to a SQLite database
 CTypeList::Cons< Type, TypeList >Build a type list from a type and another type list
 CTypeList::Cons< Type, List< Types... > >
 CCallable::Constantly< Value, Arguments >Generates functions useable as non-type template parameters
 CRegistry::detail::ConsUnique< Type, List >
 CCookieA struct, representing a Cookie object
 CCookiesListA class, representing a list of HTTP cookies
 CClientData::Copyable< Container, CopyingPolicy >Decorator template injects copy and move operators for container of pointers
 CCopyableValueRestorer< T >
 CTester< Const, ref >::CopyOnly
 CTypeList::Nth< N, TypeList >::Countdown< I, TL >
 CTypeList::Nth< N, TypeList >::Countdown< 0, TL >
 CTypeEnumerator::detail::CountTypes< Tag, Location >
 CCrashReportContextThis object is for internal usage
 CLV2Wrapper::CreateTokenTo compel use of the factory
 CCrossFaderNot used by Audacity (yet) apparently work in progress that has been abandoned
 CDCUnchangerUsed to restore pen, brush and logical-op in a DC back to what they were
 CAsyncPluginValidator::DelegateUsed to talk back to calling side
 CDemoDialogDemoDialog used with DemoCommand
 Cstd::deque< T >STL class
 CDestroyer< T >A deleter class to supply the second template parameter of unique_ptr for classes like wxWindow that should be sent a message called Destroy rather than be deleted directly
 CDiagsProcessing of the macros for recording bad events or performance monitoring
 CDitherThis class implements various functions for dithering and is derived from the dither code in the Ardour project, written by Steve Harris
 CMixerOptions::DownmixA matrix of booleans, one row per input channel, column per output
 CDownmixSourceDescribes an input source for DownmixStage Decorates an AudioGraph::Source with operations that are necessary to perform down mixing, which are: number of source channels, per-channel gain, channel mapping
 CGlobalVariable< Tag, Type, initializer, ScopedOnly >::dummy
 CTypeSwitch::detail::Executor< R, ArgumentTypes, Funs, Args >::Combine< Fs, Wrapped >::CombineOp< BaseClass, NextBase >::Dummy
 CTrack::DuplicateOptionsChoices when duplicating a track
 CDynamicRangeProcessorClockA clock that can be paused and resumed
 CTuple::detail::each_less< typename, typename >
 CTuple::detail::each_less< std::index_sequence< Indices1... >, std::index_sequence< Indices2... > >
 CEBUR128Implements EBU-R128 loudness measurement
 CEchoDialogEchoDialog used with EffectEcho
 CEffectChangeTempoA SoundTouchBase provides speeding up or slowing down tempo without changing pitch
 CEffectManagerEffectManager is the class that handles effects and effect categories
 CEffectOutputsHold values to send to effect output meters
 CEffectOutputTracksUse this object to copy the input tracks to tentative outputTracks
 CEffectParameter< Structure, Member, Type, Value >
 CEffectParameter< Structure, Member, int >
 CEffectParameterMethodsInterface for manipulations of an Effect's settings
 CEffectSettingChangedMessage sent by EffectEditor when a setting is changed by the user
 CEffectSettingsExtraNon-polymorphic package of settings values common to many effects
 CAttachedVirtualFunction< Tag, Return, This, Arguments >::EntryMember of registry of implementations of the method
 CUndoRedoExtensionRegistry::EntryTypically statically constructed
 CEQCurveOne curve in a list
 CEQCurveWriterSerializer of curves into XML files
 CEQPointOne point in a curve
 CEqualizationCurvesListMaintains a list of preset curves for Equalization effects
 CEqualizationParametersParameters of the Equalization effects that persist in configuration files
 Caudacity::sqlite::ErrorA class representing an error in SQLite
 CBasicUI::ErrorDialogOptionsOptions for variations of error dialogs; the default is for modal dialogs
 Caudacity::sentry::ExceptionA DTO for the Sentry Exception interface
 Caudacity::sentry::anonymous_namespace{SentryReport.cpp}::ExceptionContextHelper class to store additional details about the exception
 CObserver::ExceptionPolicyMay be supplied to constructor of Publisher to customize exception handling
 CTypeSwitch::detail::Executor< R, ArgumentTypes, Funs, Args >Metafunction implementing TypeSwitch
 CExportMain class to control the export function
 CExportOptionA type that provides a description of an exporting option. Isn't allowed to change except non-type related flags
 CExportOptionsEditorEditor objects are used to retrieve a set of export options, and configure exporting parameters according the plugin internal logic. Each option is assigned with internal index that should not change
 CExportPluginHelpersUtility class that provides helper functions for ExportPlugin
 CExportAudioDialog::ExportSettingA private class used to store the information needed to do an export
 CExposedFormatDescribes export type
 CFFmpegExporterPerforms actual export
 CFFmpegLibsClass used to dynamically load FFmpeg libraries
 CFileHistorySimilar to wxFileHistory, but customized to our needs
 CFileNamesProvides Static functions to yield filenames
 CTypeList::Filter< Predicate, TypeList >Select only the subsequence of the type list satisfying the predicate
 CFinally< F >"finally" as in The C++ Programming Language, 4th ed., p. 358 Useful for defining ad-hoc RAII actions. typical usage: auto cleanup = finally([&]{ ... code; ... });
 CFindClippingDialogFindClippingDialog used with EffectFindClipping
 CFlowPackerA cursor for iterating the theme bitmap
 CTypeList::Fn< Template >
 CTypeList::Fn< Template, Templates... >
 CFormatAbstract base class used in importing a file
 CFormatClassifierFormatClassifier classifies the sample format and endianness of raw audio files
 CFormatterContextA context in which formatter operates
 CFrameStatisticsA class to profile TrackPanel painting
 CFrameStatisticsDialogA dialog that displays information about time needed to paint the TrackPanel
 CFromCharsResultResult of the conversion, similar to std::from_chars_result
 CCallable::detail::FunctionInvoker< typename >
 CCallable::detail::FunctionInvoker< R(Args...)>
 CBasicUI::GenericProgressDialogAbstraction of a progress dialog with undefined time-to-completion estimate
 CGeometricInputRateTimeWarperTimeScale - rate varies geometrically with input
 CGeometricOutputRateTimeWarperTimeScale - rate varies geometrically with output
 CGlobalVariable< Tag, Type, initializer, ScopedOnly >Class template to generate global variables
 CGlobalVariable< ApplicationSettings, const std::function< std::unique_ptr< BasicSettings > >, nullptr, Options... >
 CGlobalVariable< AutoSave, const std::function< void(AudacityProject &) >, nullptr, Options... >
 CGlobalVariable< DefaultOptions, const std::function< std::remove_pointer_t< decltype(DefaultFunction)> >, Default, Options... >
 CGlobalVariable< DefaultWarp, const std::function< const BoundedEnvelope * >, nullptr, Options... >
 CGlobalVariable< EffectFactory, const std::function< const EffectInstanceFactory * >, nullptr, Options... >
 CGlobalVariable< ExecFromMainHook, const std::function< void(wxString *pIn, wxString *pOut) >, nullptr, Options... >
 CGlobalVariable< Factory, const std::function< SampleBlockFactoryPtr(AudacityProject &) >, nullptr, Options... >
 CGlobalVariable< Factory, const std::function< std::remove_pointer_t< decltype(DefaultFunction)> >, Default, Options... >
 CGlobalVariable< Factory, const std::function< std::unique_ptr< TransactionScopeImpl > >, nullptr, Options... >
 CGlobalVariable< GetDisplaysHook, const std::function< std::vector< WaveChannelSubViewType > >, nullptr, Options... >
 CGlobalVariable< GetEffectHook, const std::function< std::unique_ptr< NyquistBase > >, nullptr, Options... >
 CGlobalVariable< GlobalMenuHook, const std::function< bool(const CommandID &) >, nullptr, Options... >
 CGlobalVariable< MouseWheelHook, const std::function< unsigned(const TrackPanelMouseEvent &evt, AudacityProject *pProject) >, nullptr, Options... >
 CGlobalVariable< OnCloseHook, const std::function< bool(AudacityProject &) >, nullptr, Options... >
 CGlobalVariable< PostFilter, const std::function< bool(wxKeyEvent &) >, nullptr, Options... >
 CGlobalVariable< PreFilter, const std::function< bool(wxKeyEvent &) >, nullptr, Options... >
 CGlobalVariable< ShowDebugOutputHook, const std::function< void(const TranslatableString &title, const TranslatableString &message) >, nullptr, Options... >
 CGlobalVariable< Tag, const std::function< Signature >, nullptr, Options... >
 CGlobalVariable< Tag, const std::function< std::remove_pointer_t< decltype(DefaultFunction)> >, Default, Options... >
 CGlobalVariable< TargetFactory, const std::function< std::remove_pointer_t< decltype(DefaultFunction)> >, Default, Options... >
 CGlobalVariable< TopPanelHook, const std::function< wxWindow * >, nullptr, Options... >
 CGlobalVariable< ValidatePlugin, const std::function< std::remove_pointer_t< decltype(DefaultFunction)> >, Default, Options... >
 CGlobalVariable< YieldIfNeededHook, const std::function< void() >, nullptr, Options... >
 Caudacity::GoldenRatio< S >
 Caudacity::GoldenRatio< 4 >
 Caudacity::GoldenRatio< 8 >
 CGraphicsDataCacheBaseA base class for the GraphicsDataCache. Implements LRU policy
 CGraphicsDataCacheElementBaseA base class for the for cache elements
 CGraphicsDataCacheIterator< CacheElementType >A class that implements an iterator for the cache lookup result
 CGraphicsDataCacheKeyA key into the graphics data cache
 Cstd::hash< audacity::Uuid >
 Cstd::hash< Identifier >
 Cstd::hash< TranslatableString >
 CTypeList::Head< TypeList >Delays expansion of nested alias head; so Head<Nil> is legal
 CTypeList::Head< conditional_t< Null_v< T >, Example, T > >
 CTypeList::Head< List< Types... > >
 CHeaderA string pair, representing HTTP header
 CPackedArray::Traits< T >::header_type
 CPackedArray::Traits< AudioBufferList >::header_type
 CPackedArray::Traits< AudioUnitCocoaViewInfo >::header_type
 CHeadersListA class, representing a list of HTTP headers
 CHelpSystemClass which contains static methods and data needed for implementing help buttons
 CTrackShifter::HitTestParamsOptional, more complete information for hit testing
 CIdentifierAn explicitly nonlocalized string, not meant for the user to see
 CIteratorRange< Iterator >::identity< T >
 CImageRollAn ImageRoll is an image that can be expanded to an arbitrary size; it is made up of both fixed pieces and repeating pieces
 CImageRollPanelA wxPanel which displays an ImageRoll
 CTypeList::Bind< TupleLike >::Impl< typename >
 CTypeList::LeftFold< Op, TypeList, Initial >::Impl< Types >
 CTypeList::Map< Metafunction, TypeList >::Impl< Types >
 CTypeList::Bind< TupleLike >::Impl< std::index_sequence< Is... > >
 CImporterSingleton class which actually imports the audio, using ImportPlugin objects that are registered by modules, which in turn are factories of ImportFileHandle
 CImportFileHandleBase class for FlacImportFileHandle, LOFImportFileHandle, MP3ImportFileHandle, OggImportFileHandle and PCMImportFileHandle. Gives API for sound file import
 CImportPluginBase class for FlacImportPlugin, LOFImportPlugin, MP3ImportPlugin, OggImportPlugin and PCMImportPlugin. Gives API for sound file import
 CImportProgressListenerInterface used to report on import state and progress
 CTuple::detail::increasing< Indices >
 CTuple::detail::increasing< Index >
 CTuple::detail::increasing< Index, Indices... >
 CTuple::detail::increment_each< typename >
 CRealtimeEffects::InitializationScopeBrackets processing setup and cleanup in the main thread
 CGlobalVariable< Tag, Type, initializer, ScopedOnly >::InitializerCan guarantee that the global variable's lifetime encloses those of other objects of static duration
 CInteractiveOutputTargetsInteractiveOutputTargets is an output target that pops up a dialog, if necessary
 CInternatInternationalisation support
 CInvisibleTemporaryProjectMakes a temporary project that doesn't display on the screen
 CCallable::detail::InvocableBase< Invocable >Capture any invocable as a class, using std::function only when needed
 CCallable::detail::InvocableBase< M C::* >Partial specialization for pointers to members
 CTypeSwitch::detail::Invoker< R, Exec, ObjectTypes >
 CIPCChannelInterface for sending data from client to server or vice versa, complemented by IPCChannelStatusCallback
 CIPCChannelStatusCallbackInterface for listening connection status changes
 CIPCClientSimple TCP socket based ipc client. When created attempts to connect to existing server (see IPCServer)
 CIPCServerSimple TCP socket based ipc server. When created server starts to listen for incoming connection (see IPCClient)
 CComposite::Traits< MyCompositeBase, MyBuilder >::ItemBuilderType
 CMenuRegistry::ItemPropertiesA mix-in discovered by dynamic_cast; independent of the Traits
 CRulerUpdater::LabelAn array of these created by the Updater is used to determine what and where text annotations to the numbers on the Ruler get drawn
 CLabelStructA LabelStruct holds information for ONE label in a LabelTrack
 Clame_global_flagsStruct with zillion of control parameters that control lame export (MP3 Conversion DLL)
 CTypeList::Last< TypeList >
 CTypeList::Last< List< Type > >
 CTypeList::Last< List< Type, Types... > >
 CTypeList::LeftFold< Op, TypeList, Initial >Left fold reduction of a list of types by a binary template
 CTypeList::LeftFold< Cons_t, TypeList, Nil >
 CTypeList::LeftFoldList< Op, TypeList, Initial >Like LeftFold, but passing nonempty prefixes, not elements, to Op
 CTypeList::Length< TypeList >
 CLibImportExport::Test::LibsndfileTaggerWhen adding tags, the allocated memory must be preserved until the file is closed. This class handles that, beside the regular file opening and closing
 CLilv_deleter< Type, f >Generate deleter classes for smart pointers to lv2 resources
 CLinearInputInverseRateTimeWarperTimeScale - inverse rate varies linearly with input
 Cstd::list< T >STL class
 CTypeList::List< Types >Primary template for a list of arbitrary types
 CTypeList::List< Type, Types... >Non-empty specialization also defines first and rest
 CTypeList::List<>Empty specialization
 CExportOptionsEditor::ListenerListener object that is used to report on option changes
 CLocationUsed only by WaveTrack, a special way to hold location that can accommodate merged regions
 CClientData::Lockable< Object, NoLocking >::LockEmpty class
 CClientData::Lockable< Object, LockingPolicy >Decorator template injects type Lock and method lock() into interface of Object
 CClientData::Lockable< Copyable< std::vector< DataPointer >, ObjectCopyingPolicy >, NoLocking >
 CClientData::Lockable< Copyable< std::vector< DataPointer >, SkipCopying >, NoLocking >
 CLogWindowMaintains the unique logging window which displays debug information
 CGraphicsDataCacheBase::LookupElementElement of the cache lookup
 CLV2AtomPortStateState of an instance of an LV2 Atom port
 CLV2ControlPortStateOther UI related state of an instance of an LV2 Control port
 CLV2CVPortStateState of an instance of an LV2 CV port
 CLV2EffectSettingsStorage locations to be connected to LV2 control ports
 CLV2PortImmutable description of an LV2 port
 CLV2WrapperManager of a handle to an LV2 plug-in instantiation
 CLWSliderLightweight version of ASlider. In other words it does not have a window permanently associated with it
 CMacroCommandsMaintains the list of commands for batch/macro processing. See also MacrosWindow and ApplyMacroDialog
 Cmad_bitptrStruct in the MPEG library, used for MP3 compression by MP3Exporter
 Cmad_decoderStruct in the MPEG library, used for MP3 compression by MP3Exporter
 Cmad_frameStruct in the MPEG library, used for MP3 compression by MP3Exporter
 Cmad_headerStruct in the MPEG library, used for MP3 compression by MP3Exporter
 Cmad_pcmStruct in the MPEG library, used for MP3 compression by MP3Exporter
 Cmad_streamStruct in the MPEG library, used for MP3 compression by MP3Exporter
 Cmad_synthStruct in the MPEG library, used for MP3 compression by MP3Exporter
 Cmad_timer_tStruct in the MPEG library, used for MP3 compression by MP3Exporter
 CTypeList::Map< Metafunction, TypeList >Transform a list of types by the given metafunction
 CTypeList::MapList< Metafunction, TypeList >
 CMatrixHolds a matrix of doubles and supports arithmetic, subsetting, and matrix inversion. Used by InterpolateAudio
 CCallable::detail::MemberInvoker< M, C >Capture pointer to member
 CMemoryStreamA low overhead memory stream with O(1) append, low heap fragmentation and a linear memory view
 CMenuUpdateMessageSent when menus update (such as for changing enablement of items)
 Caudacity::sentry::MessageA DTO for the Sentry Message interface
 CEffectSettingsAccess::MessageType of messages to send from main thread to processing
 CObserver::MessageDefault message type for Publisher
 CMessageBuffer< Data >Communicate data atomically from one writer thread to one reader
 CMessageBuffer< anonymous_namespace{ScrubState.cpp}::ScrubQueue::Message >
 CMessageBuffer< DefaultPlaybackPolicy::SlotData >
 CMessageBuffer< RealtimeEffectState::AccessState::FromMainSlot >
 CMessageBuffer< RealtimeEffectState::AccessState::ToMainSlot >
 CMessageCommandTypeThe <something>CommandType classes are classes which are going away. They all provided a BuildSignature (what parameters they accept) and Name, but that is now replaced by the AudacityCommand interface.
 CMeterAudioIO uses this to send sample buffers for real-time display updates
 CMeterBarA struct used by MeterPanel to hold the position of one bar
 CMeterUpdateMsgMessage used to update the MeterPanel
 CMeterUpdateQueueQueue of MeterUpdateMsg used to feed the MeterPanel
 CMIDIPlayCallbacks that AudioIO uses, to synchronize audio and MIDI playback
 CMixerFunctions for doing the mixdown of the tracks
 CModNullCommandFunctorWe create one of these functors for each menu item or command which we register with the Command Manager. These take the click from the menu into the actual function to be called
 CMP2ExporterClass used to export MP2 files
 CMP3ExporterClass used to export MP3 files
 CMultiFormatReaderMultiFormatReader reads raw audio files in different formats and machine endianness representations
 Cstd::mutexSTL class
 CNetworkManagerClass for performing HTTP requests
 CTypeList::NonEmptyTails< TypeList >::Next
 CTypeList::NonEmptyTails< TypeList >
 CTypeSwitch::detail::Executor< R, ArgumentTypes, Funs, Args >::NoOp
 CRegistry::detail::ConsUnique< Type, List >::NotAlready< L >
 CNoteTrackDisplayDataTemporary data used to display a note track
 CTypeList::Nth< N, TypeList >
 CTypeList::Null< TypeList >
 CNyqControlA control on a NyquistDialog
 CXMLMethodRegistry< Host >::ObjectReaderEntry
 CXMLMethodRegistry< Host >::ObjectWriterEntryTypically statically constructed
 COGGImportPluginAn ImportPlugin for OGG data
 COldStyleCommandAbstract base class for command interface. This is the version created by Dan Horgan. It was previously a factory for other command classes. It created a separation between the type of a command and the command itself, which is being removed. These Commands were managed by CommandDirectory
 COldStyleCommandPointerOldStyleCommandPointer is a unique_ptr to an OldStyleCommand
 CTypeSwitch::detail::Invoker< R, Exec, ObjectTypes >::Op< ObjectType, Recur >
 CTypeList::LeftFoldList< Op, TypeList, Initial >::Op1< T, Pair >
 CTypeSwitch::detail::Executor< R, ArgumentTypes, Funs, Args >::Combine< Fs, Wrapped >::CombineOp< BaseClass, NextBase >::Opaque
 CTypeList::Or< Predicates >
 CTypeList::Or< Predicate, Predicates... >
 COtherPlayableSequenceThis is defined just to enable dynamic_cast on it
 CAudioUnitWrapper::ParameterInfoEncapsulates parameter information for an AudioUnit
 CPaulStretchClass that helps EffectPaulStretch. It does the FFTs and inner loop of the effect
 CPffftConstFloatsA read-only pointer to an aligned range of floats
 CPffftFloatsA pointer to an aligned range of floats
 CPixelSampleMapperUtility class to calculate sample range for a given column
 CPlatformCompatibilityFilename Compatibility utilities
 CPlaybackPolicyDirects which parts of tracks to fetch for playback
 CPlaybackSliceDescribes an amount of contiguous (but maybe time-warped) data to be extracted from tracks to play
 CTranslatableString::PluralTemp< N >
 CBasicUI::PointA pair of screen coordinates, x increasing rightward, y downward
 Cgraphics::PointType< DataType >A point in 2D space
 Cfast_float::powers_template< unused >
 CPowerSpectrumGetterMuch faster that FFT.h's PowerSpectrum, at least in Short-Time Fourier Transform-like situations, where many power spectra of the same size are needed. Currently only power spectrum, but may be generalized to other uses
 CPreferencesResetHandlerAllows custom logic for preferences reset event
 CPrefsListenerA listener notified of changes in preferences
 Canonymous_namespace{NoiseReductionBase.cpp}::PrefsTableEntry< StructureType, FieldType >
 CDynamicRangeProcessorUtils::Preset< Struct >
 CRealtimeEffects::ProcessingScopeBrackets one block of processing in one thread
 CProfilerA simple profiler to measure the average time lengths that a particular task/function takes. Currently not thread-safe and not thread-smart, but it will probably work fine if you use it on a high level
 CBasicUI::ProgressDialogAbstraction of a progress dialog with well defined time-to-completion estimate
 CProjectManager::ProjectChooserCallable object that supplies the chooser argument of ProjectFileManager::OpenFile
 CProjectFileIOExtensionSet of hooks for project file I/O
 CProjectFileIOExtensionRegistryExtension registry for project file I/O extensions
 CViewInfo::ProjectFileIORegistrationConstruct once at static initialization time to hook project file IO
 CProjectFormatVersionA structure that holds the project version
 CProjectStatusFieldsRegistryRegistry of status bar fields
 CTrack::ProtectedCreationArgEmpty argument passed to some public constructors
 CObserver::Publisher< Message, NotifyAll >An object that sends messages to an open-ended list of subscribed callbacks
 CObserver::Publisher< AudioIOEvent >
 CObserver::Publisher< AuthStateChangedMessage >
 CObserver::Publisher< CentShiftChange >
 CObserver::Publisher< ClipboardChangeMessage >
 CObserver::Publisher< CloudStatusChangedMessage >
 CObserver::Publisher< double >
 CObserver::Publisher< EffectSettingChanged >
 CObserver::Publisher< ExportOptionsHandlerEvent >
 CObserver::Publisher< FilePath >
 CObserver::Publisher< FormatChangedToFitValueMessage >
 CObserver::Publisher< IdleEvent >
 CObserver::Publisher< int >
 CObserver::Publisher< MenuUpdateMessage >
 CObserver::Publisher< Message >
 CObserver::Publisher< NotifyingSelectedRegionMessage >
 CObserver::Publisher< NumericConverterFormatChangedMessage >
 CObserver::Publisher< PitchAndSpeedPresetChange >
 CObserver::Publisher< PlaybackScrollerMessage >
 CObserver::Publisher< PlayRegionMessage >
 CObserver::Publisher< PluginsChangedMessage >
 CObserver::Publisher< ProjectFileIOMessage >
 CObserver::Publisher< ProjectNumericFormatsEvent >
 CObserver::Publisher< ProjectSettingsEvent >
 CObserver::Publisher< ProjectWindowDestroyedMessage >
 CObserver::Publisher< RealtimeEffectListMessage >
 CObserver::Publisher< RealtimeEffectManagerMessage >
 CObserver::Publisher< RealtimeEffectStateChange >
 CObserver::Publisher< RecordingDropoutEvent >
 CObserver::Publisher< RulerInvalidatedMessage >
 CObserver::Publisher< SampleBlockCreateMessage >
 CObserver::Publisher< SectionID >
 CObserver::Publisher< SnapChangedMessage >
 CObserver::Publisher< SpeedChangeMessage >
 CObserver::Publisher< StatusBarField >
 CObserver::Publisher< StretchRatioChange >
 CObserver::Publisher< struct LabelTrackEvent >
 CObserver::Publisher< SyncLockChangeMessage >
 CObserver::Publisher< ThemeChangeMessage >
 CObserver::Publisher< TimeDisplayMode >
 CObserver::Publisher< TimeSignatureChangedMessage >
 CObserver::Publisher< TrackFocusChangeMessage >
 CObserver::Publisher< TrackListEvent >
 CObserver::Publisher< UndoRedoMessage >
 CObserver::Publisher< URLschemeHandlerMessage >
 CObserver::Publisher< UserDataChanged >
 CObserver::Publisher< UserPanelStateChangedMessage >
 CObserver::Publisher< ViewportMessage >
 CObserver::Publisher< WaveClipDtorCalled >
 CObserver::Publisher< WaveTrackMessage >
 CTypeList::PushBack< TypeList, Type >PushBack – no Common Lisp equivalent name
 CTypeList::PushBack< List< Types... >, Type >
 CRealtimeEffectManagerMessagePosted when effect is being added or removed to/from channel group or project
 CAVAllocator< T >::rebind< _Tp1 >
 CPffftAllocator< T >::rebind< U >
 CRecordingDropoutEventNotification, after recording has stopped, when dropouts have been detected
 Cgraphics::RectType< DataType >Rectangle that is defined by the top left corner and the size
 Cstd::recursive_mutexSTL class
 CWaveTrack::RegionStructure to hold region of a wavetrack and a comparison function for sortability
 CAudioIOExt::RegisteredFactoryTypically statically constructed
 CClientData::Site< Host, ClientData, ObjectCopyingPolicy, Pointer, ObjectLockingPolicy, RegistryLockingPolicy >::RegisteredFactoryClient code makes static instance from a factory of attachments; passes it to Get or Find as a retrieval key
 CRegistry::RegisteredItem< RegistryClass >Generates classes whose instances register items at construction
 CRegistry::RegisteredItem< ExportPluginRegistryItem >
 CRegistry::RegisteredItem< ImporterItem >
 CRegistry::RegisteredItem< PopulatorItem >
 CRegistry::RegisteredItem< PrefsItem >
 CRegistrarBase class for registration callback. Audacity will call providers RegisterNameOfThing() functions with an &Registrar as the argument. RegisterNameOfThing() is then responsible for calling the appropriate callback functions
 CBuiltinCommandsModule::Registration< Subclass >
 CBuiltinEffectsModule::Registration< Subclass >
 CPreferencesResetHandler::Registration< HandlerType >Performs single-time global handler registration
 CPreferencesResetHandler::Registration< StickySetting::ResetHandler >
 CRepeatDialogDialog used with EffectRepeat
 Caudacity::sentry::ReportA report to Sentry
 CRequestClass to construct the HTTP request
 CResampleInterface to libsoxr
 CResponseStores a command response string (and other response data if it becomes necessary)
 CResponseQueueAllow messages to be sent from the main thread to the script thread
 CTypeList::And< Predicate, Predicates... >::Rest< T >
 CTypeList::Or< Predicate, Predicates... >::Rest< T >
 CRestoreValue< T >Structure used by ValueRestorer
 Caudacity::sqlite::Result< T >A class representing a result of an operation
 CTypeList::RightFold< Op, TypeList, Initial >Right fold reduction of a list of types by a binary template
 CTypeList::RightFoldList< Op, TypeList, Initial >Like RightFold, but passing nonempty tails, not elements, to Op
 Caudacity::sqlite::RowA class representing a row in a result set
 Caudacity::sqlite::RowIteratorA class representing an iterator over a result set
 CRulerUpdaterUsed to update a Ruler
 Caudacity::sqlite::RunContextA class representing a context of a run operation
 Caudacity::sqlite::RunResultA class representing a result of a run operation
 Canonymous_namespace{WaveChannelUtilities.cpp}::SampleAccessArgs< BufferType >
 CSampleBlockAbstract class allows access to contents of a block of sound samples, serialization as XML, and reference count management that can suppress reclamation of its storage
 CsampleCountPositions or offsets within audio files need a wide type
 CSampleFormatsTwo sample formats, remembering format of original source and describing stored format
 Cstaffpad::SamplesFloat< T >
 Cstaffpad::SamplesFloat< float >
 Cstaffpad::SamplesFloat< std::complex< float > >
 Caudacity::sqlite::ScalarFunctionA class representing a scalar function in a SQLite database
 CClipboard::ScopeEmpty the clipboard at start of scope; restore its contents after
 CGlobalVariable< Tag, Type, initializer, ScopedOnly >::ScopeRAII guard for temporary installation of a value; movable
 CScopedSizer< ReturnType, Args >
 CScopedSizer< void, int >
 CScopedSizer< void, int, int >
 CScopedSizer< wxPanel *, int >
 CScopedSizer< wxStaticBox *, const TranslatableString &, int >
 CScoreAlignDialogScoreAlignDialog is \TODO
 CScriptCommandRelayScriptCommandRelay is just a way to move some of the scripting-specific code out of ModuleManager
 CFrameStatistics::SectionProfiling section data
 CSelectedRegionDefines a selected portion of a project
 Caudacity::sentry::SentryRequestBuilderA helper, that creates a correct Request to Sentry
 CSeqBlockData structure containing pointer to a sample block and a start time. Element of a BlockArray
 Caudacity::cloud::audiocom::ServiceConfigConfiguration for the
 CBasicUI::ServicesAbstract class defines a few user interface services, not mentioning particular toolkits
 CSettingBaseBase class for settings objects. It holds a configuration key path
 CDynamicRangeProcessorUtils::anonymous_namespace{DynamicRangeProcessorUtils.cpp}::SettingDescription< Struct >
 CSettingScopeMakes temporary changes to preferences, then rolls them back at destruction
 CSettingsVisitorBase< Const >Visitor of effect or command parameters. This is a base class with lots of virtual functions that do nothing by default. Unrelated to class Shuttle
 CCallable::SharedPtrFactory< Type, Arguments >Generates functions useable as non-type template parameters
 CShuttleGuiBaseBase class for shuttling data to and from a GUI
 CShuttlePrefsA kind of Shuttle to exchange data with preferences e.g. the registry
 CSimpleGuard< R >A default template parameter for GuardedCall<R>
 CSimpleGuard< bool >Specialization of SimpleGuard, also defining a default value
 CSimpleGuard< void >Specialization of SimpleGuard, also defining a default value
 CAudioGraph::SinkDownstream receiver of sample streams, taking Buffers as external context
 CClientData::Site< Host, ClientData, ObjectCopyingPolicy, Pointer, ObjectLockingPolicy, RegistryLockingPolicy >Utility to register hooks into a host class that attach client data
 CClientData::Site< AttachedWindows, wxWindow, ClientData::SkipCopying, ClientData::BarePtr >
 CClientData::Site< RealtimeEffectState >
 CClientData::Site< WaveClip, WaveClipListener, ClientData::DeepCopying >
 Cgraphics::SizeType< DataType >A class that represents size in 2D space
 Csocket_guardRAII-style socket wrapper. Since socket is closed on wrapper destruction, initializing multiple guards with same(valid) socket descriptor is considered UB. For same reason wrapper isn't copyable
 CAudioGraph::SourceUpstream producer of sample streams, taking Buffers as external context
 Cfast_float::span< T >
 Cfast_float::span< const char >
 CSpecPowerCalculationSpecPowerCalculation is a simple spectral power level meter
 CSpectralDataDialogProvides UI for spectral editing and parameters adjustments
 CSpectralDataManagerPerforms the calculation for spectral editing
 CSpectrumAnalystUsed for finding the peaks, for snapping to peaks
 CSpectrumTransformerA class that transforms a portion of a wave track (preserving duration) by applying Fourier transform, then modifying coefficients, then inverse Fourier transform and overlap-add to reconstruct
 CspinlockIntended for locking of resources that are only lightly contended and locked for very short times, can be used with std::lock_guard
 Caudacity::sqlite::details::SQLiteFunction< CallbackType >
 Caudacity::sqlite::details::SQLiteFunction< std::function< R()> >
 Caudacity::sqlite::details::SQLiteFunction< std::function< R(Args...)> >
 CTypeList::StablePartition< Predicate, TypeList >
 Cfast_float::stackvec< size >
 Cfast_float::stackvec< bigint_limbs >
 Caudacity::sqlite::StatementA class representing a compiled statement
 CStickySetting< SettingType >
 CTypeEnumerator::CollectTypes< Tag, Location >::Stop< Types >
 CTypeEnumerator::detail::CountTypes< Tag, Location >::Stop< U >
 CFrameStatistics::StopwatchRAII wrapper used to measure a section time
 CObserver::SubscriptionA move-only handle representing a connection to a Publisher
 CWaveCacheSampleBlock::SummarySummary calculated over the requested range
 CSyncLockChangeMessageSent after sync lock setting changes, with its new state
 CTypeList::Tail< TypeList >Delays expansion of nested alias rest; so Tail<Nil> is legal
 CTypeList::Tail< List< Types... > >
 CTypeList::Tails< TypeList >
 Canonymous_namespace{CallableTest.cpp}::TakesNonTypeParameter< T >
 CTargetFactoryTargetFactory makes Command output targets. By default, we ignore progress updates but display all other messages directly
 CAudioGraph::TaskCopies from a Source to a Sink, mediated by Buffers
 CTaskProfileSimple class to keep track of one task that may be called multiple times
 CTD< T >
 CTester< Const, ref >Parameterize for the type of visitor return
 CComposite::detail::This< Deprecate >
 CComposite::detail::This< false >
 CComposite::detail::This< true >
 CTrackShifter::TimeIntervalA simple time interval
 CTimeWarperTransforms one point in time to another point. For example, a time stretching effect might use one to keep track of what happens to labels and split points in the input
 CToCharsResultResult of the conversion, similar to std::to_chars_result
 CToolBarArrangementSmall class that holds some layout information for an ExpandingToolBar
 CTrackFocusCallbacksA façade hiding platform-specific accessibility API
 CTrackIdAn in-session identifier of track objects across undo states. It does not persist between sessions
 CTrackListEventNotification of changes in individual tracks of TrackList, or of TrackList's composition
 CTrackPanelDrawableDrawing interface common to cells, groups of cells, and temporary handles in CellularPanel
 CTrackShifterAbstract base class for policies to manipulate a track type for Time Shift
 CComposite::Traits< Base, Derived >
 CPackedArray::Traits< T >Primary template used in Deleter that can be specialized
 CPackedArray::Traits< AudioBufferList >
 CPackedArray::Traits< AudioUnitCocoaViewInfo >
 CComposite::Traits< MyCompositeBase, MyBuilder >
 CComposite::Traits< Registry::detail::GroupItemBase, Registry::GroupItem< RegistryTraits > >
 Caudacity::sqlite::TransactionA class representing a transaction in SQLite
 CWaveClip::TransactionRestores state when an update loop over mSequences fails midway
 CTransactionScopeRAII for a database transaction, possibly nested
 CTransactionScopeImplAbstract base class for implementation of steps of TransactionScope
 CTranslatableStringHolds a msgid for the translation catalog; may also bind format arguments
 CTypeSwitch::detail::Executor< R, ArgumentTypes, Funs, Args >::Combine< Fs, Wrapped >::Transparent
 CTypeSwitch::detail::Executor< R, ArgumentTypes, Funs, Args >::Combine< Fs, Wrapped >::Transparent::typeNo BaseClass of ArgumentType is acceptable to the first function
 CTypeSwitch::detail::Executor< R, ArgumentTypes, Funs, Args >::NoOp::type
 CCallable::type_identity< T >Standard in C++20; add a level of indirection to a type
 CTypeEnumerator::detail::type_identity< T >Standard in C++20
 CTypeList::type_identity< T >Standard in C++20; add a level of indirection to a type
 CVariant::detail::type_identity< T >Standard in C++20
 CTypeEnumerator::detail::type_identity< Unenumerated >
 CTypeEnumerator::detail::TypeCounter< Tag, T >Implements the ENUMERATE_TYPE macro
 Caudacity::TypedAny< Tag >Generates distinct, non-interconvertible types wrapping std::any
 Caudacity::TypedAny< EffectSettings >
 CTrack::TypeNamesNames of a track type for various purposes
 CTypeSwitch::detail::TypeSwitcher< R, ObjectTypes, Functions, Args >
 CLV2UIFeaturesList::UIHandlerAbstraction of host services that a plug-ins native UI needs
 CUndoRedoMessageType of message published by UndoManager
 CUndoStackElemHolds one item with description and time range for the UndoManager
 CUndoStateExtensionBase class for extra information attached to undo/redo states
 Cstd::unique_ptr< T >STL class
 CCallable::UniquePtrFactory< Type, Arguments >Generates functions useable as non-type template parameters
 CEffectAndCommandPluginManager::UnsetBatchProcessingA custom deleter for std::unique_ptr
 CUnusableImportPluginUsed in place of a real plug in for plug ins that have not been compiled or are not available in this version of Audacity. Has enough information to identify the file extensions that would be used, but little else
 CMessageBuffer< Data >::UpdateSlot
 Caudacity::cloud::audiocom::UploadFailedPayloadThis structure represents an upload error as returned by the server
 Caudacity::cloud::audiocom::UploadOperationClass used to track the upload operation
 Caudacity::cloud::audiocom::UploadOperationHandleA unique_ptr like class that holds a pointer to UploadOperation
 Caudacity::cloud::audiocom::UploadServiceService, responsible for uploading audio files to
 Caudacity::cloud::audiocom::UploadSuccessfulPayloadThis structure represents the payload associated with successful upload
 CURLschemeHandlerMessageA message that is invoked when a custom-scheme URL is passed to Audacity
 CTypeSwitch::detail::UsedCases< Executors >
 Caudacity::UuidUtility class that generates and parses UUIDs
 CUuidPlatform independent class for generating and parsing UUIDs
 CValidatorA Validator is an object which checks whether a wxVariant satisfies a certain criterion. This is a base validator which allows anything
 CValueIterator< Value, Category >A convenience for defining iterators that return rvalue types, so that they cooperate correctly with stl algorithms and std::reverse_iterator
 CValueIterator< const StreamChunk, std::forward_iterator_tag >
 CValueIterator< int >
 CValueIterator< IntervalConstHolder >
 CValueIterator< IntervalHolder >
 CValueIterator< Place >
 CValueIterator< std::shared_ptr< ChannelType >, std::bidirectional_iterator_tag >
 CValueIterator< std::shared_ptr< IntervalType >, std::bidirectional_iterator_tag >
 CValueIterator< std::shared_ptr< WaveTrack::Interval >, std::bidirectional_iterator_tag >
 CValueIterator< TrackType *, std::bidirectional_iterator_tag >
 Cstd::vector< T >STL class
 CVectorHolds a matrix of doubles and supports arithmetic operations, including Vector-Matrix operations. Used by InterpolateAudio
 CVersionIdA class, that supports base manipulation with version number
 CVersionPatchA structure that describes patch fields
 CViewportCallbacksA callback facade hiding GUI toolkit details
 CVariant::detail::VisitHelperReturn< Visitor, Variant >Help to define Visit() below
 CVoiceKeyThis implements a voice key, detecting either the next "ON" or "OFF" point
 CVST3UtilsProvides a set of useful functions, used across the Audacity VST3 module
 CWahwahBaseAn Effect that adds a 'spectral glide'
 CMixerOptions::WarpImmutable structure is an argument to Mixer's constructor
 CWaveCacheSampleBlockHelper structure used to transfer the data between the data and graphics layers
 CWaveDisplayColumnData for sample blocks related to the column
 CWavePaintParametersParameters for the waveform painting
 CSpectrumTransformer::WindowDerive this class to add information to the queue
 CWindowAccessibleAn alternative to using wxWindowAccessible, which in wxWidgets 3.1.1 contained GetParent() which was incorrect
 CBasicUI::WindowPlacementSubclasses may hold information such as a parent window pointer for a dialog
 CWrappedTypeUsed in type conversions, this wrapper for ints, strings, doubles and enums provides conversions between all the types. Functions that work on wrapped types can quickly be reused to work on any of these types. This cuts out a lot of repetitive code
 CTypeSwitch::detail::Executor< R, ArgumentTypes, Funs, Args >::Combine< Fs, Wrapped >::CombineOp< BaseClass, NextBase >::Wrapper
 CwxSTD streambuf
 CwxTreebookA wxTreebook is a class like wxNotebook, but not yet supported by wxWidgets 2.6.3
 CwxTreebookItemDataOne item in a wxTreebook. (I think)
 CTester< Const, ref >::X
 CXMLAttributeValueViewA view into an attribute value. The class does not take the ownership of the data
 CXMLFileReaderReads a file and passes the results through an XMLTagHandler
 CXMLMethodRegistryBaseImplementation helper for ProjectFileIORegistry
 CXMLTagHandlerThis class is an interface which should be implemented by classes which wish to be able to load and save themselves using XML files
 CXMLValueCheckerXMLValueChecker implements static bool methods for checking input values from XML files
 CXMLWriterBase class for XMLFileWriter and XMLStringWriter that provides the general functionality for creating XML in UTF8 encoding
 CTester< Const, ref >::YStructure can specialize with only a non-const member function
 CTester< Const, ref >::ZStructure always with a const member function